Sunday, November 30, 2008
Hey hey pple.! Guess wad...? Im feeling much much better.! Haha..n its for real.! So nt faking okies my dears..haha.! Tanx to my frenz lah who helped birng myself back.! I was woken up wif my aunt's msg. Grr...i forgot today dat we're gonna go to geylang market.! So dad helped me wake up frm my bed.! Haha. I gt dressed n waited for grandfather to fetch.He didnt take dat loong to reach. Me n mom went down lah to meet them. N to my surprise i saw dat grandfather bought a new car.! HAha.! HAha..mcm tak caye gitu.! Its tyme lah he changed dat old car of his.! Hmm..his new car is nice.! I like...haha. He says if i take my license den he'll allow me to use his car..haha. Okay okay...we headed to the market soon after dat. Wah..its super pack lyk always. N the most irritating part is wen the pple there stepped on ur foot with their sharp slippers or wadeva arh.! I hate it wen suddenly gt pple touch me. If touch my hand or wad its oklah bt nt others...argh.! I soo don like.! Bt no choice have to help mom wad.! I was glad wen mom asked me to wait outside wif my cuz n grandfather. Oh ya, my hand gt a cut tanx to my dear cuz lah. Haha. Bt its okay...i nvr escape without cuts here n there wan wad. So im use to it.! Hehe. Furthermore i love my dear little cuz lots.! So wont scold her wan.! HAha. Back in grandfather's car feel nice coz the weather super hot.! Haha. We didnt head home straight bt went to seng shiong coz mom wanted to get stuff. HAha. N guess wad..i gt chocholates.! HAha...cant resist them..n mom allows me to get one. So yeah i did.! Hehe. Bought lots of stuff lor. Haha. Heavy lah seh. Bt i 'act' strong.! HAha. Grandfather den sent us home. My dadwas waiting at the carpark to help us carry the things up lah. Once home, i ate some food den was flat on the bed.! Super tired..haha. Havent been slping well dats y. I took a short nap den did some revision for my religious class exam.The exam was kind of nt say hard lah bt the sentence structure gt problem.! Haha. Even our uztazah had a hard tyme trying to explain wad the qns wans. So end up our class was discussing them.! Great or wad. Den at the end of the paper, iskandar told our uztazah to fight for us coz the ans is ridiculous. Hmm..lets juz c the results kay..haha. Rest of the day didnt do anything much. My neighbour came over. So we watched movies n i played wif him lor. Haha. Its been lyk soo long since i entertain him. He n my little sis are lyk gd frenz even though they're opp of each other.! Haha. Den at night i had to do some project research. Gotta meet up wif my diff grps to finish up our work. Last week was all the way test. Den now all the way projects n presentations. bz bz. I cant wait for holidays.!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
"True frenz are always there for u wen u needed them. They'll always noe if something is bothering u without u telling them. At least dats my case. It seems dat i cant hide anything frm them. They'll noe if im faking my smile or happiness. Well for diz prob of mine, i didnt share coz i scared tears will roll down if i say wad happen. Nt dat i don wanna say lah. Its i dunno how to. N irah u noe wen u smsed me, my eyes started to turn watery oready. Im touched really. Den wen i went online, both eera n irah chatted wif me.They tried to cheer me up. Tears juz rolled down my cheeks without me forcing them too. I was really touched and at the same time sad bout wad happen. I didnt noe how to react. Bt tanx frenz for ur effort in making me smile. Which i did of coz.! Appreciate it lots pple.! Im really glad dat i have frenz lyk wad i have now. Each n every one of them are special in their on way. I love u all.! (:"....fana.Ps: I need chocholates badly.! Coz they always made me feel much better.! Someone help me get one.?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Weekends. I was hoping dat i will have some fun. Bt it turned out to be a disaster. Our planned was canceled. HAiz. Let me begin lah frm the start...Morning was as per normal. I woke up late today n was shocked to c the tyme. I was late to take my med. Bt who cares lor. Gt dressed den had to go buy things. Later accompanied mom to buy some grocery. I saw CHOCOLATES.! really tempts me.! Bt mom will scream if i buy them. She always says i eat too much choccholate. N some more its lyk oni once a yr they sell diz kind of chocholate combination. I sooo wanna get it for myself.! Haha. Mom cant say anything if its already in the fridge wad.! HAha...Den later wen i gt home, heard laughters which was super loud. Guess who.? It was my little sis n my neighbour who came over to play. =_= Its been soo long since i see him. HAha. He is always as hyper. We had lunch n so on. Den after resting, mom asked to go changed coz she wanna bring us out to the new reservoir at marina there. I heard it was super nice.! So was kind of looking forward to it lah. It was den dat 'disaster' strike.! Sis made probs n ended up upsetting everyone. So my parents decided to cancel the plan instead.! We were all dressed oready den have to change back. HAiz. N the sad thing was my little sis doesnt even noe wads happening. To tel u the truth. I wasnt strong to c wad was going on. Deep down inside me, i was crying. I couldnt bear to c all diz. Bt wad can i do.? Ntg..haiz. I tried keeping myself occupied by doing sch work. Bt it doesnt really help. I wanna share it wif someone bt i scared i'll juz end up crying later. I dunno wad to do. Things are gonna be diff frm now i guess.? Oh god, i hope im strong enuf. I have to be..its nt a choice. Furthermore, one of my fren is really showing the change. Its nt really bothering me lah. Bt its a gd fren of mine who is kind of affected. i tried to help lah. Bt it seems dat ntg is working. I wont be able to sort things out. Haiz. Changes are fine bt den wad bout those arnd u.? Wanna put it all behind.? I dunno. I'll tink of something lah. Currently, my head is starting to spin again. I gotta get some rest b4 someone scolds me. Anw yesterday night, i thought i could stay up late coz gt no one to 'scold' or 'lect' me. The usuals were away dats y. Bt i was wrong. Sheesh. Diz person suddenly tegur me n we chatted. N i was 'lecture' lor. So i gave up n decided to go to slp. Okay2 i noe u all cared. Tanx.! Ps: I hate diz feeling.! I juz wan things to be normal..........
Friday, November 28, 2008

Friday last day of test for the week. I cant wait to get over done wif. I did study yesterday night wif the headache n all. N yeah today, i felt so much better. It still hurts a little bt nt dat much lah. I went out frm hoz early coz wanted to meet up wif edwin first. Bt den wen i gt to inter the bus juz left =_=. Haha. So no point me going out early. I reached at arnd 8.45am. Still okay lah. Gt 15 min to revise. Edwin thought me wad i didnt noe. It refresh my mind a little lah.Dfund test is in the next hour, we had edev first. Truthfully, i forgot wad he went through during the last lecture.! HAha.! Bt i managed to recall lah wen he went through it. N guess wad..for dfund..our tcher seperate us.! Haha..he said its a same paper thing. Bt we ended up sitting in pairs. HAha. N the paper wasnt as hard as we thought.! Can pass i guess. Haha. Den during edev lecture, my whole class was trying to finish up the RQ qns dat our tut tcher who was oso our lect tcher gave. His going away i guess n he asked us to hand in the paper today. Dats all the lessin for today.!
N lyk always, i'll go out lunch wif my dear classmates first lah. Its a routine for us wan. HAha. Den lter received sms frm irah asking where i was. N as expected she wanna meet up. Since i gt ntg on. I agreed lah. I went for lunch first coz irah still have to travel here frm clementi. We met at tamp mrt. I was shocked to c nat there too.! Its been soo long since i last met her.! We headed to tamp coz i need to buy some things. Next destination was my house.! HAha.
Wen reached home, dad juz came back for lunch. N he brought back some food frm kfc frm aunt. Nat n irah were each given one twister each. I went to change while they watched tv first. I den went to take some more food lyk, scrammble egg, one box of choc n mini donuts. HAha. Today their luck arh gt lots of food at my hoz. We later watched a ghost story vcd. Hmm..quite bored lah the show. Bt for sure there was screaming frm me n nat.! If eera were there she would have screamed too man.! HAha. There were a few shockin scenes ar. I had my big bear to cover my face n i almost jump off the sofa.! HAha. Tanx to nat lah..she scared me.! HAha. Watching scary movies wif dear frenz are nice. Haha.
After dat, nat left at arnd 4 plus coz she was tired. Irah continued to stay on coz her hoz gt nobody. Oh ya, i accidentally slap irah's face during the show.! sorie my dear.! Didnt do it on purpose.! She blocked my way suddenly n i lost balance den my hand accidentally hit her face.! Haha. The 3 of us was laughing lah seh.! Nt my fault okay. Haha. N later, she cant stop tickling me seh.! The 2 of us den snap snap lots of foto.! HAha. There are some funny ones.! N i wont upload...shy leh.! HAha. Irah left late evening. I gave her some food to bring back home coz my hoz gt too many. HEhe.
Overall, had a fun day. My plan to sleep after sch was replace by spending tyme wif my dear frenz. Wasnt a waste though. I love spending tyme wif them oni dat it wasnt complete lah. Haha. My F.A.N.A corporation was missing one A. HAha. Furthermore, it was a last min thing. Soo eera don angry okies.? We can meet up soon lah. My hols are coming. Anw tomorrow i don tink i can go out wif u coz mom wanted to go somewhere. So sorie.! We'll fixed another date.!
Ps: To my dear frenz..i noe dat ur curious to noe who diz mystery person is right.? So am i. Bt i guess maybe..lets give him some tyme b4 he tells me who he is. N to dat mystery person, i have soo many qns to ask. Bt lets leave it for later wen i noe who u really is. Maybe wen u have the courage to tel me who u are..maybe we can br frenz.? Den i'll ask u privately. Till den lets juz wait n see...
*Diz are juz few fotos...i lazy upload.! HAha..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Due to yesterday night, i woke up wif a heavy head. Went to sch early lah coz didnt wan to be late for my lab test. The tcher was super fierce today. He practically scold almost everyone except me. I was super scared to call him to sign. Bt lucky, my connections were all correct. He came,sign den went off. I pity the rest of my classmates lah. Im sure they are very frust wif him. Anw i can oni pass borderline oni lah. Gd enuf lor. We had 1hr free period coz the second batch was taking their test. We sat somewhere near the one-stop service. Some of them wanted to check their appeal results. I rested there lah. Coz my head was starting to spin oready. I took off my specs for awhile to reduce the giddiness. Bt my headache gt worst during lecture. So i couldnt really concentrate much. Fiona helped my doing sonething to mu hand. It feels lots better. Tanx fren.! Bt dat doesnt make it go away. By maths lecture. I could no longer concentrate. So i gave up trying to get things in my head. Lunch was next. I tink i was starting to look pale coz fiona was worried saying dat i look pale. Few of them oso asked the same thing. I assure them dat i was okay. Oni dat i was a giddy. Tried keeping myself stable lah. Seng wei helped order lunch. I didnt finish my food, bt at least i had something wad. My eye liner smudge n i didnt bother, bt wei tian thought i was dying coz its blue.! HAha. I wipe it off to nt scare him lah. I had to endure wif it for 2 more hrs in psps. Grp discussion isnt easy at all. We kept changing things n hard to come out wif a final thing. Even though my head felt a little better, the headache starts again wif all the noise. Haha. Anw pris said dat i look better. I gt my colour back...(: Bt during the bus ride home, i could feel dat im turning pale again. Once i reached home, i was flat on the bed. I slept for 2 hrs i tink.?I felt a little better after dat. Didnt eat lots for dinner coz i felt lyk puking. Continued studying for tomorrow dfund quiz. Study wif a headache is sooo nt a gd idea. I seemed to forget some stuff. Nvm i'll study tomorrow morning wif edwin since he don mind. Hope dat my headache will be gone by den.! I sooo wish i could have plenty of rest. One more test to go n im done wif the week.! N i really wonder who diz MYSTERY person. I sure hope its nt one of the pranks.? I trust my frenz nt to play me out. If u noe wad i mean lah....Ps: Tanx for all the concern pple.!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Its juz gonna be a short post here. One comment bout my test today. I dunno if i can make it haiz. I studied sooo hard yesterday night. N i was super tired n sleepy oso. head oso hurts. Bt lucky i felt better after the first hr. I met irah after sch to give her some stuff lah. Super cold in the afternoon coz it was raining. N now my leg n eyes hurt.! How worst can diz all get.? Nvm..who the one who's facing it wad. N tomorrow i can assure u dat my test i won do well. HAiz...wads up wif me man.? Things look diff diz days. Maybe i lack of rest.? I dunno..i wanna get out frm diz.! N tanx irah for 'forcing' me to rest :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Tue is the oni day of the week dat i can wake up a little late for sch.! U noe why..coz sch starts at 10am. N every tue i would oni take bout 20 mins max to reach sch.? HAha. Dat allows me to get some beauty slp.! Bt den i gt a morning call which force me to wake up n eat my med.! I was being nice n didnt object too much. Hehe. Went to slp for a little while longer b4 getting up n bathe. I decided to dress really slack today. N tied my hair all up.! Feel sooo free.! Haha. The bus are always on tyme.! I like.! Haha. REached sch early even though i left hoz late.? Haha. Dats one thing nice bout tue.! N as i was saying to most of my don have comp prog test.! See lah don trust me some more.! Diz means edwin didnt get a chance to skin me alive.! HAha. He wasnt being fair oso coz he didnt allow me to skin him alive.! HAha. Bt instead he bully me.! In fact, him n alex were the 2 who kept bullying me lah seh. Wad luck right.? HAha. Im always wrong one to THEM...n i cant fight edwin's stare.! HAha. Next up lecture, hmm...quite okay lah i can understand.! Congrats to myself.! HAha. Oh ya, i gt to noe shocking news.! Sorie im nt gonna share it til i noe its true.! Went for lunch straight after dat. We headed to Mc. Its been ages since i last ate there. Fiona n pris didnt wan to eat Mc so they left me wif the guys n emmer was there so yeah dat didnt worry them.! HAha. Lunch was super nice.! Den we realise they're gonna be late for dfund lab test.! Im in second batch so it didnt bother me. I followed them to the lab lah since oni me in our 'grp' dats nt in the first batch.! I called fiona n pris coz fiona told me nt to leave her. Bt guess wad..nt even one of them pick up my call.! So i gave up.! HAha. So yeah, i sat outside the lab for 1 hr waiting for my turn. Alex joined me n pris later outside. I smsed a few frenz, thought they could keep me company bt they had things to do. So music was my companion. Oni irah entertained me at the last min. I appreciate it though.! Hmm..lab test was okay. Haha. The tcher was very nice man.! He came without me asking for help.! I tink the whole of my class will do well having him arnd.! HAha. Head home after the test. I watched movie in the evening.! Very entertaining. HAha. Okay2 enuf of me having fun for the day. I've gt to study for comp prog tomorrow.! I hope i can do well.! All the best to my classmates studying it tonight.! HAhahahaha...Ps: All the wonders i could get.! hmmm...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Beginnig of TEST(S) week.! Argh...! How can survive.? Had maths test durind the first lesson of the day. I was stuck doing the last qn. Dunno if i will get it right. Wel who cares its over, look on the bright side. Next up edevice. We gt back our quiz paper. N yeah i indeed gt a 28.! HAha..shocking for me of coz. Anw to those who didnt do wel. Don be discourage.! Its oni the first. U still have time to catch up.! Fiona don worry.! I'll help u where i can okay.? Don sad sad lah. (: After dat was 2hrs straight lecture. I was getting sleepy. My head hurts bt i tried entertaining myself lah. Haha. Oh ya, i didnt expect fiona to really do wad she did. Okay2...must make sure pple won hurt her next tyme.! Den later i realise my hand was shaking wen i was holding my pencil. HAha. N edwin said dat i stressed sit beside him dats y. Wad oni lah..haha. Off we go for lunch after dat. Today we were fast. Don wanna be late for pcb class. HAha. Coz we had quiz n lab test. N the best thing is dat we dunno wad to study.! Diz is lyk something new to us wad. So we didnt noe wad to be prepared for. Wad i study didnt come out seh.! =_= N yerp, i could do the paper. I tink if i actually et any mark its lyk miracle lah. Dat was quiz for 30 mins. Next was lab test n its open book lah. So we can refer. Bt it wasnt easy too. I didnt manage to complete it coz half way through it there was an error. Great or wad. N bcoz of dat my tyme was delay lah. There goes my pcb marks. Wen tyme was up, tcher told us to look through our assignment n ask him anything if we dunnoe. Most of them asked lah n he practically gave us the ans wad to do. HAha. We oni need to transfer it to the comp. I managed to do it lah. Den went to help out a few frenz. Later, haikal told me dat i had some mistakes. N i had to redo it.! Grr..wth..! If nt for dat den i could go home early seh. Haiz. So yeah had no choice bt to do it slowly. Was kind of frust lah. Bt lucky my dear frenz were they helping me out.! Tanx pple appreciate it lots.! N i was done soon after dat lah. HAha. Coz pple help wad. By den it was arnd 7 i tink. WE den pack up n left the lab. The whole grp of us walked together away frm tp bus stop. Den wen we reached safra there, me,is n harith saw 21 n decided to take it. Coz if we missed it must wait very loong. So oni left wei tian n shawn walked together to the further bus stop. Fiona,seng wei, rui xiang n mac oso went on seperate ways after the traffic light. Chatted wif irah otf in the bus. Wel im so sorie irah u have to face dat. If tymecould turn back i will, to help make things better for u. Gt to noe frm mom dat she called m soo many tymes bt cannot get through.! Haha. She is nt the oni one who tried conatacting me n failed. Wel sorie lah. At pcb lab gt no reception dats y. N i was lyk in the lab for 5 hrs plus.? So whoever sms or call me during dt tyme wont be able to get me. So sorie pple. Hmm..i feel lyk talking otf wif pple bt today seems lyk pple all have things to do. N wen im bz or nt thinking of hanging otf gt soo many pple call me wan. bored.! Nvm lor..since nobody free..i'll talk to myself.! crazy oryte....Ps: Test test n more test.? Grrr....
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sooo fast the week is cuming to an end already. I seriously dont have enuf rest.! Im lyk always super sleepy. N dats y its diff waking me up in the morning.! HAha. Am i right.? Hmm..i wasnt sure how many miss call i have b4 answering my morning call. HAha.! I was forced to get out of bed n eat my med. Which i eventually did of coz. I went back to slp after dat. HEhe. Woke up bout 30 mins later coz little sis kept asking me to wake up. I ate breakfast lah. The donut frm yesterday still have. So i had dat n i finish one tub of rice.? Haha. By den i was super full.! I did some revision lah for my madrasah exam today n for my maths n pcb quiz tomorrow. N guess wad..i fell aslp while studyting my madrasah thing.! Haha. I slept til bout arnd 12 lyk dat. Haha. I gt up n watch tv. HEhe Den wen to iron my tudong. Irah called, chatted wif her for awhile den i had to go n siap oready.Left hoz arnd 1 plus. ME n sis were the 2nd to arrive. We did some revision while waiting for uztazah to come. Den later i receive a call. Quite shocking arh coz usually gt no reception. I couldnt argue lyk how i use to coz i was in class wad. So yerp i ended the convo soon enuf. Uztad came n rearrange some of us. I was made to sit right infront. Wad oni lah him. HAha. Hmm..the paper wasnt hard bt at the same tyme wasnt easy. The language they use chim lah seh.! Bt i tink i can pass one lah. Bt score.? Nt sure arh..haha. Went straight home after dat.I thought of getting some slp. Den gt to noe my frenz were having conference call. So i join them lah. Very loong nvr chit chat wif them. The first thing wen they ans my call, i was asked to take paper n pen.! HAha. U noe why.? They were playing guessing game.! u noe..nvr have i played lyk diz otf b4.! HAha. NAt soon join us later too.! We talk n talk n talk. HAha. Den suddenly, i receive a call frm an unknown no. I ans it lor. HAha. I was shocked for sure. We didnt talk long lah. HAha. I continued talking to them lah. Later i gt incoming call. So i put them all on hold first. My aunt told me lots of stuff dats y i was away for some time. Den i gt o noe later frm them dat they was a song wen i put them on hold.? HAha. They were laughing their hearts out lah seh. OKay...i soooo didnt noe dat there was a song.! HAha.! I couldnt talk long coz gotta leave. Sorry yeah pple...Anw recently, i made lots of new frenz. Hmm..its nice lah knowing someone new. The oni thing is dat u have to start again frm the beginning.! HAha. So far, the pple are quite okay i guess..? Hmm...haha. Lets c lah how long diz pple exist..haha.! Im soo bad..i its reality.! So live wif it.! HAha....Ps: Wah..its gonna be a tough week ahead. Every day gt test.? Omg how can i survive.?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Me n sis...
The bon bon dat was on discount...(Nt bad the taste)
My pizza...haha.!
The water show thingy...
See they're promoting precious thoughts...
The christmas celebration thing...
Weekends are here. I did wake up late today. Bt had a weird dream. =_= Mom didnt woke me up to accompany her go market. Guess she knew how tired i was. I oni realise dat i had to take my medication again today at arnd 10 plus.? I was late by 2hrs.? HAha. Lucky nvr forget. Hmm...nobody remind me lah. HAha. Even mom forgot. again.? Im tired of them. Juz wish dat im normal lyk everyone else.
I ate breakfast wif my fam. N we had kfc breakfast again. =_= Im getting sick of it already. After dat i went to my room n start studying. I have lots of test so must be prepared. Furthermore, im going out wif my fam. Chatted wif few frenz right after lunch. Den i went to change n poof we're out of the house. I saw one of my psychology classmate on the bus bt i acted as if i didnt see him.! HAha. I noe he was looking bt i didnt bother to turn.
We went to suntec coz gt book fest. The place was indeed big. Gt soo many things to c. Sis bought one book. We tried looking for "The host" bt they didnt have it there. Saw many pple starting to buy the twilight series book. HAha. Guess they knew how nice the story was.? Haha. I've already known the whole story line. U can ask me if u have any qns. Hehe.
After dat, we're off to buy donuts at donut factory. Fuhhh...the donuts all super nice. We sat at the fish place there while mom n dad walked arnd. As always, my whole mouth gets messy wif the chocholate.! I tried my best already lor bt i still have chocholate all over my face. HAha. Oh ya, i wanted to scold sis bout something bt i ended up laughing my hearts out. U noe why.? Coz wen im scolding, all stupid words came out. HAha.! The meaning was the opp of wad i actually wanted to say. =_= So how can i nt laugh.? N sis was laughing non-stop lah seh.! HAha.! Okay2 i noe i cant scold....haha.!
We had dinner at pizza hut. I ate alot seh. I was super full wen im done. N u noe wad, my chicken flew away wen im eating it.! HAha.! Sis n dad gave me diz look n laugh eventually. Haha. Wads wrong wif me today man.? Haha. Kept making n saying silly things.! As usual i became their entertainment lor. I tink without me, my fam very quiet wan.! HAha.! I thought them foolish things and jokes. Hmm..i tink my frenz agree dat i can be a little 'sort'..kan eera.? HAha. We watched diz water show which i tink kind of lame lah. They sempat promote to sell things...=_=
Head back home after dat. Tel u i was super full lah seh.! Couldnt walk any further.! Haha. So yerp, today was quite an enjoying day for me lah. I did study n make myself happy too.! Let's juz hope i stay as high as i am now.? So i wouldnt be stress.? HAha.
Ps: I hope things get better for my dear frenz. Do approach me anytyme.!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Yay.! Its friday.! Haha. Bt den sad thing is dat i cant rest.! Soooo many things to do n sooo little tyme. I've got religious classs exam diz weekend. Den gt tons n tons of test,quiz next week.! Haiz...i sooo wanna meet up wif frenz.! Nvm2 i tink after next week sure can one. HAha. I'll find tyme to spend wif frenz.! Hehe. Miss them all lots arh.! As for today, ntg much happen. Firs lesson was edev. After finishing the qn tcher asked, i talked wif edwin n seng wei. Den wen tcher called my name to solve the qn on the board i was caught by surprise.! HAha. He oni allow me to bring my calculator. HAha. Sad man. I was too engrossed trying to solve it dat i didnt hear wad tcher was saying bout me.! HAha. I oni gt to noe after class frm them. Dfund tut was okay too. Hmm..can understand a little lor wad he was saying. Haha. I tink i need to revise at home to be able to fully understand. Edev lect was okay. Hmm..managed to process wad tcher was saying. After dat we all went for lunch. O decided to hang arnd wif them first den go find my aunt. It took us quite some time to decide where to head to. Most of them went off wif frenz. Oni left bout 5 of us. Went lunch together lah. I didnt eat anything heavy.! HEhe. I oni ate goreng pisang.! HAha. Bt i noe alex n seng wei were starving n still wasnt full wen their food finished. Oh ya, they told me i was second highest in class for the edev quiz.? I was shocked man. I wont believe til i see it for myself.! For sure i didnt hear anything dat tcher was saying bout me.! HAha.!! Nvm2 next week i'll noe the result. So lets c if they are right.! Fiona went off for lecture. Den me n alex waited for bus at the bus stop opp. Since im meeting aunt, cant take the same bus as alex lah. I bought for aunt some food b4 heading to her work place. I had to take dad's key frm her coz he drop it in grandfather's car. HEad home after dat. Met up wif sis to buy some stuff. N i made sis carry my super heavy bag. All tanx to the psychology cook which was super thick.! Wei tian's fren lend it to me so dat i can do my quiz.! Haha..n sis was indeed compalining my bag heavy.! Srie arh my shoulder was already hurting dats why i made her carry for me.! Im bad, i noe.! Haha.! Had kfc for lunch coz aunt gave it to dad. I took a nap for awhile. Dats y i didnt reply irah's msg.! HAha. N sis had a hard tyme waking me up.! HAha.! It took her bout 15 mins to really get me up. I was dead tired don blame me.!Den at night went to watch movie wif my fam. We watched madagascar. Wah...the show nice man.! I enjoy it. HAha. Very funny. I was lyk in my own world.! HAha. Laughing lyk nobody business. Sis even scolded me for being too engrossed wif the show. U wouldnt wan to noe wad i did.! Hmm...for my close frenz i tink u will have an idea how i would react.? HAha. Dats a clue..hehe. Tak phm sudah.! Phm kan je. Wel pple go catch the show.! Its nice. Oh ya, saw irah's bro at downtown too. N guess wad i had for dinner.? KFC again.! HAha.!!!! Ps: Its gonna be a very looong n tiring week ahead.! I need a break man.! HAhhahahhaha.!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Today was suppose to be a very loong day for me. Coz supposedly our plan was to do our PCB assignment at one of the labs in sch. Den after dat i have psychology lecture. Lets begin frm morning. As usual went to inter bt diz tyme i made sure i was early coz first lesson is wif dat fierce tcher.! Haha. Den while standing, someone bang into me. I turned to look n dat person did the same too. N guess who it was..haha.! It was iskandar.! HAha. We smile n waved den he went off to his bus area there. Yerp i was early for sch oryte. Wen i was climbing the stairs up, i saw edwin bt lazy arh wan to wait for him. HAha. Den later joined them at sit outside class. N tcher today was late.! HAha. Fiona took the chance to disturb him.! Haha. We practice all our previous lab coz we're having lab test next week. So it was kind of relaxing ah. Nt dat stress. We were released early, so me, fiona, jian hong, pris n chuan song went to the library to check our streaming results.! Kind of nervous lah to c wad u get. N as i expect i gt my first choice which was MEDIA COMM. Hmm..i still nt sure if diz id the right choice for me.? Bt for sure diz course gonna change a little of my ways. Coz there are more gals now.! more guys surrounding me for once.? Haha. Wel lets juz wait n see. Anw few of my frenz didnt get their first choice. Hope dat fiona will be able to get into wad she wans lah. Sad lah wen we all are gonna be seperated next yr....HEad off to lecture after dat. Wahhh..dfund is getting harder by the tyme. I hope i can make it arh. I wonder how am i gonna do my quiz next week.? Must study super hard.! Maths oso looks tough.! Wah..somebody save me.? HAha. Nvm2 must persevere wan.! HAha. As for psps we have to prepare our last presentation for diz term.? It isnt easy lah seh. Den wen class ended we waited for the rest outside. I den realise dat my fon was GONE.! Wahhhh...i panic lyk wad seh. I ran back to class den saw tcher walking away n she locked the class oready.! I chase after her. Didnt mind my surrounding seh coz i wanted my fon back.! HAha. MAnaged to catch up wif her n gt my fon back.! YAy.! HAha. Wad a relieve man. Lucky i realise it fast.! Phew.! Den wen tcher walk off oready den i realise there was one grp of guys sitting outside the class.! N pris told me they were disturbing asking of we needed help to chase after tcher. HAha. We walk away frm there immediately lah. Haha. Joined the other guys coz we're heading to pcb lab. Once we gt there. Saw the rest. The labs were all occupied till 6pm. N dat tyme was oni 4.? Den our pcb tcher was there so shwan called him out. We 'complain' lah dat the lab was in use how to do assignment.? N he said dat they decided to open the lab next week.! HAha. BEst. He told us dat he will provide us wif ans some more next week. We oni need to transfer it to comp. Wah...tcher is the best man.! HAha.! Since we couldnt do the lab thing today. N we have lyk 2hrs b4 lecture. So we decided nt to go.! HAha. It took us sooo long to decide.! Haha. I walked wif the guys to the bus stop arh. Den at the bridge there gt cat sia.! Lucky ismael tel me.! HAha. N the best thing is dat gt diz gal go carry the cat down to where we were standing. N shawn was the one who told me. Wah..i straight hide behind alex. The cat walk towards us n i ran away behind haikal.! Haha. It den laid down there quietly. I stand far away frm them juz in case.! HAha. Alex was lyk,"Relax arh fana...". Haha.! N wen the bus came, i squeeze in btwn dem to avoid that cat lah.! Haha. Took bus wif alex, ismael n harith. HAikal n shawn walked off to a diff bus stop. Since i came back early, i managed to get a little nap.! Haha. Bt it still wasnt enuf.! Im juz too tired bt nt much tyme to really rest. HAha. I cant wait for holidays.! OKay2 i tink i'll stop. Need to do some studying.! Chiox pple.!Ps: Sheesh..if nt for last min cancel i would have meet my frenz..grr.!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
As usual went to sch in the morning. I saw ismael wen i was walking to inter. He stopped n asked where i was going. I said i going inter n him going to the bus stop. We said gdbyes n meet later lah in sch. HAha. I took the early bus coz i thought wanna do some revision b4 the quiz.Once i reach sch, walked to class. Met edwin halfway. I wanted to pull his earpiece out bt he was fast.! HAha. Sheesh.! I miss it.! HAha. Nvm2 gt next tyme.! HAha. We went to class n sat next to wei tian. He asked some qns dat he didnt noe how to do. Me n edwin thought him lah. Den later wen we 'stressing' trying to solve it, gt diz person enter class n told us dat our tcher couldnt make it.! So dat means class is cancelled n quiz postpone. We were lyk..wth. We study lyk crazy den quiz next week.? N some more i woke up early juz nt to be late seh.! =_=Bt its okay..look n the bright side. At least the other pple who still dunno how to do can have more practice. I guide wei tian how to solve the qn using some guides frm edwin's work. HAha. N alex thought me some techniques to make pple remember. Tanx i'll take note of dat. Finally wei tian understands after some time. Later fiona came n have the problem wif the same qn. So i made wei tian teach her since he say he understand. HAha. I did help him out too lah. Im nt dat bad.After dat we watched shawn, haikal n jian hong do magic tricks wif cards..haha. Funny lah they all. Emmer enjoy it the most wif her laughters.! HAha. Next was comp programming. Our tcher don have so the other class tcher was having a hard tyme controlling 2 class.? HAha. N dats it for the day. After lunch we head to library to pass the tyme coz cds class starts at 2pm.Me,edwin n fiona went off to our various class first while the rest stayed in the library n wait for us to end. I was late for class so i had to sit infront.! Bt it was okay coz i sat wif my grp. HAha. Now i can get use to them oready. Class started lyk normal n den proceed wif the activity. N i was asked to go out n act a certain emotion.! HAha. Mine was easy. I was suppose to look happy.! Which im forever is.! HAha. So it was easy. Even tcher agreed wif dat.! Haha. N u noe wad one of my grp members notice dat i love red alot.! HAha. Class ended soon after dat.I met fiona n the rest at the mushroom.! All of them were waiting for me..which means i was late.! HAha. Gt mini 'lecture' frm both edwin n seng wei. HAha. N later i told them im nt joining them do the assignment today.! Hehe. Sorie. I'll do tomorrow wif them.! I went off wif fiona. We took 15 coz she had to go her frenz hoz. It was raining by then. So i had to take 359 home. It was super cold lah seh.! Den wen i reach home, sis told me aunt gave food frm kfc breakfast. Tel u the waffle n the biscuit was super nice.! Its eaten wif honey n maple syrup.! HAha. I like it lots lah seh.! N i have a whole big plastic filled wif the biscuits.! Its quite ex lah bt i gt it free.! Haha. So its okay. seem dat i've been having kfc food for breakfast diz past few days.! HAha. Den at night spend tyme on the comp n otf. Gt 2 diff cals frm diff pple.! HAha. Lyk perfect timing lyk dat. Wen i put down the fon the other person call. HAha. I dunno why bt pple say today im super happy.? Really meh.? HAha. No juz back to my usual self.! :) Btw streaming results will be out tomorrow.! Yikes.! Wonder wad i gt.? Hmm....Ps: Come on pple cheer up.! If i can make it so can u all lah.! :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Its second day of the week n im still tired.! HAha. Bcoz of my stupid bat, n tanx to my dear cuz for making it lyk dat, i didnt managed to give ayid morning call.! Im so so sorie ayid.! I didnt mean it.! I oso gt to noe irah called me at night n it was off.! bat really gone case already.! Went to sch abit later coz today tue.! HAha.
MAnaged to reach sch on time of coz lyk always.! HEhe. Hmm..sch was ok lah. Ntg special. Oni dat fiona still havent come back to sch. It seems less noisy coz she always create noise wan.! HAha. Den as for dfund lab, tcher gave us practice for next week's lab test. It wasnt dat hard.! We were allowed to go off straight wen we were okay oready. So we were released early.! HAha. Great arh.! Bt den the few of us stayed back in sch to help shawn wif his maths. Coz tomorrow gt maths quiz.! Helping him is lyk we doing revision yeah don mind lah. HAha. Me,emmer n wei tian stress teach him.! HAha. N he finally gt it.! Let's juz hope he doesnt forget them by tomorrow.! Haha.
I went off wif shawn. We walked to the bus stop together coz the one opp to is pack. Chatted wif him bout diz n dat. HAha. He funny lah seh. I board the bus first den him. HAha. Den wen i reach home, my aunt frm father side was there. I came in greeted them n went to change my clothes. By the tyme i was done, they went back oready. HAha.
At night, i did some revision lah for tomorrow's quiz.! Hope i can do it.! Scared lah seh.! N it seems lyk forever uploading the pics.! HAha. I didnt upload all lah. LAzy.! HAha. So pple check out the pics yeah.! I noe some of it is ugly.! Haha. Juz bear wif it lor.! HAha. Bt due to ilma's request i took down some.! See wad a gd darling i am.? Haha.!
Ps: I heard dat amin is sick wif chicken pox.! Get well soon my fren.! N as for ayid i hope things will turn out okay for u.....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008