So fast weekeends are here again. I'll be having lots of test n quizes next week. Haiz. Dat means i must study real hard.! Main exams are juz arnd the corner. I sure hope i can make it through the week seh. I scared half way i cannot make it sia. Haha. I sooo hate it lah. Bt den still have to face all diz sooner or later. Haiyo. As for today, ntg special happen in sch. So yerp, skip dat part. Den after sch went out to eat wif my classmates. Today im left alone wif the guys coz fiona had something on last min. Wel its okay lah i don mind really (: Coz how much can they bully me.? HAha. Since i didnt eat dinner last night n breakfast today, i decided to eat sumtink heavy. But tak habis pon.! HAha. They asked me along to go cny at jian hong's house. At first i didnt wan lah. Bt de after being persuaded i agreed. HAha. Coz i oso heading to bedok anw. After lunch we all went chai chee lah, jian hong's hoz. Nt everyone is going so we parted wif them lah. Oh ya, i gt fererro roscher frm mac.! HAha. Tanx. I juz love chocholates.! HAha. Lucky for me, im nt the oni malay coz ismael followed.! So nt dat awkward arh. Haha. The guys did bougtht some oranges to exchange wif his dad. Wel i tink his hoz quite big lah. Nt long after dat, the guys started playing. I didnt join of course oni watched them coz i was talking to irah. Was accompanying her otf til her frenz come. Hmm..quite nice arh see them play. Coz i don really see pple play all diz. Haha. There is first tyme for everything wad. HAha. Slack at his house tilbout 4 plus den we made a move. I walked wif seng wei to the inter since alex heading home while edwin n jian hong going swimming. HAha. N guess wad..he actually accompany me cross the road til the other side n den patah balik. HAha. Lol. So the sangka. HAha. Coz he noe i a little afraid. HAha. Lol. Tanx arh. Haha.I head to my aunt's hoz. Haha. My cuz really shocked me sia. Haha. N theres my little nephew who is as active as ever.! My cuz fierce seh scold ishard. I scared seh. HAha. Aunt gave me food n water to munch on while she show me the things she wanna give. I left at 5 plus coz it was getting dark, i scared rain. Took mrt back home n walked back frm inter.Im lyk super tired. So i took a nap bt gt 'nag' by sis. HAiz. Nvm lah don wan talk bout dat. Yesterday i really couldnt slp. Dunno why. I oni managed to slp for 1 hr den most of the tyme i was awake. So yerp, dat explains why i feel so tired. N my leg muscles hurt badly. Wad i do seh.? lyk restless..wads wrong sia.? Im lyk feeling irritated, confused n dunno wad some more all mix together. Haiz. Ps: I soo don like all diz feelings...haiz.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Today i didnt go sch.! Haha. Best..can wake up a little later. Haha. Bt den my fon ring gt dat woke me up. I went to shower den get my things prepared. Went out soon after dat heading to KKH. Later in the bus to inter, i forgot dat i left the doc paper at home.! Sheesh. So i had to rush back home. Mom n sis waited for me at the inter lah. Meanwhile they go get me drinks. I reached home, took the paper n left. N i missed the bus.! So i rushed to whytesands bt foot.! Tiring sia.! I was out of breathe wen i reached mac. Saw ayid so tegur him lor. Bt since i was in a rush, couldnt talk to him much. Sorie. I was also panting lyk wad seh. Sheesh. Go find mom n sis to the mrt or we'll be late.Mom forced me to drink 2 and a half bottle of water.! Wah...i was bloated lyk wad.! N even the nurse warn me nt to go toilet seh. the tak favourite seh. Once scanning was over, we went to kopitiam. Mom wanted to eat. Haha. I was bz smsing n gt fon call oso. Haha. So eat a little oni. We had to wait all the way til 2 seh. We have lyk 2hrs more. So we sat at mac den later on my laptop watch youtube.! HAha. Finally it was nearing 2pm. So we go register. Bt had to wait soo long sia. Mom asked the nurse den they let us in. Lyk wad seh. N we oso went in for awhile oni.! HAha. Best.! Yay.! Im sooo happy.! Wanna noe why i'll tel u personally.! HAha. Coz nt safe arh say here. Nt everyone noes. Haha. We finally went off frm the hospital.! N me wif a happy face.! Haha. I decided to head back to sch since the CP teaching us maths. I accompany fiona oso. Haha. Bump into my other classmates at the bus stop. Saw them oni they start lecturing.! Haha. Gt scolding some more oso. Haha.! They all heading to edwin's hoz go play. So didnt manage to talk long2 lah. Met fiona at the mushroom. Wei tian n seng wei was there. They didnt believe wad i say sia. Haha. Do i look lyk a liar.? HAha. Sat wif dem n chit chat. Seng wei went off frm class, followed by wei tian. So me n fiona head to the canteen to pass the tyme. We chit chat lah. She told me wad happen today n all. Haha. It seems dat pple miss me lor. Haha. They all asked soo many qn. Haha. Hmm..lets wait n see tomm wad happen. Haha. We den went up to go wait for the rest. Seng wei join us later. We met the cp wif the rest of them too. He taught us some maths stuff for our quiz lah. It was helpful in a way lah i guess.? Haha. We all went in seperate ways. Me, haikal n ismael wasnt sure wan go lect or nt. Bt we did go to the lecture room. Bt we were late. N it started oready. The lecture was full house seh.! So we backed out. N end up nt going.! Haha. Best pe. Den they waited wif me for fiona coz she didnt pick up my call. I dunno how many tymes i call sia. HAha. Haikal n ismael was nice enuf to wait wif me. Haha. Finally she called me back.! She say no need wait for her. So yeah we left. Haikal send me home since he driving today. Dats nice of him. HAha. He send me first den go smoke wif ismael. Den wen i reached home, mom said they all eat ready coz they thought i eat outside. So yeah..i didnt eat dinner lah. Nvm i'll juz wait til tomm den. Ps: Im nt sure if im ready to face anything...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Sun's pic at marina barrage...

Inside the gallery there.!
The flooring dat we actually step on...

The mini sculpture of the marina barrage...

My darling.!

Today another trip there...
At mac ritchie..

My grandfather.! 

Waiting for the car come fetch us..haha..My 4 days have been spent wonderfully. Haha. It was spent equal tyme wif my own family n wif both my mom's n dad side. So yerp..its fair.! Haha. As i said previously, i went out later during sunday evening. Uncle join us to marina barrage. Its lyk finally we're heading there.!
N yeah the place was wonderful indeed.! Hmm..theres lots of pple there for sure. Furthermore, my little nephew oso lyk it there.! Haha. N those teenagers who were wif their cameras doing photography i suppose, was so in love wif my nephew. Haha. N so they took lots of photo of him. Mcm model plak dier. Haha. Den later at the gallery i was soo paiseh seh.! Coz the flooring(see the pic) shocked me. I was smsing n didnt notice where i was going. Den wen i realise, i was shocked.! HAha. The couple nearby laughed sia at me.! Ish..paiseh seh.! HAhaha. I quickly walk away lor. HAha. Oh ya, i met eera otw out frm there. I was shocked, really. Mcm tak sangka gitu bleh terserempak. HAha.
We den head to lau pa sat to eat. Mom complained dat the food she ordered she must carry herself. Coz wen my uncle asked me help him buy at the same stall, gt diz guy suddenly come to me out of nowhere n took my order. He oso said dat he will send it. Haha. Dah my uncle start disturbing me. Sheesh. Haha. We head home after dat.
As for today, i woke up really early. Coz my alarm went off. HAha. I forgot to off it.! So i go watch my tv show. Den mom asked me cook breakfast for all of us. Later after lunch, we went out wif grandfather. Coz he wanna see the marina barrage. So yerp, we head there again. Haha. Bt diz tyme by car. So don mind lah coz i get to eat my chocholate.! Haha..happy seh.
After dat, we went to marina south pier coz grandfather wan see dat place. Followed my last destination, macritchie. Mom wanted to go the tree top. So yeah we 'hike' there. HAha. My grandfather was already 'dead' 1/4 of the journey. Haha.! So he stayed at the car while we continue. By sadly, we didnt made it up. U noe why.? Coz it was closed. =_= Nvm shall go there again next tyme.
So we walked out n called grandfather take us at the road coz little sis was complaining. HAha. There was sooo many monkeys. Dari bapak dier sampai ke baby dier pon ade.! Eee..seram.! HAha. I KO in the car. Haha. N did the same wen reached home. Haha. Penat lah seh. Asyik kluar je diz few days. My legs n hands are aching seh.! How go sch tomorrow.? Some more sch end late tomorrow.! Sheesh. Mcm malas plak gitu. Haha. Bt den our comp programming will be reviewed.! Argh.! I hope the tcher won fail me.!
Ps: Hope u all have enjoyed ur holidays.!

My little nephew at wild wild wet..
Im nt gonna say much coz im bz. Haha. Frm the pics u can tel dat i spent quite alot of tyme at the beach. Went there 2 days straight starting frm sat. Bt yesterday was raining, so couldnt do much lah. It was super cold there.! As for today, i went to wild2 wet in the morning. I'll be going out again later in the evening i suppose. Since my aunt n nephew slept over at my house we're gonna go n have fun.! Haha. Coz my little nephew cannot sit still. Hmm..some of the pics are nt nice so don mind arh. Lol. Dats all for now. Will update more if i take pics again. Haha. Don miss me.!
To my fellow chinese frenz 'HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR' to u.! N to the rest..enjoy ur holidays.! (:
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Yay its the start of 4 days of holiday.! HAha. Im soo exhausted wif non-stop sch work diz week. Haha. Yesterday i stayed back in sch all the way til 7 plus to do my programming project.! Super stressing seh. We end sch at 12 bt me n some of my frenz decided to stay back in sch n get the project done n over wif so dat we can go enjoy our cny holidays. Coz we must show dat the program work by wed. So yeah we don have much tyme left.! Straight after sch we went to the free access lab to get started wif our project. Mac was there to help the 4(me,fiona,wei tian,jin quan) of us out. He helped me out by typing those codes tat he knew. Haha. Coz i really didnt noe wad else to do. Tanx mac for the help even though there was errors here n there. Den at bout nearing 2pm, we decided to stop n go for lunch. Since im such a good girl today i didnt eat chili as i promised coz of my stomach pain. N bcoz it was hurting quite bad lah. Haha. (: We started working on the project again after lunch. Met fiona's fren at the lab. His super good in diz programming thing. Haha. So fiona asked him if he don mind helping the 3 of us out. He begin helping fiona first lah. He explained one by one wad our individual task were. N yeah, my program was able to work smoothly. Haha. Bt im still nt done yet lah. HAha. Bt we were tired oready. So we left. Me n fiona almost lost our thumbdrive coz we left it at the lab. Haha.! I head to simei wif wei tian to go meet my aunt. Actually i thought of heading home straight coz i was super tired n my bag is soooo heavy.! Bt den i decided to juz go lah n take the thing. N i ended up bringing home more things..u noe why.? She gave me one big plastic of kaya inside =_=. Punye lah berat. Mintak ampun seh. Haha. N bus pat inter pon lmbt.! I thought of walking back home dari inter. Tapi coz dah mlm i decided nt to. Haha. Reached home, changed, eat dinner n i blacked out on the bed.! I slept real early.! So comfortable lor..haha. I had my little spongebob to keep me company all night.! (:As for today, had to wake up early coz need to go visit kkh. Haha. U noe wad..waste tyme aje pegi sane. Haha. Coz i lost my card n nvr bring the paper. So yeah its postpone.! HAha. Best. We head to loyang point buy some stuf den go back. I slp for 1hr n go out again.! We cycle to the beach n picnic there. Dad brought hammock so i slept there again.! Haha. Best. So yeah basically dat was my day. Im still super den i had fun so its okay. Haha. I have plans oready for the coming days. Thought i can go meet my frenz bt den lyk gt no tyme. I miss all of them seh. Haha. Nvm see lah wen gt tyme den go out. Haha. (: Don miss me too much.! HAha...jk.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
My test start at 10 today. So yarh can wake up late. My stomach was still hurting bt it felt better. The oni thing was dat i felt weak. Bt who cares. Haha. So yeah i went to take the bus wen fiona said she was on the way to sch. Since i go sch later den usual i can take the bus near my hoz n drop at afgan. Den later while i was waiting for the bus n listening to music, i heard someone call my name. Bt i juz ignore lah. HAha. Suddenly, rui xiang was standing beside me. Fuhh..terperanjat jap. He asked me wan follow haikal's car to sch lah since its faster. I juz agreed lor n follow dem. So yeah, tanx haikal for the ride. Head to the lab n gt to noe dat our tcher wasnt taking us. Fuhh..lega seh.! I cant imagine how scary it can be if it was him. Oh ya, fiona was commenting on th colour me, alex and her wore. It was green.! HAha. Striking some more. Den later wen the first batch ends, edwin came out wearing the same colour shirt.! Best arh. Haha. Den later, i borrowed his dmm coz i couldnt fine mine. Haha. Soon the test begins. I sat same row wif alex arh hoping he can help me. I was stuck at the first qn for 30 mins. Lyk wth seh. HAha. Den no choice i asked the tcher for help n kene minus 10 marks arh. Sad case. Bt its oklah at lest i can move on. N i was oni left wif 10 mins to get the last 2 signature.! I panic lah. I quickly call the tcher wen i tink wad i did was right. Haha. N it was.! Fuhh.! Nasib. The tcher turn here n there n i recored the reading he sign.! After dat times up oready. Sad case. So yeah i didnt finish the paper lah. I tink hopefully i can pass. Nt many pple manage to get all 3 signatures too. Don wan tink bout lab test arh. Buat frust je. Next was dfund lect. It was okay i guess. N we oso went for maths lecture. The usual 4 of us. Me, fiona, jian hing n edwin. There wasnt many pple anw. HAha. Less than 20.? Best pe. N i was oni concentrating for 30 mins b4 i switch off coz i couldnt understand. Haha. Next up lunch.! I tried my best nt to eat any spicy food lah since my stomach still nt wel. Once food enter, wah it hurts seh. So i oni eat a bit lah. Next lesson was PSPS. We were a little late lah. Haha. Bt its okay (: The lesson was quite boring arh. we gt ntg to do wan. Oni some personality thing. N wad it wrote there was true seh. HAha. Blah blah blah ntg interesting. Once lesson end, me n fiona head to the bus stop. Coz the rest were heading on seperate ways. I had to meet someone to pass something. Diz fren of mine i havent meet in person yet. HAha. I was quite scared lah bt we met anw. I didnt recognise him lah. HAha. Is he find me wan. Haha. We chit chat for awhile, i pass him the thing den i went home lah. Btw b4 i met him, gt diz weird guy who scares me lor. He out of nowhere stand so close to me den asked me all sorts of qns. I shocked seh. I quickly walked away coz he was staring at me. Ish..seram seh. Later, Ismael sms me say dat i can go home straight coz they nt going lect. U noe how they decide.? They go flip coin.! Haha..baik pe tu. I head back home lah since my stomach was starting to hurt. Once reached home, did the necessary stuff n i fell aslp.! HAha. Bt oni for a little while coz gotta send little sis to tution. I played game n watch tv. Had late dinner coz mum went home late. I watched tv again lah. N did some study on my cds. I always have things do do wan diz days. Coz main exam is coming wad. Gt so many projects n assignments. I'll be staying back in sch tomm to do some stuff lah since i end sch early. Can do some catch up on my studies. I try nt to go back late lah. Coz i need rest too wad. Saturday is coming n im so nt looking forward to it. U noe why.? Coz i need go kkh again to have my check up. Hope everything goes fine. Which i doubt so. Sheesh hate going there lor. Bt gt no choice.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Im soo forgetful diz days. Haiz. Haha. I tink i must pack my bag in the night n recheck in the morning. For diz 3 days i kept forgetting to bring stuffs to sch. N end up borrowing frm a fren. I oso lost my matrix card.! Argh.! Dunno where i put it. So lect attendance is gonna be affected even though i come for it. Grr. So if there is any kind soul there who would lyk to remind me ur free to do so. Haha. (:So today, first lesson was maths. She gave us back our quiz. N yay i passed.! I really cannot believe.! Anw tanx to those who gave me their support.! Love u all.! Next lesson com programming.! Haha. N i was 'booked' by pple wif intention can give help here n there. Haha. So the whole bunch of us sat together. N it turned out dat it was doable.! My program run smoothly.! Wuhoo.! The feeling of satisfaction is nice.! Haha. Bt den i couldnt get the second signature. Its okay lah..can pass ready im happy.! Den it was lunch. Gt 2hrs break. We oni took bout an hr to eat. The other hr me, fiona n wei tian went to the free access lab. Wei tian did his project, fiona studied for her jap n me play game.! Haha. Tel u stomach was hurting seh.! Tink bcoz i eat too much chili.! Haha.! Kay, mext was my psychology project. If i don come my grp comfirm gonna come after me.! HAha. Coz the project i hold wad n need hand in today.! Later we were told dat we need to give the tcher a cd, thumb drive or floppy disk containing our presentation. N i cant give mine.! Coz my comp prog project is inside n i need it.! So raj made me go find his fren at another block. I had to run there lah coz tcher don let us go out. So i say go toilet.! Haha. Her class is at 7 floor.! N i have to climb up. Pfft.! By the tyme i gt to class i was breathless. Lesson goes smoothly. They were quiet today n dat ray nvr disturb me. U noe why.? Coz gt tcher behind observing. Haha.! N seriously i was super sleepy.! I was trying my best to keep awake n concentrate wad was going on. HAha. Very long ready im nt lyk diz. Haha. Tired ah diz week gt soo many things on.! After class, i met fiona n we went to the bus stop. Bump into hilmi n ariff n kene kacau lyk usual lah. HAha. We oso took the same bus n alight at the same place. In the bus, i started sneezing again coz morning i was sneezing non-stop. Haha. Bt later it was gone lah. Coz i had my jacket on whole day even though the weather was super hot.! My nose hurts seh. Den i start having headaches and felt very very sleepy.! Was yawning most of the tyme til i cry. Haha.! So yarh my balancing was bad in the bus!Once reached afgan bus stop, i lean on the pole. I could sleep anytyme seh. So i decided to tak bus 12 instead of 39. So yeah, hilmi n ariff went off first. N b4 they go off, hilmi wanr me nt to fall aslp.! Haha. Guess he saw me yawning away. Seriously, i had difficulty stayin awake n the bus was late.! I couldnt stand it any longer so i took 39 which came. Didnt sit in the bus coz scared i slp.! Haha. Once alight(lucky didnt alight wrong bus stop.! Haha.) i walked slowly lah. No energy oready. I don care if i don walk straight.! Haha.Sampai umah je, tukar baju den black out on my bed.! I woke up nearing 7. Go shower den felt a little better. Had dinner den go watch tv. Left mty fon in the room coz thought no one will msg. Haha. After ths show ended, den i start using the comp n reply smses. Tomorrow i gt lab test wif dat fierce tcher.! Argh.! Hate it lah. Stress seh. Kay2 tink i go off now. Need to do hw n go study.! Take care pple. Oh man, now i have a terrible stomach-ache.! Argh..Ps: I dunno wad i should do now..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sch start late today.! Dats good of course. Means i can have enuf rest. Haha. Bt i still woke up early juz to see my fav show. Haha. tanx to nat arh. She really tempts me go watch it.! Haha. Den after the show, i went to my bed coz still early. Haha. Went to shower after dat n changed lah. Reached sch on tyme today nt too early.! Haha. tyme i'll take note of the bus timing.! First lesson was on programming. The subject which nt many lyk. Why.? Coz its super tough.! We had to continue programming the codes for our project. Seriously very stressful. I soo hate it.! N we were told bout the lab test thing tomorrow.! Wah..more stress. I wonder how sia..even though its open book bt still hard.! i hope can pass i happy oready.! Next dfund lect. It was okay lah. Learn new topic which was nt easy as well =_=. Den we're off for lunch at mac. N guess cat seat nearby our table.! Pfft.! So the 3 of us who were afraid changed table all the way to the back.! HAha. Best. Haha. After lunch had dfund lab. As always the lesson will be slack. Haha. We practised for our lab test dat we'll be taking in 2 weeks tyme. He oso gave us tips. Den b4 we end the class. He said he'll print for both batch same paper.! Wuhoo.! Love diz tcher man.! Haha.! Once class end head straight home.! i've g lots of stuff to do seh. Haha. Walked to the bus stop wif the guys lor. N they crossed nt at the traffic light.! Pfft.! Haha. I pulled shawn's back coz i don wan cross. Haha. Bt ended up he pull me. HAha. Okay paiseh seh. Den some more along the way, kucing bersepar seh.! Haha. Lagi satu hal. Haha. Bt reached the bus stop safe.! HAha. N juz nice my bus came. So yeah off i go.I did the necessary den lay on my bed.! Tired.! Fall aslp soon after dat. Haha. Den grandma woke me up. Sheesh. Aru one hr seh. Nvm lah. Haha. Blah blah blah, had dinner n watch tv. N den i was back at my comp doing my psychology project. My grp members all don help me decorate. They say they gt other project to do. Haiyo..i oso have seh.! Gt to study for test some more.! Nt fair u noe. Bt den lyk wad ethan say..sabar je lah. Haha. Okay i tink i shall stop blogging. Haha. Wan do last min revision coz im nt allowed to stay up late or dat person wont slp.! Sheesh. Asyik kene warning aje. Haha. Takpe2. Oh btw juz to make ethan happy. I did eat biskut for dinner lyk wad i say.! :)
Today have been a very long day for me. I slept kind of early yesterday. Haha. Actually tanx to dat person lah who noes how to make me slp without force. Haha. As a result wen i woke up diz morning wasnt feeling dat tired (: Head to sch as normal. Today my bag heavy coz i gt bring laptop. Gt project later to do after sch. Once reached sch, edwin scare me lor. Haha. I thought who seh tap me. Classes were as per normal. We had 2 hrs lunch coz didnt go maths lect. HAha. Later, seng wei was nice enuf ti help me carry my laptop. HAha. Tanx man. Den slack at pcb room while waiting for lesson to start. Mac played m laptop showing us some funny things. HAha. N yeah it was indeed funny.Later wen class starts, tcher told us dat who have finished their work can go. We were lyk wth.? HAha. Coz most of us finisihed last week oready. So we oni need to attend class 15 min den can go. Bt sadly, i had grp meeting at 5pm. So cannot go back. Had to wait for 4hrs.! Sheesh. So in the mean tyme, we all slack in class lah. Played mac's psp which was fun n 'scary' too.! Den later most of them went off at arnd 3pm. So sad. Fiona n a few others accompany me lah wiat for those who havent finish too. At 4pm, fiona had to go off to meet her fren. So oni left wei tian n shawn to accompany me. Haha.They so nice lah waited for me til my grp members come. Tanx lots.! So yeah after dat, i started doing my project all the way til bout nearing 8. Wah..3hrs seh do presentation. N some more dat ray nvr come. Basket lah him. We were finally done seh.! Oni left me to go do the deco. By dat tyme, the canteen was super dark n let oni the 3 of us.! N im the oni gal some more. Scary seh in the dark.! So we quickly pack n left the place.I head to the bus stop lah. Somebody wan fetch me bt tak jadi. HAha. I don mind lah actually. Haha. Bt den end up dier yg risau. HAha. Appreciate ur really i don mind (: Was super glad wen reached home.! I shower n do all the necessary stuffs. Didnt eat dinner coz i was lazy. Usually wen if wif my classmates i will eat outside wif them. Bt today gt no one accompany me. Den at hm the food was already kept. So i decided nt to eat. HAha.Im super tired bt still must finish up my presentation. Haiz. Since i gt back late, missed my fav show lor. Nvm i see if i can wake up tomorrow morning.! Haha. Nat told me wad happen n im tempted to watch.! Haha..okay dats all for now. Gt to go continue my work.!
Haven been blogging for the past few days coz i was bz. Lets see..fri after sch i hang out wif my poly frenz first. Coz i decided to accompany fiona til her lecture starts. Since she is nt use to being alone i nvr left her alone lah wif the guys. HAha. See im such a nice fren. HAha.! Den after dat i head to simei. Need to buy some stuff there. Later i found out dat the things mostly no stock. Pfft. Waste my tyme oni. Den i went to buy for my aunt food. I treat her.! Hehe. Went to her work place n found her at the back.! Haha. I scared her.! Wuhoo.! Long tyme nvr do dat.! Hehe. So yeah had a little chit chat wif her first.! I miss her man.! Since she was transferred to simei i seldom meet her. After enuf talking i left her to do her work lah. I decided to take bus 9 home instead of the mrt. N i regretted doing so. U noe why, coz the bus was super pack.! N the pple inside all loves to push even though all of them is alighting at the same stop. Sheesh cant they wait.? Anw i was choosing where to alight coz i was hoping my bus could catch my bus. Hehe. Which it did.! Yay.! HAha. Got home straight rest.! HAha. I did help mom out a little lah den take nap all the way til 7.! Den next day, half of the day i spent helping mom out baking again. Super tiring man. My fingers were lyk cramp once we were done. Straight after dat, we gt ready to go to the beach. Dad wanted to pitch up the tent to test it out. N since my neighbour was at my hoz he wanted to follow n his mom allows. Mom, dad, sis n uibai went off first coz they took bus while me n sis took bike. N even b4 i ride i oready hit the bike.! Ouch..haha. Den later during the journey i bang into a twig which later hit me back.! Whoa...pain. Haha. Reached the place there finally.! By den my knee dah mintak ampun. Tu lah nie case dah lame tk naik basikal.! Haha. The wind there was great seh.! I went to accompany the small kids go play the playground lah. HAha. Fun seh see my sis n uibai. Cute sia both of them. HAha. We later went back to the tent n rest. Wanted to play frisbee bt the wind was too strong. So cancel. I den went to lie inside the tent.At 6 dad sent uibai home first while we stayed. The wind was super cold. I was freezin g n fell aslp eventually. Wen i woke up, dad was back n i took his jacket. Cannot tahan oready. HAha. We den went off at arnd 7 plus. Me n sis head to whytesands to buy dinner coz mom nvr cook. We went to kfc n mac. I saw ayid at mac. Bt den since it was full house n he was super bz i didnt tegur him lah. Anw wen i turn dunno where he disappear oready. So i went off lor. Fuhh..super tired man once reached home.! We watched tv den eat dinner. I lay on my bed after dat. HAha. Tired. Played psp dunnoe til wad tyme. Oni realise it was late wen ayid sms me. Haha. See lah play tk tgk jam. Den slept arnd 2 lyk dat once i was done. As for today, didnt do anything much. I baked my cookies in the morning. Tanx to dad who was kind enuf to help me find the almond at ntuc. Haha. Den later went off for madrasah. I did went to whytesands ptg coz mom wanna get stuff for my little sis. Gt some hurtful things happen. Bt im nt gonna say it. I wan to let it go wif the wind. So yeah dat was practically my day.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Me n irah.!
The word "PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE" dat we had to find..
The lemon grass...
Thursday have always been sumtink i don look forward to. U noe why coz we have edev lab n i soo don lyk the tcher. HAha. Bt wad to do still have to attend every week. So yeah today i made the effort to come early. N the shocking thing was im the first. Zzzz..the usual ones who is earlier den me still havent come. Den later, the tcher ended up nt taking us coz he had the JAE thing. Dats a relieve of coz bt den waste my tyme come early seh. Sheesh. Lab was fine i guess. Hmm..a little tough bt i managed to clarify my doubts oready. Hope i wont forget lah during next week lab test. Haha. I don wan to fail.! Hehe. Nextup was dfund lect. Poor tcher was sick so she couldnt talk much. N we were given pop quiz. I didnt really quite noe lah wad to do. N wen she give clues i find it a little weird. Coz it doesnt look lyk how its suppose to be solved. So i oni did the part dat i tink was right. N later it turned out dat the clue she said was wrong. Haha. We jad maths lect after dat. Bt den since all of us were hungry, we decided nt to go.! Furthermore i forgot to bring the book.! Haha. N i actually forgot to bring quite a no of things today.! Hehe. So forgetful.!We had 2 hrs of break which felt sooo long.! HAha. Coz we had ntg better to do wad. We end up sitting outside the class room for bout 45 min plus plus for the next lesson. N they all thought the tcher won come bcoz of JAE. HAha. Bt den she did come.! Haha. Today'slesson was bout stress n time management. N it was fun.! Haha. It started of wif normal intro lah. Followed by diz activity called 'TP race'. HAha. Which looks similar to amazing race lyk dat arh. My grp gt 6 members. Me, emmer,alex,mac,jing quan n wei tian. My grp funny seh. They started calling up their frenz to ask for help.! HAha. Which indeed help us alot lah. We used the comp to find info bout the tp logo n engine logo. HAha. Smart mah. Haha. Tcher nvr state the rules wad. She oni say we need to be back by 3.10pm. After we were done wif dat. We had to find diz place in business sch. Followed by diz plant called lemon grass. We didnt noe lah it existed in tp.? HAha. Bt alex found it n soon we were filling up the ans already. N the final one was to find the word 'PASSION FOR EXCELENCE'. As far as we noe we havent seen it lah. Bt heard of it maybe. Haha. Emmer's fren told us dat if we stand at the bridge near the library we can see oready. Bt we couldnt.! Haha..we were lyk,"Where where.?". Bt den i saw it.! Haha. Smart seh they made us find diz kind of things. Alex tried snapping the foto of it.! Nt bad lor quite clear i can say. Hehe. Den the 6 of us rush back to ths class. N we were the first to reached.! Best.! HAha.The next was followed by the international students, which later they give the grp name 'Team international'. Haha.! Funny seh. Tcher was laughing wen she saw dat. Haha. So yerp, indeed today's lesson was fun lah. HAha. We gt to move out of class.! Hehe. Den after class which ended early, i hea to PR inter coz meeting irah.! She reached first lah coz she end sch early. HAha. So nt my fault kay i was late. HAha. We sat at mac n i teman her eat lah. Long tyme nvr meet her n she gt so many stories to tel. N yeah im a gd listener.! HAha. Anw miss her too lah.! HAha. Its nice lor can spend tyme wif ur fren. Hehe.Wen we were done, she followed me back home coz i forgot to bring the thing dat i was suppose to give her.! See i soo forgetful.! HAha. We did take some fotos too...sempat.! HAha. Later we parted lor at my place coz she meeting another fren. So yerp dat was my day.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It has been one 'long' day. Im soo looking forward for it to end. Wanna noe why.? Coz today we had 2 quiz 2 assignment n 1 project draft to hand in. Dats alot of things u noe. So yerp, yesterday nite me n my classmates were all bz doing assinments, flowchart and studying for quiz.! Lucky fiona's fren helped me,wei tian n fiona out wif our flowchart. Wah tel u he super smart lah seh.! Don have to refer to book wan. So at night i started wif the flowchart first den wif maths n com prog. I stay up til 12 plus at the comp. Tanx lah to ayid who accompany me n oso he was the wan who forced me to slp. HAha. Appreciate it man.! I had a very peaceful slp. Hehe. Den in the morning didnt feel dat tired lah. I went to print some stuff den left for sch. First lesson was maths n dat means gt quiz. Even though i was prepared bt den the qn was hard seh.! Okay maybe i need more practice.! See my maths is horrible. Pfft.! Right after dat, we had comp prog test. Dat one was oso hard bt do-able. Since its test day, we were released super early arnd 11 plus. N my cds starts at 2pm. Wad in the world was i suppose to do.? 4 of my classmate had to represent our class in diz talk. Den 2 went off to do work n left wif the 4 of us. Me n wei tian accompany fiona pay sch fees. Den met up wif seng wei. The 4 of us den sat at the mushroom n chit chat to pass the tyme waiting for the rest. We were chatting n seng wei was complaining bout how boring gt ntg to do. Nt loong after dat, there was a fight btwn a grp of chi n malay guys right infront of us.! Me n fiona was lyk shock lah.! Bt wei tian n seng wei seems to enjoy it. HAha. Seriously, the 2 grp fierce sia. I scared seh. Haha. It lasted for quite some time lah. Lucky gt lecturer come break up the fight. Even so, they had difficulty pulling the 2 guys apart. The chi grp parted bt the malay guy nt happy he call pple come down find dat chi guy. I was right beside him so can hear wad he was saying. Fuyoh drama habis man. Scary. Soon after dat, edwin n keanne came to join us. We den went to have lunch lah. Fiona nt going for her cds so me n edwin walked back to sch together while the rest still at the coffeeshop. He share wif me stories of his sec life. Wah didnt noe all dat man. HAha. We seperated to go for our various class. Later in class, tcher asked those who didnt attend lecture seat behind. Haha. N most of us didnt of course. Hehe. So the front seats we mostly empty. HAha. N sway2 i was asked to seat beside ray again. Pfft. Every tyme psychology class sure end up beside him. Sheesh. HAha. He always bully me wan. He kept calling me 'Hush Puppies'. Grr..wads his prob seh. Haha. Bt nvm lah dah biase. So its okay lah. Once class ended, i head to the bus stop wan go home straight. Den met the 817 pple there. They told me ming zhong was looking for me. Haha. Coz i was suppose to go lecture wif him. So yerp we ended up going hm instead coz don wan wait another 2hrs. HAha. Furthermore, im super tired.! N i wanna rest.! Im glad i finally can 'breathe'.! So im gonna take a break tonight.! Yay.!
First day of the week n im already tired. HAha. My weekends really tire me out. I cant wake up in the morning til little sis literally drag me out of bed. HAha. WAn or don wan still wake up lor n walk lazily to the bathroom. Since mom didnt make any food for breakfast, i didnt eat lah. Oni drink. Hehe. I wanted to reach sch a little early today coz i wanna ask frenz bout how to do maths. The bus was super pack lah. The oni thing dat i was hoping is nt to fall =_=. I forgot where the class is so sms my fren lah. Once reach class saw pple there oready n doing maths too. HAha. I join them lah coz i oso dunnoe how to do. Hehe. N we 'pakat' tel tcher to have it on wed instead.! Hehe. Which she did later in class.! HAha. Edwin helped explain things out to me. HAha. He juz noes how to make me nt blur. Haha. Im his student wad. HAhar. As for lecture it was oklah. I stayed for maths. HAha. I stayed wif edwin n jian hong to listen to dat lecture. N u noe wad, the lecture was empty.! The no of pple there who actually attend it was less than the no of pple in a tutorial class.! HAha. Pathetic right.? I noe. HAha. N diz is wad they say they give us the best lecturer.? Omg. HAha. At least dats wad our tutorial tcher said wen we complained.! HAha. Fiona later joined us in the lecture. She accompany me. Hehe. Once lecture was done we went out for lunch. Eat at the same palce again. Okay im getting sick of eating the same thing every week. HAha. Next lesson was pcb. One of the subject i don quite like coz its really troblesome. We continued wif the task dat we was suppose to do. I did it slowly lah since gt lots of tyme. Bt den later half way i was getting pretty irritated coz i couldnt connect the pins. It was soo complicated. Kind of stress lah kept redo-ing it. Lyk ntg better to do lyk dat. N at dat moment gt pple sms me. Dat helped me chill a little.! Really needed a break at dat tyme. So yeah i was on the verge of giving up. N dats wen my frenz came in.I was lyk sitting there staring at the comp. HAha. Den wei tian came n asked how is it going. I told him i dunnoe n lyk wan give up. HAha. N he encourage me lah. He oso helped me out. Yeah indeed it was very difficult bt he n mac was able to help me complete it.! Wah tanx lots to u guys.! N to fiona too who stayed there n make me chill. HAha. Gt to admit the guys are gd at diz. I don even noe it can be done dat way seh. HAha. So yerp, my 'assignment' was done tanx to my frenz.! Appreciate it lots.! Okay dat was my day in sch today. Oh ya, sis gt her O level results oready. I must say she did pretty well.! Congrats lah to her. I already knew she'll do wad. (: N mom's fren helped to check for me my programming flowchart dat was part of my assignment. N i was shocked wen she said her fren said dat wad i was doing is right.! HAha. He helped me edit a little lah n say i should be okay. Gt logic in my work. Wah im impressed man.! Haha. I was stressed up while doing it. Bt its all worth it.! Congrats to myself.! (:Ps: I wanna slp bt gt no tyme.! HAhaha.
Ntg much i did today. Hmm..woke up late, do some house chores n chat online. After dat i had to get ready for my religious class which starts at 1.30pm. Today's lesson gonna be interesting coz we have an outing to DTE. HAha. U noe which part.? Its ntuc. HAha. Okay it may sound lyk pathetic right.? HAha. We were grp in 2s lah. Bt den later in 3s coz gt extra pple come. It was lyk an amazing race lyk dat. Each of us cant spend more den $5. We have to choose food dat is healthy, nt expensive and blah blah blah. Coz the lesson dat we're learning is bout 'makanan halal n haram'. N we're oso given a specific amount of tyme. My grp was the last to reach. Haha. Nt fair okay we start late dats y. We oso didnt buy alot of stuff lah. HAha. Bt it should be sufficient for the presentation. So yerp, we head back to class after dat. The guys were disturbing us saying dat gals are slow n blah blah blah bt our uztazah backed us up.! Hehe. N she whisper to us dat weh should nt disappoint her. In class we were given tyme to discuss wad we wanna say bout wad we bought lah. Hmm..most of them are funny lah. Esp the guys. Main ckp je..haha.! N again we're the last grp to present.! Haha. Kene kacau rabak2 even b4 we start talking. Bt den it turned out dat we had lots of compliments.! Congrats lah.! HAha. Uztazah gave us a overall review den allowed us to share the stuff we bought arnd the class. N of coz there were stuff dat we bought n we didnt eat. HAha. Coz we buy for the sake of healthy food.! HEhe. So we shared the food n snacks wif the office pple. C we soo nice.! HAha. Okay dat was bout madrasah. I gt home changed, den had to help mom out wif baking more kuih. Actually i lazy wan help bt dunnoe why my hand lyk auto go help.! HAha. N mom sempat promote our cookies to the aunty dat send yakult to our hoz every week. HAha. She say it taste nice n she will consider buying it.! Okay lets hope we can get more customers. At least can add a little to my pocket money.! (: Once finish baking, my hand cramp man.! Yalah coz it was frozen at one position oni doing the baking wad. HAha. Bt nvm lah. Worth helping wad. Coz i cant stand seeing it nt looking attractive.! HAha. Mom make nt nice arh. Hehe. So i do it lor. HAha.! OKay okay i shall stop here. I still have maths to study for n comp prog to finish up.! Hope my fren can help me out later at night lyk wad he said.! HAha. :)Btw all the best to those who is taking their results tomorrow.!Ps: Im soo tired n a little stress wif sch work n quizes coming up.! I juz wanna get diz done n over wif.! So yeah, if im a little nt myself to anyone, i apologise yeah.! Oh ya before i is haikal's birthday.! So juz wanna wish ya, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY.!". Best wishes for u.! (:
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Weekends are here n im nt looking forward to it. One reason is bcoz means a new week is starting soon. N i have to submit assignments and quizes to learn for.! Im struggling wif maths currently. I don even noe wad im doing. Sheesh. Comp prog is worst. I don lyk diz subject wif all the codes n esp flowchart which i don seem to noe how to do it.! Bt mom encourage me nt to give up n said dat she'll ask her fren to take a look at my work. Maybe her fren can help me some how lah. Okay lets put studies aside. Hmm..i slept late so woke up late too. I was still tired lah bt woke up n meet mom at central to help her wif the groceries. Ate breakfast, play game a while den helped mom cook. Today we eat all very 'instant' food. HAha. Hmm..lets see..there was spaghetti, fried rice, fried noodle, fish cooked wif bbq sauce n mushroom soup. Nice food u noe. HAha. LAter in the aftn i started preparing things to bake cookies. Mom fren had a shop n she asked if we wanna make cookies for her stall. As most of u noe wad im good at, making my cookies. HAha. Mom is making the tart n makmur. I help here n there lah. Den i discover dat i was short of one ingredient. I went to find at central bt out of stock. So mom accompanied me go buy at ntuc. Wen we reached home, dats wen the baking begins. HAlfway, the oven 'died' n we panic bt den dad discovered it was juz power trip. Phew. HAha. So bake bake bake. Dat helps me forget my stress coz i was having fun bt tiring work lah. Haha. Its okay at least it kept me occupied. So yeah basically i fill up my tyme wif baking to keep my mind away frm books. Bt den i cant run awat for long coz i still have to finish up my work wad. Tanx lots lah to frenz whom kept reminding me nt to stress up. I'll find way to get things done nicely. (:*I noe ur trying ur best to throw away those bad habits. Im touched really. I nvr knew u would do dat. N no worries i'll help u change for the better lyk wad u said u wanted.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
My beloved class.! lyk dead tired. Dunno wad i've been doing seh. Maybe bcoz i slp late everyday.? HAha. Den today, i had to make sure i wake up on tyme. Coz first lesson dat fierce tcher.! N some more the bus today super late.! The queue was super looong.!I reached sch bus stop at 9am. Den i rushed up the bridge n head to class straight. My class is lyk at the 7 storey.!!! If i take lift confirm i'll be late. So i climb the stairs lyk very fast wif my heavy bag.! By the tyme i reached, i was panting lyk dunnoe wad. Open the door n saw most of them sitting outside. Means the tcher havent come lah.! Den later gt to noe he will nt be taking our class today. Fuhhh..waste my energy sia.! HAha. Bt diz lab tcher can say nt bad arh. HE was helping most of us.
Next up dfund lect. Hmm..getting tougher i can say. N later we skipped maths lect.! HAha. Coz if we attend oso we don understand. Went for lunch straight lah.! Since today open house, the sch very very noisy.! HAha. During lunch i really take my own tyme to eat. HAha. Fiona n pris food came late so they asked everyone eat slowly n i won dat of course.! HAha.! We sat n chit chat til bout 30 mins b4 class start den we walk back to sch.
By den the sch was really pack.! Most of us bump into pple we noe n stopped to chit chat. As for me, i bump into anesa. The rest of my class went missing coz we were seperated due to the crowd. Psps was next. Today must say the lesson is more fun den usual. Coz its bout team building n we played games.! Although a little childish bt its fun okay.! HAha. N we end the session wif a class foto.!
After class i was suppose to meet ilma bt den she canceled it. Pfft. Pple have been cancelling plans diz week. I have no idea why. Nt my luck i guess. So i head home straight lah. Anw my mood havent been dat okay dunnoe why lah. Maybe coz im juz tired i dunnoe. Bt yeah tanx to my classmates jokes n ayid who always makes me smile no matter wad. HAha. I juz love u pple.!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
It has been a super long day for me.! Even though sch started late n meat dat i can wake up late, i was disturbed by the light sis on n the msg i received in the morning. So i was super tired.! By 8 plus i couldnt slp oready. HAha. Coz i send sms to diddy since he is off to ns oready frm today onwards.! Gonna miss a fren.! Haha. Den wen i was slp back, ayid plak sms. HAha. Tros frm den tk tido alik arh cume baring pat katil sms.! HAha. Den i went to get ready for sch lah. I talked otf wif irah n had breakfast at the same tyme. Hmm..wasnt late for sch lah. Bt coz my leg still hurts, i had difficulty climbing up n down the stairs. So throughout the whole day, i took my tyme climbing up n down. N some frenz was nice enuf to make sure dat i was oryte n walk slowly wif me.! Tanx guys.! LAst lesson for the day was dfund lab. We had to hand in our mini project for grading.! N the best part most of us havent even start the wiring thing.! HAha. So tcher said dat if we cant finish he gave us tyme til next week to do since we can use the free access lab to do it. The best thing is dat i don even noe to start the wiring frm where.! HAha. Bt den tanx to my dear frenz i was able to start lah. Bt i wasnt sure if i was on the right track. Doing the wiring is sooo tough.! Oni 5 wires take me bout 1hr plus.! Sheesh.! Very frystrating u noe. N b4 u noe it, class ended n we still havent finish.! So, since we end sch oready, we all decided to stay back n go up use the free access lab. N seriously, the equipment there all in not so gd condition seh.! Sheesh. We carry on wif our work anw. I move here n there to check wif frenz which wire go where. HAha. N after 4hrs straight doing my work i was finally done.! Wei tian help me test if it works. I didnt dare to look coz i wasnt confident dat it will.! Guess wad.! It worked.! Argh.!!! I was soo happy seh.! HAha. Cannot belief dat it actually WORKED.!! TAnx lots to those who help me out.! HAha. Went off frm sch at arnd 7 plus lah coz i stayed to help my frenz out. Reached home at arnd 8 lyk dat. I was super tired so rested n watch tv without even changing.! HAha. After my fav show was over den i go shower n eat. Actually lazy wan eat bt i was hungry so no choice. HAha. Futhermore, mom brought home a mango cake for me.! Its was nice man.! HAha. So yerp, dat was my day.!
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST MOTHER.!!!" BEST WISHES FOR YA.! U'VE BEEN SUCH A WONDERFUL MUM TO ME.! HOPE DAT U WILL SMILE ALWAYS COZ IM NVR GONNA STOP BEING SUCH A FOOL FOR U.! HAHA.!Yerp, today is my mom's bdae.! N we've planned a great surprise for her.! I cancelled my grp's meeting juz to make sure dat i reach home b4 her.! Dad help me buy the ice cream cake dat i told him. TAnx to him i was able to reach home on tyme. Coz i went to buy satay first at downtown. N unfortunately, the shop dat we lyk was closed. Oni one was open. The rest was on course =_=.
Okay, let me talk a little bout sch. It was as per normal lah. The oni thing is dat the whole class skipped maths lecture.! HAha. So we had 2 hrs of break. N dat means i have lots of tyme to finish my food.! Which i did.! Congrats to myself.! HAha. Bt i was the last lah to finish...hehe. By den i was super full. We made a move after dat.
My stomach was hurting along the way. So i walk slower n slower frm the rest.N end up i was last.! I don care lor coz my stomach hurts.! HAha. Bt den, edwin came to me n accompany me. HAha. So nice sia. HAha. Followed by mac n keanne. They asked why i soo slow.HAha. Den kene disturb seh.! Sheesh. Hehe. Den we all lepak at pcb lab coz we still had bout an hr more b4 lesson starts.!
The lesson was as per normal lah. We were given new task to do n asked to work on it. While doing so we were broken into grps for a mini excursion.! HAha. I managed to finish the work oready lah. So help ruzaini out. Nt long after dat, it was my batch turn to go. Which was the last. N guess wad..sumtink unexpected happen.! I fell off frm the staircase.! Haha. I cannot believe it sia.! Haha. I lost balance at the staircase, den wanted to stable myself bt den i tripped over my own foot.! HAha. N poof i was on the floor.! My whole body weight was on my right leg which landed first. I use my hand to stop myself frm hitting teh grnd juz in tyme.! My classmates who saw we shocked. Some called my name out lah n asked if i was okay. Haha. I was still able to walk lah bt it hurts.!
Beared wif the pain throughout the whole 'excursion' lah. Den went back to class n rest for awhile, b4 seeing wad the rest were up to. Didnt felt the pain coz was bz joking arnd wif my frenz lah. Haha. Den wen sch ended. All of us gathered as usual b4 going off in our own way. I headed to pr lah.
Den at night dats where the fun begins. HAha. Bt b4 dat i inform dad doff my fall. He checked if i was okay, n i told him oni gt some scratches je lah n my jeans tore a little. Actually lucky for me i was wearing long jeans if nt i would have been hurt worst.! HAha. Phew.
Everything went well as we planned.! Mom was shocked for sure. Coz in the morning all of them wish her already n i was the last.! So she didnt suspect a thing. The funny part was wen she open her gift which was a digital frame.! N inside there was a vidoe of each of us.! Funny giler seh.! She laugh sampai cry.! HAha..makne nye dier happy lah tu.! Wel glad u lyk it mom.!
N n i oso gt my own very surprise.! Dad asked me kiss him out of no where. I was scared lah its one of his pranks. Bt i did it anw.! N guess wad it was.! My beloved hp.!!!! Argh.! I was soo happy til i forgot my leg was pain.! HAha. Mom all laughed seeing my reaction. Sape tak happy seh.? Dah nk dekat sebulan my fon was away frm me.! Rindu giler arh.! HAha.!
So yerp, today have been a very wonderful day despite me falling.! Hehe. Oh man, i love my family lots lah seh.! No matter wad happens, they're the best.! Im sooo happy my fon is back.! Yippeee!!! HAha.
Ps: Juz a little notice for those who still havent see wad i have written for u.! Scroll down n find ur name.! N sorie yeah if i write bout u too short.! HAha. I was trying to make my post short lah.! If i were to write it all out..sampai bile2 pon tk habis.! HAha.!
Ho ho ho. Back to sch again today. Haha. Its okay im nt jealous to those who still is on holiday.! HAha. Coz its friday means sch oni for 3 hrs. HAha. We gt back our dfund paper.! N im super surprise. For the first tyme i score pretty well for dfund. In fact among the 3 subjects it was the highest.! HAha...wah miracle.! At least im nt dat disappointed coz i did do wel for certain subjects. Okay dat brings up my spirit of scoring better.! N to my frenz dat didnt do so wel..don b demoralised. I'll help u out where i can.! It was super cold in the lecture room. I didnt concentrate dat much coz i was bz finishing up my project report.! HAha.actually we were done wif the report. Oni left the peer evaluation. After class all of us gathered outside coz wanna go bind the report. Bt the queue was super long. Furthermore dat shawn havent hand us his paper. Later, me n fiona had to go to the bridge to take it frm him. Den went back again to sch to pass pris the things. The guys went to eat first.
I was suppose to take bus wif edwin n mac coz he insisted taking wif him. HAha. Bt den fiona begged for me to accompany her. So yerp, i stayed n hang out wif the rest. We went to find them wen we're done lah. Along the way met fiona's fren. Hmm..nice person i can say. Quite friendly too. N she didnt believe dat i was a malay.! HAha. Lol. Saw the rest n join them soon after.
We sat n chit chat while keanne and seng wei did their project. Once they were done, we go buy food. Continued hanging arnd there till bout 2 plus. Den we went off. Me n fiona headed to safra. As it was raining we walked at the blocks there. So wont get dat wet lah. We parted at the bus stop.
I den took bus to ws. Meeting ayid there. Coz his been pestering me to meet him. First reason is bcoz he wans his thing n second coz we very long havent meet. Wen i reached there, he was bz entertaining customer. So sat there til he was less bz. He asked me come to the counter n we talked lah. He couldnt wait to c his watch. N he wore it straight. Sheesh. He is soo crazy over spongebob. Wel dats my fren. HAha. He was lyk showing everyone there lyk small kid n saying dat i bought it. Pfft..mcm bdk kecik. HAha. I continued chatting wif him while he work. Den later i went to walk2 as he need to do some stuff. While waiting for him to finish, i went to c wad i can find for mum's bdae gift. Hmm..did c some nice stuff. I'll get it soon lah.
After walking for bout 1hr. Ayid sms n said he was done. Met up wif him n he dragged me follow him go smoke. HAha. His new place now. HAha. He is still the same old person. Loves bullying me bout ehem. Coz he shared wif me his fries n drink. At first i didnt wan lah bt den he juz noe how to make me eat. Sheesh. HAha. N as always he'll get 'present' frm me wen he disturb me.! HAha. So loong nvr did dat.! HAha. Fun u noe. I miss those tymes wen we used to hang out together. I told him i gt to send little sis to tuition. So he walked me back to my house. We talked bout all sorts of stuff. N it seems there is soo many stories. Hehe.
He followed me up lah to fetch my sis den we send her together. Fik was glad n malu oso. Ayid kept disturbing her lah. HAha. Mcm abg seh org tu..haha..he made sure my sis didnt forget anything. HAha. Lol. Dats shahid lah. HAha. After sending fik, i went to buy drink. Den we sat down at the bench coz he still wanna chit chat. I realise he is getting more straight forward to pple. HAha. N he did something soo random..super funny arh.! HAha. Beh pastu suke arh. Wel he is still the same to me. Bt frm his stories of wad he did...haha. Funny.! We den walked back to my blok at 5 plus. u diz guy can cross basically anywhere. Scary seh. MAin selit je btwn the cars. Dahlah aku nie pengecut. Haha. So held on to him lah. No choice. HAha. Hmm...he send me home den went off to catch his bus.! HAha. Hmm..wel indeed had a great tyme wif him even for a short while. Its okay,we'll meet up sometime again i guess. HAha. Wonder wen is dat. HAha.
Im soo glad i have such wonderful frenz.! My life is filled wif colours tanx to diz pple lah.! Cant imagine if all of u don have. Boring seh. HAha. Anw here is a little speech for my frenz....
To my dearest...:
Darling ilma: Oh man.! I cant believe it we've been frenz for 12 yrs.! HAha. So yerp, we understand each other alot.! N the best thing is dat, we're opposite of each other. Hmm..lets c ur fierce n im nt. U love cats while im terrified of them.! HAha. Dats juz part of it. Hehe. She has been my best fren sis pri sch.! Wow...longest friendship i ever had.! Wif her i really am a total different person. Coz we're very childish wen together. Haha.! Tanx for being such a wonderful fren.! Lets keep our friendship strong n true.!
F.A.N.A group: Our 3 yrs of friendship have been great.! I cherished every single moment of it.! Being wif u all always make me feel very happy. U all have been there for me during the ups n downs.! Tanx soo much.! Eera usually gives advice wen i tel her things, nat is the one who shares the same thinking as me n as for irah she has always been the 'clown' dat cheers all of us up. Yerp, she can be blur at we're use to it. Due to our differences, e 4 of us make a complete set.! HAha. I hope dat our friendship will last forever.! Frenz of 6 yrs...
Shahid: Ur one of my greatest fren.! HAha. It seems dat we can share wif each other almost everything. Lyk u said, u can nvr keep secrets frm me. HAha. Its lyk the words all auto come out. HAha. Although u always disturb me n all bt i feel very safe n calm arnd u. Yeah true enuf we seldom meet bt it doesnt make any diff right.? HAha. We still have fons n msn pe. HAha. Bt seriosuly, tanx for always listening to my blabbering. U nvr fail to make me smile n feel better wen i share probs wif u. Im sooo glad we're frenz.! Haha. I sure hope we'll be frenz forever.! Ur someone dat i will nvr forget.! HEhe. (Dat day u gave me a touching speech my turn.! HAha..)
Amin: Haha..mcm tak caye gitu after we graduate we're still in contact n we do meet up.! HAha. N up til now, u n ayid still cant get along.? HAha. Oh well, no diff ur still my fren. HAha. Hmm..u didnt change much too. Cume skg dah pandai bully aku habis-habisan. Takpe2 lain kali aku nye turn. N yerp,spending tyme wif u was great too. Although kadang2 tu mcm irritating tapi tah lah aku dah biase agaknye. Haha. No offence yarh. Anw tanx for being a nice fren too.! Insyallah may our friendship lasts.!
Mus: Hmm..u've been quiet diz days. I miss those tymes where the 3 of us spend tyme together. Tyme change i guess huh. Bt even so, i still regard u as one of my great frenz.! Coz yerp, indeed u did make me smile wif ur jokes n all. I sure hope we can meet up some day. Tanx for being my fren too.! Do keep in contact yarh.!
Shahnaz: I serioulsy miss u man.! HAvent been seeing u for ages i tink.! Ur always super bz. Don even have a chance to have a loong chat wif ya.! I sure hope some day we can spend tyme together.! Wadeva it is ur under one of my great frenz list too.! Haha. Hope dat we will continue being good frenz always.! Pple i noe for quite a loong tyme nt sure since wen...haha..
Herman: Im so sorie lah didnt noe since wen we noe each other. Haha. If im nt wrong since i was sec 4 is it.? HAha. Anw..u've been a great fren to me all diz while.! Walaupun org tu bz kan. HAha. Yeah u did listen to all my probs wen ur bz. Appreciate all of it...tanx.! Hmm..dah lame jugak eh tak webcam..haha. Okay okay im talking mepek. Juz wanna say dat im glad to noe u.! Hope we'll be frenz for as long as possible.! HAha...(:
Frenz i knew diz yr...(There is i'll juz write for the ones im close wif lah)
Diddy: Ur indeed a great fren. Haha. A nice person to talk to n joke arnd wif. U'll soon be off to ns. Hmm..gonna miss ur merepek-ness. HAha. Hope u will enjoy ur tyme there.! Haha. Even though we juz knew recently, hope we can be good frenz.! Tanx for all the laughters too.! HAha.
Hariss: U have soo much in common wif me.! HAha. U have always been my best chat fren.! Haha. We nvr run out of topic to talk. HAha. Its great knowing you even though we chat few tymes a week. Hmm..nice person to joke wif n share thoughts. I tink we can be great frenz if diz continues. HAha. Tanx for being my fren.! :)
Hashaf: Its amazing dat i lasted being frenz wif u for a loong tyme. I nvr thought dat we can be frenz. HAha. Hmm..yeah u did hurt me bt i gave u a chance to make it up. So dn waste it yarh. Coz its really very unpleasant wen really hurt. HAha. U havent see the worst side of me. Apart frm dat yeah tanx for being a great fren too.
My dear class Q816: U all have been my most woderful classmates ever.! Thank you soo very much.! Its really been a pleasure knowing all of u. Having u pple arnd makes me have the spirit to come sch everyday. HAha. Coz its nvr boring. Wif fiona n her laughters. Wei tian who is always there to listen n help n makes funny things. Edwin who finds fault wif me. Seng wei n his nonsense. HAha. N many more.! Don tink dat if i didnt mention ur name ur forgotten okay.! I remember everyone fairly. HAha. Sad case we're seperating next yr.! Bt nvm hope we can meet up during lunch or wad. In the mean tyme lets treasure the moments we can spend together.! Wel in conclusion, i treasure all my frenz.! Im sooo glad i get a chance to know u pple.! Lets hope dat our freindship styas strong n true.! N there is too many name for me to mention here. Bt even so, each an everyone of u is loved by me.! Trust me i won forget u all.! Juz one thing dat i hope..dat no one will betray me. Dats my oni wish. N forgive me if i have done anything wrong n didnt apologise (: