Amirah's Party
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Todae i went out wif a few of my frens to celebrate amirah's belated birthday. There were oni 4 of us. We went to the beach to celebrate it. Ameera cooked some spagethi for us to eat while i brought some home made cookies and a cake. We had fun together taking photographs and sharing wif one another stories tat happened during the holidays.
Wel here are some of the fotos we took there...
Near the sea...

Having sumtink cooling...

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Went out juz now to orchard to watch movie. My mum got a special price for the tickets so she decided to bring us there. We watched the F4 movie. It was a very nice story. I enjoyed the show lots. Hmm..and it was at the LIDO theatre. Diz is the first time i went there coz..usually we watched at somewhere nearby. The place there is nice..i lyk..haha. But of course its very cold. Although i wear a long-sleeve shirt i can still feel the coldness.
Aniwae if u havent watch the show yet spent some time to go and watch it coz its a nice story. Even my mum enjoy it. My little sister and my cuz love the story. They really concentrateon the story throughout the whole show. Once the story ends we make our way out coz i can no longer bear wif the coldness. We walked around for a while before heading home.
Swimming pool
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Yesterday went out again to the swimming complex at Jurong. But diz time round the weather was not really good coz otw there it rained. N wen we reached there it was already dark. But we still went iniside the water. The water was very cold..but i soon get used to it. Not long after tat the wave started. It had fake 'rain' and after tat followed by a real 'rain'. Not all of us was aware tat it rained coz we taught tat its juz the water fountain. But den the lifeguard blowed the whistle and asked everyoune to get out of the pool due to the thunder. We den went back to the shelter where we put our stuffs. Since it was not fully covered we had to cover our bags using plastic so tat it will not get wet.
Me, my cuz n my uncle took the 'banner' tat we brought and made a small little shelter using the benches there. We made it bcoz there wasn't enough space for all of us to take shelter from the rain. So we made our own shelter. It did not take us long to make it. But den it sure caught a lot of attention from the pple around us plus the lifeguards there too! Haha..We waited till the lifeguards gave us the signal tat we can go into the pool back. Once the weather was alrite..we decided to go to the 'river'. Me, my sis, my father and uncle jump in without going to the staircase as we were lazy to walk far. But den my aunt who were afraid of jumping in the water bcoz she was afraid tat she might drown.! Wen the depth of the water was oni 0.8m.! Haha.! Me n my cuz hold her hand so tat she can jump. After much persuasion from many of us, she finally decides to jump into the water. She made a mistake by not standing and instead she sat down. So the current pulled her. N she was struggling in the water. Since the current was strong and me n my cuz were holding on to her hand, we were also pulled along wif her. Luckily we reacted fast and stood up. But den since my aunt panic, she did not put her legs down to stand instead she raises her leg. She looked as if she was drowning.! Me n my cuz was scared wen we saw tat. We tried to pull her so tat she can stand but we failed bcoz of the strong current tats pulling her and tat she is quite big size for the 2 of us to pull her up. So the decision tat we made was to pull her head up first so tat she don keep on sinking. After tat then we make her stand up. But during the process, i got injured. as she was heavy and the current was strong i hit my leg against the swimming pool wall hard. It was soo painful tat i could not stand. But i fought the pain coz i didn't wan my aunt to drown. At tat time, my aunt's safety was the most important thing. Wen she is safely out of the water, den i went to have a look at my knee to see how badly injured i got coz it was hurting terribly. My knee was really read and had blood spots on it. It also kind of looked blueblack. even though i had difficulty walking and standing up i just kept quiet bcoz i didn't wan anybody to worry.
We stayed there for a few more hours before making our way to my uncle's house to take sumtink. Wen i went to the toilet to take a bath den i noticed tat the wound at my feet was bleeding. So i could not wear my sandal as it was painful. I walked barefooted to the place where we put our stuff and took out a plaster to cover the wound. Although it hurts i just kept quiet but i walked slowly behind the rest of them. Wen we reached my uncle's house den my mum started to notice tat i was injured. She asked wad happen and i told her. Not long after tat the rest of them found out tat i was injured. My mum den told dem for me tat i got injured while trying to safe my aunt. They all just kept quiet wen they heard tat. Coz to tel u pple they don really quite lyk me n my sis which i dunnoe y. After tat we went back home and i reached home at around 11pm i think.
Although i was very2 tired i could not sleep peacefully as during the nite my knee was hurting terribly. I don noe how to describe the pain but the pain kept we awake all nite. The next day my father applied some oil to relieve the pain. It did helped a little but for a few days i could not walk properly as my legs were hurting. Diz shows tat for the whole week plus, both my leg was hurt n i had to suffer wif the pain for quite a long time. Bt im glad it went off after tat...
Ps: Nvr asked someone who is afraid of water to jump into it even though the depth of the water is shallow.! As for me..i learnt my lesson..! =)
Study maths
Friday, June 08, 2007
Went out to study again. Its still the same thing. The three of us wanted to go out together to study n as usual one of dem could not make it. Hmm..n diz time round its not mus who could not make it it's shahid. He said tat he's mum last min asked him to follow her to go visiting. He asked me to juz continue wif mus n tat later if he can make it den he'll join us later.
So yeah went out to meet mus at mc donald. He reached there first coz i went out late. We studied maths coz we had lots of maths homework. We managed to complete one set of paper tat tcher gave us. Wel of coz some of the question i didn't noe how to do. But den mus helped me by explaining it to me how to solve it. He make sure tat i really After tat mus went down to buy some drinks n food. We chatted n stopped studying coz i was feeling very2 cold and i don wan to continue riting...haha! He den sms shahid to ask if he's cuming to meet us. Shahid said he still havent confirm yet. So we sat at mc donald until around 6.30pm. Mus asked shahid again if he's cuming or not bcoz if he's not cuming den he n me will make a move coz i was already shivering lyk wad...haha! He said tat he's cuming bt it will b around 7pm. I den told dem tat i cannot stay coz i need to go home. Mus den send me home first b4 going back to whitesands again to meet shahid.
Ps: Tanx yeah for helping me...n temaning me home.! Haha.! =)
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Todae i went out to study wif shahid. Actually the plan was tat me,mus n shahid wans to go out n study together. In the afternoon wen i sms mus, he said he was cuming n tat he asked me to arrange the timing. He asked me to ask shahid if he's cuming. Bcoz if he's not cuming den mus does not wan to come. Wen i first sms shahid, he told me tat he's not coming. I told mus tta we should juz cancel it bcoz mus does not wan to b the oni guy n tat he's shy. He said ok.
After a few hours later, shahid sms me n asked if the study thing was on. I told him tat if he's cuming den its on bcoz mus does not wan to b alone. He asked me to tel mus to juz continue n tat he will join in later. But den i told him muz said he was shy n asked him to sms mus himself den tel me wad they have decided. Later, wen i sms him to ask bout the plan. He told me tat mus said he was lazy to come down. den i asked him how. He said tat he wans to study n asked if tat is ok wif me. I told him tat i don mind. So we decided to meet at 3. I went to get ready n after tat i left the hoz. Shahid reached the MRT station first. He asked me where i was n if i was walking. I told him yerp n i'll be there in bout 5 min. The moment i crossed the road to walk towards the mrt station he was already there sitting at the nearby wall waiting for me. So after tat we went to the pet shop first bcoz he wans to buy food for his fish.
We sat at the mc donald to study. first i thought tat it will be difficult for me to teach him coz he doesn't noe lots of things. But den wen i taught him, he managed to understand it very fast and can memorise quite a number of essays within 2 hours. After tat we decide to stop bcoz the both of us were feeling very2 cold. We went out to get some warm air and den went to walk around whytesands b4 going back to mc donald. Shahid wans to meet his fren who was working there. So i accompanied him. While waiting, shahid make me jump so many times out of the chair coz he keeps on scaring me. Den wen i really cannot 'tahan' wif him, i pinch him. Haha! I didn't care wen he said it was painful n asked me to stop it. I juz pretended tat i didn't hear anything. Haha! I was soo bad seh..but who cares..haha! It was for fun aniwae. But of coz i stopped after a while coz i pitied him oso. Haha..see im not tat bad rite.? Hmm..after tat i went off at around 6.30+pm.
Later at nite he sms me and said tat he was still searching for his pet's food. I laughed coz i told him to follow me to central to c if he can find it there but den he said nvm. now he have to go to simei n back to tamp to find it.! Haha.! I wished him gd luck in searching it b4 i went to have my dinner. Den wen i was studying, he sms me again n said tat he finally found it ready.! He oso thanked me for teaching him and said tat he'll study hard coz he does not wan my effort to be wasted. I was glad to hear tat a he's now willing to work hard. happy for him.
Ps: My dear fren, i'll always try my best to help u in aniwae i no worries yeah.! =)
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Hmm..todae i had a visit to the zoo! Haha! My younger sister wanted to go there soo much tat my mum and dad decided tat we should go there. Although i was tired coz had lots of activities throughout the week, i decided to hang out away from studies. I can't be studying 24/7 rite.?? I'll go crazy some day if my life is juz on books.!
So yeah..went to the zoo wif my family and a fren of mine by the name of ameera. I called her last min in the morning bcoz my sis didn't wan to come along. N my parents said tat they don mind paying for her. Guess wad wen i called her..she still haven't bathe yet.! Haha.! Wel it's lyk partly my fault os coz called her without any warning. So yeah waited for her to get ready den we meet in the bus.! But wel..unfortunately there was someone sitting next to me so she decided to stand all the way.! Haha! After tat she complained tat her leg was aching.!
We had to wait for about nearly an hour b4 we actually got a cab. Wen we reached the zoo, ameera was lyk..'wow'..coz the last tyme she entered the zoo was years back. After buying the tickets we went in. We decided to take the tram first to the children's place where there were goats,cows,pigs,rabbits and many more. Ameera loves to watch the goats n she took lots of the animal picture. The weather was very hot n tat me n ameera could not stand the heat. Wen ever we see an air-con rest place, we will almost stopped by to enjoy the coldness b4 continueing the journey. We spent very long hours at the zoo. We came at arnd 11am and left the place at arnd 5pm. Along the way my sis tore her shoe and she couldn't walk properly. So my parents decided to get her something for her to use. N guess wad.? The cheapest slipper tat was sold there was $50! My mum had no choice but to buy it coz my sis need something to wear.! Haha..wel i guess tats the most expensive shoe tat my mum have ever bought for my sister.!
We took a cab out from the zoo b4 taking a bus back home. Once i reached home i cleaned myself and straight went to my room to rest! I was soo tired tat i decided to go to bed early. I really had a great time at the zoo and partly bcoz my fren came along wif me. We had fun looking at the animals and touching them to! It was great! Maybe next tyme we'll go to some place else...
Ps: Ameera im glad tat u made new frens there.! Hmm..they cannot be found anywhere exceptbthe zoo rite?! Haha!