Monday, September 29, 2008
I spend my morning reading the book 'Eclipse'. Dat cheer me up a little. Its a third book continuation of 'Twilight'. The story gets more interesting each book. HAha. Im so falling in love wif dat book. I find the story line quite interesting. N i cant take my hands of it.! Haha. Im already half way through the book which is considered very thick. HAha. Bt i have to stop for now coz i gt to help mom out wif the hari raya preparations. Anw i chatted online while waiting for mom to come back frm her workplace. Juz to pass my tyme away. N yeah wen she finally reached home, i off the comp n went to 'work'. Haha. I helped mom baked cake. Bt half way through i gave up trying to stay alert. My head was hurting n my stomach doesnt feel well. So yeah i went to lie down on the bed n didnt move coz i will oni get dizzier. HAha. I fell aslp while doing so. Felt a little better wen i woke up. I went to help mom make ketupat. Im nt really nt dat expert in making. Its more to me making it halfway n mom will continue frm there. It makes her job faster lah. Haha. I'll master diz skill some day. HAha. Since in the fam oni mom n uncle now how to make it. We made the ketupat all the way til night. I noe mom is super tired so i told her nt to make too many lah. Me n sis helped her clean the living room n kitchen while she go n rest. I decided to blog for awhile coz i cant seem to slp. Maybe bcoz i slept juz now.? Dunno lah. Tomorrow is another loong day coz i'll be super bz helping grandma in the kitchen wif the cooking n maybe do last min clean up.'s my hari raya preparation going.? Wel its kind of okay lah, the curtains have all been changed. The house is almost fully cleaned. N some of the things were changed around a little. The oni thing left is the carpet n my room. HAha. My walls look nice oready bt its still kind of untidy, coz sis sch papers n books are all over the place. I'll work on my room soon.! HAha. Ps: Oni one more day left to fast.! Yessa...haha. Cant wait for the family gathering. Its sure gonna be fun.! To all my dear frenz...happy preparing for the upcoming Hari Raya.!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wel im nt gonna update much todae. Currently, im still tired bt at least its a little better den yesterday. Didnt go anywhere except to religious class. Spend most of the tyme helping mom putting up the curtains, iron clothes and some tidying up. Oh ya, i did followed mom to geylang market to get ketupat leaves. Its oni the 2 of us coz --- gt angry last min. Bt grandfather fetch us home later. --- did it again by making me frust n all. Since i was fasting i was telling myself to juz be patient wen its juz soo hard to control my emotions. N some more today is one hot day. At least i was able to get 1hr nap coz my head was already hurting. After break fast i didnt feel any better. In fact, im still feeling so nt well. I don noe wads wrong wif me. Bt seriously i feel really sick. I hope i'll feel better soon. Will update more if i feel better tomorrow..toodles pple.!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Today is one tiring day.! In the morning i already had to clean the house. I was wiping here n there doing all diz things alone. Tanx soo much to sis for nt helping me huh. Den wen im done with the cleaning thought of taking a rest bt den mom shouted for me to help in the kitchen. So yeah i did. Nt loong after dat i had to go down n buy some stuff dat mom asked. Wen i reached home, had to make cornflakes. Lucky enuf my cuz came wif my dear little nephew to take her cookies dat she ordered. Dat brightened me up a little. He is as cute as always. Bt more naughty now. Wen i was done wif the first batch of cornflakes i told mom dat i cannot take it oready n needed a rest. Since i wasnt fasting i havent ate anything yet since morning coz i had soo many things to do. Wen i was done, it was back to making cornflakes n all. Well cornflakes is nt the oni thing dat we're making today. We moved on to making pineapple tart wen the cornflakes were done. I helped mom as always. Wif short intervals in between. After dat i had to sepit kuih makmur. Sis didnt help at all except for the cornflakes thing. =_= Cuz went off after a few hrs since we were bz she didnt wan ear ishard to disturb. I was dead tired by then. Mom asked sis to help me out a little bt she ignored. So poor me had to do all diz things even wen im super tired. Den wen evening comes, i really cannot tahan anymore. I was moaning to mom bout how tired i was. Haha. Both mom n grandma was laughing at me. My action was funny lyk small kid lah seh.! (Don imagine wad i was like.!) Haha...diz happens wen im super tired. Even though i was moaning coz of tiredness, i still helped mom make the kuih finished. My hands were aching oready. We took a break coz we had to prepare food for break fast. Tyme pass real fast today. Maybe bcoz i had things to do all day. We baked the pineapple tart n makmur after break fast. Mom's pineapple tart is as nice as always.! HAha. At least im satisfied of my work.! Oh ya, herman did 'teman' me in one way or another. Haha. His words in the sms certainly make me smile, n it helps coz i was tired.! Tanx lots yeah, i needed dat..haha.Ps: Sometimes i really wonder how long more can i stand wif --- attitude. I've been really patient all diz while. N i don noe how long more i can be patient. --- really hurt me wif all the harsh words n rudeness. I've tried to be strong n im still trying. I hope i won break down one day, coz i don wan to show my feelings out....
Friday, September 26, 2008
We happen to wear the same colour.! Haha... I made a wrong choice of wearing long sleeve shirt wen meeting irah. Haha. Yeah, todae i spend my day wif my dear fren again. Since she have been complaining of staying at hm everyday, i asked her out. I had to send the orders made by my aunt's fren n my cuzzin's grandmother. They had no tyme to come n get it since hari raya is around the corner. So i decided to make their life a little easier. I had no idea dat i made promise wif irah to meet at 12pm. As far as i remember i thought i told her to meet at 1pm. I seriously, need to do something bout my memory. Its been abit 'lagging'. HAha.! Im so sorie yeah irah once again. I tried to rush things n meet her a.s.a.p. It was raining bt den stopped. The atmosphere was kind of cold. So i decided to wear something warm. Bt it soon turned out dat i made the wrong decision coz it was really hot.! We sent the cookies n cornflakes at my aunt work place. I chatted wif her for awhile n irah waited outside to give us some privacy. The person who was working wif aunt came to look at the cookies i made. She was impressed n wanted some. Bt too bad it was nt for her to eat. HAha. Aunt told her dat im making my own mini 'business'. She could nt believe it n asked how i make all diz.? HAha. I oni laughed. Aunt answered most of her qn for me. After dat we went to TM coz i wanna get the third edition book. I finished reading twilight n new moon oready. So yerp, wanted to noe wad happens next. I bump into diz grp of guys whom i use to noe otw there. I nearly bang into one of them. HAha. Bt lucky i manage to elak. I gt the book den we went out frm there. N again we bump into them. Sheesh. We head to wallet shop as irah wanted to get a gift for her fren. We took some time to decide which one is nice. Next was century square. Since it was still early we decided to have a walk around there. Otw up of the staircase we bump into the same grp of pple. I was lyk, "Dorang lagik...". We juz ignored n continued walking here n there. Finally we went to TM again coz i need to get some stuff as mom wanted to cook. Oh ya, irah n me were having diz talk which was soo funny. Irah juz couldnt stop imitating diz someone dat we knew. I tink eera noes wad i mean. The 'i' n 'u' thing. HAha. N i couldnt stop laughing. We were talking bout her practically most fo the tyme. Even wen we board the mrt to PR we were still on the same topic. Walked around whytesands n den i have to head home. Bt b4 dat i need to go buy some empty bottles. Irah said she wanted to accompany me since it was still early. Being such a nice fren she helped me carry my stuff which was kind of getting pretty heavy. Haha.It didnt took us loong at central to get my stuff. N sadly i couldnt accompany irah walked to bus stop 3 there. First is due to the lots of things dat i was carrying. Second was the heat and third was bcoz my dad had to go work soon n i have to get home fast. Sorie yeah my dear for nt able to walk u there. Bt instead she send me all the way to the lift. She was afraid dat i couldnt press the button there as my hand were full. HAha. How nice. Wen i entered the lift, we said gdbye n parted.I didnt do anything much at home. Was getting pretty bored coz fik has tution, iqa was bz reading the book dat i bought n i was done helping grandma cooked. So there wasnt anyone to entertain me. Oni the laptop act as a fren for me. It gt worst wen mom n dad left for geylang after buke. I was dead bored. I thought i could sms someone or chit chat. Bt den most of them all have something to do. So yeah didnt wan to disturb. N again, sis didnt cared bout talking to me coz she was too engrossed wif the book. The little one was playing her toy. I was left all alone to mind my own business. Sheesh. Im getting tired of always being alone. Nt dat i didnt have any frenz. Bt den its nt nice to disturb them . I noe they oso have a life n don wan to bother dem much. If oni i had something to do or someone to accompany me wouldnt it be nice. Well its okay lah. Im use to it. I have been doing it for the past yrs so why nt endure it some more right.? Actually todae there was an outing for the 4e2 pple. My last yr class. Bt sadly, the person who organised it chose the wrong date n tyme. Its nearing Hari Raya n parents wouldnt allow us(gals) to go out. We are expected to be helping out at home. =_= So yeah couldnt join them. How i wish i could. Maybe there is a next tyme i guess.? Anw hope u guys had fun.! Ps:- Now i must learn to watch the tyme n nt forget to eat my ---. N tanx to irah for filling my day wif laughters. At least i enjoyed something.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wel if u had read the previous post, u would noe dat i had a visit to the hospital today. Frenz have been nice to me. Some remembered n notice it. Since i was kind of nervous, amirah was the person who really tried her best to make me feel okay. She was making me laugh lyk wad larh seh. HAha. U can count on her to make u laugh at all her merepek words n all. HEhe. I appreciate her effort lots.! Tanx lots my dear. After chatting wif her online, i off the comp n went to changed. Took the mrt all the way to eunos n waited for mom there since she was late. We den took the mrt to bugis. Since it was still early, me n mom walked arnd bugis street to find a watch for herself. HAha. N yeah we found one. After dat, we made our way to the hospital. WE took the shuttle bus there. We reached the hospital kind of early..or should i say really early? HAha. I smsed irah coz i was feeling scared again. HAha. She asked me to sms her if im scared wad..n i did as i was told. HAha. It was a very loong wait. There were a few patients b4 me. So i had to wait for quite some time. N one of them was a prisoner. Lyk cool lyk dat gt pple escort.! HAha. N while i was dreaming, suddenly, i notice gt one small head under my mom's leg.! HAha. I was shocked n woke mom up. HAha. It was a little boy frm the other family beside us. He was kind of cute lah. Im surprised his parents juz sat there n watch their small kid crawling away. Mom played wif her for awhile den gave him back to his parents. I was really freezing while waiting for my turn. It had been lyk 1 hr plus sitting there. N finally my number was called. My heart was beating very fast lah seh. Bt i looked very cool n calm.! HAha. Bt inside oni god noes how i feel.! HAha. Bt wen i saw dat it was a female doc i felt a little better. N furthermore she looked very friendly. HAha. She 'scolded' the nurse for talking to me in chi coz she knew i was a mly. HAha. She started off explaining things wel. Nt really frightening me. Mom n her had a loong chat bout me. I oni stayed quiet n listened. Frm the news she told mom i noe dat diz is nt gonna be my last visit there. In fact, i'll be visiting dat place now n den. Sheesh. Bt the doc was really nice n was gd wif her explainations. She gave me some med to take n c if i gets better wen taking them. So yeah, they'll be monitoring me frm now. Went to the cashier to pay. N the cashier happen to noe my mom. Bt mom didnt recognise her of course, She even remembered my dad. I guess they worked in the same place loong time ago. So yeah mom n her were chatting for awhile. N mom request my appt at the tyme slots she wans. HAha. We den made our way to the pharmacy to get my medicine. The queue was loong bt i didnt have to wait dat long. Haha. I was told on how i should take the med. N she oso explained bout the side effects dat mom have to look out for juz in case my body cannot take diz med. They're giving me a try for the first mth. If im okay den i'll continue wif it. So yeah hope day everything will be okay. I don wan to come back earlier den im suppose to be. We made our way back home after dat. So yeah mom was talking to me bout since i was young n all. HAha. YA ya ya..i noe im an expensive person. Coz she has been spending quite alot juz for my health alone. HEhe. Wel its nt my wish to be lyk diz wad. Bt yeah i accept all diz fact. Im sure i can get along wif it juz fine. Anw i didnt mention in detail wad the doc really say. I don wan any of u to get worried for no gd reason. Pple i'll be juz fine. Bt to those who already noe frm the start til now, im more den happy to share wif u wad she says. =) I don wan to right here coz i don feel nice stating the fact here. Hope u understand... (: Oh ya, gt diz strange guy or should i say weird, add me up in msn. I dunnoe where he gt my email bt frm wad he says its frm friendster. I don quite beileve. Anw, the first thing he asked was wanting to see my neck.? I was lyk," Wad the.? Giler pe org nie?". I tink nat encountered the same thing too right.? Scary seh diz person. He was begging me to show my neck n kept sending a web cam invitation. I juz ignored him. N at last he gave up. I hope diz is the last dat im gonna hear of him. Dunno wads his motive lah seh. I told eera n irah bput it too since they're online. Anw eera told me dat her fren said my cookies were nice. HAha. Glad he likes it.! Tanx for the compliment. (:Anw i heard news frm my parents dat my uncle is oso suffering frm kidney failure. N its both his kidneys are nt functioning. However, he refuse any medical help. I tink he cant accept diz fact lah. Pity him lots coz both him n his wife are facing the same thing. He doesnt wan to go for dialysis. N diz made us worry. Im juz hoping ntg worst will happen to him. We'll give him all the support dat he needs...Diz was the small boy dat crawl under mom's leg...

Ps: Tanx lots to herman for ur concern too yeah.! Ur nt forgotten either.!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I baked cookies today. Its for family diz tyme round n not for others. Lucky enuf i didnt get any blisters coz i used my bare hands to do it. HAha. Don worry my nails are short.! Dats why i have the confident to use my hands. HAha. N grandma helps me out todae. So yeah im nt as tired as im suppose to be tanx to my dearest grandmother. Haha.I spent the rest of my tyme reading the book. I was getting to the best part already dats y i couldnt stop continuing it. My eyes are hurting for sure due to the continuous reading. Haha. N yerp todae, i still have no mood to eat. I can bet u if sis didnt force me to eat wif her, i wont eat anything today. My mood for food havent come back yet. Wonder until wen will i be lyk diz. I don wan to loose more weight. Im aware for the fact dat im already slim enuf. Due to lack of energy, my head easily gets dizzy n i will have diz blur vision b4 it goes back to normal. Im kind of use to it bt a little irritated as well. Let'sjuz forget bout dat.One nice thing dat happen today was FRENZ came by.! HAha. Eera wanted to take her fren's order frm my place n she 'dragged' irah along. I was soo happy to c them. N as always my 'grp' is nvr complete. There will always be 1 missing. N in diz case, it was nat who was nt wif us. Irah reached first at my place. We chatted n laughed while waiting for eera. Nt loong after dat, eera joined in the fun. The 3 of us were in a slacking position at my sofa n bz sharing our stories. Irah gt a few calls which made her quite frust i guess coz she couldnt fully concentrate on wad me n eera were talking. HAha. The 2 of us turned to her n said, " Dah lambat..haha..repeat telecast nanti mlm.!". N irah was forcing us to repeat. Being a gd fren we did. HAha. Although the tyme we spent together was short. I enjoy their company. Im sooo hoping dat we can spent more tyme together the next tyme. N wonder wen the next tyme will be yeah.? HAha. Let's juz hope it will be soon.! A qn asked by eera sent my mind a little thinking. Wen i tink back..its true i nvr told anyone who i like. HAha. No offence yeah frenz. Wel its nt as if i nvr liked anyone. Maybe i do, bt everytyme i'll get hurt wen i realise dem. So i've decided to juz wait for the right tyme n person to come by. Experinces dat i have in the past have thought me enuf. Most of them are nt sweet. To be truthful, i've gone through more den wad im suppose to. N i don tink i shared wif anyone the whole story. Even i myself have forgotten it i guess. Oni wen some qns are asked of seemed familiar den it will trigger my old memories again. So far guys in my past all hurt me lots. Okay maybe nt all. Bt im tired of all diz. Dats why if some of u realise i havent found new frenz yet. Coz i've been taking a very loong break frm all diz. HAha. Bt i guess if there are pple now who wans to make frenz wif me. Im prepared to face the worst. So if any of u wan give me new frenz i welcome dem..haha. For sure i wont find them myself..haha. Even after all those painful oncidents i came across, i nvr felt weak. Coz i noe i have to be firm n move on. N yerp, dats y some of u nvr noticed wen im really hurt. Coz i don show..haha.
Tomorrow is one day dat i nvr looked forward to. Another visit to the hospital. Haiz. Im hoping real hard dat its gonna be my last trip there. So do pray for me dat everything will turn out juz fine yeah.? My fingers are crossed.! I dunno why, im always nervous wen i have to visit docs n esp hospitals...coz dat have been the place for me since i was young. Mom always say dat im an expensive daughter..haha. I nvr fail to bring 'problems' during my growing up life frm baby til becoming a teenager...."Wen u decide to do or accept something, make sure ur up for the challenge of the consequences dat might happen later. If u tink ur nt ready for something, den don take the risk. Trust me it will hurt lots later wen u cant handle it..."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Yesterday wasnt a pretty good day for me. Coz for the first tyme i wasnt feeling lyk myself. Bt yerp, i tried real hard to control my emotions. I cant remember wen was the last tyme i felt lyk diz.? Haha. Seriously, yesterday, i could get frustrated even at little things. It was weird coz im never lyk dat. Tanx to my stupid cramps i guess dat it makes me lyk dat. As far as i rmbr im nt usually dat irritated wen i have those cramps. Bt yesterday's was really bad dats y. HAha. I apologise to those who gt affected by it. If any of my words or action offend u im so sorie i didnt mean it. Dat was one reason why i rejected calls yesterday night. I didnt wan to hurt more pple.
The kuih i made...
Bt im glad todae i feel much much better. I baked some kuih raya in the morning til bout in the afternoon. Den spent my whole tyme on the laptop. Oh ya, i was kind of shocked wen i received a call frm an unexpected person. HAha. I was staring at my fon wen the number pop out. HAha. Couldnt believe the number i saw. HAha. Coz its been sometime since i gt calls frm him n todae is tue meaning its a weekday. Dat make it more strange coz as far as i noe diz person is real bz. If he have tyme to call it will be during the weekends. HAha. So yerp spend tyme chatting on msn wif my frenz. I chatted wif some nt usual frenz. HAha. Coz usually they are silent. Haha. N nope im nt irritated by them. HAha. Currently,im reading the next book. Its a continuation of 'TWILIGHT'. The story gets sadder by the page. HAha. 'New Moon' is an even thicker n bigger book den 'TWILIGHT'. HAha. Bt im confident its gonna be more exciting.I cant stand the suspense in the book. HAha. I always have diz feeling of, "Wads next wads next.?". HAha. Bt since its sooo thick i tink i'll need a little more tyme to finish it up.! HAha. Diz tyme round im making sure dat i don have back and hand aches. HAha. Although im nt fasting, i havent had anything since morning. I oni ate a very small amount of macoroni n drink a little water. Dat lasted me all the way til dinner. I dunnoe why lah, bt i didnt have the feel of wanting to eat. N bcoz of dat, my body felt a little weak. I didnt have the energy to cough and my head was getting a little dizzy by the evening. I noe i should have eaten so dat i wont be lyk diz. Bt i juz cant help it. Wad to do. HAha. I juz bare wif it lah. Even during dinner i ate very little. Nt my usual self of course. Haha. Coz i often eat more den the rest of the family could. Bt todae i ate the least. HAha.Anw there are a few things dat im waiting for. One is wen will all the orders be collected and the other is response back frm my classmates. If im nt wrong i'll be sending some orders to tamp diz fri. As for my classmates. Some did respond bt the others im still waiting. If by tomorrow no one gives me any ans. Im gonna 'hunt' ans frm them.! HAha.! *Those who 'miss' me n cant find me at msn..u noe how to get me.! worries juz beep me anytyme.!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Sunday had been a great day. Nt full of boredom..haha. Oh ya, sat night, gt diz accident right infront of my hoz. Wah..i pity the owner of the motorcycle lah seh. The front of his bike was badly damaged. Guess the bike was speeding and the taxi driver who were at fault hit it wif a great impact. Both the riders are nt injured badly. The paramedics treated their leg n den they're okay. The accident attracted lots of pple attention coz the taxi driver tried to drove off bt the pple there stopped him. Saw jamal n gang on the road too. Tink he juz came back frm terawih since he was wif his jubah lyk always.....Kk back to sunday, i was supposed to follow mom,dad,aunt n grandfather to johor to get our raya clothes dat was sent there. Bt den i had diz outing for madrasah which sis didnt wan to go coz it was in the morning. So being a gd fren i decided to go the madrasah thing so dat sharifah wont be the oni gal among the guys. HAha. As promised we met at my block den walked together to meet the rest. We wasnt sure where we're supposed to meet, so wen walked to blk 473 n saw no one n we walked to 474 where we can see iskandar frm far. HAha. He told us dat we should wait for the rest b4 joining the others below. We went in first since hanan n his bro will meet us at the mosque. We were asked to brain storm on wad qns we wanna asked the uztad there. The 3 of us couldnt think of scribbled down something wen the uztazah came to us. Main asl boleh je seh tuliz...haha. Den we made a move at arnd 10. Otw out of the classroom, 3 of us were stopped by the uztad as he wanna asked something bout the buke thing. HAha..he told us to tel our uztazah dat we wanted to eat at popepye(i duno how to spell.!) n also warned us nt to say dat it was his idea.! Haha. After dat den we go chase after the rest which was way in front oready. HAha. Me n sharifah we lyk 'bullying' iskandar coz his the oni guy. HAha. Nt loong after dat our new uztazah was lyk behind we talked2 to her lah. Iskandar entertained her the most. HAha. Once we reached the mosque(the one n PR), those who wanna pay zakat were showed how to do it. The purpose of diz outing was to show us how u pay one to one n oso learn more bout zakat. Zamir n hanan joined us there too. HAha. N zamir was funny lah seh. He was shaking wen he sat infront of the amil n meggeletar tgn dier kluar kan duit. HAha. We stand by him to give him encouragement. After dat, all of us had to wait for the uztad who will give a short ceramah on zakat. N while he was talking, i saw zharif..haha. Guess he is on his way to his madrasah class. Didnt tink he recognise me. Haha. Wen the uztad was done talking n answering all our qns, we were allowed to go home. The 4 of us walked back home together. We stopped at the nearby bus stop to discuss bout the buke thing. HAha. We easily can get off topic wen one person say something. HAha. N finally we agreed on one decision. Iskandar went off in seperate ways. Den after dat it was hanan n his bro. Me n sharifah walked in the smae direction coz we stay along the same route. Wen we walked under diz block,saw a grp of mly guys who werent fasting happily eating n drinking. Wen we walked pass them as expected they disturbed. We juz jln buat bdh. THey were shouting," Jemput mkn.." N sharifah replied them back. HAha. THey did mumble something gt we didnt bother to listen lah. The 2 of us seperated at the traffic light.Once i reached home, i rested for awhile. The heat was really terrible lah seh. I went to helped mom n dad carried stuff they bought frm johor later wen they called. THey bought lots of stuff there. HAha. Lyk always lah. Tried out my new baju kurong which was ok i guess.? HAha. Den i slept in parent's room coz dad on air con.! I slept all the way til evening. HAha. So yeah, woke up juz in tyme to bath n prepare for breakfast.Right after i breakfast, went to pray n rushed to change my clothes. I don wanna be late to meet the rest.! HAha. Bt den i was a little late uh...haha..wearing the tudong n all really takes LOTS os tyme. HAha. Met sharifah later on. Den uztazah told us dat uztad oready reached there. Me, sis n sharifah rushed to the nearest bus stop to take the bus there. While waiting for the bus received calls frm uztazah n hanan asking us to hurry. HAha.! N as usual we were the last to arrive.! HAha. Hanan told me dat we're taking mrt to the airport. So we ran to the mrt bt they werent there. I called hanan n he said there were at the inter. Nt long after dat uztad called me n asked us to join dem there. LAter we found out dat they werent waiting for other pple bt us n we're taking the bus.! =_=" We were lyk...wad the.? basket gitu seh. HAha. Baik punye uztad. Ever since we met we couldnt stop laughing. First was bcoz we didnt noe where to walk to take the bus.! Haha...the tour guide was bad..haha.! N since den on the jokes get even more funnier. Once we reached the airport, uztad led us to the place. Uztazah was getting frustrated n asked us to take the escaltor instead of the lift.! HAha..she was already super hungry.! HAha. Finally, we reached the place. N she was the first to go queue.! HAha. We ate n chit chat n lots n lots of laughter.! I tink we're the noisiest there. was real fun.! We made a move at arnd 10plus frm dat shop. The journey to the sky train was super loong.! HAha. Coz we took pics along the way. N uztazah was very cute.! Dah lah suara takde..abeh terpekik-pekik suroh cepat.! HAha. N the most funniest thing she did was..wen we asked her take for us photo using uztad nye cam..she turned the camera to herself instead of towards us. N she was lyk, "Eh asl tak nmpk gmbr..mane muke korang.?". HAha. N we all burst out rolling on the ground the moment we saw wad she did.! HAha. Instead on taking our photo she was taking the pic of herself whithout realising it.! HAha. Tak boleh angkat lah seh.! HAha. Diz is the most foolish thing dat i ever see a person did.! HAha. Klakar lah seh.! We took the sky train n continued laughing at other things. Once we reached terminal 3, we parted wif the guys, who wanted to take bus. Uztazah wanted to take mrt so we accompanied her juz in case she get lost. HAha. At least after dat, we didnt laugh dat much coz the guys werent there to make stupid things. Wen we reached PR inter it was already late..bout 11 plus. There werent many pple. Den gt diz grp of guys who were looking at us, tried to get our attention by saying diz n dat lah. We juz ignore n walked off. We seperated frm sharifah n said gdbyes. Once reached home, i was super tired. I cleaned myself n head for the bed.! HAha. It feels great wen u lie down. HAha. Bt i wasnt planning to slp early. I was smsing wif pple still. One by one i stopped sms dem coz they wanna slp except for one. I talked of the fon for awhile, den continues smsing wif him til he finally decides to listen n go to slp. I didnt slp right after dat. Smsed him at around 1 plus juz to make sure dat he falls aslp. Nt sure wad tyme i fell aslp lah. I didnt have a gd nite slp coz my cough was irritating. Yeah i really had a wonderful tyme yesterday. Spending tyme wif frenz really makes me smile. HAha. Juz thinking back bout the tyme we spend together is already enuf. N yerp,diz is the first tyme all of us actually go out wif our madrasah tcher together wif frenz..haha. The bond between us gets closer by the day. HAha. Which is great. N we're planning to go out together again during hari raya. I tink dat will be fun.! soo looking forward to hari raya..haha...right eera.? HAha...Ps: Hanan i tink u better upgrade ur 'modem'. HAha..coz ur slow.! Haha..pity u kene dizturb.! *Pics will be uploaded later wen i get them frm uztad n my fellow frenz....
Saturday, September 20, 2008
As mention yesterday. I went to hospital in the morning. N yeah im nt fasting. Sad sia. Bt nvm its okay. N since everyone was fasting i have ntg to eat for breakfast. -_-" Luckily, i manage to 'dig' some food.! it wasnt enuf to fill me. Hehe. We took the mrt to bugis den cab down to the hospital frm there since there is no shuttle service during the weekends. We were quite early. N mom bought me a bottle of drink n asked me drink up coz dats wad im suppose to do. N wen we registered at the counter the nurse to remind me the same thing. HAha. I drink oni a little hoping dat it would be enuf. HAha. Bt den it turned out dat i was wrong. They couldnt perform the thing coz my body lack of water. So yeah i was forced to drink 3 bottles of water within less than 30 mins.! I was lyk huh.? N they have diz water cooler near me so dat i can fill up my bottle. -_-. I never lyk drinking lots of plain water n wen i have to now. was soo difficult for me to swallow it down. HAha. Mom was laughing at me. Wel tanx lots. Yerp, my stomach was blotered wif water.! N finally, it was enuf. They did the necessary stuff. After they were done..i rushed to the toilet.! HAha.! Was called in later for a mini 'interogation'. HAha. After dat poof i was out of the hospital.! HAha..i never lyk visiting diz place. HAha. Bt i still have to come n see the doc some time next week. So yeah have to see diz place again...zzzz. We took cab back to the mrt station n head back to PR after dat. I accompanied mom buy some stuff at the ntuc n went home after dat. If u tink i rest at home u are sooo wrong. I was helping mom n grandma cook in the kitchen. Guess wad, i had lots of diff thing splattered on my shirt.! HAha...i wonder if the stain would go off. By the tyme i was done in the kitchen it was oready evening. I went to clean myself after dat. Prepared food for the rest of my fam and aunt to breakfast. Den i was able to rest. It has been a loong day for me today. Hope dat i'll be able to get some peaceful slp tonight. Coz im down wif a very bad cough dat juz wont go away. N its hard to slp wen i keep coughing non-stop. Wonder wen will it go away.? Anw tomorrow is another day to look forward too..Ps: Im soo truely sorie to those who tried to contact me in the morning. I forgot to bring my hp wen i went to the hospital. Hehe. Of all things dat i forget, why must it be my fon? Haha. So sis off it for me. N wen i gt home, there were plenty of msgs for me.! Once again im so sorie 4 nt able to reply soon enuf...
Friday, September 19, 2008
I had to wake up early coz of my dear fren. I received sms yesterday asking me to call him early in the morning to revise through wif him. N yeah i did. Even though i was a little late! HAha. We chit chat for awhile n ended our conversation soon after dat. Btw diz fren im talking bout is shawn..haha. I couldnt sleep after dat. So i grabbed the book dat i was reading frm yesterday n continued to finish it. The book interest me alot. Its lyk gt diz magnet pullling me to keep on reading. Some of u might noe of my old habits of love reading books alot esp during sec sch life. I stopped after the Os. N diz tyme round its no longer malay book. Its english.! No english books have interest me so far as much as diz.! I was kind of interupted by the call frm shawn. HAha. He called me right after his paper. He sounded happy. He was saying,"Fana i tink i can do the paper sia, like easy lyk dat..". HAha. N my reaction was lyk, "Erm..u sure nt.?". HAha! Okay i noe i sounded bad bt den he hasnt been gd wif his maths all diz while. Haha. He den said dat he wanna come over to my place coz he die die wan show me his paper. I agreed on him meeting me. He called me once he reached here. I met him downstairs n we chit chat for a reasonable period of tyme. Being such a nice fren i brought down for him a drink dat i made.! HAha...c how nice i am? Haha. He received sms frm pple asking him how was the paper. C how caring my classmates is.? HAha. I sent him off to the bus stop after nt loong after dat. TO WEI TIAN IM NT DATING WIF HIM ORYTE.! HAHA. I continued wif my reading once i reached home. Im very very sure dat i sat for hours non-stop nt moving wen reading dat book. I was soo engrossed in my reading dat i didnt notice the tyme.! HAha. I had to send sis for tution. Den i felt the pain frm staying still for a looong tyme.! back and hands ache terribly.! I regretted doing wad i did. HAha. Don blame me, blame the book for making me crazy lyk diz.! HAha. I stopped my reading all the way til after breakfast.I felt lyk vomitting n my head spin wen i brekfast. Dunnoe why lah. I was staring into space to try nt to vomit. N the ovaltine i drank made me feel worst. Dad n mom noticed my facial expression n asked if i was ok. I told them dat i wasntt feeling well dunnoe why lah. I lie down on my bed after praying den continue to read my book. N i manage to finish the thick book in less than 48 hrs.? HAha. WAd an achivement for me wen reading eng books. Seriously, i gt to admit, the book made me feel much much better. Coz i was feeling troubled for the past few days. Being in the fantasy world does make me smile. The tittle of the book dat i was reading is "Twilight'. Diz is a must read book for those pple who don mind reading.! Trust me, it makes u feel wanting to noe more wads gonna happen next. The storyline is very interesting. Its bout diz gal who doesnt fit wel in the city n moved to stay in the country where things totally changed for her. She fell in love wif diz vampire. N he i so damn good looking.! HAha. Nt forgetting he is sooo the swt, nice and gentelmen. Hmm..wad else can i say bout him? Since he was a vampire he had to make sure dat he is strong enuf to fight th urge of nt killing her at the same tyme. He was very protective n saved her lots of tyme. Wel there i soo much to say bout the book, bt i wont mention here. If u wanna noe read it urself.! Haha. I heard dat the movie bout diz story is gonna be out some time diz yr. Im soo gonna watch it.! HAha. The book really make my day today.!Oh ya, tomorrow im nt able to fast coz i have to make a trip to the hospital n was told dat i cannot fast..sheesh. Some of u might noe why lah. Bt if u don, no worries. (: The thing will be in the morning, so i should be done by afternoon. Let's juz pray everything turns out juz fine yeah.? Im kind of nervous a little. Wonder wad they will do tomorrow.? The thought of it makes me shiver..dunnoe why lah. Bt i noe mom will be there for me, at least....Ps: I tink shawn would be able to make it to the next sem wif us looking at his workings juz now made me a little convince...(: Let's juz hope...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
"Being in the middle of something really isnt a choice. It really feels wrong, esp wen the 2 of them u love. Wish to talk to someone bt doesnt noe how to. In one way or another either one would be hurt. What am i suppose to do? Hope that things would turn out juz fine. I don wan to loose any or even worse loose both? Guess the best thing to do is juz to sit still n watch wad happens next...haiz. If oni i have the power to make things right. It wouldnt be diz difficult. Alone is nt an option. No one to talk to feels even worst...."
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Met up wif shawn juz now. I was kind of free today, so yeah decided to help my dear fren. Haha. I was told to wake him up at 10 bt im the one who ended up waking up late. N diz means i woke him up late too.! HAhaha. I went to bathe and gt changed. I packed some stuff n helped grandma out while waiting for shawn to sms me. Wen he said dat he is in the bus dat i went out to the bus stop. Waited for the bus quite loong lah. Sorie yeah shawn i was late. HEhe. Anw wen i reached the library he was otw down. So yerp we met our way out coz shawn was dying of hunger. I accompanied him eat at the near by food court. As he eat we chit chat abit bout diz n dat. HAha. As usual we never fail to 'quarrel'. Haha. Wen he was done, we made our way back to the library. Bt den it was pack n there's no space to study. So we decided to study at the void deck instead.I couldnt concentrate teaching hom coz there was a distraction. HAha. There was a CAT directly opposite us. Shawn was trying his best to convince me dat the cat won come here. Haha. He kept saying,"Won come wan lah..". Dunnoe he repeat how many tymes.! Haha. I was oni able to concentrate wen the cat went off. I was trying my best to help shawn memorise n understand some things. HAha. Omg i soo hope he can make it. Wel study hard my dear fren.! N later, guess wad..the cat came back.! Mg gosh..wad sia the cat. HAha. Cant leave me in peace.Me n shawn made a move nt loong after dat. Shawn was getting sleepy oready n he cant concentrate. So yeah he told me he will do some practice at home n call me if he have any probs understanding them. Made my way back home after dat. I sure hope he can do diz exam. Few of my classmates oso volunteered to help him out. Haha.C how nice we are to him although he can be really irritating at times.! HAha....
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Finally im done making my last batch of cookies. At least for now lah. I've made all the orders already. So yeah those who place order can take ur cookies oready(: . Wanna say thank to all dat have place ur order. N nt forgetting those who helped me find customers. Pple lyk my aunt, sis, mom n eera. Great dat u all were willing to help. Tanx lots yeah.! Appreciate it. Now im DEAD tired. I havent been resting since morning. Imagine how exhausted i am.? HAha. Ok2 dats all for now..tataz pple.!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Todae is one tiring day. I inetended to wake up early coz nat said she'll be dropping by at arnd 8. Bt den i didnt manage to wake up. Even wen she smsed me i didnt realise. Haha. Lucky wen she cal i woke up. Was kind of shocked wen she said she's already at the front of my door.! HAha. So i went up to her wif my blur face. HAha. Sorie arh nat..ngantok arh. HAha. I went to slp again. N my grandma was lyk, "Eh tido lagi bdk nie.?". Haha..too bad arh i was tired. Hehe. I woke up at arnd 10 plus den went to bathe. After dat i went down to buy some things. Once i reached home, on my laptop for awhile den prepared the ingredient to make cookies. Todae, im gonna start making the orders dat pple made. Fuhh..damn hard lah seh. I can grow muscle if everyday lyk diz.! Stirring is really a tiring job.! It may seem easy bt its nt.! HAha. I even got a blister on my hand which hurts terribly. HAha. I oso help grandma make kuih layang2 coz pity her lah. In all it took me bout 5 hrs to finish everything up. By den i was very exhausted oready. Took a rest oni for awhile coz had to go prepare the food for breakfast. I guess keeping myself too occupied is really nt a good idea. HAha. I'll try to relax my schedule for the coming days. Im done making 4 bottles n still have 3 more to go. Oh wait, sis juz told me dat i gt a new customer.! N she is my very on ex-tuition tcher.! HAha. I was told dat she loves my cookies alot. She said i save her the trouble to search around geylang which have horrible taste cookies. HAha. Wad oni lah seh. So yerp, now i have 4 more bottles to make =_=. Nvm look on the bright side, i'll have more money to spend later on..hehe. Toodles pple. Oh ya anw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HASHAF.! Best wishes to u...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Its been quite awhile since i blog. The oni thing i post was pics..haha. Seriously i tried editing the pictures at diz photo editor on the net. Bt den i gt frustrated later since it was soo slow.! HAha. Dats i i decided juz to upload wad i have withouth combining those dat i intended to..hehe. Wel here goes wad happen during the pass few days....After the results were out n mine turn out pretty okay, i felt relieve oready. Im nt worried anymore(: I heard frm a few frenz dat some of my classmates had to take supp. Study hard pple so dat we can still be in the same class again. Maybe i'll be helping shawn out wif his maths..haha. Those who wan to come over to accompany him, ur welcome too.! HAha. On friday, i tried out my new recipe for chocolate chip cookies. Diz tyme its a diff flavor. Its peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. HAha. Sounds a bit weird to me coz i've nvr tasted it b4. N since i had ntg to do, i decided to try n make some. It smelled pretty good n tempting. Both my sis couldnt wait til breakfast to try them out. N yeah right after breakfast we tried the cookie out.! tasted pretty nice. Even little sis n dad love it. HAha. Bt i tink i need to improve a little bit on it. Its still in the 'testing' process. Hehe. N if i succeed in making it, i'll let u all try it yeah.? Haha. Was kind of tired dat day arh..haha. Coz baking is a tiring job okay..haha. As for sat, we didnt go out. Dad wanted to give my room a new look. Instead of single coloured walls. Dad's gonna blend 2 colours together. HAha. Actually i wasnt really confident bout the colour bt decided dat i should juz leave it up to dad. While he paint the hoz, me mom n sis went out to buy ingredients for the raya cookies dat we'll be making diz yr. I was damn tired lah seh. Coz we had to go to diff place to get the stuffs. My eyes were soo heavy bt i try to keep awake to accompany mom here n there. So yerp, dats one tiring day. At night, while doing some touch up to my madrasah project thing,i web cam wif eera. HAha. It was funny lah seh. I was little shocked wen lots of faces pop up infront of the web cam frm nowhere.! HAha. Bt i don mind it though..hehe.N today, i oni went out to my religious class. Bt b4 dat i did help mom out in making raya cookies. After praying, i went out. Met sharifah near my block coz she too was otw there. We walked together n chit chat. LAter, i gt to noe dat our uztazah was changed. I was kind of sad lah to hear dat. We were told dat diz is a new uztazah n said dat the new class needed a well experience uztazah. Since we're good pple they gave us diz uztazah. It was kind of odd lah. By hanan n iskandar nvr fails tolight the class wif their stupid jokes which will always make pple laugh.! Hmm..overall she's oklah. I guess we'll get use t her soon. After class, we walked to blk 474 to find our previous uztazah to hand in our project. Bt gt to noe dat she already went back to blk 473 -_-. So we walked back again. We found her n there begins the looong chat.! HAha. It seems dat whenever we meet her there's sooo much to say. LAter, we decided to go n sit down at the back coz we were amking too much noise.! HAha. Our laughters was non-stop dats y. We discussed bout wanting to go out buke together. The guys invited uztaz along too. HEhe. He is funny lah seh. They all couldnt stop disturbing each other. Den we oso decided on asking our previous previous uztazah along too. It took us bout 45 mins plus to decide on sumtink.! HAha. After agreeing we made a move back home. So yerp,diz is bout it dat happen during the past few days.-im soo gonna be occupied diz coming week. I have lots of things to do...n im gonna be dead tired.!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Yesterday as planned i had a day out wif frenz.! N yerp..i enjoyed those moments lots. The laughters we share and the jokes dat they made. There were different stories heard. Although most of them dat came yesterday i met nt loong ago. Bt den i do miss their presence. N yesterday for the first tyme the 4 of us (me.eera.nat.irah) finally meet together without anyone missing. I sure love seeing my frenz around. Anw diz is gonna be quite a looong post..haha. So yeah bear wif me...hehe.We all decided to meet earlier coz i couldnt make a reservation through the fon. We were suppose to meet at 4.30pm. N everyone ended up being late. HAha. I wasnt actually late coz i went to meet my cuz first at BK to take something n she gave me money for my cookies.! HAha. At least us the gals were oni late lyk for a few minutes after 4.30pm. Unlike the guys who were really late. We met mus first at PR mrt. Den waited for idris, hafiz and din. They were all late for bout 30 mins plus plus. Din called mus n said dat he's late coz his bus broke down half way. We laughed coz we didnt believe him arh..haha. Bt he insisted dat he wasnt lying. HAha. While waiting, the 4 of us chit chat first to pass the tyme. N irah was getting restless waiting for them. HAha. Dunno how many mrt already pass n they still havent come. At last we saw their bayang2. We recognised idris frm far partly bcoz of his height n hairstyle. HAha. So yeah went into the mrt n met up wif them.We occupied the whole row inside. HAha. N the guys were talking among themselves. Guess they also have quite a lot to share wif one another. As for the 3 of us, we also chit chat and laughed due to some stories n silly stuffs. HAha. It's fasting mth so we cannot lie dats the best part.! HAha. Oh ya, din told them dat there is an Arnold's restaurant near PR's pond. Mus didnt believe wad din said. HAha. He was lyk," Oh..oklah...". HAha. Hafiz den later oso said dat it was true. Wel the fact is dat he wasnt lying. Coz i noe of dat place, i went there b4. Bt i juz kept quiet oni n laughed at their actions. HEhe. Once we reached paya lebar, we head off to city plaza. Me n nat wasnt sure of the place. Coz for me wen i go out wif my parents i juz follow n didnt observe the surrounding. I asked the guys if they noe, n they all gave diz blur face.! HAha. So me n nat juz walked straight lah leading the way. N yeah nat was right.! The building is juz ahead of us. HAha. Bt she wasnt sure where Arnold is. Dat i noe coz i went there b4. So i guided them in. HAha. They were lyk,"Btol ke nie fana...skali kau salah...". HAha. I noe lah im bad in my directions bt i still noe my way around okay...haha. N yeah indeed i was right.! I was kind of scared if i were wrong coz the guys sure will scold me wan. HAha. We asked if we could make reservation bt they said the first batch is full n if we want we can go for the next batch. We den went one side n discuss first. It was den decided dat we make the reservation first n in case wen we walk2 n found another place to eat den we juz cancel the thing. All of us den headed towards the bazaar area there as its still early. I 'dragged' the guys along to go find my cuz coz i needed to pass to him sumtink. They said dat they'll wait at the bazaar nearby while i go meet him. After passing the cookies dat i owe him we went 'hunting' for them. N yerp we manage to find them without much difficulty. We den went off to another place. N wen we're waiting at the traffic light to cross, nat said something to me n i was lyk, "Mane mane.? HAha..". Den i noticed dat guy was infront of us.! No wonder nat whispered to me.! HAha..yeah his hot as ever. HAha.! We den told irah bout it. N he was walking first beside us den behind us.! HAha..nat said,"Diz is the definition of handsome...!". HAha..n i agree.! HAha. Actually we noe diz guy frm the camp we attended and his name wa farhan. He was sort of the 'leader' there. Throughout the way, we were talking n talking bout him. HAha. I even told mus bout it. HAha. He was, "Ler tu je yg korang ketawe dari tadi..". Haha..wel there's a story behind it dats why we were laughing. We walk n walk n walk to pass the tyme. Im kind of a little scared wen it comes to crossing roads. Im sure irah, nat n mus heard me memekak-ing wenever we had to cross without traffic light.! HAha..n irah will be the one holding me coz there is no way i can grab mus..batal puase nanti.! HAha. The guys lead us all the way to diz complex which i forgot wads the name. We wanted to cool ourselves since it was very hot. We spend quite sometime there. Den wen we're walking back towards city plaza we bump into one of our sec fren there. Im nt dat close lah oni noe her by name n face. They chit chat awhile b4 we went on seperate ways. Eera called n said dat she n zharif already reached paya lebar n they are heading towards city plaza.I told them dat we are too. So we juz meet there instead. Bt den later the guys stopped n decided to turn back coz din wanted to find air katirah for buke. The nearby shops did sell it bt he walked all the way to the shop at the back. We bought water so dat we can break our fast first while waiting for our turn. We den met up wif eera n zharif soon after dat. All of us decided to seat nearby Arnold. We sat n chit chat while waiting for break fast. Oh ya, i was laughed at by the 3 fren of mine n mus happen to hear it too.! yeah they kacau me lor..haha. Dunnoe why lah today im lyk a little 'blur'. Haha. Later eera tried to on the radio bt she didnt get any signal. Din was the one who listened to the radio. Den later we all turned to him coz out of a sudden he was drinking his water. Din was lyk,"Dah bang lah caye kau dgr sendiri..". Mus listen to din's earpiece juz to make sure. N he was lyk,"Ah ah lah dah bang..". He continued,"Din nie bukan recording kan.?". HAha..all of us was laughing.! HAha. See how much they don trust him.? HAha.Den wen they drink the katira one by one the face changed. HAha. They said dat it tasted lyk purely milk.! HAha. Guess diz is the result fo walking far to get the katira. HAha. All of us have a taste of it n we agreed dat it tasted weird. Den zharif said dat the bandung had lesser milk. They den said to mix the 2 water together.! HAha..funny lah they all. was still nt our turn yet so we had to wait some more. We took some pics in the mean time. N wen din came back he asked to take some more. He said,"Eh amek argh gmbr banyak2..mane lah tau nanti tahun depan kite dah tak jumpelagi..". Some said,"Tahun depan ade member baru pe yg tak ingat ngan member lame..". Haha. N he replied,"Tak lah..mane lah tau tau depan kite tak jumpe ramadhan lagik..". HAha. We laughed wen he said dat. N the reaction was lyk,"Alamak sedih arh dgr..". HAha. So yeah we snap snap lots of photo. Mus esp enjoyed it coz he was taking candid shots wif eera's cam. N he snapped diz photo of eera where she looked really funny.! HAha. I saw wad he snappped n laughed along wif him. Eera den grabbed the camera n delete it off b4 anyone else sees it. So oni me, mus n eera saw it.! Haha..mus couldnt stop laughing lah seh. My stomach was hurting by den due to too much laughter.Later me n nat went to check on our queue number. We're no 7 and its already 8. So we told the person there. We were told dat as soon as the pple frm the back gt up we can occupy it. The 2 of us den called the rest to come over. Since the distance between us wasnt dat far, we waved to them lyk bdk bodoh.! HAha. N finally mus saw us.! HAha. We made our order n waited for our turn. The service wasnt dat bad coz we didnt have to wait loong b4 we're served. They gave drinks first followed by the bread, fries mashed potatoes and coleslaw. The guys ate all dat up first. HAha. We took the lesser share coz there were oni 4 of us. Nt loong after dat the chicken came. We gt the smaller plate n the guys gt the bigger one. HAha. Idris reaction was,"Wahh..". HAha. Guess he was shocked to c the number of chicken on the plate. Us gals each have 2 piece each and the guys had 3 1/2 piece each. HAha. The half was due to the one chicken dat was on our plate. Idris who washed his hand oready sat down back to eat.! HAha..tak kenyang2 bdk2 nie. N they finished it all up fast. Of course we were the last to finish lah. HAha.THe 3 of us(me,eera n nat) mkn tk senonoh seh. HAha. Satu2 mcm2 style.! HAha..wel don blame us the chicken was super hot lah seh.! HAha. N as for me coz i couldt bite dats why.! HAha. Irah je steady..haha. Oh ya, the guys was seriously fooling around lyk small kid. HAha. They played wif their food. N idris was acting lyk small kid at the sink.! HAha..diz are my frenz..haha. After eating we went off outside. We stood some where near the carpet shop to decide where next to head. The guys suggested dat they wanna watch movie at downtown. Bt den we don wan. I cannot go back late wad. So we decided to part n said gdbye to them. N the funny thing was dat. Not even one of them made a move. HAha. In the end they canceled the plan of going to watch movie n all of us ended up hanging at mac. Din wanted to use eera's laptop there. Haha. Eera, nat and irah den left to the toilet leaving me wif the guys. Tel u they all funny lah seh. HAha. Din was acting as if he was playing the drums wen he on diz music. Haha. N mus kept disturbing me bout my teeth. habis arh dek nie. HAha. Lucky for me ayid didnt come coz if nt i would be bullied even worst. Haha. Wen the 3 of them came back we chit chat bout our personal thing. Diz means oni the 4 of us noe wad we're talking. N zharif gave me a shocked wen he asked who i was talking bout out of a sudden. HAha.! They all laughed seeing my reaction. Seriously, although zharif was seating right in front of me i didnt notice dat he was actually looking directly at me coz i thought he were busy talking wif the rest of the guys. N wen i turned to look infront i was surprised to c him.! HAha. Nt loong after dat i decided to make a move coz its getting late n i don wan to get scolding frm dad. I said gdbye to them. Eera, nat n irah send me all the way till the mrt station there. Since all of eera's things were at mac wif the guys i told them dat its ok n went off alone. Took the mrt all the way back to PR. Reached home nearing 10.30pm. Mom was waiting for me. I found out dat dad was slping. If i knew i would have gotten home a little later coz mom doesnt really mind. HAha. Bt nvm lah i was tired anw n wanted to rest. Overall, i had a great tyme yesterday wif all of them. The laughters dat we share are memories to keep. Those who turned up yesterday were pretty much the unexpected pple except for mus lah. HAha. Those dat we expected to come couldnt make it. A bit sad lah dat nt all of our frenz were there. Bt its ok we could still meet up some other tyme. So yeah pple do keep in touch so dat our friendship will always lasts. Im happy dat even after one yr of seperating frm each other, we're still gd frenz. Diz shows dat distance don affect anything if we're true to be frenz wif each other.! Till next tyme.! *Photos will be uploaded soon wen i get them frm my frenz...=)
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Met up wif my dear fren ilma todae. It has been ages i think since i last see her. HAha. So decided to ask her out. She's starting sch tomorrow n dat means she'll be bz. So i better meet her now den later. I went to meet aunt first to take something den came back to her place n fetch her.! HAha. No lah actually i will be bored if i wait for her at whytesands. So might as wel i do some exercise n come over to her place. Haha.
I waited for her at the void deck. While waiting, i did some thinking n enjoying the wind at the same tyme. HAha. Hmm..don wan sae lah wad i was thinking bout. Ntg impt..=) Anw i was also praying real hard dat cats wont come by. Coz i noe dat at her area gt LOTS of cats.! I saw one bt it was far away. So yeah i don mind. N wen my dear ilma came. She surprised me by saying there is a cat behind me. Lucky i didnt jump.I turned to look bt saw ntg. N i knew dat she was juz fooling around. Sheesh..wad a great fren i have here.! HAha. She kept scaring me gt cat gt cat. Haiyo..wad seh..haha. Me n her are soo ironic. One loves cats like mad while the other is afraid of cats lyk mad.! HAha.!
We made our way to whytesands n decided to hang around there. Actually i asked her out to go shop bt den since we have limited tyme n the both of us had sumtink on in the late afternoon we decided juz to stay there. We sat n chit chat in the library. Haha. I saw lots of familiar faces here n there. N bump into soo many pple. Bt i hide frm most of them.! HAha. I guess they all noe me lah bt i don quite noe them. HAha. Who cares..hehe. Anw me n her talked bout lots of stuff. Frm small things all the way til personal stuffs. HAha. It feels great wen we get to talk to each other so openly without anyone interfering...hehe. After spending bout an hr plus there we made a move. She sent me home..haha. So nice right...i fetch her she send me back. HAha. Coz she wanna meet her bf somewhere near here as she has work to do.! Sadly, every meeting we have to part..haha. We said gdbye to each other n end it wif lots of hugs.!
Once at home i helped grandma out in the kithen. After dat i rested awhile b4 heading off to fetch little sis frm her ngaji class. Ntg much happen after dat. In the evening wen i send my neighbour some food for break fast, i was fooled by rasikin.! Sheesh..wad a great neighbour i have. Its been ages since i last saw him. N wenever i see him ade je yg dier nk kerje kan. B4 he open the door, i heard his cat bells. So i assume his cat is on the loose. He den opened the door slowly den after dat scare me by shouting,"Eh eh kucing.!". His actions really make me terperanjat seh. N knowing me..i termelatar.! HAha. N he burst out laughing n laughing. See how nice he is. Diz week is lyk soo the bad luck. I gt soo many incidents involoving cats.? HAha..wad luck. Den later wen his little bro send food over to my hoz dat little boy disturb me n i saw his mom smiling. So yeah i guess she knew wad rasikin did lah. HAiyo..paiseh man. HAha.
In the night, i was busy chatting wif pple. Wel it was to confirm some stuff. Hmm..diz tyme round it wasnt as bad as last tyme wen i needed guys co-operation. HAha. Oni one or 2 made the situation abit hard bt most were ok. So yeah we were able to settle things out and the decision a decision was made. Den half way tru, jamal called n asked me to help him out a little. It took some time coz he had to pass info to me n his fren. LAter he gave up n decided to come over. Even though it was already late nearing 11pm, mom allows him to come over coz he needs help urgently. I was kind of surprise to see wad he was wearing wen he came. Im sure mom was shocked too. I didnt noe my dear fren changed soo much. N to mus, sorie yeah i noe some of the words typed in msn was rubbish. It wasnt was jamal who did dat.! HAha. Wen his things was done he thanked me n said sorie to mom for disturbing us diz late den left. Nt loong after dat i off my laptop n went off to slp.
Results are gonna be out tomorrow.! Im soo scared to see the outcome. Any hoots wads over is over...
Monday, September 08, 2008
My plan for today was to stay at home n make cookies today. HAha. These are nt the ones dat im selling bt giving away. HAha. Sorie frenz they're nt for u bt for other pple. I wanna give my ex-tuition tcher for her belated bdae gift. HEhe. N also i owe my cuz his cookies. Hmm..i wonder wen he will come to take his cookies. HAha. Cant seem to get him otf. So yeah woke up in the morning to get the ingredients prepared. Since grandma was bz i did it all by myself.! Den while waiting for the cookies to bake i went online n chatted wif eera. HAha. Had a fun tyme chit chatting wif her coz i was merabaning all the way. In fact i was merabaning wif her since yesterday.! HAha. glad to c her happy. Nt lyk last tyme where she use to have lots of prob. N yeah eera im happy u found someone.! HAha..i can see dat ur really happy now wif his presence. HAha. Its great seeing pple around u happy. HEhe. It makes me smile too.! Oh ya, there's lots of interesting events coming up throughout diz yr. For sure i have something to look forward to each mth.! soo happy n cant wait for all those excitement.! Hmm..starting frm an outing wif frenz.? I soo miss those tymes we spend together. N we're gonna meet up soon pple.! Let's juz hope everything turns out the way we plan...
cuz come over
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Hmm..todae i didnt go anywhere coz my aunty, grandpa n cuzzies are coming over to breakfast here. The oni thing i didat home was play comp til they came. HAha. N the most touching thing was dat they all came in red. My dear little cuz, lin, told her brother to wear my fav colour todae. HAha. Dunno why lah maybe she juz love me soo much.! HAha. Im touched by her actions.! HAha. I gt a hug once she step into my hoz. She is juz sooo swt. N i tink her brother have lost weight.! HAha. It have been sometime since i last saw him coz dat tyme he gt chicken pox so he couldnt meet us. He looks better diz way. Haha. Even though he is still plum bt he looks way way slimmer.! Haha. I don really quite mind lah..whether thin or fat i still love him.! HAha. They are my most loved cuzzins. So yeah we sat, watch tv n chit chat all the way til breakfast. Mom cooked my fav dish todae.! HAha..i soo love the food cooked diz past few days. Since i was sick mom n grandma cooked all my fav food.! Hehe. So even though i was sick i will force myself to eat coz i love the food. HAha. Aunt also commented dat i eat alot.N mom said dat its normal wen she cook diz type of food. Wel don blame me, blame the food for being soo nice. Even grandpa agreed wif me dat the food mom cook was power.! Coz its super spicy.! HAha. I juz love spicy food.
Later at night,my grandpa send both my cuzzins to their grandma's hoz. They gt sch on mon so cant slp over. As for my aunt, she slept over coz frm here to her workplace is near. Hmm...anw im working diz hols. HAha. U noe work as wad.? I make cookies and sell.! HAha. For a start im learning how to make small business. N i already have a few customers.! All tanx to aunt n sis who helped me promote my cookies.! Wel if ur wondering wad cookies im talking bout..its my famos amos chocolate chip cookies. Hehe. My dear frenz would noe it.! HAha..coz they oso lyk.! Juz hope dat my mini business succeed...haha. So i don have to go outside my hoz to work.! HAha. Hmm..if anybody wan to place an order of it feel free to tell me yeah.! HAha.

As u can see most of them are in red..the sad thing was..i wasnt wearing red.! Haha..if oni i knew they were all going reds today..haha....