Saturday, April 28, 2007
Todae was my POP(Pass Out Parade). I had lots of fun. Although yes im glad tat finally we don have to go for CCA every friday but im sure gonna miss the NPCC days tat i've spent wif my frenz and cadets. I have been having a great time in NPCC and always never fails to come if i don have anitink on. I like the cca as we get to do lots of things and we learnt some leadership skills as wel..Aniwaes we had a few practices before the actual day which was yesterday.
It did not turn out the way they planned it bcoz it was raining heavily. So the ceremony was held in the hall instead of the parade square. It started off gd but the oni thing tat was quite embarassing was tat wen we wanted to receive our ranks from the teacher. We sort of make a few mistakes as we were quite nervous as all eyes was on u. After the prize presentation we all marched to the back den wen the Sir counted to three all of us threw our berets up! Haha..den we went running around trying to catch it! Haha. We den took some photos together. SOme of the sec 3s actually cried as we were officially out from Np. It was soo touching as we did not really thought tat they really appreciate us. We told them tat we wont forget them and maybe after our O n N-levels we might come and see them. We took lots of photos. But unfortunately i cannot take photos using my cam as it was spoilt! Haiz..but its ok..coz i took pics using my frenz cam.
All of us den changed our full-uniform and went straight to the performing theatre. There were some special prize giving. Each an every one of the sec 4s received chocolates from our cadets as to show tat they appreciate us. But before tat, me n a few of my frens asked one of our cadets to help us take our photo together. Rite after tat most of them all stand one straight line in front of most of the sec 4s and started taking our photograph. We didn't noe which camera to look at as they were soo many of them. For a moment we felt like superstar! Haha..joking. It was as if everyone wanted to take pictures wif us! It nice u noe wen u get diz kind of attention once in a while. Haha! After all tat was over..rite after our teacher said tat we can go off..our cadets immediately rushes towards us and started pulling'bombs' at us! Pple lyk mus.zharif managed to escape. But den unfortunately..me and shahid got sprayed on our hair and back. But den we also managed to get out of the room! Once out we rushed down and cleaned ourselves. I had to let go my hair so tat all the spray thingy can be clkeaned away. I looked lyk a ghost seh letting my hair down. After tat i went to get may bag in the NP room and went straight out. Amin helped me carry my stuff while i tie my hair up.
After tat all of us(sec 4s) waited for our teacher as she wanted to treat all of us dinner. So i sat wif mus and amin. We chatted while waiting for her. I took photos wif the both of them using my hp coz the cam could not be used. Amin was figuring out wad went wrong as he said he's a dnt student wad..haha. Den se said there's something wrong wif the lens. I told him its ok..juz forget it. After tat wen teacher finally told us tat she'll be treating us to seoul garden i went home first to go and get ez-link card! Met them later at the traffic light. We took bus to tampines. We entertain ourselves by chit chatting nonsense in the bus..haha. Finally we reached tampines after quite a 'long' journey...haha.
We made our way into TM. Met a few of the LYSS staff wen we're taking the escalator up. Wen we entered the Seoul Garden, everyone's attention was on us. They may wonder y such a big group of student here. But we don care and juz mind our own business...haha. We chatted and laughed among ourselves. Its fun eating together in a big group wif ur frenz. They took lots of food and all of us were struggling to finish it! Haha! The food was being passed from one table to another table...Haha! We eventually finished the food as we took ohours in th restaurant! Haha! We still have not eatne our dessert yet and all of us was already full! Haha! So we rested for a while before continueing wif the desert. Some of them left at around 8 plus. I had to wait for amin and hsien yeow as we'll be going home together.Den i realised tat mus forgot he's file! Called him to check where he was so tat we could meet up n i can give him his file back. So yeah..finally the two of them finished eating and we went out from the restaurant. I n amin wen down first to meet mus coz hsien yeow n sheng yang wanted to go n see something. After we met mus we had to wait for some time before the two of them join us. We den make our way to the interchange. After mus went off to his bus me, amin n hsien yeow continued walking through the interchange without even realising tat we're walking in the wrong direction! Haha! We were busy laughing away at one another tat we did not realise it. We finally noticed tat there is no bus 21 at tamp interchange wen we reached the end of the place. So we had to walk back out to the bus stop. We waited for the bus for nearly 20 min but the bus still have not arrived. Den we went to seat down and rest. It seems strange tat there is no bus as we've been waiting for so long. So hsien yeow went to check if we were at the right bus stop. And guess wad we were at the wrong place again! Haha! We were lyk stupid fools! We didn't check if it was the corect bus stop in the first place! So now we had to walk further in front to the another bus stop. And diz time round we made sure tat we are at the right place. We den sat down to wait for the bus. After around 15 min, we board the bus. Since its a double decker bus we went to sit at the second storey. We chatted and joked around to make ourselves occupied. Amin was the first one to leave. Hisen yeow will be going down the same stop as me. He told amin tat he wanted to send me home on behalf of him. Wel at first i thought tat he was joking and wasn't serious bout wad he said. But den wen we reached the bus stop he send me to my lift before making he's way back home. Haha. Dind't noe my fren was really tat nice. Aniwaes it was already around 9 plus so yeah tanx for ur kindness. Reached home i went to clean myself and went straight to bed. I was soo tire as its been a long day for me. But i really enjoyed myself tat day.
Ps: My dear fren as the day pass i find tat ur getting swter by the day. Coz u've shown how much u care bout me todae and i appreciate it! Tanx lots! =)
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Haiz..im soo confused. Wad should i do now? Problems comes one after another. My exams are starting real oon already. I don wan to get distracted or disturbed but den i cant control all diz. Im really worried for a fren of mine. I could not get her for diz past few days. I got to noe tat she's giving up in life. I don wan her to do anything stupid. I've been frenz wif her for so long already so i noe her. She'll do anything wen she's angry, sad or confused. I wanna help her but the thing is tat i cant get her. I've been sending her emails and she did not even reply one. i noe tat she has cried a lot. I don her to cry some more. It hurts to see a fren suffering and u not doing anything to help. Im trying my best to hlp her in facing her probz...Apart from tat, todae my younger sis made many pple angry juz bcoz she didn't wan to study. She's been failing her tests and my grandmother is blaming me n my sis for it. She says tat we don even teach our younger sister of coz lah she fail. Its lyk not tat we don wan to teach she herself don want us to teach. Whenever we wan to teach she'll cry n scream her hearts out. Den later wen my parents get home they will scold her lyk wad wen teaching her. N now my second sis ter said she feel lyk running away from home. Coz my grandmother keeps on making a big fuss tat we all donnoe how to teach my youngest sister. She says all tat my mum noes is to shout at her. My grandma even ompared us wif our neighbour. She said tat our neighbour never scold their children wen they teach. Its lyk we close our doors so how in the world did she noe they did not scold. It soo don make sense. I don wan any of them to feel this way. I love my sis very much and at the same time i too love my grandmother. I don lyk to see them having a sad face. I wanna try to make everyone smile and not look as if they don wan to see one another's face. I noe my sis..once she is irritated she'll juz mind her own business and wen u talk to her she will juz keep quiet or try to run away from u. Haiz..i really donnoe wad to do. To a fren of mine... i have made a decision im no longer forcing anyone to do wad they don wan to do. I say oni once and its up to them whether they wan to listen or not. I have no more comments already. I have enough problems to think about i don wan to add more. Enough is enough. Its ur choice whether u wanna listen or not. U pple always think bout urself n not for others but for me its the other way around. If u pple never appreciate it fine im not asking u to do so aniwae. Im juz keeping quiet from now onwards..wadeva lah alrite...I feel tat no one cares bout me..its juz tat im the one who's looking out for them and making myself look stupid. I really donnoe...sumtimes i juz feel lyk giving up..but den i noe tat its no use. It will never solve my problem..haiz..if diz is wad im suppose to face den...i dunnoe lah. I'll do my best but if pple does not appreciate den i have nothing to say. Im not gaining sympathy from anyone. Its juz tat i have to let my feelings out and diz is the oni way to do so. There's no one who will understand me. I feel lyk i wanna cry coz i donnoe how long i can stand all diz nonsense!I'll blow up sooner or later. Aniwaes wadeca..im juz gonna continue life as it is! I have no comments...
Cant believe it!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
I was bz doing my hw den the phone rang. I was soo irritated coz i had lots of hw to complte and no one in the hoz actually bothered to pick up the idiot telephone! I went to ans the call and to my surprise..guess wad..it was somebody tat i really missed for years. It was my maid who called! I really cant believe it..i mean after all diz yrs she still remembers my home number and my name! I was soo touched. She asked me bout how school was and said tat she misses me too. I asked her where she was and she said tat she was in INDONESIA, so she could not chat long wif me on the fon. I had soo many questions to ask but den since she was making a long distance call she could not talked long. I managed to ask for her telephone number. I told her tat wen im free i'll call and chit chat wif her. I so totally miss her! So far she was the best maid tat i ever had! She cared soo much for us and she had taken care of me since i was young. Even after she stopped working wif us she still returns to our house to visit. We lost contact wen she was sent back to INDONESIA. Before she left..she gave me one of her shirt which i kept till now. Tats the oni thing tat i have to keep and wen i misses her..i'll juz wear tat shirt. One thing for sure..im never gonna throw it away. Im so happy for her now as she is already married wif one child. She called juz to give us news bout herself and asked bout us too! I really love her lots even though i don tink tat i'll ever see her again! Haiz..i miss her soo much...
Semakau Trip
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Todae had a class outing to Pulau Semakau. Since it was the first time tat we had a class outing as a class all of us was kind of looking forward to diz trip. We went after school and we 'escape' the assembly programme coz we had lunch. It was great tat we actually miss it. The assembly programme is boring and tat being in the hall for such a long time is very hot. After lunch, we took the bus to the Marina South Pier where we will board the boat.
At first before boarding on the boat, i thought tat i will get seasick since the journey is quite long. But instead ameera was seasick! Haha!( Tulah sape suroh kau ketawe kan aku..kan kene balik! Aku tak pape kau yg sakit!Haha!) Poor thing..hehe. But den she does not have to worry coz her frenz( lyk myself,nat n mirah) were helping her to get over her seasickness. We had to make sure even after she reach on land she is alrite..haha. Apart from tat, all of us make ourselves occupied by taking photo wif one another. Trust me we really took lots n lots of photo! Haha. During the journey the scenery was also nice. There was a tour guide wif us. He told us more about the surrounding island. N yeah..we did learn lots of things from the journey.
At the island itself, there was a bus and a van waiting to take us around the island and we stop at certain place to observe wad was happening. It was fun seeing the island. And of course we did not miss the chance to take more photos! Haha. We had a great time together. After the tour we had a 'lecture' on wad Pulau Semakau is. It was not tat boring as we were told bout how they reclaimed the land. It was interesting to know. But unfortunately,some of my frens who were tired actually slept throughout the talk! Haha. N wen its over they were lyk blur. After tat den they realise tat it was over.
We den made our way down to take the boat. My teacher sent the five of us to take the speed boat so tat ameera wont get seasick. At first, we grumble coz we couldn't take the boat wif the rest of our frenz. But den..after we board the boat we were told tat we can seat outside and enjoy the breeze. All of us was very happy to hear tat. It was real fun! The wind was very strong and we reached the jetty very fast since we took the speed boat. Me, ameera,natasha and amirah took more photos while waiting for the rest to reach.
Wen everyone have reached the jetty, we den board the bus which took us back to school. All of us was very tired and sleepy by den. Inside the bus the guys ate lyk hungry pig ! Haha! They eat every food tat they see. It was cute seeing the both adlis fighting bcoz the other adli didn't want to share the biscuit tat i gave. Haha. So overall its fun wen we get to travel as a whole class. Wen ur wif frenz its always fun! Wish tat we could have more excursions together! But too bad tat O-level is cuming so we had to concentrate on our studies instead.
Aniwaes here are some of the photo tat i have taken..
Class photo

Bus ride at Semakau

Friendship day
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
As i was told..todae is international Friendship Day. So i would lyk to wish all my friends a HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY. Firstly, i wanna all of my friends to noe tat as long as u are considered as my fren...i'll treasure u for as long as im around..haha.Here are a few names tat i wanna mention...
To my long time fren and also my darling(best fren)..haha..hmm..its been great having u around wif me all diz years. I really enjoyed the moments we spent together. All those swt memories are still fresh in my head! haha..Even though sometimes we have little misunderstanding, tat did not stop us from being apart from one another. Coz each of us will think tat have i done anything wrong?? Is she angry at me?? Haha..so diz shows tat we seldom get angry wif one another in fact we care soo much. This proves how strong our friendships are. We are always there for each other in times of need. We share joy and happiness together too. I really appreciate ur concern towards me. At certain times, i feel tat kau tu mcm kakak aku psl kn..kau tu terlalu protective! Hahaha..tapi bez jugak..hahas. I hope tat wadeva happens we will forever be frens kiez?? We wont let some stupid guys get in our way rite?? Haha..lol..N ya..one more thing..i wan u to always remember tat ur never alone coz im always here to help u and keep u company.
To my dearest fren nanaz, although we seldom get to chat wif one another or go out together, we always kepp each other updated bout wads happening. Even though u were bz..u still had time for me wen i neede someone to speak to. U were there to listen to all my probz..thanks alot for being there for me. Hmm..n yeah i'll nvr forget the times we had fun together. U were always good at lecturing pple and tats where i learnt from u! haha..lol! You've been a great fren all diz while n im glad tat i have u as a fren.
To my other frenz ameera, natasha and amirah, although we've oni been close to one another this yr, u pple too have done nice things for me. I find it very easy to interact wif u all coz i oso dunnoe y..haha. I juz wanna u to noe tat i really appreciate ur company all diz while. N wad touched me most is tat u made a cd for me out of my bdae party videos..tats soo sweet of u all n wad u did during my party. You've made for me such nice cards and the gifts were all nice. Thanks alot for all u have done. N i also wanna apologise if i have hurt ur feelings in some way or another. Im glad to be ur friends and i hope tat even later after we graduate from sch we will keep in touch wif one another. All of u have been such wonderful frenz.
To my most dearest fren -----, thanks for being around me all diz yrs. We've been frenz since the day we entered sch. At times we do have misunderstanding but tat too didn't last long as we were able to work thing out. You've been a great fren of mine all diz while. Throughout our friendship you have shown me tat u cared and ur always willing to help. N im touched wif wad u have done for me. I appreciate ur presence. I hope tat our friendship will stay strong for as long as possible. Wishing u all the best in wadeva u do!
To my gd fren mus, thanks for making me laugh yeah 24/7! Haha. Hmm..not oni tat lah..im not tat bad so as not to appreciate u! Haha. You've help me alot in my studies too n for tat i would lyk to thank u lots! Klau kau tk tlg confirm aku fail..haha. Aniwaes u too have been a great fren to me all diz yrs. Do continue to help me in my stuides alrite?? Tlg aku sampai lepas O-level! Haha. N i also hope tat we will be friends forever..insyallah..haha. N one more thing..tanx for letting me copy ur hw as well! Haha..joke2..mus slalu kene bangun siang klau tlg fana..haha..kecian dier..=p Till den all the bez..
For the rest of my frenz..although i did not mention ur name here, tat does not mean i don appreciate u. Its oni tat if i were to type out evreything until O-level also cannot finish! Haha..joking. I juz wan u all to noe even though u've done little for me..i'll appreciate evryhting tat u did. No worries tat i will forget u all. Coz u pple are all my frenz. Frenz are not meant to be forgotten. They are treasures for me to keep! N yeah..my frenz can't be found scattered on the streets! They are very special! All the best to everyone!