Monday, February 26, 2007
Had a dental appointment today in the afternoon. In the morning, went to school as usual but left school early at around 11.30am. My mum came down to fetch me to go to the National Dental Centre. I was really afraid to go there coz i'll be undergoing a root canal treatment. It will take a long time. But aniwaes wan or not i still have to go. So reached there and waited for my turn. Den wen my number was called in my mum n i went inside to see the dentist. The dentist told my mum bout wad she's gonna do today. She said tat i'll be visiting the dental centre til im about nearly 20 yrs old. Now im not fit to go for the treatment therefore i have to wait till im older. After tat she asked my mum to wait for me outside n tat it will take roughly around 1h 40min. She took some photos on the infected area. She had difficulty as she said tat my mouth was small n tat thing could not fit inside. She den took some x-trays before starting the treatment. She gave me an injection so tat i wont feel anything later. Tel u the injection was veri2 painful. Den after tat there's not much pain lah coz she applied medicine already. She den drill hole and begn filing my tooth using a metal needle. It was a very long process coz she had to take bout two x-trays in between. She talked to me during the process so tat i wont feel wad she was doing coz at a certain point, it really hurts. After going thru it for a long time she told me tat once she took out the metal thing in my mouth she's done. Wen she was removing it, it was very painful.It felt as if it the metal was poking through ur gums. She den told me tat she had put a temporary filling in my tooth and some medicine inside it. She also reminded me not to bite hard food using my front tooth coz since it is empty it can break easily. I have to come back and see her in April for further treatment. So went out to meet my mum outside to make payment. Since the medicine have not worn off, i couldn't feel my mouth and have difficulty talking. After a few hours later den i can eat n talk normally even though the tooth still hurts due to the medicine. Tats it for today..wanna have some rest.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Me received quite a lot of bdae presents from my family, relatives and friends. Im happy alrite to receive it but i didn't force them to give me anything ok. I really appreciate all the things tat they have given me. No matter how small or big the thing is i don mind coz its the thought tat counts. Aniwaes i received lots of chocolates from the guys. Thanks lots coz i love eating chocolates..hahas. Hmm..let's see wad else did i get. Wel got four teddy bears from my gal frenz. Got one very big one ah gave me something lyk a hamper. I received one very big bear, two medium size bear n one small bear. The bears are soo cute and soft. Wen i miss my fren especially the one tat i seldom meet i can hug the bear which will eventually remind me of her.
They combined all their presents together and wrapped it as one coz they say tat they were lazy to go and wrap individually. Inside the 'hamper' really got lots of things inside. Wel aniwaes tanx lots. Den there are presents lyk pen, scarf, clothes and much more. The presents are all lovely. Trust me all of them will be kept safe n sound wif me..My room is filled wif it! Hahaha..
Ps: Once again thank u to all of u for the wonderful presents...i don noe how else to express how greatful i am to have frenz lyk u! U make me have fond memories..tanx lots!
Fun! Fun! Fun!
Monday, February 19, 2007
My parents booked a chalet for me as they are making a bdae party for me...
We checked in on sat n the party was held todae...I really enjoyed myelf...Wel here's wad we did at the party...
Early in the morning todae i got to go home to go n charge my fon as at the chalet the plug could not be used. So after having breakfast there, me my mum n my aunt wnt back home. My mum and aunt had to prepare the food for the party later in the evening. As its a barbeque, the party would oni start at around 6pm in the evening. Wen i reached home..den i realised something..i forgot to bring home my charger! I left it at the chalet. I was sooo fedup wif myself...How could i have forgotten my charger! My battery was almost flat already. Had no did not charge my fon. My father suggest tat i should bring the extension plug to the chalet so tat i can charge. I agreed. At n my sis went to prepare some stuff for the game later at night after all of them had eaten. Waited for my cuz to come n help me carry some things first to the chalet. I went there first wif my cuz n sis as a few of my frens was coming at around 1 plus. So i have to be at the chalet wen they arrive. They came early bcoz amirah had to go by 6pm.
Wen i reached the chalet it was around 1 plus. Put the things down n went back out to meet my mum to help her carry stuff. But den i met my frens at the entrance. So my uncle ended up going alone to go n help my mum while i entertain my frenz. We sat outside n they helped me to pump the water balloons. At first we had problem getting the water inside the balloon. After a while den my frenz manage to get the hang of it. We den decide to go n sit down at the nearby shade as it was very hot. Natasha wanted to take somephotos but den her camera 'buat hal' hahaha. She wanted to go home n take memory card. We gave her time til befor 4pm she must reached here or else we will throw water balloons at her. So while Natasha was away we played UNO n eat some food. After tat she called and told us tat she's reaching. We told her to wait for us outside as we wanted to talk a walk at the beac.h. Before tat ameera n amirah carried a water balloon each in their hand. They wanted to throw it later at Natasha. So wen we reached the entrance i tried covering the both of them so tat Natasha will not suspect anything. We walked past the escape theme park n into the park. They waited til they can aim properly at Natasha. So wen we reached one spot, me n ameera's sis moved one side n the both of them shouted Natasha's name n den they threw it at her. But the funny thing is tat none of the water balloon hit her! Hahaha..tat was quite a laugh..coz wen they threw it Natasha managed to duck..So we were laughing along. Our next destination was to walk in the maze. We had fun walking in there. After tat we went to find a place for us to sit. We took some photos there. Wen we had enough rest we made our way back to the chalet in case the rest of our frenz comes.
Wen we reached there, all of them went to pump more water balloons as we wanted to throw at the boys wen they come in. Khairudin called wen they were half way pumping the water balloons. A few of them grabbed the balloon n waited for him at one place while i go n take him. Wen he reached their place ameera aimed directly at his head n hit him but the balloon didn't burst! We all laughed as instead he felt pain coz the balloon didn't burst. After handing me the present he went back to work n said tat he'll be coming later at night. The rest of them continued their 'job' while i go n get changed. After tat all of us went to play UNO again in the chalet while waiting for my aunt to get me ready. Half way playing the game, my aunt asked me to sit next to her so tat she can do my hair n face. I so don wan but was forced. Wen she were doing her job, the rest of them inside paid attention to me. It was lyk 'free show'. Since i wasn't wearing specs i couldn't see wad my aunt had done to my face. All of them said i look very different n they were laughing away. After going thru my aunts i had to go to my cuz next. They really dress me up seh...i agreed tat i do look a bit different from the real me...haha..Luckily it was oni one day.
After tat i went out to go n take mus n Zharif. Before tat i met Jamal and the both Adli outside. I asked them to wait a while coz i've got to go n take someone. As usual all of them will wait at one place while i go n take them. From far i sort of wave at them to get their attention. Zharif saw me first but he was not sure if tat was me, so he called mus to c. Both of them looked as if they did not recognise me, i den called out mus name n asked them to come. Den they realised it was me. So we walked together towards my place. Wen they saw the rest of them they stopped n tat gave them the chance to throw the water bombs at them. It hit mus right in the face n he was all wet. Zharif was not even wet as he managed to avoid it. Mus was shocked and the look on his face wen the balloon hit him was very funny. We all laughed til pple was looking at us. Haha..tat was least wad we planned didn't fail..haha. Wen we reached the chalet i asked them to join the rest n help themselves wif the food there. Den at around 6 plus Shahnaz called n asked me to meet her at the entrance as she didn't noe where the place is. So i went to take them. Wen they saw me..both of them kind of looked shocked..i dunnoe y maybe bcoz i look 'different' n Shahnaz was lyk.."Omg farhanah!" Hahaha..den we continued walking to my chalet n we talked along the way. Wen they reached there, i asked them to go join the rest n help themselves wif the food. Not long after tat, Syahirah n Fatin arrived. I was sooo happy to c them especially Syahirah coz the last time we met was a yr ago during my bdae party! Introduce her to the rest of my frenz...So we chatted all the way. I waited for Ms Farhana to arrive before cutting the cake. Wen she finally comes, i brought her to c my mum n meet the rest of them while my mum go n prepare the cake. Wen the cake was ready all of them gathered around me. The guys started singing me a bdae song n the rest followed while my father took video. So we took photos together n i took photos wif my family too. After tat all of them went to eat the cake.
After tat i was saboed.Both my aunt came to me n they eacch stand at one side..den they put the cream over my cheek. I ran away from them. I took the cream tat was on my face and put it at Adli Syahir's face! Haha..i didn't mean to do wad i juz did but..wel i did it sorie..hehe. Den i saw my cuz..he was cuming towards me n he was clenching his fists which means tat there's flour in his hand! I tried running away from him..but he managed to catch me n threw the flour on me. The flour taste so the not nice. My aunt den came to me with a towel to clean me but i didn't realise tat my cuz was behind me n she wanted to throw water balloon at me. Wel she threw it n it hit me but the good thing was tat it didn't burst! Lucky me! I den ran away from her. Wen i passed Adli, he wanted to smash the cake onto my face but i managed to avoid it...haha. The chase did not juz end there. I ran far away from all of them shouting as my aunts and cousins were trying to throw flour n water balloons at me! Everyone around our area was looking at us coz we were laughing and screaming all the way..haha. I stand real far from the rest of them. My cousins all didn't chase me as they were busy bashing my father up coz on tat day it was his bdae too..i juz stood there laughing at my father. I didn't realise tat my cuz was coming towards me. By the time i realise was already too late. I tried running away from him but den he ran faster den me n manage to catch me! He made me ran towards my father n i have no where else to run. My father grabbed me n he wont let me go. I tried breaking free from him coz i noe tat my cuz all will come wif flour n water to throw at me! But i wasn't tat strong n wel..i could not break free n i got flour n water thrown direct at my face! Most of the flour went into my eyes n tel u it was very2 painful! After a while...den my father let me go. Once i was free, i ran to one end far away from everyone. I didn't wan to go near any of them coz i was afraid they would throw flour at me again! As i did not wan to get sabo even more..i stood there n did not wan to go near them. My cuz den came to check if i was ok coz all of them were worried coz i didn't wan to come back to the chalet..hahaha. She taught i was crying coz my eyes was wet n its very red. I told her tat flour got into my eyes n it was hurting n not crying. Den my aunt came n bring a towel to clean me. My cuz den help me to the toilet to wash my eyes so tat it will not be tat painful. Ms Farhana later came to find me in the room. She checked if i was ok n told me tat she needs to make a move. I thanked her for coming. Later wen my eyes was ok already i went out to join my frenz. My frens asked me whether i cried den told them the same thing tat flour got into my eyes. We chatted for awhile before proceeding to the games. The first game is tat they will be break into two grps n they each have to work together to get the letters out from the flour without using their hands. After tat they would have to form two words.The grp tat can form the word first wins the game. Wel jamal's grp was funny coz none of them wanted to put their face in the flour to go n find the letters. Adli m tried blowing the flour to c if he could spot any of the letters. But he couldn't so finally they use their mouth to go n find the letters.Adli S had his face covered wif flour the most coz jamal went to push his head into the flour to go n find the letters. He really look lyk a ghost seh! Haha..n for mus grp they were doing quite ok oni tat most of the time mus n zharif was the one who searched for the letters..haha..But each n everyone of them did have a chance to put their face in the flour...which was a gd thing.Jamal grp was about to win coz they managed to figure out the first word. But they have difficulty figuring out the last word. I gave mus grp a hint. Told them tat since they have been frenz wif me..they should noe wad i lyk. tat gave fatin a clue n after thinking for a whlie they managed to solve it. The word was "RED FANATIC" n Fatin managed to figure it out! Tat shows tat she noes me wel enough..haha. Wel im sure the rest noe me wel too but the oni thing was tat they never thought about tat word..haha.Aniwae congrats to Fatin's grp. After tat game, the losing grp straight away ran coz they didn't wan to flour to be thrown at them. I had gret time laughing at them as they chased each other around. Mus managed to put flour on ameera's tudung..hahaha..n zharif even threw the flour at his own grp member which was Syahirah. She got really angry n began chasing one another. The next game was tat each grp will be given two apples each. They would have to finish up both the apples without using their hands. This requires them to work together to finish it up. Hmm..both group was soo excited to start the game. So wen the game started, they were really working hard to finish up the apple. Their action was sooo cute. As for ameera's grp, jamal n the both adli were biting on the same apple. Even though the apple had dropped to the ground they can still pick it up and continue eating it. Since the apple was no longer hanging they used their mouth to hold and bite the apple...haha. Tat was amazing. As for Syahirah's grp their apple dropped n my sis went to wash it for them. Although they were a bit lacking behind, they still manage to catch up wif the other grp. At the last minute both adli m n zharif were battling standing in front of each other seeing who can finish all the apples inside their k=mouth first. The other grp members were cheering and tat kind of gave them pressure as both grps wans to win! hahaha..i mean who wouldn't rite?? Then finally zharif was the first to finish it up followed by adli. So which means he's grp wins again! hahaha..adli said tat the referee cheat coz he didn't win..wel tats too bad. Aniwae there's still another chance for them to win the game coz the third game was tat each grp will be given 6 balloons each. They have to blow all the balloons until it burst. The first grp tat manages to burst all the balloons wins the game! The game started n not long after tat jamal, adli m n adli s were starting to burst the balloons already. As for Fatin's grp they had not even blown up one balloon. Mus couldn'y help his grp members coz he was kind of allergic to it! den finally their grp gave up n said tat they wanted to giv the other grp a chance to win the game. N so amirah's grp won the third game. After tat my father came out wif two presents in his hand. It lyk the 'grand prize' The first qn he asked was them to guess his age. So we gave them some time to think before asking them thier ans. N lucky enough one of them actually guessed it rite! and tat person was Mustaqim! Congrats mus! Hahaha..he was soo happy tat he won! Tat means he received two presents during the game. The next one was a riddle. It was kind of hard for them to get the ans. They took quite a while to think bout it. So far no one managed to get the correct ans. But then adli m got the meaning of the riddle n he managed to guess it rite! So the two prizes were given to both adli m n mus. Congrats to the both of u. So tat was the end of the games session. After tat all of us sit together at the table to play UNO. Since there were so many of us, we had to play for sometime before someone actually wins the game. After i win in the game, i went to wash up as i was covered wif flour all overn left them to complete the game. Wen i was doen cleaning myself, i went out to join the rest of them. I took some food to it as i have not had anything to it since evening coz i was saboed n did not have a chance to eat! So sat there chat wif them as i eat. Then mus said tat shaihd called n wans to talk to me. He said he couldn't make it as he was sick. I told him tat i don mind as his health is more important n tat he should go n get some rest. My frens stayed till bout around 11.30 before making their way hoem. They cannot go home late as they want to catch the last bus home. If not they would have to walk instead. So i thanked them for cuming n making my bdae party a memorable one. to tell u the truth..diz is the best party tat i ever had in my life! After tat i wnet to help my mum to go n keep all the stuff and pack up so tat 2morrow morning we don have lots of things to keep. We then went straight to bed as all of us we very tired. It had been a long and wonderful day.
Ps: -To all my frenz tanx sooo much for making my party the best ever!
-To Ms farhana tanxlots for dropping by even though u had to go visiting
-To shahnaz n il even though u pple stayed oni for about an hour i appreciate u for cuming!
-Lastly...hope all of u enjoyed urself at the party! Sorie yeah if ur shirt is dirty..aniwaes i've
warned u pple ready tat u'll get dirty! Hahaha..
Here are some pictures at the party.....

During the game..

Friday, February 16, 2007
Since we were split up in secondary three, none of my close fren went in the same class as me. At first i thought tat i will not be able to get along wif my new classmates n life would be boring...but i was wrong. I made new frens in the class. We weren't tat close last yr in sec 3 maybe bcoz we are still new to one another. But as time passes, our friendship became closer. Diz yr, we were always together wherever we go. We joked, have fun wif one another n even help each other wen one needs help in their studies. I really enjoyed being together wif them. Hope tat diz friendship we share will last long. I find them really nice to be wif n wen i have problem or need someone to talk to i can always talk to them. I never felt uneasy wif them. I'm really glad tat we met and became frens.'s wad i have to say bout our do bother to read it...
Wen we first met, it feels as if it was odd talking to one another...
But we soon learn to put our differences a side...
N guess wad...we became good frens...
Yes at times we do have certain misunderstandings...
But no matter wad we will always solve them...
We had fun learning n playing together...
How i wish those times will not end..
The fond memories will always be kept close to me.
They'll be a treasure tats worth keeping...
One thing tat i wan u all to noe is tat...
Wadeva you've done for me no matter how small it is..
I appreciate it lots!..Trust me..
U all are something tat is not worth forgetting..
Always remember tat no matter wad happens we are frens...
So wadeva secrets we have...
It'll juz be between us...
Thank u for being wonderful friends of mine...
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Last Saturday went out to my grandma's house to visit her. After tat we planned to go to the beach. So wen we reached there, my grandma,my auntie n oni one of my cuz was around. We didn't plan to stay there long. But later my aunt told my father tat my another aunt wanted to show my father a letter n she need some help. She was away to send my 2 cuz for tution lessons. So she wasn't around at tat time. We had to wait for her to come home before going to our next destination. They came home oni at around 5 plus nearing 6. After asking my father a few questions they asked where we are going next. My mum then told them tat she wants to bring us to the beach. She den asked if they have gone to the Changi Beach Club. They told her tat they never heard of tat place before. So my mum asked if they want to go there. n since they have a van, they agreed to come along.
Me,my sis n my cuz....

Wif my aunt,uncle n my other cuz...

Me n my sis

Wif my cuz...
We had a great time together. Watching the sun setting was really a wonderful view. The wind there too was very cooling. my mind was very peaceful seeing the environment there. Hope someday we'll go there again..n diz time much longer..haha..til den folks..toodles!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
I feel tat u have somehow change after u met diz person..although u deny it n was trying to convince me tat u will not change n will b the same..u have never proof me wrong. I miss the old time tat we use to spent together..where did the old u go? U've always been saying tat pple do change n guess wad..i didn't think tat u'll change to the negative side. Where's the friendship tat we have build n keep it strong all diz years..i dunnoe..its already been a few days n it seems to me tat i cant get u...mayb ur bz or something. If tat i understand..but at least give me news bout u okie? I'm stressed will school work already..n thought tat i could at least relax for a while n spent some time for u..but since i could not get juz wasting my time doing nothing. I kinda of miss something n maybe im missing ur laughter n jokes tat we tend to share wif one another. Wadeva it is ur still my fren n i hope tat u will never forget me no matter wad happens..I noe tat separation will one day come..but we can still keep in touch although we cant see each other. Showing me tat u care or even talk to me for juz a while will be enough to show tat u still remember me..but all tat really depends on u. If u don wan, i cant n will not force u to do something tat u urself don lyk it. Coz its no point forcing. If u read diz post..i hope tat u can at least cal me for a awhile if u can n u seriously bored...i miss ur old self..n wish tat it would come back someday......
Monday, February 05, 2007
Juz taking a short break from all the school work..
Oh so damn tired wif school work..
Got lots of test to study for n my project still havent complete yet..
N i've got to do presentation on diz wed seh.. guess have to stay up all night juz to finish all diz..haiz..
Its juz the beginning of the yr n its already very stressful..
I wonder how it would be lyk wen its nearing the O-levels...
Confirm i will die seh lyk diz..
Todae i was able to do both my maths n physics test..
But for not so sure coz..haiz..
Studied so many things till i forgot some of them..
Wel lyk my physics teacher say.."U wan O-level or do hw n class test.." i got to manage my time wisely as every single minute is very precious..
Time passes very fast n its lyk the second month of the year already..
Tats all folks for now..wanna get some rest..toodles =p..
Friday, February 02, 2007 soo stress..things are not going the way it was planned..
I have three test to take diz mon..
The test are maths,poa and physics retest...
N i'll be taking an O-level SPA exam on wed..
Then on thurs i have a maths test after school..
Friday i will be having my biology n maths test..
Den i still have my project to finish...
I'm juz afraid tat i cant manage my time...
Oh god..someone pls help me....
I dunnoe wad to do..
I juz feel lyk giving up seh..
But i noe it will not be worth it...
I juz have to suffer diz once n get over wif the O-level..