Sunday, August 31, 2008
Today i was woken up by the bright light of my room.! My parents, aunt and cuz are going to johor today n i cant follow coz i had madrasah. Sad right. Grandpa is driving them there. Im soo the very sleepy lah.! I didnt have a gd night slp coz i was sharing my bed wif my dear little cuz. My grandpa was using th extra mattress so there wasnt enuf for aunt. I den decided to ask my cuz to slp wif me. I cant bear to let her slp on the floor. HAha. N All night she cough n cough n cough. I had to make sure she was ok den wen to slp again. Since i was sleeping at the 3rd storey of my bed, i was worried she might fall. So had to make sure dat she's safe too.! HAha. Dtas y id dint have enuf rest. I apologise to the pple dat im smsing wif yesterday yeah. HAha. I fell aslp half way. HEhe. I didnt do much at home accept blogging. HAha. N went off to madrasah wen it was tyme to. I bump into rasikin at the lift n he played wif the lift. HAha. So big oready still lyk small kid. Hehe. No offence yeah. I had fun at my religious class. Its always full of laughters.! N as for today there were extra laughters.! was damn funny lah seh.! I cannot stand it.! Haha..everyone there was laughing n laughing on-stop. There was oni bout 5 min interval b4 we started laughing again.? HAha. I enjoy spending tyme wif them all. HAha. We oso celebrate teacher's day. HAha.Actually it was more lyk the next door class celebrate n we join in.! HAha.! They even gave us free cake.! HAha. Uztaz oso came to join us. N the more the merrier.! Hehe. So fast tomorrow is the start of Ramadhan which is the fasting mth.! Nt dat i don look forward to it bt den i have to go for diz thing tomorrow..haiz. Nvm2..let's think positive n hope everything turns out fine.! To my frenz,i noe u all will be supporting me all the way.! HAha..i try nt to be scared yeah.! I'll update u guys wen im done wif it.! Till den toodles pple.!
baju raya
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Me n my dearest little cuz.!

C the 2 cute darlings..haha...
Yesterday i went out to buy kain wif mom,sis, aunt n cuz to make our hari raya costume. Haha. Dad didnt follow coz gt pple want to fix the new light dat dad bought for our living room. Hmm..nt bad the design is nice. N furthermore he wanna paint my room too.! HAha. So diz is oni the gals outing..hehe.
The 4 of us went off first to paya lebar to find some clothes for my sis promt night dat will be held after her exams. N in the mean tyme, mom bought me a new shirt too.! HEhe..n yerp its red in colour oryte.! HAha...although she nag2 i have soo many red oready she still buy for me. How nice of my mom. Haha. It took us bought an hr plus juz to find the right dress for her. N she ended up getting the red n black one.! Which is my fav colour.! HAHaha. Aunt den smsed n said dat she is otw to bugis oready. So we hurried pay n head back to the mrt.We were kind of a little late lah. So aunt n my little cuz,lin, waited for us at the banquet there. Nt loong after dat we join them. We bought light food oni coz we gonna eat at ARNOLD'S in the night. Wen we were done eating we're off 'hunting' for the right cloth to make our hari raya suit. One shop after another we went in n finally both mom n aunt agreed on one. Den it was my job to choose the colour. I chose gold n aunt agreed. Coz its a colour dat i havent have yet in my cupboard.! HAha. After paying we den head to first lady to go look at more clothes.! Little sis n little cuz bought the same colour of baju kurung.! HAha..cute lah they 2. N my little cuz juz cant stop hugging n kissing me.! C how much im missed by her.! HAha. At around 6 we made our way to arnold's bt den the queue was super loong n we had to take no. We were told to wait bout an hr b4 we could enter. So we decided to go walk2 around first. We ended up at the carpark near the ceremony to light up the whole geylang. There was soo many pple. In the end we gave up n decided to head back to the restaurant. Juz nice wen we reached outside the building, the firework started.! HAha..i was surprised by the boom2 sound. Although it was small bt its nt too bad. HAha. We den waited outside the restaurant for bout another hr b4 we could enter. N in the mean tyme gt diz somebody accompany me sms. HAha. We didnt have to wait loong b4 the food was serve. N surprisingly, i could actually finish half a chicken all by myself.! HAha...aunt was surprised bt was happy for me. She said wen she see me eat alot she feels happy.HAha. Wel don blame me lah soo the very hungry dats why i could finish half the chicken.! Hehe. We went back to the carpark again once done eating coz mom wanted to buy dinner for dad n told us to wait for her there. Wen we came, it was already the closing ceremony. HAha. N there were fireworks again.! Diz tyme round its directly above us.! Its a beautiful sight lah. HAha. Bt very noisy.! HAha. We went back home straight after dat. By the tyme we reached home, my leg was already aching terribly. I've been walking non-stop for the past few days. HAiyo..haha. N my whole body muscles are aching including my leg.! HAha..diz shows dat i need lots n lots of rest.!!! HAha...
tcher's day
Friday, August 29, 2008
It's teacher's day celebration todae, n sadly, i didnt go back to my sec sch. Nt dat i didnt wan bt its juz dat they had roadrace today. N my fellow frenz oni end sch at around 12. By then my sec sch have already ended their event. Didnt get to meet my teachers lah..nvm its okay..i still have next yr. Hopefully by den they are still teaching lah..haha. I received sms frm irah. She asked if i wanna go out meet her n nat. Since i had ntg on i agreed. LAter dad called n asked me to meet up wif my aunt to give her something. Mom oso asked me to send my grandma clothes to my another aunt's workplace. So yeah, i went to cook some food first to eat. cook.? HAha..yes..don underestimate me okay..hehe. Even though i oni noe how to cook a few dishes it taste good.! HAha. Someday i'll let u guys try it out.! No worries u wont get food poisoning.! HEhe..
I just finished cooking den received a call frm my aunt. She told me dat she is on her way already n asked me to go out n meet her a.s.a.p. I was lyk 'alamak.!'. I havent even changed n clean up.! Haha. I told her dat i'll be a little late. I den chop chop rushed to clean up n gt changed. In less den half an hour i was already out.! HEhe..dat was fast.? HAha. I walked super fast coz i didnt wan aunt to nag at me. Furthermore im nt dat close wif diz aunt so im kind of scared of her. HEhe..ssshhsshh. Wen i reached whytesands i was already panting n perspiring lyk wad seh.! Hehe. Aunt den told me dat there were at BK. So yeah i went there to join them. we exchanged the stuff and they told me wad im suppose to tel my dad. LAter i was told dat my dearest cuzzin was working there. So i went to the counter to meet her.! Hehe. I asked for free water..haha. I was soo the very exhausted oready n the ice water did help me cool down. I chit chat wif her den went to sit wif my aunt for awhile. Felt thirsty again, so went to ask my cuzzin again for water. Hehe. She den asked me wad drinks i want. HAha. I told her i don wan gassy drinks, so she gave me one cup of barley drink.! HAha..i soooo love her.! Hehe..aunt den later give me some onion rings to eat. HAha. I was hungry n thirsty so i juz eat lah..haha. I gt free food n drink. HAha. At least its enuf to last me til i meet my dear frenz.! Nt loong after dat, went out frm BK n walked towards mrt. I said gdbye to my aunt n went off. Otw up,i bump into hafiz (the actor which was frm the same sec sch). Den after dat saw idris, hafiz(E1) and kok hao. The 3 of them chatted to hafiz so i oni smiled at them n walk off.
I dropped at tamp to go meet my another aunt at her workplace. N i brought food that i cook for her.! HAha. Diz is my beloved aunt so im quite manja wif her lah. HAha. Since her boss was ther i didnt talk much wif her.I went off to walk2 at TM while waiting for my 2 frenz to come. Irah smsed and said dat they reaching oready. So i made my way there. N irah surprised me.! HAha..terperanjat jap seh. N she was lyk making fun of me all the way to kfc. We ordered food n sat there.We chit chat bout diz and dat. HAha. N yeah there were laughters too.! I soo miss those tymes. N i noticed something. Whenever i meet irah its either nat is missing or eera is missing.! HAha..i wonder wen the FOUR of us can come together lyk old tymes. Anw, later ayid smsed me n asked if i wanna meet him to get wad he owe me.! HAha. N i agreed. I brought my 2 dear frenz aloong to meet him. He said he will sms me wen he finish his prayers. So in the mean tyme the of us walk2 around tamp b4 heading to whytesands.
Wen we reached whytesands, ayid called n asked me meet him at downtown instead coz he cabot keje. HAha. The 3 of us den walked there lah. Den at the traffic light diz funny incident happen. The light havent turn green for us to wlak. Den gt diz 2 guys behind us. One of them juz crossed n said, "Eh babe jln arh..". Irah turned to look. N after dat, she whispered to me, "Eh tu kan lelaki..asl dier panggil kwn dier babe.? Tu kan lelaki..". HAha. I was already laughing mute-ly. Amirah2 she is always full of things to comment.! HAha. N the one of the actually turned n look at us. I tink he whispered to his fren something n i asked irah to be quite coz they were lyk infront of us. They den walked in towards the carpark. After dat den bebas kite bebual. Bt wen we entered ehub n walking out frm there towards BK, the 2 guys appeared behind us.! Me n nat were lyk shocked.! They were lyk soo close wif us. The 3 of us den walked a little faster arh towards BK. Den we heard dem saying dat they wan eat at BK. They kept following our backs closely. We felt a little awkward n scared arh. Nat was like, "Kan aku dah ckp..nak mintak no tu mintak je lah, jgn ikot kite mcm nie..seram aku..". HAha..n i was lyk,"Irah nie smue kau nye psl arh..yg kau gi bukak mulut kau ckp mcm tu uat pe...". N irah was,"Takpe2 pat dlm shahid ade..". HAha. The moment we enter BK, they disappear dunnoe go where. We didnt care n walk towards shahid n muhaimin. HAha.
We sat there n chit chat wif them. Ayid started disturbing irah first den slowly he aim me.! He started wif,"Eh korang nk dgr cite tk.? Den he looked at me wif dat eyes of him.!". N i was lyk,"Ayid, kau jgn mcm2..". HAha. I sooo noe wad he wanna tel them. Its the smae thing he told mus.! I didnt wan anyone else noe his nonsense lah seh. HAha. So the moment he opened his mouth to tel them, i went to 'serang' him. HAha. He was trying sooo hard to get free frm me so dat he could televerybody the stry of his.! Bt too bad i didnt wan to let go.! HAha. He gave up in the end. Bt by den im sure the 3 of them there kind of already noe part of his story since he managed to sembur a few words here n there. Haha. AFter dat den he disturb nat a little. N i can say dat his words are getting more sharp den ever. HAha. WEn they were done eating we made our way out frm there coz its hot.! HAha. Nat n irah went off home while i went off wif ayid and muhaimin. They accompanied me go buy newspaper den we head to the beach.
I gt a cal frm my dear fren asking where i am. I guess she saw me lah. Haha. Bt i didnt see her. By den i was already out frm dat place. HAha. I sat wif ayid and muhaimin somewhere near the beach. One of them smoke den the other read newspaper. Den they switch role later.! HAha. N as usual ayid kept disturbing me. Since we've been frenz for nearly 5 yrs oready, im immune to his words n don take them seriously. Being hurt by his words is way far frm dat..haha. N he will say, "Kau blang aku, bile yg aku jumpe kau, aku tak kacau kau.? HAha..". Dat is lyk soo true.! He juz loves disturbing me.! HAha...takpe2 ade hari aku balas.! HAha. Fana sentiase sabar. N throughout the tyme he was really testing my patience. He wanna see me angry..haha. Bt tk berhasil.! HAha. At around 5 lyk dat we made our way back home coz i already have to go n ayid needs to rush to work coz his rahsia dah bocor.! HAha.Kecian dier..hehe. He wanted to cab down home, so i told him dat i'll go home myself. But he insisted on sending me back home. HAha..he didnt allow me walk myself. So yeah we waited for the cab den he send me first den muhaimin b4 heading to his hoz. Diz is ayid lah, he will never let me go alone wen im wif him. HAha. Baik kape..haha. At the end of the day i enjoy the tyme spend wif my fellow frenz. Tanx for making my day a happy one..haha.
Oh ya, i was told by my aunt dat my another aunt who was in the hospital juz went through another operation diz morning. Sad seh wen i hear dat. If she didnt undergo dat operation she might have died. Coz she needs dialysis immediately. So poor thing my aunt. I'll juz pray dat she will be strong in facing all diz pain.
Irah at toys 'r' us...

The 3 0f us..NAT-FANA-IRAH

Nat dah ngantok..hehe


Yesterday as 'plan' i went back to the chalet to join the others. I thought of going in the morning bt den felt a little lazy and it was raining anw. So i decided to wait for seng wei n edwin den we go together. In the mean tyme i occupied myself by sitting in front of the comp den blog,chat and so on. I went to changed wen i received msg frm my dear frenz dat they were already otw here. I met up wif them infront of ehub. I was a little late coz they reached first. Haha. They said dat they waited for me soo long. I dunnoe lah if its true or not coz they lyk to joke wan. N the both of them were practically having fun disturbing me bcoz of my lateness. We walked around ehub and ended up in arcade. Edwin nvr go here b4 so seng wei kind of show him around. They made me top up for them coz they were lazy. Haiyo..haha. They played racing car first den dunnoe some other games lah. Haha. N i join them play diz game which was kind of fun. Haha. The 3 of us had to throw balls on the screen. N yeah they were having fun. They tried to play the catch2 thing game. Bt den gave up coz they cannot get in. There was a tv there which teach u the skills on how to catch the thing. Seng wei was frustrated wen he look at the tv coz its all fake. Haha. Wen we were done at the arcade we made our way out frm ehub. Dats wen i saw 2 of my sec sch tcher. I forgot their names oready lah..haha. Im sooo bad i noe..hehe. Edwin n seng wei were guessing their sir names n n dare not turn to look at them . I was looking at edwin n seng wei oni. Haha. One of the teachers turned around to look. Phew lucky they cannot see my face. Haha. See lah wad nice fren i have. We den made our way to the chalet n continue chit chatting. Once reached the chalet it seems dat all of them are inside watching tv. N guess wad they were watching.? HAha..cartoon. hehe. We join them watched tv lah. Few of them lyk, pris, ruzaini, ming zhong asked if i wanna go swimming. Actually i brought my clothes bt lazy wan change arh since most of them going swimming are guys. I felt a little paiseh lah. Haha. N den decided to juz stay in the chalet. The guys left to go swimming. We stayed n watch power rangers. Haha. It was pretty boring lah. Wen the show ended we off the tv and the guys edwin, seng wei n zul played cards. Edwin asked me join bt den i dunnoe how to play. Haha. So i laid beside pris who was slping. I was smsing bt den i doze off for awhile. Haha. I woke up oni wen the guys came back. Haha. Den sit around n watch dem play again. Wen they were done bathing, we made our way out to go eat at ehub. It took dem a very looong tyme to decide where to eat. N finally the decision was made to go bbq chicken. So yeah we ate there. Later, fiona n alex join us. Mom called me n asked wad tyme i go home. She remind me nt to go back late coz i reached home nearly 12 am on wed night. Edwin n seng wei den said dat they will help me carry the cooler back home. Wen we finished dinner we said bye to them and parted towards the chalet to go get my things. Otw back there, we bump into ismael n saw the rest of our classmates weif him. We chit chat for awhile before making our way back. We talked bout lots of stuff n seems dat its a never ending thing. HAha. Now i noe lots of stuff bout the 2 of them. We stopped talking we reached the chalet. I went up to take my stuff and den take my cooler. Edwin helped to carry it n we slowly walk out frm there. We took the longer route coz we wanna chit chat along the way. We walked pass downtown den bump into 2 of the pther class pple. We stayed for awhile b4 continue walking to my hoz. I received a call otw back. Sorie to dat person i couldnt talk loong coz i was still talking to the 2 guys. They send me all the way to my lift. Edwin asked if i need him to carry it for me all the way to my hoz. I told him it was ok n thank them for helping me out. Wen i enter the lift den they made their way back. Its one tiring day althought i didnt noe wad i did.? HAha. To my 2 frenz..yeah diz will be our little secret..hehe. Here are some pics of the guys i manage to snap without them knowing..hehe..

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wuhoo.! exams are over.! Yeah.!!! sooo happy. Im soo relieved n im sure the rest of my frenz are too.! All our hard work is put to an end now.! Juz hope dat all of us can make it n don have to sit for the supp paper.! Frm todae onwards i can relax and not worry bout sch.! least dats till b4 the results are out arh..haha. I havent been updating my blog for quite awhile regarding wad happen during the past days...coz lots of thing happen..hehe. Hmm..let's begin wif sunday......
I visited aunt who was admitted at NUH. Previously, she was in a critical state. Bt thank god..she was transferred out of the ICU oready. She looked weak and cannot get out of bed. Doc suspected dat she suffers frm kidney failure. Not loong after we reached. I felt really2 weak and suddenly felt as if i have no blood. I asked sis to accompany me sit outside without anyone knowing. Sis den panicked wen she saw my face turn pale. She den went in and told my dad bout it. Dad went to check on me n asked if i was ok. I was too weak to say anything so i juz kept quiet till i fell better. They gave me sumtink sour to drink n dat made me feel a little ok. Mom was worried too but dad told her to go in coz scared the rest of my aunts n uncle will oso be worried. Dad took care of me til he was sure dat i was okay. They brought me down to eat something to make me feel better. N yeah after quite a loong tyme i started to gain back my energy. Even though i was still giddy bt i can walk on my own. HAha...scary lah seh wen i felt lyk fainting coz i didnt wan to earn a bed next to my aunt.! Haha..furthermore, i have exams coming in the coming week. My little cuzzins entertained me n gt diz one gal name aisyah is soo cute. Hehe. We went home wen we were sure dat aunt was ok. Den back at home, after i changed n all i went online. N i gt soo many lecture frm diff pple.! Haha...they all knew dat i was 'sick' due to nt enuf rest. N one by one force me to go n slp. HAha..yalah2 i noe u all love me soo much.! Tanx for ur tyme i'll try n make sure dat i will have enuf rest yeah..hehe. Don worry to much bout me lah okies...hehe. I noe how to take care of myself.....

MONDAYI woke up early coz i wanted to go sch n revise for my maths paper which will be in the night. HAha. So hardworking right. N surprisingly,most of my classmates were earlier den me.! HAha..suddenly all sooo hardworking. We were lyk helping one another out lah. N we realised dat the practice paper we were doing was soo hard. All of us kind of panicked.! HAha..funny lah we all. We called edwin to come n help us out.! far he is the one dat can help us all.! Haha. LAter in the afternoon, irah kol and said dat she reached oready.I went down to fetch her up bt den somehow the security guard knew dat they were nt tp students, so they werent allowed to enter. Sadly,i had to leave eera n irah on their own for awhile. Bt den i tink they understand lah. I was shocked to see eera lah. Hehe. I wont elaborate much bout diz coz i mention in the previous post oready. MAths paper was oklah i guess. Hopefully i can pass coz im sure there are mistakes.! HAha. TUESDAYCame sch early again coz my frenz needed help in ckt. N since i was kind of prepared oready, i don mind helping dem out. I treat it as a revision for me wen i teach them. HAha..n im happy coz wen i teach i get the right ans..diz shows dat i have studied.! HAha. N i discovered dat i did a terrible mistake for maths.! HAha..i copied down the wrong qn.! Lyk wad the...argh.!!! Waste marks arh.! Nvm2 its over oready...don wan talk bout it. HAha. Ckt paper was ok as well. i should be able to pass bt score.? Hmm..dat im nt sure..haha. Oh ya mus msg me out of nowhere.! HAha..i was shocked to c his msg. Den later i gt to noe he asked me out for lunch..haha. Bt sadly,i couldnt join him coz he was at PR n im lyk at TAMP.? Haha..sorie lah fren maybe next tyem den we go out together.? HAha. Head home straight after the paper n thought wanna study bt den my head hurts.! HAha. N gt another lecture again frm pple asking me go rest. HAha. WEDNESDAYIts the last paper before its an end to our exams.! HAha. Went to sch early as usual to revise. I met wei tian first at the library coz the rest were late. I den saw him wearing the same colour wif me frm top to bottom. HAha. N im sure fiona will comment on it as soon as she saw us. HAha. N yeah i was right.! The moment fiona came, she wen to us and compared our shirt and pants colour.! HAha..n she burst out laughing saying, "Diz 2 arh always wear the same colour wan like couple shirt.!". HAha..we are use to it oready..haha. So don really mind it. Wei tian even join in the joke n say dat he decide to take me as his..haha. Wad oni..funny lah. HAha. Den later wen we gather outside the exam room, there were 4 of us wearing the same colour both top n pants.! Haha..we were kind of 'striking' frm the others since we sit together. HAha. Dfund paper was nt bad. It wasnt as hard as we thought. Oni the last qn i tink i cannot lah. HAha. Lyk wad most of them say,"We need to donate marks to them lah..". HAha. Coz the last qn is kind of hard. Oni the king edwin knew how to do it.! HAha. Anw exams are over and dats a gd thing.! We all gather outside to discuss on the chalet thing. They collect money to pay for the food first. Den we all went on seperate ways n meet at chalet later. Shawn followed me back home to put his bag at my hoz and take help me carry the cooler. After dat den we head to chalet together. Wei tian called and asked us to wait for him coz he dunnoe how to go there. So yeah, we waited for him n went off together. I joined pris at the chalet coz wei tian n shawn left again to walk2 at ehub. The 2 of us felt odd coz we were the oni ones frm our class n the rest were frm the other class. They did talked to us a little lah bt it was still awkward. Haha. Den later we went to make water n do some things while waiting for the rest to come. We den went out to find the rest of our classmates outside. They all came together..nt fair..haha. N wen we reached back at the chalet, the fire was still in the process of making..haha. Lots of funny things happen wen they were making the fire. HAha. Frm there u noe who always do diz kind of things n who doesnt.! HAha. We started bbq-ing wen the fire was ready. Edwin den later took over the cooking coz he was pro at it and they were taking such a loong tyme to make the food. Haha. It seems dat edwin is gd in everything lah seh. Haha. Fiona had fun disturbing him..haha. Coz she say he is gd in everything except making the jacket dat he owe us dunnoe how loong ago.! HAha..i noe u all don understand lah except for those who knew the stry behind it.! HAha. I enjoy myself there laughing n listening to all of them. N i injured my finger wen i was washing the tongs.! HAha..i didnt noe it was so sharp n i scrub it n cut myself too at the smae tyme. HAha..i realised it wen i felt pain n saw blood coming out frm my finger. The cut wasnt dat deep i suppose bt the cut was loong..haha. I asked them for plaster. Pris went up to get me one while edwin 'dragged' me to the sink to wash my hand. HAha. He had difficulty making me wash my wound coz i was scared.! HAha..he den grabbed my hand and put it under running water..haha. Pain lah seh.! Later pris n edwin helped out plaster around my finger. HAha. Even thought its a minor cut bt it hurts oaky..haha. Anw tanx lah for helping..hehe. I went off frm there at around 11 plus. I walked home wif edwin,seng wei and jian hong. Bt den we split after dat coz they wanted to take the bus frm the bus stop n downtown. So yeah i walked home all the way back alone. was kind of scary lah coz it was dark although there are street lights.! HAha. N yeah i reached home safely.! Diz is the first tyme i reached home nearly 12 am n didnt get scolding..hehe. Both mom n dad didnt slp coz they waited for me to come home safely..haha. Diz are my parents..haha.

I don have much tyme to blog. So yeah diz is gonna be a brief one. As most of u noe, i had my maths exam yesterday. Yesh i was kind of stress. HAha. Asked my dear frenz who0 agreed i looked tired.! HAha. I went to sch early coz i wanted to revise wif my classmates. Den later irah called me up and said dat she reached oready. I went down to take them bt den the security guard somehow knew dat they were nt tp students. So sadly, i had to leave them for awhile coz i still have some qns left to do and ask. Im so sorie yeah my dears coz i had to leave u guys for quite some time. I feel terribly bad bt i had no choice hope u guys understand yeah. Soon after i finish everything i went down to meet up wif them n we went to kfc to eat. Although we oni spend a little tyme together bt i appreciate it lots.! N shawn was being a nice fren n waited for me.! Nt lyk the other guys.! HAha. We walked to the bus stop den i realised dat my wallet was gone.! I panicked for awhile den realise dat my 2 frenz who 'STOLE" it. HAha. I make them give me back.! HEhe. I noe they juz love doing diz.! HAha..irah u are soo gonna get it frm me.! HAha..take my words.! Den later, i saw ilma.! Went to her n chat for awhile den i had to go.! My exams were startingf oready. Haiyo..i sooo miss my frenz lots lah.! We have to meet up once im done wif my exams.!
The maths paper was do-able. I tink i can pass bt den score will be another thing. N i hope shawn can make it.! HAha. Coz he have careless mistakes...haha. I went home wif him. We walked to the bus stop dat was further away coz there is no way i can take bus frm tp.! It was fully pack.! Haha..n we waited for the bus together. Wen i reached home, i changed n head tomy bed.! Im soo the very tired..haha. I still gt paper today.! All the best to me.! Sorie cant blog long.! Toodles pple.! Sms me if u need me.! HAha...
Heys pple...! Im nt gonna blog bout today now coz i seriously need lots of rest. I havent been having enuf sleep lately n didnt have enuf rest i guess. Juz now wen i visited my aunt at the hospital, i nearly faint.! I was trying soooo hard to keep myself conscious. I didnt noe wad happen coz out of a sudden, my body felt really weak. If u wanna noe wad happen ask me urself coz i don feel wel to blog bout it. Exams are starting tomorrow n im juz hoping dat i'll be okay by den.! Wish me luck pple.! Til den..take care....

Yesterday, i went out in the morning to meet my frenz. There is no ther place dat we head to besides sch. HAha. It seems dat we met each other eveyday except for todae. Bt there wasnt much who came yesterday. Me n wei tian were the first 2 to reach there. So yeah we began studying first. Later den the rest came. N by den it already started to rain non-stop. Emmer was already noisy coz she was very hungry. N die2 she dragged us all out to eat. We just followed since it was oni drizzling. HAha. There were 2 extra pple who followed us. One is wei tian's fren n the other was edwin's. So emmer was lyk, "We have guest mah, so must be nice...". HAha. Funny lah my frenz. We head back to the library after lunch. I went off at arnd 4 i tink. N bump to seng wei who just came. HAha.
I head home first coz mom called. N i went out wif my family instead. HAha. Dad recieved a call frm uncle saying dat my aunt is in critical condition at the hospital. We wanted to go bt den uncle told us dat if we come oso we cannot see her. So he asked us to go out instead. Since it was already evening we went to have dinner at pizza hut. I was damn hungry oready coz i didnt eat lunch. So i ate the most.! HAha. N coincidently, the 3 waiters who served us was mly. N their actions were funny. I imitated them without noticing it.! HAhaha...wel diz is the true me wen im wif my family.! Wen im wif frenz im nt lyk diz..hehe. Den the guy was lyk smiling2 wen i did dat.! HAha...omg..paiseh man.! Mom n dad were already laughing at me. who cares as long as nobody there noes me im okay.! Haha.
We went to watch the fireworks after dat. Wen i was looking2 around n joking wif sis, gt diz grp of teenagers caught my attention. All of them were underaged accept for one. N guess wad they were doing.? Drinking.! Wen the police pass by they hide the thing. Nt long after dat one of them vomitted. Ewww.! Wen they realise dat me n my fam saw their actions they were lyk, "Eh jln2 ade org tgk..". Its sad seeing dem lyk dat. Anw after dat the fireworks started and it was a great sight.! It was really beautiful. Although it was drizzling, the fireworks still came on. HAha. I enjoyed seeing it.! We went home after dat coz i was really tired. N i saw lots of cute pple there.! HAha...the 'best' thing was dat i bump into them wen i was acting lyk a small kid.! So paiseh lah..haha.
As for today, im skipping madrasah to visit my aunt and i hope i can at least study maths a little. Im oso kind of worried for my aunt coz i heard some bad news. I juz wish dat she will be okay... To those who are taking exams diz coming mon-wed...ALL THE BEST PPLE.! STUDY HARD SO WE WILL C EACH OTHER NEXT SEM AGAIN.! Oh ya, the chalet thing i settled oready. HAha. Kendrick told me oready dat they have decided wad to do. N for our class, me n emmer were thinking dat we should tink for the games since the other class decided on food oready..hmm..let's c wen we can do bout dat.! Study comes first pple.!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
So hardworking..haha...
Edwin teaching emmerline...
Fiona releasing stress..haha...
Emmerline trying so hard to understand....
Edwin teaching mac...
Fiona studying soo hard.! HAha...
Another study day had juz past.! HAha..juz look at my classmates stressed faces. Most of them are short of tyme to study. Coz they still have lots to cover. Bt luckily we have edwin to help us out wen face any difficulty.! HAha. Dats y they called him 'King'. HAha.! N as usual a day out wif them is never complete without laughters.! It seems dat the bond between us gets closer by the day.! Haha..which of course is good lah. After lunch we really had a great laugh coz wei tian n shawn made a gd joke.! We seriously cannot stop laughing esp emmerline.! HAha.
Wen reach library it was back to serious business. I tink right my maths chpt 7 i leave it to fate.! HAha..coz lyk edwin say, "If u can see den u can, if cannot den means cannot...". HAha. There was also a funny incident dat happen. Me n fiona went to the toilet. Den while i was waiting for fiona suddenly, the door open. N i was shocked to c a guy entering girls toilet.! HAha..he didnt even notice til he look up n saw me.! HAha..funny lah seh...he was lyk, "Eh eh sorie sorie..". HAha. Funny lah dat guy. Enuf of dat..haha. Anw our mentors sat near us so we were talking wif them. To be specific it was fiona's mentor.I saw mine too bt he was sitting quite far away. He did smile at me so yeah means he still remember me.! Haha. We talk2 wif fiona's mentor frenz. N they gave us tips too.! HAha. N wen everyone feel stress we talk n laughed our hearts out thinking bout the pass incidents.! HAha. I really have a great tyme wif my classmates.! N i went home late today coz was bz studying.! HAha. I cant believe dat i actually studied for loong hours.!
So sorie to my dear frenz who asked me out today. I was real bz studying dat i cannot meet u guys lah. First ilma smsed me n asked if i could accompany her. Bt i made plans wif my frenz oready so i couldnt cancel it. Bt i tink i can meet her for awhile tomorrow. Den next was irah. She smsed me in the morning and asked if i wanna meet her. Of course i do bt i don have the tyme now.! Haiyo..feel sooo bad to my frenz for rejecting their invitation. Amin wanted to meet me in the evening bt den he slept til PR. HAha. He asked if i wan meet him at whytesands bt den i said no and asked him go home rest instead.! HAha. Argh.! I seriously miss my dear frenz lots lah seh.! Tell u pple wad..after my exams den we go out wan.? dah puase seh by den..haha. Its okay..i still wanna meet u all.! Miss all my dear frenz.! To amin all the best for ur competition yeah.!