Thursday, January 31, 2008
I was kind of bored todae. Doing the usual stuffs, cleaning the house, helped my grandmama in the kitchen, play computer, play psp n hang on the fon. So yeah, i den decided to make pudding. My grandmama was the one who taught me how to make but i never tried making.
So wen she was done in the kitchen , i began preparing the stuffs. Wel its nt really tat hard lah coz there are nt many ingredients to it. Beat the eggs n sugar, put some milk blah blah blah..n yerp its done. Had to steam it for about 2 hrs. I was really wondering whether jadi ke tak pudding aku nie. Haha. Coz most of my aunts all tried making the pudding but all of dem failed. So if i succeed den it means im the first to learn how to make grandma's own recipe...!
I waited n waited n waited......
Finally its cook..! My grandma open thge cover to see how it turn out like. N n n it turned out nice..!! She even said dat it looks better den she cooked..! She was like,"Eh cantik licin ana buat! Macam gini senang lah nenek dah takya risau takde org tau buat..". Haha. Im like sooooo happy. Im the first to cook diz..!! Wuhoo..!! N the taste too is the same oryte..haha. Mom smiled wen she came back home n saw my 'work'. Haha. hmm..maybe one day, i'll cook for pple to try it. Even though its egg pudding. But it taste really good..!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Wel im seriously happy dat now my probs wif my fren is over..!!! It's been a long tyme since we chatted wif one another. N so todae we decided to meet. She told me dat she had dental appointment n will meet me after dat. I agreed. I ws looking forward to meet her alot. Rindu seh..But den as always..somehow my plan i salways destroyed. Not by me or her but by my father..sheesh. I tink he was nt in a gd mood coz he found out something dat really make him angry. Dats wad i tink lah..nt dat sure. I had to cancel our meeting, coz i could not stand him blabbering bout diz n dat. after i told him i will be going out den he keep quiet a bit. haiz...i was really hoping to meet my dear fren ilma. But den diz..hmm..nvm i guess we could meet some other tyme. She also sms me n said dat she too was latye n were still waiting for her turn. So yeah i could not meet her. She said she'll call later at nite. bUt den in the nite something happen. So i had to off my fon juz to make sure i don make the situation worst. Wel its bout my sis. she's creating problems again..I really wonder wen will i be able to change her ways. I oso don noe how much longer can i be patient wif all her actions. Me getting scolding frm her for correcting her mistake. I mean im her sister, dats wad i should do right.? If she's doing sumtink wrong den i would have to tel her off. Haiz..im really hoping tat i'll be strong in facing diz. I don wan to see my sis become spoilt. everytyme she gets scolding my heart hurts coz i could not help her. I really leave it up to god to help me wif diz matter. So far, i've really tried evrythinbg to change her. But it does nt seem to work. I guess diz is sumtink dat i have to face for a very long period.....
I thought of asking my friends out todae. Coz i was seriously bored at home. Chatted wif nat irah in the morning. Nat wanted to go to MDIS open house n irah could not go out coz her parents were at home. I thought of asking eera out to teman me. But den later my younger sis told ame tat she wanna follow me go whytesands. If i bring her out dat means i cant be out long coz she don like to walk alot. Diz younger sis of mine very the manje wan. So yeah, i ended up nt going out wif any of my frenz as sis wanted to come along.I let my sis have her lunch first before going out. First we walked to her madrasah plaes coz i need to submit sumtink for her ngaji lesson. I did not take bus coz i scared my ez link card nt enuf..haha. N i forgot to ask dad for money. So yeah we went for an exercise for a while. After dat, we head off to whytesands. We went to return the library books n sis wanted to find some books. Wen she was done choosing wad she wans, we went to the shop which sells lots of clips. My another sis asked me to get her a clip so dat she can use it for sch as the previous one broke. While queing up to pay for it, fik suddenly shouted, "Uibai..!!". I turned to look where she was shouting. N yeah juz as i thought i saw my neighbour. She shouted quite loudly til the pple around us turned n look. I wanted to scold her but den batal kan my niat coz my neighbour was looking at us. Rasikin as usual, tak habis2 ngan dier nye senyum yg lebar tu. They den went off to the bank n me n sis head to the supermarket. I bought some sushi n biscuit. We den head home.
My grandma is cuming home todae..!! Im soo happy. Although she's been away for oni lyk 3 days, i really miss her presence. Wel she's the one who i usually talks to wen im bored. She went back to kampong coz got wedding invitation. I wanted to go but den my grandpa's car can oni fit a few pple. N we could not rent a van. So yeah we juz stayed at home. I did nothing much todae, went online, played psp helped mom cook n went to madrasah. Im alone at home wif my younger sis coz my parentys went to the wedding invitation at bukit batok. I prefer to go madrasah instead. Coz i guess its fun. So far, i havent miss one lesson yet. N i hope i wont in the future. It was quite boring lah juz sitting at home nt doing anything. After i iron my dad n sis uniform, decided to update my blog coz i was bored of playing the psp. But i guess there's nothing much i have to update bout. N oh ya, to nat n eera, aku oklah..takya lah risau ye..haha. Aku tau lah its hard for u pple to noe whether aku ok ke tak. But no worries klau aku ade prob aku blang korang nye lah..haha. Anw tanx for worrying..haha. Sayang jugak korang pat aku ye.? Haha..joking.....=P
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Wel todae, mom wanted to go to tp to ask more bout the courses they offer since i have nt decided which course to go n there are 12 choices for me to make. Once we reached tp, we went to the psycology booth. So yeah we chatted wif the lecturer n he told us more bout the course. He said dat since its a new course i can try to apply n see if i can get in. Mom was satisfied wif wad he had told her. Den we went to walked around tp to see the other booth too as dad was nt quite sure bout me taking up psycology. Den got diz lecturer i tink she asked mom if she wans to have a look at the engineering school. Mom said ok. I was nt quite interested lah. But followed aniwae. Frm wad she explained, mom n dad looked interested n thought tat diz could be a course dat i should take. Wel its mostly bout the electronics stuff. Later on i can choose wad i wan to further my studies in. So yeah, mom n dad asked me to take up diz course as latyer in the future i would be a ble to find job easily wif this diploma. I told them i'll consider it. N further more, the lecturer told my mum dat i can take up psycology as one of the CDS dat everyone in the poly has to take. Dat make mom more satisfied n sure to put me in dat course. We also went to look at the business course. Wel the c.o.p was quite low n i was interested oni in one of it. afte meeting a few other lecturer frm the IT and sci sch we decided to head home. I met Wilson at the bus stop. He too came down to have a look at the course. Once i reached home, i got changed and decided to eat first as i was really hungry. Mom said dat we'll discuss bout wad i should take after we pray. N i could not entertain my neighbour who came over to play wif my younger sis as i had to settle my stuffs first. So yeah, after much discussion, i finally filled up all the 12 courses tat i wanna take. N guess wad, psycology was nt the first choice. The first choice was business studies followed by the engineering course n den comes in psycology. Most of my choices are either frm tp or sp. Very few frm np. So finally i've submitted the JAE. Now i'll juz have to wait for the results of which sch im gonna go..it'll be interesting to c where i get into....
Todae was lyk the BIG day. Frm yesterday i kept worrying bout my results til i could not sleep peacefully. Kept waking up after a few hours. N went online in the morning to keep myself occupied. Chatted wif my frenz. N yerp they too was as scared as me. N we oso heard rumours dat our sch did badly. After hearing dat, all of us panic. But den wads everythings out already n no point regretting.Me n my frenz decided to meet up first den go to sch together. The tyme pass so fast n the next moment we it was already time for us to get ready to go to sch. My frenz come pover to my house first. We chatted n den head to sch. Once we reached the hall, our feelings was lyk Allah saje lah yg tau. Our vp was talking about the O-level n finally he came to the results part. The results was definitely better den last yr. But den its nt 100% passes. So i was like damn scared. After giving out the top scorers their result slip, it was our turn. Anw congrats to the top scorers. N few of my frenz like shahnaz, fatin was among the top. N there were some frm 4e4. So diz shows dat no matter which class ur in, u can do as well as the others. So my form tcher began calling our name one by one according to register no. My turn was like so near, n my heart was beating very fast. Wen i got my results, i see my grades first. My other frenz was already tearing the slip where they put ur agg. I was scared wen i see their results. Tangan aku meggeletar bile nk koyak kan. Mus ketawe seh tgk. N my cikgu was by our side all the tyme. Wen the paper was finally torn open by me, i don really quite noe how to read it. Haha. So yeah she help me to understand. N i asked stuipid qns..haha. Coz i was still in the state of shocked. Haha. She said tat it was ok n good enuf too. N she was glad i got an A for mly. Wel after dat i went to ask my other frenz how they did. Wel it was gd to hear tat they too did ok. Im happy for all my frenz. Sms mom to tel her bout my results. She say it was gd n was very happy. Den went to find my other frenz to c if they was ok. Coz i noe they were a bit disappointed. I gave them free hugs lah..haha. I tried to make them feel better but i noe i cant do much. Don be too upset yeah. Im always here if u need someone to talk to.Wel wen i went home. Dad was the first to open the door. He said he heard the good news frm mom already n he was happy. He also said dat my uncle kept calling n ask if i already come home. So went to cal him n told him the gd news. He was soo happy to hear dat i passed. coz its the first tyme in my family history dat someone took Os n actually pass. So yeah at least i made my family proud. N throughout the whole day i receive so many cals n msgs frm my cuzzins aunties neighbour n even ex tution tcher. Now at least my stress is over. Now i have to decide which poly to go n wad course..hmm...Ps: Congrats to all my frenz who have achieve gd results!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Early in the morning i already wen online. Chatted wif my frenz for a few hours den went off to meet nat. Wel pegi tak jauh lah..pat bwh je..haha. She asked me to accompany her eat coz she was very hungry. N yeah i agreed to follow her. Wen i reached the coffee shop, i was searching for her but could not find. Den wen i wan to cal her, i saw she was palaying wif her psp. So sneak behind her, n BOO! surprised her..! HAha.. Since org tu ngah concentrate giler ngan psp dier..she screamed.! Haha..quite loud lah i suppose coz the pple around us all turned to look. Haha..den she looked n me n laugh n laugh. Haha. She was lyk, "fana, kau nie eh..".We went to buy food after dat. I wanted to scare her again but den she was holding the water, so decided not to. So yeah, we chatted for quite sometime before making a move. Nat bought some food for her siblings. We den split up at the traffic light. I went to send my younger sis her lunch at sch first den went home have lunch before fetching her home again frm sch. Put some medicine on her leg as she injure herself. I played psp after dat. Received a cal frm my cuzzin. she ajak me kluar teman her go hp shop at simei. asked dad if i could follow n he said yes. She brought my nephew along too. He was soo cute. Haha.We waited for our turn. N it was lyk long coz there were lots of pple. Me n her den decided to go n walk around first n sat down. Took my nephew out from his pram n let him play around there. He wanted to walk but could not balance himself. So we had to pimpin him walk around the place. Den wen my cuz no was called i had to take care of him. He seriously tak tau diam. N i was busy smsing wen taking care of him. HAha. So menyekse jugak. Haha. Coz i need to make sure he won fall while i sms. He den walked towards diz 2 guys. Should be bdk ite lah. N he wanted to capai the guy topi. Haha. Lelaki tu bleh layan seh..dier ckp cute. aku yg penat layan kerenah dier..haha. Den i pulled him away after i tink the boy had enuf fun wif him. N one thing i noticed, he loves to walk in circles. seriously, there was a lot of ite students. N yeah my nephew like to go to them wen they hulur their hand. N i was like "Irshad takmu kacau org.." But he don care. haha. My cuz even thought tat those were my frenz. Tats y i went to them. Haha. We went back to pasir ris later on. My cuz went to BK wan to meet her fren. Den went to my house taking bus. N irshad cried inside the bus coz he don like to seat still.Haha. Den got diz makcik layan him. I was tired coz he berat jugak. haha. so yeah, finally reached home. I wash up n den have dinner layan him again den go watch tv. So todae nt really dat stress thinking bout the results coz i was busy wif my stuffs. Haha. Im prettie sure dat tonite i won be able to sleep wel....
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I was sitting in front of the television n eating, den suddenly, my fon ring.
Wel it was frm a msg frm my dear fren natasha.
So open her msg n froze after reading wad she said.
She told me tat the results are coming out diz THURSDAY.
I was like shocked, as i expected it to be friday.
She said dat she heard frm the radio. I
thought she hear wrongly, but den i receive msg later frm my other frenz bout it.
So yeah it is true.
Its like me n nat were the first to noe den the rest started smsing.
Wadeva it is..its thursday. N im like soo scared.
Mom even said dat she wanted to accompany me to sch to take my results.
I was like, "Erm, takya2, dok diam2 pat keje tu sudah.."
HAha..mom was laughing wen i said dat..haha.
Time seems to pass really fast now.
Oh my gosh..before long im gonna get wad i have been waiting for long.
I too am prepared for the worst.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Todae me n my family went out to bugis. Mom wanted to go to sim lim square to get some computer stuff. Dad showed us the places around there n taught us how to move about in dat area so dat we wont get sesat..! Haha...We walked around bugis for quite some tyme. Mom n dad asked me n sis wad we wanted n dat they'll get it for us. I wanted to find a handphone bag n the tali which i dunnoe wad is the name. Haha. But i don like the designs there. HAha. After dat, we decided to go to Airport Terminal 3 since its open. The place was like very nice. There were not many pple around there coz i guess the place is still new. We walked around there n den went to mac to eat. The design of the mac was nice..i like..haha. N den i saw diz mc cafe guy who looks really familiar. Asked sis where we've seen him. Later, i saw his name tag, n yes i was ryte, i knew him. He was my madrasah fren last tyme. He quit long tyme ago n since den we have not met. I guess he too don really recognise me coz its been a long tyme n i was nt wearing tudong..haha. I took such a long tyme to eat. It take me bout 5 mins to finish a bite dat a normal person takes. Haha..! Coz the burger is lyk big n i cant bite wif my front teeth due to some medical things. N sis was like complaining n mom laughed at me seeing how i eat tat burger. Haha. I don really care how i eat even though pple think its weird. But who cares, i don wan to go for treatment again if i bite like a normal person. Haha. Once i finally finished, we went to tour around the terminal n den took the sky train. N den we patah balik go to paya lebar. Since diz month is mom's bdae there is a 20% offer. Sis wanted to get some new clothes, so yeah we went to shop there. We spent quite a long tyme there haha..! At first, dad helped out by choosing the shirts tat he tinks is cool after dat he decided to sit outside n wait. He grumbled a bit wen we took a long tyme to get the stuffs. HAha. Wel dad does nt really like to follow us shopping but he had no choice. Haha. We went home after dat coz by dat tyme all of us was really tired. N yeah, the mrt was really crowded. By the tyme i reached home, i straight head for my bed..! Lepas tu aru mandi..hahaha. Den watched tv after dat. Planned to sleep early but den ended up sleeping late..! Haha..coz the movie was like good.?
Friday, January 18, 2008
As the days past, it means dat the day the results will be out is getting nearer.
Its like less den a week left. Im lyk soo scared.
Wad if my results are nt good.? For sure im gonna get a scolding from my parents.
Mom already warn me n say dat if its not good
she'll ask me to retake the examinations.
Oh god, i soo don wan dat to happen. But everythings over, there's no point regretting.
Like it or not i have to face the fact tat the results will be out soon.!
I noe im not the oni one who is feeling like diz.
But i juz cant help it.
Every nite i have difficulty sleeping as i was really worried.
I hope all diz will end soon. I cant stand all diz pressure animore.
If i have to reseat for it den be it.
I guess diz is the most critical thing tat everyone here faces in life.
My frenz too are very worried. But yeah we try to encourage each other not to.
Even so, i don tink it makes a big difference.
Im juz hoping dat everything will turn out fine...
Mass comp
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Todae went to SP coz got diz mass communication event. Actually i was kind of lazy wan to go. But mom n diz fren of mine, Herman forced me to come. Told dem tat i will oni come wen someone accompanies me. Haha. N yeah ameera was the one who followed. We took the mrt there. Ameera was looking at the 8 days magazine n after dat she decided to play my hp game. I told her dat she had to turn the whole fon wen she plays diz marble game. At first she was lyk "Serious pe kene pusing thw hole fon?". Wen she finally try it, yerp she had to turn the whole fon or else she will lose. haha. The game was kind of tough lah coz im not use to it yet. Even ameera find it hard to control it. We were lyk laughing n it feels kind of odd moving the whole fon coz later pple will give us diz look. Haha. Den she decides to play another game. Wen we reached the mrt station i sms Herman coz i donnoe where to go. Haha. Waited for him den receive a call. He asked me to go down den go to diz place which i dunnoe where. HAha. He den gave up explaining n said tat he'll come to take us. Me and ameera waited at the bus stop. While waiting i saw diz pple whom ameera don lyk lah. Haha. So had to 'cover' her. Wen i was lyk talking to ameera den Herman muncul tah dari mane beside me. Haha. Terperanjat sekejap. At first i did not recognise coz he looke different. N ameera, aku tk plan nk pakai baju same colour ok..haha. It was juz a coincidence. He den showed us the way to the mosque. He told me it was a few min walk. But it turn out to be so the far. N we were lyk kepanasan. Haha. He den told me to go to diz gate wen im done n cal him.So yeah went to the mosque n after dat made our way back to the gate. I called him n said dat i was done. He came n fetched us later. Den brought us to his place. There were lyk soo many pple. Most of dem were in sch uniform. After breaking us into grps, we were brought to diz room to try out the things there. Wel it was kind of fun lah. Got 'entertainment'. Haha. We recieve 2 goodie bags one was frm the theatre n the other was frm the room we went to. After everything was done, we took a grp photo n den left to head home. Me n ameera kind of get 'lost'. Haha. Finally we figured the way out frm there. N wen we reached at the mrt station, we went up the wrong escalator. It was lyk paiseh seh..haha. Don blame us, it was lyk our first tyme there wad. Haha. The mrt was full wif pple. Had to stand til we reach simei den can sit. The both of us said goodbye to each other n went on different ways heading back home.
New fon
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Hmm..started the day off as usual. After breakfast wen to watch tv first den decided to go online since the tv show was boring. Chatted wif a few frenz before getting ready to go my madrasah class. Wel as i say it's no longer tat boring animore. Our new uztazah is some sort lyk the one whom we love lots. She likes to tel us stories n joke around too. N one of her stories were...Her fren went ot Indonesia for a holiday. Den stop by at diz coffee shop. Decided to have lunch there. After eating it, she told the owner of the restaurant Uztazah fren: Daging nie sedap rase mcm lain dari yg lain. Nie daging ape? Owner: Nie daging babi.Uztazah fren: Daging babi?!?Owner: Jgn risau saya dah sembelih dah.Straight after dat her fren went to the toilet n vomit it out. So yeah pple here's a little reminder. even though u see org pakai songkok n kain don tink dat wad they do is always rite. So u must be careful wen u choose places to eat in other pples country.After my madrasah, went back home to change first n den go out again to tampines. Mom wanted to find my sis textbook there n buy some stuffs at the supermarket. While mom n younger sis was at the popular, me,dad n my other sis went to the singtel shop at interchange. Dad told me tat it was tyme for me to change my fon. So we went to take a look at the fons. There were 3 choices for me. N seriously, i took a very long tyme to decide which phone i should take. All the 3 fon vary in price n colour. Dad n sis tried to help me figure out which one is good. After thinking for a very long tyme, i finally decided to go for the red one since its red i can't take my eyes off it. Haha. It was an expensive fon. Even after i trade in my fon the cost was still quite expensive. But dad say dat since i received quite a sum of money frm my work n bursary, he said dat it was ok. So while dad settled my fon stuff me n sis went to the supermarket to help mom carry stuffs tat she bought. Dad was still at tat shop wen we came back. My younger sis wanted to go n eat at mac. so we waited for dad there. He took such a long tyme at tat shop. Dunnoe wad he do lah..we head home aftre dat. Otw back, dad said dat the fon tat i choose was an advance bdae give frm my parents. I was like..soo happy can say so i always receive the most expensive gifts frm my parents wen it comes to my bdae presents. Wel sis was 'jealous', she said "kakak slalu dpt yg mahal2 nye seh..tak fair." Haha. I told sis she could borrow it later during the holidays. So yeah..i was sooo happy throughout the rest of the day. At least now, my money is nt wasted on my fon n dat means i can spend dem lyk wad mom said.Yahoo..! Haha..but of course won spend all. Wan to keep some too. N n..yes finally i can GET AWAY frm diz guy who is always after me..! Nat aku dpt ESCAPE lah ok..!! Haha..for sure i'm not gonna give my no to dat guy n im gonna be MORE careful in giving frens my no. I dun wan to get the same person who gets a characteristic tat freaks me out..! Hmm..some of u should noe wad i mean..!! HAha..Ps: My dear frens..i'll give u my new no soon yeah although the old still exist, i seldom use it! Since i sold my old fon..! HAha..
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Early in thye morning had to wake up n send my grandma to the clinic for check up. There were lyk soo many pple. Lucky brought my sis along if nt i would be soo bored. So while we wait we chatted, listen to my mp4 n played psp. Haha. buat mcm rumah sendiri seh clinic to. Haha. After sitting for so long, i was lyk shivering seh. Lucky mummy come to the rescue bcoz she called juz in tyme n told us tat she'll wait wif my grandma n asked us to go home to prepare my younger sister. Reached home n tidy up the kitchen, den made my sis breakfast. Cleaned the room, fold the clothes den wen off to send my sis to tution. She saw my neighbour n went in wif him since they were in the same class. Den went back home. Mom asked to help petik the tauge (i dunnoe how to spell..haha). I took my own sweet tyme doing so coz i got iz really bad stomach pain. After dat i told my parents dat i wanted to rest. I could not stand the pain any longer. So went to my bed pulled my blanket n tried to sleep. Later, my sis woke me up n asked me to go n have lunch. Dad asked if i was feeling any better. Told him no n den i was forced to take medicine which i soo don like. Went to rest again to c if it gets better. Den my neighbour went over to played wif my sis since they've finished tution. Wel had to entertain him coz he was like.."kakak2 come lah teman..how to play diz game?". So yeah i layan him n let him play wif my hamster. Diz neighbour of mine really loves animals. N he has a cat at home. Nt long after dat, he went out to take his cat out for a walk. Wen he brought the cat into my house i was the first to run away..haha (my frenz should noe y). N his mother was like laughing n asked him to bring it out. His cat was very nice lah. It had a clean white fur. The last tyme i saw it, it was still small. Now, it's soo big already. So yeah dats bout it wad i did today. Nothing much coz got diz stupid stomach pain.
Meeting up
Friday, January 11, 2008
Todae went to sch juz to help out in Np. As i did not want to go in alone, i decided to go together wif mus n amin. Amin called after his prayers n said dat he was otw already. Once he reached my area he called again n said tat he'll be waiting at the traffic light. Told him dat i'll be late for a few min coz i need to prepare my sis b4 she goes off to tution. Nt long after dat, mus sms n said dat he was in the bus already heading to PR. I then sms amin n asked him to wait at the sch bus stop instead so mus too will meet us there.I met amin first n we chatted while waiting for mus. Nt long after dat our dear fren finally comes. The three of us den made our way to the sch gate. Got to sign our names first before entering the sch. The weather was lyk soooo hot seh. After dat we went to the np room to join the rest. Later on we met the sec1s who were trying out np for the first tyme. Wel they were lyk sooo full of energy. They too cooperate well. Except for a few. Mus n amin had fun disturbing me n terperanjat kan aku je tau. Coz long tyme they never to dat. Haha. Den got diz guy. He kept asking farah for her no. She was lyk trying to runaway frm him. Poor farah. Haha. After dat, there was lightning alert n we had to go indoors. Oh ya, before dat we recieved our badges frm teacher. The badges were civil defence gold n drill badge first class (at last we got them..!). Went to keep dem (tompang mus nye bag psl my beg small..haha).After dat me n amin decided to go n have a look at the pple who were training for campcraft comp. Sat there for quite sometyme. Mus too join us later. We chit chat before me n mus decided to go to the hall n join the sec 1. It was much more fun there. There was sing along n they played games as well. Wen mus n amin was finally tired of playing we sat down n chit chat. Den i received diz cal frm the guy whom i was trying to run away frm. I asked mus to help me ans n said dat i was nt there. Mus..tanx for saving me..! Haha..we continued talking. Told them bout wad was bothering me. N both said to me nt to worry n i still have dem. They oso said dat i can find them if im stressed out. That was nice of them. N amin said to me dat i can always talk to him on every friday wen we meet. Coz he's always bz wif his work. Went back home later. It was lyk raining sooo heavily. Mus offered to keep for me my bag coz his bag was waterproof. After dat we ran off to the bus stop. I waited for my father to come wif the umbrella. den walked back home wif mus,farah n verina (sorie i dunnoe how to spell ur name..haha). So yeah kind of had fun today meeting up wif frenz whom long tyme havent meet.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
I was kind of bored in the morning, so decided to continue and watch a story that amirah recommended on seeing. It was titled "One litre of tears". It's a really sad story but very touching though. It teaches us that we should be fortunate that we are given a chance to live and continue the dream that we had for a better future. Seriously, if you really concentrate on the story tears will drop by itself. Indeed have i learn from diz story on how we should treasure our life and not just waste it. We should also never give up in life when troubles come. It took me around 3 days to wacth the story. It's not really that long around 11 episodes only. So wen u guys feel bored and don noe wad to do, i suggest you can try and have a look at the story.
Later in the afternoon, i read something that really was kind of an ans to why diz things are happening. Truthfully, i never suspected that diz would happen. Wel i wont run away but juz face it. I noe i have frenz to support me along the way. So yeah im not going to bring this matter to known to everyone. Let it be juz a little 'bad' experience i have. I'll need sometime to think bout this matter. Wel if ur reading diz...i'll send you a reply soon. N frm wad i can see now, you've miss understand lots of things. Im gonna clear things out to you. After dat then it's up to you wad u wan to do next...
Ps: I really wan to thank my F.I.N.E corporation and few others for helping me wif all this stuff. I'll consider what you all have said. But for sure, im gonna make a decision base on myself n not by others wad you pple have said. I don wan to do things dat i'll regret later....
our memories
Monday, January 07, 2008
Wel i made a cd for my eera,nat n irah. It was a gift frm me so dat we will always remember the tymes we spent together. I called it "OUR MEMORIES". I put photos of us having fun together throughout our friendship. N it comes together wif a song titled "Photograpgh". N nat photo yg berzaman lah bagos jadi korang will not forget it..! Haha..N i juz wanna apologise if the words written there hurt any of u. It was meant to be funny coz in dat way we will remember it..! But so far the feedbacks tat i got frm u all was nice. The three of u all said the same thing..."Fana..i cried wen i see the cd.." I noe it is very the sedih n touching. I too felt dat way wen doing the cd. Im actually glad the 3 of u lyk it. Amirah was the first to c it n comment on it. I was sleepin wen she smsed me n said tanx for the cd. She told me tat she watch the cd bout 8 times..haha..! N also mentioned tat she cried while watching it..! Next was eera..she too said the same thing. As for nat, i read in her blog bout wad she had to say after seeing it. Wel my dear frenz tanx to u pple who always took photos wen we met tat it was possible for me to do the cd.U pple are the best frenz tat i ever have..! Glad we met each other. Tanx for making my life a meaningful one..! as for my other frenz...im sorie i did not do the same thing for u. Its not dat i don wan. Its bcoz dat we don take a lot of photois wen we're together. But even so, those memories are always kept in my heart. ok..i REALLY miss 2007..the sch days was sooo fun..! If oni i can change back tyme..wouldn't it be great..? But nvm let's make the future a more meanhingful one as we learn frm our mistakes in 2007..!! i LOVE ALL MY FRENZ..!!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
After sooo long of break, finally the madrasah open again.
So yeah it was our first day.
Me n my sis was lyk confuse to which blok are we suppose to go to.
So we decided to head to blok 474.
Lucky for us we met iskandar along the way who told us dat our class is at blok 473.
So we walked together back to the blok.
Wen i entered the class, i was shocked to c so little pple.
There were ly 60 of us (tolak, campur divide minus) haha..n it turn out to be 6.
Pathetic ryte..? Haha..lyk my ustazah say.."ramai yg dah mati syahid" haha.
There were lyk 3 gals n 3 guys. So balance lah tu.
N our new uztazah was also nice. She was friendly n nt tat membosankan.
Half way through the class..aku nye pin terbuka.! haha..it broke..n i don noe how to fix it.
So throughout the tyme uztazah was talking i was holding on to my tudong
jadi tak terbukak. Haha.
Den wen she went out to print sumtink, i told kak sharifah bout it.
She is lyk 1 or 2 yrs older den me lah.
She help me fix it n before long i was already using it.
Tanx yeah for helping.Tyme flies dat we did nt notice tat it was tyme to go home.
We were reminded nt to forget to come next week as there were oni few of us.
So first day of madrasah was
nt dat bad after all since we changed our uztazah.
mom's bdae
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Todae was mom's bdae. So we went out for dinner in the evening. Wel in the morning i had to go to the CC to collect my bursary award. Actually i forgot dat im suppose to collect it todae. Tanx to dad who reminded me n mom to go to the CC at 10.30am. n it was lyk oready 10. N i still havent iron my sch uni. Even wasted my tyme to help mom prepare rojak bandung..! Haha..at 10.15 mom started to bising asking me to go n iron my uniform. So yeah went to iron. Its been quite sometime since i last iron my shirt.! Haha..had difficulty finding it coz i forgot where i put it..! haha. Wel after i was ready we went out. by dat tyme we were abit late coz we went out at bout 10.45. But nvm, lucky my house was near. So yeah went to register first den waited for mom to go to the toilet. Pstt..share wif ya sumtink funny. My mom went into the guys toilet by accident coz she didnt see the sign..! Haha.! i was laughing my hearts out.! Lucky got no one inside.
Went up after dat to my seat n had to wait for the ceremony to start. It was lyk super boring. The pple whom i knew was soo far away. So didnt have anyone to talk to. Sms nat but she said her fon was going to die..haha. Saw pple lyk samuel, idris,yoges,shafiq,my np cadets n mr nasir. I was quite surprise to c him there. Nt really sure wad he was doing there coz i was sitting far away frm him. N yeah i had to sit throughout the show bcoz they will oni give out the cheque at the end of the ceremony. They don wan pple to leave ryte after getting it as later on there will be no one clapping for the last person who is getting it..! Wel, everything ended at around 12 plus. So went back home after dat.
Later in the evening, after my sis come back frm her cca open house, we decided to go n change to go out n have dinner. I suggested dat we go n eat at mad jack as me n my sis was planning sumtink. So yeah, we made mom dressed the way we wanted her to be. Wadeva we asked her to do she did it without any question. So our plan was running smoothly as my mom never suspected anything. Mom n dad took some pics together before going out. Later, i asked my younger sis to bring my mom down first as we wait for our dad. Told dat to bring some candle juz in case the restaurant doesnt have one. We took bus there.
Once we reached there, mom made her order n we waited for the food. We chat as we eat. Mom n dad both enjoy the food there. They said tat it was nice. N my younger sis too enjoy it coz she gets to use knfe n fork to cut her nuggets..! Coz never once have we let her use knife. Mom n dad gave in todae as they thought tat she was old enuf to learn how to do so. After eating, we ordered desserts. I was praying real hard dat mom would order sumtink. N yeah she did. Me n my sis went to the counter to make our order. I asked " can u do me a favor.? Can u put a candle on the cake?" The person looked shocked at my request but smile later n sid dat it was their pleasure doing so. n they mentioned tat we were soo sweet. So we waited for the dessert to come. Mom was sooo happy wen she say tat her cake had a candle on it. She was lyk "diz is a very cute idea.." She was lyk smiling n keep pujiing of how sweet all of us were. After eating, dad signal to us to give he our present. mom was surprised wen she see the present as it was big n she said "No wonder u pple bring such a big bag..!". Dad gave his after mom finished looking at the new bag she got.(tanx to my frenz for helping me to choose it). Wen mom open dad's gift, she was lyk "WOW!" haha..u should see her expression. Dad then gave her a kiss. Haha..so sweet ryte..? Her eyes were watery trying to hold back her tears of joy. Mom told us dat dis is her happiest bdae ever coz there were lots of surprises. First, mom got flowers frm my dad which she never gets throughout the whole tyme she married him. Second was the cake surprise, n third the gifts tat we gave her. So mom really enjoyed herself todae. Im really glad she was happy wif all the things dat we have done to make diz day special for her.

Back to sch
Friday, January 04, 2008
Receive a msg from my np frenz asking all sec 4 2007 np cadets to come back todae to help out at the cca open house. So yeah since i had nothing to do, i decided to come back. I asked amirah to follow me as well as she was also alone at home. I asked amirah to meet me at around 1.30 but den the plan changed a bit coz she decided to come to my house first. Haha..tak sabar dier nak gi skolah balik.!Anw wen we entered the gate i was quite surprise dat the guard knew my name. Later on den i found out dat out T.I.C gave our name to the guard saying dat we came to help. We went to the np room first coz i need to give dem my uniform for display. Wen i opened the door my np frenz inside shouted my name. Terperanjat sak aku..haha. Dat shows dat im missed..! Haha..mcm phm. After dat we decided to go n check out the band room. Went to the second floor n walked pass the drame room. Saw some familiar faces n my form teacher. She came out n guess wad she hugged me n amirah..! Wah..got free hug. Met yani too inside the room n as usual got another hug frm her...haha. Ms yang told us dat she miss us lots. Aww..so touched..haha. Den we made our way to the band area for awhile. Otw to the hall met miss farhana. She too give us another hug. Haha. Actually she did nt quite recognise amirah coz she looks abit different now. Haha. After dat me n irah split up. I went to join the rest of my np frenz. It was quite bored sitting in there doing nothing, so me n irah decided to go up n chit chat wif ms yang instead.So yeah we went to the drama room n sat there. Ms yang was a bit bz so we talked wif ms faridah instead. She did nt recognise us before we told her dat we were frm 4e2. She den say "Oh ya, u were the ones sitting right infront.." Ms yang den join us. Ms farida told ms yang dats its pathetic she did not recognise us. N ms yang said " Yalah u, these are my 4e2 kids..miss dem lots.." Haha..so yeah we chit chat til i gt a cal frm few of my np frens saying tat the tcher wanna meet me. So went down to meet her. She gave me my BUC award. Wel its pretty nice. Haha. Den i saw my frenz holding the yr book. So we were lyk sharing the book wif dunnoe how many pple..haha.Nt long after dat, the cca open house starts. The sec 1 were nt as cute as last yr...haha. They were soo funny seh. Coz wen one of my np cadets showed dem the revolver which had laser, some actually moved away as they were afraid. Haha. But after awhile den they understand tat there were no bullets in it. Haha. Later on the rest of my frenz came. Pple lyk zharif,shaik,amin all turn up. Hmm..some of dem look quite diff to me..haha. After dat me n irah decided to walk around the sch. We were going down the stairs n wondering where else to go wen we saw ms tok. The both of us was lyk "Eh..! Ms tok..jom.." so yeah we chit chat for awhile before continuing the tour. Haha. We me n irah saw mr elmi, we u-turn..! Haha..we juz don wan to meet him dunnoe y. Haha..! We rounded the sch dunnoe how mant tymes. N we met ms tok lots of tyme coz we kept rounding the same place. Haha. We den finally decided to sit at the canteen wif ms farhana,kok ming,amin n yani. Ms farhana told us dat the results should be cuming out between 21-25 jan. All of us was shocked to hear dat. The releasing of the results is lyk sooo near.The cca open house finally end at around 5 plus. By den it was raining. For the first tyme ever i did nt bring an umbrella wen i go to sch..! Haha..So me n irah decided to play in the rain. It was fun. The rain was quite heavy. Lucky for me n irah we were wearing dark coloured shirts..! If nt later free show seh..! After irah accompanied me to buy some ice cream we went off in different directions....it was indeed a wonderful day...
Four of us
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Todae finally the four of us can go out together. If nt it will be either, me goijng out wif irah or nat. Haha. It feels great wen frenz get together again. We left home early in the morning. Took bus 39 to yishun den take mrt tu bukit batok. Went to west mall to get the thing dat my father asked me to order. N it turn out to be a nice thing. We wonder around west mall for quite some tyme before heading back to bugis. N along the way amirah was complaining dat she was hungry as she had nt eaten since morning. So we decided to go and have lunch first once we reached bugis.Ameera suggested to eat at Zam Zam restaurant since we were too use eating fast food. There was a little dispute to where the place was located. So nat went to called her dad n confirmed the place. N yesh ameera was rite, frm bugis we could go there. She was lyk " Kan aku dah ckp btol.." Haha..oryte2..sorie yeah coz mmg kite tak familiar wif tat place. Haha. So yeah went there to eat murtabak ayam n daging. Coz amirah oni eat chicken. We was struggling to finish the food as all of us was full. We den asked for the bill. Nat was the one who counted the money coz eera n irah had no small change. Haha. Bleh tahan jugak eh kau nye maths even dah lame tk sklolah.! Haha..After dat we went to bugis street to find my mom a bag. We pusing dat place dunnoe how many tymes til amirah got bored haha. N yeah we finally found a bag for my mom. Tanx lots yeah my frenz for helping me pilih esp ameera. Haha. i noe u love dat bag. Wahaha. Ameera n nat was looking at the shoes wherever we went coz they wan to get one, but havent decide which one. Haha. Nat is afraid if she bought now n later she see an offer of the shoe dat she wanted at another place lyk last tyme. So to be on the safe side she decided to wait. after dat we headed towards the mrt station. we stand infront of the map deciding which place next to go as it was still early for them to go back. N yeah finally they decided to harbour front. i could not follow dem as i had to meet my father to help him find flowers. Sad seh cannot follow dem. But nvm still got next tyme. =)Waited for my father at tamp mrt station. We went to century square first to have a look there to c if they sell any flowers. Seriously, i have no idea where to look for fresh flowers coz i never buy one. Our next stop was TM. Found a flower shop there. But den they oni have limited choice. Szo my dad called my aunt to ask if at ws got sell flowers. She said yes. so we went back to ws to find the floweres. The shop there indeed have a much more variety of choice. After much seeing here n there we finally decided on getting my mom diz flower bouquet. it cost around $7o. Expensive seh. Actually i did not noe since wen my father became so romantic. Haha! So yeah my dad spent quite a lot for my mom's bdae. On the gifts he spent arnd $130. Den tomolo he wan to brin g her out for dinner summore. Wah..so much seh he spent. He say its ok bcoz he wans to make diz a special one. Im sure my mom is gonna get a shock of her life..! Haha..coz she never expected my father to be diz nice. haha. We'll see wad happen wen she receive the flowers! Cant wait to see her reaction.! Haha...=p
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Frens are really sumtink tat makes my life more meaningful. Having pple lyk dem around makes me feel dat im nt alone n theres always someone whom i can talk to. To my dear fellow classmates. Being wif u all for 2 yrs have been great. Hope dat all of us will achieve success wen the results are released. Im happy to be in the same class as u pple. I miss the tymes dat we use to play games together or juz fooling around. The class juz cant seem to keep quiet. As for my other frens whom is really close wif me, i really appreciate u pple. Tanx for making a difference in my life. U pple always make me feel happy n felt respected. Im really glad tat i have frens lyk u. Wel my close frens which are my best frens too are as follows....hmm..starting wif the gals.
They are ameera,nat,irah,nanaz n il(although ur missing). Now the guys, shahid,mus,jamal,irwan n amin. Diz are juz a few of the pple whom is very close wif me.Ameera: Wel ur a wonderful fren who lyks to give advises n comments on wad is gd or bad. Haha..appreciate ur concern. N yeah...u've help me in tymes wen im in need of support. Although we oni gt closer last yr i feel dat we got along juz fine. Coz most of the tyme were together n nt once have we fought. So yeah we manage to sort out our differences n be great frenz. N ur a gd listener to. So yeah..tanx soo much for being a wonderful fren..!Natasha: Hmm..ur a very gd person for me to laugh non-stop wif..! Haha..we never fail to laugh bile jumpe. N yeah..tanx for accompanying me to go out during the holidays too! Its easy getting along wif u coz more or less kite bout the same. Kau fhm ape yg aku fhm..! haha..u shld noe wad i mean..=) Im also glad dat we actually became close frenz. Appreciate ur company lots. Tak sia2 kite jadi kwn..! Soooo..tanx so the alot..!Amirah: Apart frm ur SLOWNESS wel ur a great fren too..! I love to c wen ur blur..! Klakar seh..haha..ok2..im soo bad. U juz love to make jokes dat are sumtymes quite stupid. Haha. Ur someone who is great to joke around wif. N yes i still remember the tyme wen u kene kan me,nat n eera. U are sooo bad seh..! Diz proofs dat ur an unexpected person. U'll do wad u wish at any tyme. Haha. So yeah i'll have to BECAREFUL wif u..! I so don regret knwoing u..! Tanx soo much for making my life more cheerful..!Nanaz: U never fail to keep me company or help me wen i have probs. Ur such a gd adviser. N yes u have soo many crazy ideas. N i have to say dat wen ur craziness comes, u really are crazy. U can talk non-stop lyk nobody bussiness..! haha..n talk at maximum speed too..! Knowinh u for 4 yrs have been great. I miss the tymes wen we use to go out together n juz have fun. You're a great fren..! Tanx sooo much for always being there for me..!!Il: Wel although u've ignored me. I still cant forget the past. The tymes we use to talk on the fon for hours n go out wif each other to the library. i miss those tymes. I guess dats the past n its not possible of cuming back ryte. I dunnoe wad else to do so dat we can be friends again. Deep down in my heart i wish dat some day we will be able to be frenz lyk always. I cant simply forget u coz we've known each other for lyk sooo long. Mus: Hmm..ur juz another person who always makes me laugh. Kau sentiase kwn meraban aku. Lyk u always seh "Fana kau ni merepek arh.." n i say "Mus kau meraban arh.." haha..plus together jadi merepek meraban. Haha..although we seldom met but wen we chat at msn it will take forever to end. N yeah i don forget the tyme wen u help me in lots of things. Example in studies n more. Since i noe u in sec 1 ur behaviour is getting more childish by the year. Haha..! Oryte2..im nt gonna puji kau banyak2 nanti kemabang sampai baju koyak..! Haha..! Juz wanna say tanx sooo the alot2 for everything yeah. Shahid: Ur nt much of a different frm ur best fren..! The oni thing is dat ur more laser jek..! Haha. N yeah its great knowing u for 4 yrs.! Im glad we became close frenz. U oso lyk to make me laugh n terperanjat kan aku! Apart frm tat..u're a wonderful fren. Wen i have prob i oso can count on u to listen to it n help me wenever u can. Haha. If i need some cheering up, u never fail to make me smile.haha. Hmm..wad else yeah..oh ya..so far aku rase kan..kau sorang jek yg tak berubah banyak cume lagi laser je lah kot..haha..! Anw tanx sooooooo much for ur company n help..! Jamal: Ur a fren who remembers pple n don forget them. U never fail to help me wen i ask u a favor. N yelah aku slalu baik pat aku. Haha. Having u arnd as a fren for 4 yrs have been great. I appreciate ur concern n company. So yeah..tanx lots for everything..!Irwan: Hmm..u are someone who juz love to make darah org naik. Even so we became good frenz. U juz love to make pple fedup n angry. Nt forgetting making lots of joke. Seriously kan..i dunnoe how i can get along wif u coz i gt to admit sometymes i juz feel irritated by u. Bt u oso gt help me in some way or another. So yeah i appreciate it. Tanx lots.Amin: U are oso a fren whom is always there for me. Where ever i go u are always there. Mcm phm je aku pat ne. Wen im alone u also came n try to cheer me up. I appreciate ur company but den as a reminder u don always have to be wif me. U have help me in one way or another too. Got to admit dat sometymes i can get angry wif u also but later on u noe wen to stop wen i don lyk it. N yes u noe me very wel already. I appreciate dat. Tanx lots for ur company n help.!Dear frens i really miss the old tymes wen we were together spending tyme in sch. The memories of it are still fresh in my mind. I juz hope dat the friendship dat we have build will last forever. Do keep in contact yeah. I juz love all of u..! Doesnt mean we seldom meet our friendship is forgotten. Lyk i always say, frenz are never to be forgotten. They are the best treasures dat u have. Treasure dem always. N i mean wad i say. So don break my trust on u yeah..?
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Its a start of a new year. N i hope dat diz yr would be a better one. 2007 have been a wonderful year for me. They were lots of sweet n bitter things dat i faced. N i made it!! Facing all the troubles wif my frenz n able to solve dem except for maybe one. I really had a great tyme spending it wif my love one. I tink 2007 is the most memorable year. A lot of things happen starting frm family all the way to frenz. I really appreciate my love ones n frenz as well. They have helped me in many ways.
The memories of me wif my frenz are still clear in my mind. I spent a lot of tyme wif dem n most of it were very fun. I miss those tymes where we studied together. Apart frm sch, ws mc donalds was the second place where we studied. Most of the tyme i studied wif ameera,nat n irah. We use to sit down there for lyk hours revising on a certain subject. N help one another too. Wen we were tired of studying we take a break by joking wif one another n not forgetting taking photos.! its lyk whenever we go out we never fail to take pictures..haha. n ya besides dem i also wen to mc wif shahid or mus. I helped shahid in his biology n he too will help me wif certain maths qn. If nt we juz meet up to share our probs wif each other. I still rememver the tyme where i forced him to memorise soo many essays within a certain period. N the best part was dat he actually remembered wad i taught him. Haha. It was really an achievement for him..
N yeah i do miss the camps in sch. Starting frm sch camp all the way to CCA camps. I remembered the tymes wen we met ghost during one of the camp. N mus was wif me most of the tyme wen i c ghosts. Haha..it was funny wen i tink back. Wel lucky mus was wif me if nt i would have fainted wen i saw tat thing. He was the one who gave me support nt to be scared. Haha..he is such a great fren.
But one thing for sure is dat i DONT MISS PHYSICS..!! It was the most thoughest subject ever. We had to sit for retest n re-retest n re-re-retest if we don meet his target. Got to admit tat mr heng is a great teacher. He makes sure dat his students do up to their highest potential. N i ended up in detention quite a few tymes wif most of my frenz as we gt an f9 for his subject. Actually getting f9 for dat subject was a very common thing dat it does nt have any impact on us wen we get f9 coz we were use to it..! Haha..to us was lyk "no big deal wad f9 juz go detention lah den sit for the retest" Haha..! We were quite naughty lah. N the detention was dat we had to sit outside the tcher's staff room in one line. We had to study outside there. But den wen mr heng dissappear into the staff room all of us start to chit chat wif one another n wen he comes back we'll pretend to study..! Haha..miss those tymes..Even so he does not give up easily on us. Although my class has a very bad discipline problem n are always lazy to do work, he manage to discipline us..! Haha..hmm..how did i actually survive all diz yrs wif the tough teaching of his.? HAha! I oso dunnoe..! But yeah im glad dat its over.! Phew..juz hope i'll pass the subject well.
Guess dats all for now, if i wanna list down all the memories i had in sec sch it will never finish.!
Haha..dats all i have to share for now..(im tired of typing..!! Haha..sshhh) I'll keep updating later..!! =p