Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Ps: Ameera i cant find my pic wif u.! So dat means u've gt to take pics wif me wen we go out.! Haha...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sch starts late today. N dat means i can get more slp. Bt den i had difficulty falling aslp starting frm 1 plus to 2am. All the way, i kept waking up. B4 i knew it, morning comes. Mom woke me up wif the bright light in my room juz to help her out. eyes were super tired. Bt still went to help her. Coz she going visiting. Today they kebumikan my datok sedare. I gt sch so couldnt follow. Grandma went to c the body yesterday n dad didnt allow us to go coz he scared we lemah smgt. Oh well, i juz pray for him lah. Den laid in my bed for another hr plus b4 shower coz my head was spinning a little. Took bus frm central there, easier for me. N i was super early for sch.! Sheesh. If i noe i would have gone out later. Nvm, i'll take note next week. Ezul saw me climbing up the bridge n he was at the top. He waited for me, dats nice i guess n we walked together to class. Its comp prog so we're in the same class. Furthermore, our class is located at the far end. In the mean tyme, we chatted bout basic stuff to pass the tyme. Once in class there wasnt many pple. So i took my mp4 n hp den left the class to walk2 outside. Saw edwin wen i came out of the toilet. Bt didnt talk to him lah gt no mood. I was calming myself wif the wind. Hmm...he came over to me later n asked wads wrong. HAha. He n keanne accompanied me outside. We went in wen we saw tcher. Edwin make me seat beside him as always. Lyk my permanent place. HAha. Wel frenz did make my mood came back. Soon i was myself. Blah blah blah. Went for lunch n i didnt finish my food. It came late n wen the rest wanted to walk back some came to our table to wait. Haha. Dats nice bt stress me lor. Lyk giving me the pressure to hurry. I did told them to go first bt they waited so nt my fault. Hehe. We werent late for dfund lab as our tcher wasnt arnd. So gt a replacement. We did our mini project by ourselves helping one another out.Wen doing so, i accidentally burnt my finger. HAha. I was helping fiona out, didnt noe dat there was melted iron on the soldering thing. N i hold it.! =_= HAha. man.! HEhe. I still havent finish my project which is due next week. Im stuck at the wiring part. I dunnoe which wire go where.! Haha. Nvm i shall ask pple for help.! Head straight home after dat. Walked to the bus stop wif the same grp of pple. Actually, was supposed to meet ayid to pass him some stuff. Bt den he was sick so i asked him to rest instead. We'll arrange another tyme i guess. Tomorrow sch half day.! Yes can go back early.! N im getting maths results oso.! Im scared to c it. Wel im prepared to fail lah. We'll c how bad my result is. If its bad im tinking of asking my neighbour to give me tution frm the start.! HAha. Hmm..lets juz hope i didnt do dat badly.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wel its a start of a new sch term oready. First day of sch heavy rain. Wad a way to start off. Anw besides frm no mood to study, i was glad to c my classmates again. I do miss them though. Maybe bcoz its the bond dat we have created so far.? HAha. First lesson,our tcher was oready late. Sheesh. I should have known she nvr change. I reached sch on tyme seh. Nvm, so yeah sat down chit chat wif my frenz while waiting. Oh ya, my cough still havent go off. Dunnoe is it for the better or worst.? I have no idea. Kept coughing since morning seh. N the best thing was dat both me n fiona had cough. So wen one cough the other will lyk auto follow. The 2 of us den tried to keep away frm each other. HAha. Which obviously cannot lah. HAha.
We gt back one of our papers oready. I passed which was good news lah. Bt it wasnt dat good due to sooo many careless mistake i made. Haiz. Me n my carelessness. Okay, one down still gt 2 more suspense. Im sooo hoping i wont fail maths.! scared to soo the paper. Oh well, wed is still a day away.
PCB lesson was okay. N the thing we were afraid of was the ineterview for our project. Its lyk we nt sure wad we doing. HAha. Den those who went oready, gave us some tips. N lucky i managed to go through it.! I looked calm, bt inside oni god noes how scared i was. I didnt noe if wad i was saying is right or wrong. Hantam je seh. Main ckp je...haha.! I ended up getting a B+. Oh well, dats good enuf i suppose.
Head home after sch. I walked wif the guys lah. Dunnoe which route they took. Juz follow, HAha. It seems lyk a longer way, bt according to shawn it was a short cut.? Nvm lah i had plenty of tyme anw. Once reached home do the necessary stuffs and blah blah blah. Dats bout it dat i went through today.
Oooo..share wif u all sumtink. Yesterday night, wen i wanted to go to my bed, i broke 2 of my parents glass thing on the door.! HAha.! I dunnoe how to explain lah. Dad kept dat door under the mattress at the top story. N since aunt was here i slept upstairs lah. The moment i went up, i heard sound of something break. I quickly go down n lift the mattress. N i saw the 2 piece of glass oready shattered.! HAha. I called dad, n he was shocked. Coz the glass is soo thick n im 'thin' so how can break.? I dunnoe. HAha. C im nt light okay.! HAha.
Dad didnt allow me to help him pick up the glass pieces coz he noes dat im clumsy n wouldnt wan me to end up cutting myself. Dat would be another mess he have to clean.! Hehe. Anw, even though i juz watched dad, i did bump into things. =_= Wah...i cant take it man. Hitting things here n there is nt fun okay. HAiyo..wen can i be more careful.? Aunt was already laughing wen she saw me bump into the vacuum. HAha. Okay2 funny i noe. Bt sakit tau. HAha. Anw here is the pic of the part dat i broke.! HAha.!! 
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
HAd a nice sleep yesterday.! HAha. I was too tired to stay up any longer. I managed to chat for awhile wif a fren otw b4 dozing off to slp. Sorie arh..penat jadi tk tau ape bebual. HAha. Anw woke up wif aches here n there. BAsically my whole body was aching. Super painful. Nk bangun dari katil pon seksa..SAKIT.! HAha. Hmm..wonder if the others feel the same way too.? Haha. I really had a hard tyme walking the entire day.! Pain here n there. Very irritating. Indeed i was suffering. HAha. Bt its okay, its the result of too much fun. HEhe. Didnt do much today. Followed mum to buy some groceries since at home everything finish. Gt to top up..haha. Den we thought of going to marina barriage later in the afternoon. I soo wan to go to dat place. Pple say its nice. I wanna c for myself..haha. Managed to get some slp in the afternoon. Mom den woke me up n ask to get changed coz wanna go out. So yerp, i gt up n changed. Me, mom n little sis kept asking my sis to wake up n changed. Bt she didnt wan to. She insisted in slping all the way. Kind of frustrating arh coz she didnt respond to wad we say. DAd den said since she don wan wake up n go. Everybody no need go out n cancel the plan. I was lyk..wth. Smue org dah siap seh. BEh cancel lagik.? Coz dat tyme oso we wanted to go to the same place n everyone was already prepared den she buat hal. Haiz...n now its the same thing. So i talked her out lah. Bt in the end she scolded me. Wah...i really cannot take it man. I pity mom who wanted to go there so much. N bcoz of dat, dad scold mom. HAiz. Im soo fed up man. Doesnt she have feelings for all of us.? Im sooo hurt. Frm now juz gonna let her do wad she wans. Im tired of getting hurt always. My heart cries wen i scold her. Haiz. I dunno how loong more i can stand it. The rest of the tyme after dat i sit outside watch tv. Didnt bother bout anything. N tanx irah i did feel better. I tried to hold back my it still roll down my face. Lucky no one saw it. I guess it will take some time to heal lah. I ate chocholates to make me feel better. Haiz. I really hate diz feeling. It makes my mood go away. I was very quiet the rest of the day. Went out for dinner at night, sis didnt follow. Mom oso tegur dat i was quiet. She asked why. I juz kept silent lah. Didnt feel lyk saying anything. Gt no mood to eat so decided nt to buy anything. Mom made me eat some food. N yeah i did. Don wan to hurt her lor. Haiz. My mood really was affected seh. Haiz. I hope i feel better in the coming days. I don wan to destroy my days will stress. Oh well..look on the birght side. I still have other pple to keep me smiling. Ps: Pics are still otw. I still gt others to upload too. I'll do it one shot lah.
Friday, December 26, 2008
A great n fun day i had today.! Went out to sentosa wif my F.A.N.A members. HAha. Its lyk after a loong tyme den we meet up again. All four of us. I was sooo looking forward for diz day coz i miss dem dearly.! So woke up early in the morning to prepare the food to bring there. I had a hard tyme waking up seh. Haha. I immediately call irah wen i open my eyes. HAha. Coz she ask me kejot her. I den went to shower. I go boil the macroni first den went down to go buy some stuff for me to cook. It didnt take me long lah. I was multi-tasking lah seh. HAha. I cook, smsn pack all the things in my bag. It was kind fo rushing lah. HAha. Bt i manage to do it all in tyme. Left home at 9.30am as promised. I didnt noe the rest were already waiting for me. SO i hurried.! HAha.I saw bus 81 so i rushed to the bus stop hoping dat i will reach there b4 the bus do.! HAha. Bt den wen i reach the bus stop, the bus left. Sheesh. Buat penat je kejar bus tu. Haha. So i sat at the bus n ate my chocolate. I didnt have the chance to eat something n chocholate was my last resort. At least dat will be able to give me the energy i needed for travelling. Soon enuf the bus came. I smsed them all saying dat i board oready. Wen reaching nat's area i tried dialing bt keep on pressing wrong number. Haha. Lucky nat saw me in the bus.! So she board it. HAha. Phew.! She den smsed eera saying dat we'll be reaching there soon.So all of us finally was in the bus heading to kovan. Me n nat were discussing bout how to prepare the surprise for eera since irah n her are quite a distance away. HAha. Anw the 2 of them were bz talking so didnt tink they could hear us lah. HAha. We took NEL to harbor front. Frm there we went to take train to sentosa. It was their first tyme riding it arh. HAha. SO i ans their qns. Hehe. We walked to pahlawan beach wen we alight. Found a nice spot under the tree to lay our mat. HAha. N we made sure they wasnt any coconuts on the tree.! Danger man..haha. Once everything have settled we ate the sandwhich eera made.! HAha. We were super hungry coz havent eat breakfast wad. Actually nvr in my life have i eaten the wholemeal bread. Bt bcoz no choice so i eat it.! Haha. Hmm..nt bad lah the taste i suppose. HEhe. Den after dat, it rained. =_= HAha. We didnt move lah juz sit there hoping the rain would stop. Bt it didnt. Makin lebat ade arh. HAha. So i den took out my umbrella n the 4 of us share. Very pathetic n funny.! Haha. Bt it stopped soon after. N the sun was coming out. Next activity was play frisbee.! Honestly, i nvr pass playing it.! HAha.! N so were the 3 of dem. So yeah it started off wif very bad tossing.! Haha...seriously i mean it BAD.! HAha. We were laughing our heads off man.! After lots of tries, we finally get the hang of it. Me n nat one grp, eera n irah one grp. So we were sort of challenging each other lah. HAha. Fun u noe. At first me n nat were leading bt they catch up soon enuf coz irah n eera switch place.! HAha. was fun playing it.! My hands do hurt coz hit dat thing lor. HAha. I had to run many tymes seh coz the frisbee went far.! Haha. Bt lucky gt some nice pple help throw it back at us. Irah n eera won the game.! fair.! Its okay...juz a game wad. I was really exhausted after playing the game. HAha. Been coughing here n there. HAha.Since me n nat lost. Irah n eera asked both of us to do forfeit. We had to run arnd 7 trees holding each others hands. Haha. Lucky gt nt many pple n we were sporting arh. So yeah we did it.! Ryn arnd lyk some crazy pple.! Haha. I was out of breathe frm all the laughing n running.! Fuhh...tired.! So we sat n rested for awhile. Den we went down to play in the water. I didnt bring extra top juz shorts. Bt lazy change. HAha. So i juz fold my pants up. The water was super nice.! Cooling.! Haha. Regret nvr bring extra shirt. Took some fotos den went up to sit again. I told nat to bring eera away so dat we could prepare the things. N she did. Haha.While preparing the stuff, i discovered dat we forgot the lighter.! HAhaha.! Irah rushed to go find the lighter while i blow up some of the things there. Den gt diz person ask help to take foto, bt den she saw dat we were preparing a birthday surprise. So she asked us to carry on. Nat called n i asked her to delay a little coz we had some probs.! Haha. N she told eera dat i asked to take more tisuue. =_= Haha. PApe lah nat. N finally we managed to light the candle. I used the umbrella to block the wind.! Haha. Saw the 2 of them coming by den.We pretended nt to noe anything n later reveal the cake. HAha. EEra was glad lah. Can see frm her face. HAha. We made her blow the candle. Den irah tried spraying the stirng thing which didnt work.! Shoot.! HAha. Eera den found out dat the candle we put was the one dat once u blow it will light again.! HAha. Best.! She was screaming at us coz we did dat.! Haha. Too bad lah eera. N n i manged to spray the snow thing at her.! Best.! HAHhahaha. Direct at her face seh.! HAha. She was all blue.! Bt lucky the thing can fade one.! HAha. We den eat the cake dat have melted.! Hehe. Candle too hot lah. Haha.After eera was done wif the cake. We asked her to do some stupid stuff lah. Mula2 dier tak nk bt den later she take the challenge.! Ah kene kau...tadi kene kan kau ngan nat kan.! HAHa. We took a video of it.! Damn funny. We kept replaying it again n again.! Haha. Funny. We rested den went to play the sand. We wanted to try build sand castle wif cups, hands n legs. HAha.! Me n nat act lyk the machine, we use our feet to pile up the sand. EEra n irah was the wan who shape it up. HAha. Fun u noe n tiring as well.! Haha. N it turn out pretty nice lah.! HAha. Done wif sand, we're back un the water.! Haha. It was scorching hot n the water feels great.! Me n irah were splashing away.! Haha. Took more fotos den we went up to take our things n go wash our legs. We went to cross the bridge which was soo the me-mabok-kan. Den climb the stairs up all the way to the top.! Haha.! I gt no enegry lah seh.! One of them pushed me up frm the back.! Haha. Tanx.! Saw sis n her matair, so we went to the other end to seat. It was super hot. Lucky gt wind. My neck was very itchy n i tried real hard nt to scratch.! Haha. The wind was nice so it helped. Ate the food dat i cook. Hehe. Nt nice sorie eh. HAha. We sat n enjoy the wind n at the same tyme we talk laugh talk laugh. HAha. Fun seh lyk dat. Irah was already getting sleepy.! HAha. So she was quiet. We sat day all the way. Wen we wanted to make a move it rained heavily. So we had to wait til the rain stop lah. N wen it did, we hurried down. Cross the bridge again. Dat make my head feels worst. Coz its already hurting. HAha. Due to the weather i guess. Coz first gt rain, den very hot n rain again. How nt to sakit.? MAde our way to the bus station. Waited for the next bus coz the previous was packed. All of us looked super tired by den. Bus ride gave me more head pain. Sheesh. Den some more gt diz person hit my head wif his elbow. Ouch. Took mrt outram den change go kovan. Took bus 81 back home lah. Head pain was still there even after i alight. Had home straight n den go wash up coz i scared later i gt fever as i wasnt feeling well. HAd dinner, watch tv n blah blah blah dats bout it for the day. Hmm..lets see..did i miss anything out.? Nt sure leh...haha. U can check out nat's n eera's version at their blogs wen they update lah. Haha.I havent gt the pics yet. Coz its wif eera n nat. Haha. Once i gt frm them den i upload lah. In the mean tyme happy reading my loooong post.! Those who bother reading it tanx lots for surviving my loong story.! Haha...toodles pple. Btw, eera sure hope u enjoy wad we made. Haha. Coz i do.! Ps: Indeed it was a great day out wif my frenz.! Wonder wen we can gather again.! Haha. Im still sick.! Grr...haha.! Nvm lor who cares. Haha. Btw im dark now.! Tanx to the sun.! HAha,..
Thursday, December 25, 2008