Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Went out wif my frenz to go jln Hari Raya on the 31October 2006.We were suppose to meet at whitesands interchange at around 1.45pm. Guess wad..i was the oni one who reached on TIME.N i was standing there lyk a fool waiting for my frenz. Diz person say the bus late lah..juz go out..n blah blah blah. So had to wait for 15min til a fren of mind called n sms me to tel where they are. In the morning the number of people confirm going was oni around 8. But wen we meet at the interchange the number became 13. Wow didn't expect tat much to turn up. All of us went to my house first. N at my house another two came in to join the crowd. So now there are around 15 of us. WOW. Since my grandmother taught there were oni 8 people she did not cook alot.So there was a little shortage of food. But luckily, not all odf them wanted to eat. The boys had to squeeze at my balcony coz there weren't enough chair for all of them.After eating we continued our journey to Suffiy's house.Wen we wanted to leave the house..ameera wanted all of us to take foto together.I den asked the guys to go n move to the sofa to take picture. But none of them bother to follow my instructions.I den kinda shouted at them to move instead of making funny faces. N told dem tat if they don wan to move i will get them to move the hard way.So, in the end they gave up n decide do as i say insread of fighting back. Haha..it was kinda of fun ordering them around.So tats a little detail of wad happen during our Hari Raya journey.Throughout the whole day all of us couldn't stop laughing coz they made jokes alomg the way. I enjoy myself tat day alot..wish it would never end..although we went out for hours together it felt as if we oni meet an hour ago.Time passes quickly wen ur spending time wif ur frenz i guess.
Taught i will be having fun.Ya i did had fun going out but after tat it turn out to be a disaster. If oni i did not go n if oni i'm not an idiot who always forget, all diz would not happen. But too bad it had already happen. I faced wad i had to n tel u it was a nightmare for me. Never been scolded tat way before for a little mistake tat i've done. Its lyk no big deal n i was scolded lyk i did a major crime tat could not be forgiven. I mean for goodness sake we're humans n we do make mistakes. I dont noe y i was treated tat way. It was so not fair. I noe i'm a stupid fool which oni noes how to make them angry. From young, I'm always the victim if my sis do something wrong. I'm always getting the worst scolding tat u can never imagine. So getting a scolding lyk tat is not a real surprise. So people if u DONT wan 2 b frenz wif a fool den i'm not the right person for u 2 b frenz wif.Oni wish things would not turn out diz way. Haix..But wadeva it is guess still have to go on wif life huh?? I'm confused. I don't noe wad i'm thinking n how to juz..hmm nevermind. Gyess i can't let it all out here. Hope i could find someone who is easy for me to let my feelings out so tat i won't feel diz way.
Schools over
Friday, October 27, 2006
Yesterday was the last day of school, but for us sec 3s we would have to come back to school starting next tuesday for our extension programmes. Beginning of the day was quite boring in school as we had to sit in the hall for about 2h 30min. In the hall, we watched a movie bout Mr. Bean. At first it was kinda ok but after a while i felt bored watching the movie. Had to wait till recess before the movie ended. After recess we went back to the hall for a while before going back to class. In class, all of us received back our maths paper. N the results was very bad. Wel i kind of expected me to do very badly for the maths paper. So it was no surprised. Failed my paper 1 very badly but managed to pass my paper 2. I managed to just pass my overall marks. Phew..tat was lucky for me. At least it was a relieve tat i actually passed the maths paper. So i tink i'm gonna hide my maths paper from my parents coz didn't wan them to nag at me ...haha..i feel juz lyk burning the paper so tat i will never see it again. Diz is the worst paper i ever done n the worst maths result too. Haix..so have to buck up huh before its too late. Taking O-levels next year so guess have to start studying now so tat i will not do diz badly next year. Wouldn't wan 2 repeat the same mistake again. Then for sure i'll regret my whole life. After checking the papers...we had to do some cleaning up in the class. All of us was a assign a job to do. WE had fun cleaning the class together. Most of my classmates was playing wif the wet towels chasing one another around. At first i didn't want to go around chasing my fren wif the wet towels. But irwan made me chase him around. When i was sitting down quitely getting some rest, he came n wipe the wet towel wif soo many soap on it on my face. He then ran off. Me n my fren den went to the toilet to clean ourselves. Wen i returned from the toliet, irwan again use the towel n hit my face. I ran after him but did not manage to catch him. Then one of my fren came back wif a wet but clean towel. I decide to take it n use it to hit irwan back. Seeing me wif a towel he ran far far away. I den get a fren of mine to help me chase him. No matter how hard we chased him..we couldnot get him. So den mus decided on a plan tat me n jes should hide at different place n he would signal to us if irwan's coming. Did tat but he manage to escape again. Lyk small kids seh chasing one another around. But who cares we're having fun wad. Afterall we are still kids wad..haha..We den decided not to chase him aniemore as we was soo tired already. But wen he entered the class i went to chase him around the class. I almost had him but his frenz help him escape. So guess tat was it. I den gave up chasing him as i will never get him. So i did had fun on the lst day of school even though it was kinda boring in the beginning.
First day of Hari Raya
Friday, October 27, 2006
As i said all my aunties,uncles and cousin came. We had lots of fun together. As time passes more n more of my cousins arrived. My house was very full tat day,but we didn't mind coz the more people the merrier it will be. We talked n joked around wif one another as we had many stories to share. All of them loved my mum's cooking n they ate alot. My mum cooked a very big pot of food n all of it was finished surprisingly. After eating they sat down n continued talking while my little cuzzies went to play inside the rooms. I really had fun wif them n wished tat the day would not end. During Hari Raya we will always ask forgivenes from our parents and grandparents. When my cousin as forgiveness from both my grandparents, i felt so touched as wen he hugged them he cried n didn't wan to let go of them. As he noes tat he have hurt their feelings alot. In the afternoon, we went visiting at my great grandma's house. Thought tat my house had the most number of people but, at my great grandma's place..there were more people. We had to cramp together so tat everyone can get in the house. The house was very noisy as all of them were talking wif one another. Me n my cuzzies didn't join their conversation as we were not in to tat kind of talking. So we entertain ourselves by telling funny story to each other. Every tear wen we go to our great grandma house we always tend to look forward on the food tat is there. Without fail, my great grandma's house has diz nut tat she fried it herself n ut taste really nice. Allof them was fighting wif one another as they each wanted to finish it. It was kinda of funny to c my older cuz acting lyk small children.There were also quite a lot of cxandy there. We helped orselves to the food there. As there were too many people in the house they didn't have enough cups to let the guess drink. So we had to share. Tat did not matter as we always share wif one another. One of my cuz went to take a bottle of miranda as they could not entertain everyone at the same time. It wasminda funny to c the reaction on their faces wen they got to noe tat my cuz went to take the bottle by himself. But they didn't mind tat of course.Hahaha..So we had great fun at my great grandma's house. After tat, we contimnued our journey to my another grandmother's house. We had fun there too. As u can see no matter where we go together we always had fun together. Tats one ting i lyk bout having my uncles,aunties n cuzzies around. Time passes so fast n we all had to make our way home. But tats not the end of it coz we were goona meet again diz weekend. N i cant wait to meet them again!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Wel todae would be kind of busy for me. Need to help my mum lots in the preparation for tomorrow's Hari Raya celebration. She did quite a lot of cooking for 2morrow. So i'll be in the kitchen for a while to help her out. Diz would be the usual kind of thing tat we did every year wen Hari Raya comes. Since my grandmother is staying wif us..all our cousins, aunties n uncles will be coming to our house. So tats one reason why my mum have to cook lots. Hmm..juz can't wait for tomorrow to come. I can meet all my cuzzies especially the ones whom lived very far away. I always tend to look forward to diz kind of gathering as wen all of us get together..we sure gonna have lots of fun. Can't wait to meet all of them. Guess diz is it for the time being..gotta go n help my mum before she screams at me!! Hahaha..k people toodles...til den..bubbye
BeliEf iT or noT??
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Me was kind of shocked after hearing wad my fren said.This friend of mine told me tat if the doctors are rite..diz would be its last year spending wif frenz n family. It kinda touch my heart a little wen 'it' says tat. Wel a few months ago 'it' did tel me something lyk diz. I didnt quite believe wad'it' said. Told me tat i was the oni one who noes bout diz n was to keep it a secret. Do to the promise i made..i'm not able to say who.Even though it had oni been a year knowing diz person, it is sad hearing diz news. As i was the oni one told..i didnt noe whether to belief it of not. Do u tink i should believe wad 'it' told me?? Wel tats one ting tat i was tinking about. Believe or not to believe?? Haix...It was great being frenz wif diz person. Although at times i was disturb til i couldnt bear it anymore..i don blame 'it' coz tats wad frenz are lyk..disturb one another. Wen 'it was facing a problem or something was bothering 'it'..i would be the one whom would help 'it' wen 'it' needed one. Hmm...if diz is true..den i would truly miz those times tat we joke around. One ting wen we talk to each other we will tend to always fight..haha..tats one ting tat we nvr fails to do. Wel to tel u people the truth..i don realli believe wad i was told as i do not wan to lost a fren lyk diz. This fren is a special in his/her own way. So wen 'it' is gone..i would feel a little lost as i treasure all my friendships wif all of my frenz...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
School was boring todae!! We had two days of pupil release day previously, n the school got us to come back todae as we were told tat todae will b checking of papers. So most of us came back to school wanting to get our papers back. But den during the morning assembly,we was told tat todaes schedule for the sec 1s is tat they will b watching a movie den go back top class afetr their recess. The sec 2s had to stay in class til after their recess den they had their turn to watch the programme tat was lined up for them. But the sec3s weretold to stay in class the wole day. God it was damn bored in class!! There were no teachers for the first two periods for the entire level 4. So pathetic seh. We were told to do our own stuff as they were no teaches. We were allowed to talk but had to maintain a certain noise volume. Did as we were told. I did not noe wad to do, den finally decided to take out my book and do some reading to let the time pass. After reading the book for about 1 an a half hour..i got bored n den stopped reading it.Looked at the clock it was only around 10..its lyk another hour before our recess time. Thought there was no teacher so decided to talk wif my fren for a while n spend the rest of mt time straring into space.
A few minutes later, my physics teacher came in. Thank god! at least we got something to do wif Mr Heng around.He told ud tat he's not suppose to tel us anything bout the papers so he decided tat we should play a game. The class agreed as we had noting better to do. The game tat we played first was true or dare. Mostly it was true n none of us got dared. Before the game starts he got us to raise our right hand n make a promise tat whateva happens in class stays in the class. Wen the game started the we knew y he said tat coz he asked qns tat if known by others we could get into trouble. The class had a great time playing tat game n we were laughing our hearts out. There was diz qn tat requires us to tel who we like most from the opposite sex in our class. The class was so lyk huh wen he asked tat qn. But they ansd it aniwae. Bcoz of whom they choose me n a fren of mine was chosen for the most wel lyk in the class. Since den on wen he saw me he called me a hot babe. Lyk wad de..?? K fine enough bout tat. Afetr palying true or dare we played another game where we need to guess wads the number tat the person hav chosen and the person who guess it rite water will be poured over tat person. So physics was the oni subject tat was fun.
During recess, went to the next door class to chat we my frenz. We oni styaed in class for a while den decided to take a walk around as we were bored to death sitting for hours. We went outside my classroom, and the guys were palying wif water. Fatin den talks something making me n yani laugh til our stomach hurts. Seeing me, Fatin n Yani laugh..mus n hilmi join in the fun. We couldnt stop laughing as nadiah was screaming away coz she was disturb by adli n fatin juz cant stop making us laugh. So during recess had fun wif my frenz as they were playing around n we was laughing througout the entire recess... having gd frenz around seriously made ur day a gd one..haha..although it was kind of bored..having frenz around makes the day a better one...
Hmm..after school had a short np meeting n as usual the teacher was late. Me n a fren had to go get him n tel him tat evryone was waiting for him..Haix..had a project tat must be handed in tomolo or i'll never get the badge. Although it was a pair project i had to do it myself as it was a last minute work..haix..but wad to do..
Guess i've written pretty long..better go satrt on my pro or i'll nvr finish it!! hahaha..toodles people..haha
Exams are over
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Wuhoo! Exams are finally over. Wad a relief. Now don hav to stay up all night to
study for all the subjects.Yesterday was my last paper.hmm..
hope tat i can get a gd score for tat paper. Studied soo hard till night, although
some exact qns came out from the tys..i forget the ans n got it wrong.
Was quite dissappointed as i spent the whole night studying the tys. Maybe bcoz
there were hundreds of qns tats y i forgot some of the ans although the
qns looks familiar. Muz be kind of sleepy wen doing the paper i guess.
Should hav studied during the day instead...but on the sunday..had to wake
up early in the morning to help my mum in the kitchen n make some cookies for the
coming Hari Raya Celebrations. Finish baking them at around noon.
Den went to study a little before going for my religious class.
After i reached home..continued studying..but since there were so many qns in the
tys, i had to continue revising til nite. There were a few qns tat i wasnt sure wad
the correct ans was.Lucky for me, tat moment irwan sms me n asked if i needed his
help. He came in juz the rite time wen i needed his help...haha..
During the paper the qn tat i asked irwan came out. Lucky for us we were able to
ans the qns as we studied it. Didnt think tat it would come out.It was juz a coincidnce tat
the qn came out wen we studied it.There were also few other qns tat came out..
but i juz didnt remember the ans..wad a waste..But hey..its over ready
n cant do anything bout tat..guess hav to accept wadeva the result is.
So guess tats bout exams n wad happen during the weekends..
toodles people...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Yesterday was my bio paper n poa. The bio paper was the hardest that i ever
sit for wen my teacher said tat diz is the easiest paper she ever set.
Guess its easy for her as she's the one who's
setting the paper wad. Most of my frenz said tat it was tough
so..tat means the paper is really hard. For poa, got mus n amin to teach me
early in the morning again coz i couldnt understand how to do the
depreciation n bad debts topics. Even though they explain, i couldnt understand..
haha..so pathetic seh. Unlucky for me the depreciation qn came
out. N guess wad..i donno how to do it! haha..wel the bez ting was tat which ever
number and names tat i lyk i juz write down. Hoping to get at least something rite.
haha..but i'm sure i will get a zero for tat qn. As for the
other qns the ans couldnt bal. Wel too bad huh?? Juz hope tat i wont fail the paper.
As for todae had my MT paper n maths paper 1. The maths paper was
sooo difficult tat i tink i cannot pass. The worst ting of all
wen i was doing the paper, i forgot the formulas.
I sat there staring at the qn n still couldnt figure out the formula. So i juz
add, divide and minus the numbers tat i see. So i guess my
end of the year exams will not be good coz most of the papers are difficult. Haiz..
Have to study hard todae for my maths paper 2 2morrow so tat
at least i hope it will be able to pull up my maths grade.
Ps: Ilma if oni u could teach me..i tink i could hav done better..haha..
wel tkpe lah aniwae kau sibuk pe..haha..
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Had my physics paper todae...
n its was soo difficult! I don tink i can score for the paper..
in fact this would be the worst paper i have done.
But what to do..haiz..its already over.
N tomorrow my teacher tell us our results...but
if tomorrow my teacher do not c us n tel us the results
tat means we did quite badly for the paper.
So better hope tat wen we see him tomorrow..he'll be smiling.
Juz now morning i got Mustaqim to teach me a qn on forces
which i could not get rite wen i was revising. N guess wad??
The exact same qn came out!! I do not tink tat i can get a corrrect ans coz
after the paper i check wif him n our ans are different..
hahaha..sorie mussi if i get tat qn wrong...its not tat ur teaching is not good..
its juz tat i did not get a chance to do the qn again after u explain it to me...hahaha..
but hey tanx lots for spending ur time
teaching me n entertaining my stupid qns...haha..i appreciate it. Wel guess
tats it for now huh?? Cannot write alot coz i still need to study..
the exams have juz started n there are still many more
subjects to study on..so T.T.F.N. people!!