Ameera's Party
Monday, December 31, 2007
Todae went to the beach to celebrate ameera's bdae. She organise a party for herself n a farewell party for our class too. Bt den the number of pple frm my class who actually attend was soo the pathetic. Wel those who said dat they won come actually turn up last min. The pple are,mus,zharif,adli m n shahid. Me, irah n nat planned to meet at arnd 2 so dat we wont be late for the party. But den it did nt go as plan..! Haha..there were lyk some changes. Irah called me n said dat she was at mac queing up to buy food n maybe will be a little late. Den jamal sms me n said dat he was nt ready yet. Shahid called n asked me to meet him at mac first before going off to the party. N i was lyk..ok now wad tyme are we suppose to meet. I asked jamal to hurry as shahid asked to meet him. Wen me n jamal were waiting for the bus, amirah called n say dat she had finish eating n is otw to pick us up. So the two of us had to cross back to the other side n waited for her. Her sis drop us at ws n we went o mac to meet shahid. He told us dat he's working at arnd 5 n it was oni about 2 plus. So we asked him to follow. Me n irah went first as jamal followed shahid to the his usual stuff. We boarded the bus n later nat join us too. In the bus the 2 of them were helping me to put photos inside the gift dat i wanted to give ameera. was funny coz the pics could nt fit in n we were lyk already reaching. So we sat down at the bus stop n 'fix' the present first before making our way to ameera's place. Half way thru shahid called n said dat tehy have juz alighted n asked me to wait for him. Wen we saw dem we were quite surprised to c adli m wif dem. Coz he said dat he wasn't coming. Den while i was talking wif shahid, mus called n asked where i was. He said tat he was otw to ameera's party. So yeah diz is another one who turn up last min. We sat n chatted wif one another. Shahid had to go off at arnd 3 plus as he had to work. Wen he went off he met mus otw n pulled him along to send him to the bus stop. So all the guys was lyk out some send shaid n the other sat far away frm us. LAter on ameera's ex pri sch frenz came n join us. Me n nat decided to meet up wif the four boys to see wad they were up to. Adli went to send jamal to ws while we waited for him wif zharif n mus. The four of us was lyk talking rubbish wif one another since its been quite sometime since we last met. Adli took quite a long tyme so we decided to join ameera's game as we don wan to dissappoint her. Me, nat,mus n zharif were in the same grp. So yeah we played the games which was fun. N half way tru the game i got a terrible gastric dat i find it hard ato move. So i took my tyme to return back. Some actuallty thought dat i was juz bluffing wen its the fact. Bt den i don care as my stomach was really hurting. Rested for a while den continued wif the game. Had a little 'lecture' frm mus coz i did nt eat. Haha. Bleh tahan jugak mus membebel. After the game, ameera's uncle gave us a plate of flour to sabo her. At the count of 3 most of us ran to her n pour the flour over her. Haha. She was trying her best to get away n also got water bomb n egg thrown at her. She too got flour dat wen into her mouth n eyes. I noe how it taste lyk n wen the flour gets into ur eyes it really hurts..! Haha..coz i oso got saboed during my bdae. After dat we all sat chit chat, eat n drink before getting our prize for the game. There were lyk soo many sweets n biscuits for us. Most of dem left after dat, so me,nat,era n irah sat down together to chit chat. Its been quite a long tyme since the four of us actually gathered together. Ameera den went to take a bath as she felt uncomfortable. She took around 1hr to clean herself. While she was cleaning up, ayu came. So yeah we sat, eat n chit chat. We were thinking of wad ameera was doing dat she took sooo long to bath. Haha..maybe she helped cleaned the toilet too.? offence yeah ameera. It was oni a joke. Wen ameera came back we go n take some food to eat before taking photos together. After taking photos we played ball wif ameera's little cuzzins. They were quite chasing the ball around. One of dem will actually scream after she throw a was funny. We den decided to make a move as it was getting quite dark. Ayu asked us to follow her to downtown, but den me n irah were already tired. So oni nat accompanied her. Once i reached home, i went to clean myself up first den go watch tv. After dat i fell aslp for a while n woke up at 11.30 to c the countdown. Slept so soundly after dat.It was a long day for tiring....
Out wif nat
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Supposedly todae im suppose to go out wif eera, irah n nat. But den eera n irah could not join us. So i went out wif nat, my sis n her bf. Wel since we were bored at home n my mom's bdae was cuming. We decided to go out. I asked nat along coz she was also bored. Haha. As usual wen me n nat are together. We walk talk walk talk n den LAUGH..!! Diz is one thing dat we never fail to do. Wen nat plus fana confirm ketawe non-stop. So yeah we went to west mall to order some stuff for my mom. It was a gift frm my father to her. So sweet seh..haha. After dat we went to bugis as my sis wanna find her sch stuff. It was lyk sooo hot seh. N there were lyk sooo many pple. We were walking sooo slowly. N dats something me n nat don lky. Coz we tend to walk fast. Haha..! After dat we went to eat at KFC. Me n nat as usual mkn paling SLOW..!! Haha..wad to do..dah mmg kite mcm tu..haha..! So yeah tgh mkn pon sempat uat lawak..! HAha..we den make our way back home. N guess wad in the mrt, wen got diz family enter the train me n nat could not stop laughing til they left. Haha. First i taught i was the oni one who noticed. Denwen the boy took out his sungalsses n wear it wen we are in the tunnel the both of us look at each other n LAUGHED..!! Seriously, i was trying my best to hold back my laughter til i see nats face..! Den dah tak leh tahan. We laugh lyk wad seh. Tried to stop laughing but we juz cant. So yeah kind of had a little entertainment in the mrt. The bothof us was lyk "Nat aku takleh tgk muke kau arh..sane arh.." n nat was lyk "fana..stop it lah..jgn tgk aku..nanti aku ketawe seh." Haha..! Den the both of us said to each other "Kau stop ketawe aku pon stop" We were quiet oni for a while n ended up laughing again..! yeah we gave up n contiued laughingtil nat looks as if she was crying..! Haha.. We laughed til we reached PR. Nat den followed me to the hp shop to ask for the hp offer. I was told dat if i don have ez link den i cannt apply the student plan. I was lyk..urghh..! Coz i lost mine n its no point renewing since im nt using it next yr. They say dat they need it to prove dat im a student. I asked them "Do u wan to see my report book..?" I noe its stupid but den nat taught me..!! Haha..n dat person was laughing..! After dat we went back home....had a great tyme LAUGHING..!! Haha.. To dae was lyk my laughing day seh..!! Haha...
Saturday, December 29, 2007
First day of work
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
First day..
Diz is the second tyme im working wif my mom's company. Wel all i had to do was to juz count the stocks and record them down. Although its an easy job but its very tiring. We have to move here n there n search almost everywhere for a certain item. Diz tyme round there were six of us. Coz i tink the stock was alot n much more harder to count. Each of us was pair up, one gal n one guy. Coz there are some heavy stuffs dat need to be carried down. Tyme passes soo fast dat we did nt notice it was already lunch tyme til uncle John tel us. So went out for lunch den continued our work. Lucky for me n my partner, we don have to count the tiny stuffs tat many. I had to do dat last yr n it was very irritating. Coz u have to count screws til thousands. Anw, me n him, we were able to work together wel n help one another out. Yeah i gt to admit dat he is sometymes juz sooo dump n clumsy( kate bdk jc pe..haha). Since i was already use to the environment. I had to guide him wad to do n wad not to do. We ended our work at arnd 4.30pm. The next 1 n half hour we juz sit down n slack around as he had no more work for us. I wnet up to meet my mom at around 6 so dat we can go back together. We waited for my mom's boss as he wanted to give us a ride home. I slept so soundly at night..haha.
Second day
Wel its nt a much different as the first day. Diz tyme round i paired up wif my sis. The oni thing is dat we had to do the second count.N it was lyk sooo the menyeksa. Coz we need to recount it soo many tymes to get the exact figure. N n the thing we need to count was SUPER TINY. Although it was irritating..but its fun..haha..! Wen else will i ever get diz kind of opportunity to count stuff lyk diz rite..? Haha. Its fun doing things without the guys around coz i get to climb up..!! Haha. It was lyk sooo fun.! Anw we finished our work lyk sooo early, arnd 3 plus. So we slack til bout arnd 5 plus wen everything was ok. We don need to come back the third day as we manage to clear the stock fast. N we oni get our money by next week. So yeah, it was another tiring day. At night, talked wif ameera, natasha n amirah for a while before going to bed.
Here are some of the pics...

The small stuffs dat u see are some of the things dat i had to count..! Im sooo not gonna count anymore..! Had enuf for the tyme being..!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Went to my mom's workplace coz they have xmas celebration. Amirah called me in the morning n said dat she was bored. Soooo..i decided to heret her along..! She had a good tyme disturbing my younger sis until she merajok..! Haha..! Amirah2 mcm bdk kecik..! Anw..once we reached my mom's company, most of my mom's fren asked "Since wen u have four children.?" Haha.! n my mom said dat oni for todae amirah become my mom's daughter..! yeah we ate n amirah recieved chocolates frm my mom as she had lots for xmas. Actually i wanted to asked ameera n nat along. Bt den it was kind of a last min thing. I scared later they terperanjat pagi2 dah dpt kol dari fana ajak kluar..haha.!
After dat we went to ws to eat at mac as my younger sis have nt eaten yet. N n i was already full bt my sis forced me to help her finish her mcspicy. So yeah i did not have a choice. After eating dat, amirah n my sis was laughing their hearts out coz i was lyk KEPEDASAN..!! Hahaha..the chili was soooo HOT.! Hahaha..den nat sms n said dat she was at ws wif her fam. After eating we went to popular to get some stuff. N guess wad, we met NATASHA there..! Haha..chatted for a while before we went off heading to different directions.
Later in the evening my parents decided to bring us out for dinner n at the same tyme celebrate their anniversary. So yeah HAPPY ANNIVERSARY mummy n daddy..! Haha..! Wel we ate at one of the restaurant at Orchard. The food there was nt dat bad lah. N the one thing i find style is dat their bandung is made up of F&N Cherry n susu manis..haha..weird ryte..? But it tasted good.



After dat we thought of walking around at orchard but den changed our mind as the crowd was really terrible dat its sooo difficult for us to walk. We went to sit around at Raffles Place area before making our way back home. Wow..todae is a really long day for tired..wanna slp..!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I juz love it wen my dears. They are always there to listen to my probz.
So yeah i noe im nt alone. Dats the fun thing.
Tnx sooo much yeah. Now i don feel so stressed..! Yesh..!
To my dearest no order..
Amirah..: Tanx sooo much for always making stupid jokes..! I had a great tyme laughing..
Wel if i need entertainment ur the ryte person to cal..! Haha..
Natasha..: U nvr fail to keep me company online..! N ouh yah..temaning me go out..!
Nt forgetting dat bile2 kite kluar..confirm ade bende happen..! Haha..
Ameera..: Ur someone who really listens to wad i got to say..! Tanx for spending ur tyme for me..haha..! Even though aku nie pelik cikit..! Haha..
Nanaz..: I noe u tried helping..i appreciate it lots..! Tanx for understanding me too..!
Guy..: Tanx for always trying to make me smile even wen ur bz..! Ur concern is much appreciated..!
N yeah to the frenz whom have also help me along the way..tanx soo much..!
No worries ur nt forgotten although i don mention ur name..=P
Sunday, December 23, 2007
I went to SENTOSA yesterday. Wel it was a mini family outing.
Since we were bored n my younger sis wanna take the cable car. We den decided to go there.
Aniwae its been quite sometyme since i last visit sentosa. So yeah we took the
cable car. Wel since i was afraid of heights it was a little scary..haha..!
Bt i made it aniwae..=) Once we reached there we went to the Siloso beach befor heading to the Beach station. There we took the SKYRIDER. It was soo fun..! al last i was away frm stress
although oni for a period of tyme. Bt who cares..i had fun..! N dat was
already gd enuf..! Haha..wel the rider is qite scary too as wen it comes..we have to jump on it. The view frm on top was very nice. U pple should try. Haha.
We took videos n pics as well although we were afraid dat our fon n camera might
fall down..haha..! Den wen we were reaching the down.
It was really scary coz the way down is as if we might n my sis was lyk
"Eh eh eh dah nk turon..arrggh seram nye..haha.."
Once we reached down we had to jump n run or else the chair will hit us. It was really fun.
All of us enjoy it. Wel nt really all lah coz my youngest sis cried wen we reached down.
She said she was scared. Haha..n there were photos taken without
us knowing. Den we wen back to the cable car station. Our photo was taken by the staff as they said they wanted to keep for reference sake. Coz nt everyone gets their photo
taken. N yeah it was pretty nice. The background was a picture of the cable car up in the sky. yeah i had a day off out of my frustration..=)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I went to Langkawi for a holiday diz yr. Wel it was great despite all the problems we faced. In actual fact diz is the worst but at the end of the day a nice holiday. The first day was ok, we took a flight there. But den it gt worst wen my father fell sick the following day. At breakfast he was already nt feeling wel, wen we went back to the hotel to rest his condition worsen. He said dat his vision was blur. N his head was hurting. He looked kind of pale too. We got worried. My mum asked him to go to slp for arnd 1h and see if it gets better after dat. Bt den, his condition did nt improve. So we decided to take him to the hospital instead b4 anything bad happens. Coz were nt in our own country, if anything happens its difficult. Wen we reached there, the nurse said dat his sugar level was high til they cannot get a reading. So we had to wait for the doctor to come. He was finally warded as doctor said dat if he were to collapse later at the hotel he can go to a coma. To be safe they need to keep him in the hospital. At the same tyme, back in spore, there was another prob. We received news frm our neighbour dat my grandma didnt ans the cals nt nt opening the door. Later we were told dat she had lost her wallet containing her ic n house keys. We were quite worried as she's all alone. Bt our neighbour told us nt to worry as they will handle the situation. She brought my grandma to the police station to make a report. N den wen we came back my grandma said dat while she was at the police station, my neighbour's son went to lock our gate wif his own lock juz in case pple try to get in. Dat was nice of him. So u c wen ur in need u can always count on ur neighbour for help.
Now back to the story wen we're in Langkawi. My father condition gt better n he was discharged. We too met someone who was kind enough to bring us a round Langkawi for a reasonable price. Although my father followed us around he did nt walk much as he was nt wel. he oni sat at one place til we were done looking around. Wel i pitied my father as he could nt enjoy wif us. Bt den i could nt do anything as he told us to go without him. We went to many place despite the little delay in our trip. The places we visit were Underwater World, Laman Padi, Kota Mahsuri, Black Sand beach, The seven Wells, Chenang Beach, WildLife Park, Cable Car, Legenda Park, Mardi Agrotechnology(Fruit Farm) and Idaman Suri. Diz are nice places. My parents went to took some photos wif the birds n my siz n me gt chase by a monkey near the waterfall..haha. So yeah it was a great holiday in all..
Here are some of the photos..

Monday, December 03, 2007
One by one u pple leave. One is going away for a holiday, the other migrating soon n one more nt responding at all. Im soooo gonna be damn bored alone. I hope my other fren's comp will be repaired soon. At least she can still entertain me. Haiz..i juz don understand. Y muz all my love ones go. N im still waiting for a response frm my dear fren. I dunnoe how long i must wait. But for sure i'll keep on waiting until i noe the answer. I guess all the good things wont be arnd for long. Some day it will go away without u expecting it. Memories of the old days are such wonderful things. It will forever be a memory as it will nt repeat again coz pple change overtyme. I wonder don they have any feeelings.? Didnt they think bout the consequence of their action.? Haiz..maybe i muz nt get too close wif the pple arnd me so tat wen they leave, i'll nt be tat affected. My days are slowly turning to be very empty. I juz wish tat i'll be able to be happy. I've suffered soo much. I may seem very happy and easygoing, but one thing pple don noe is the kind of problems tat im facing. I never show my problems or let my feelings out. I believe tat every problem has a solution n i should nt think bout it too much. Its juz a matter of tyme b4 everything will be over. I wan to be free frm all diz probs dat pple are giving me. I don find trouble, they come without me knowing it. I'll be waiting for the day where i can realy enjoy myself n be wif my love ones without getting hurt by anyone. Coz for myself i always try to make pple happy n not make them sad thinking of the prob tat i give them. For now my oni solution is to let tyme decide wads gonna happen next. I don have the power to decide wad i wan coz wenever i make a plan it is always rearranged. The best way is to accept wadeva fate has install for me. By then i'll be ready to face the challenges ahead.