Thursday, February 26, 2009
A fun day indeed today.! I went out to sentosa today wif my fellow classmates.! I enjoyed myself.! (: I noe eera n irah will be glad to hear dat. They have been asking me to relax frm tyme to tyme. Haha. Tanx for the concern yeah. We were supposed to meet up at harbourfront at 11 am. Bt den me, mac n alex were late. Whoops. HAha. Nt my fault okay. Mac was supposed to meet me at 10am at tamp mrt. Bt den he was late so i alight n wait for him there. We were supposed to meet the others at eunos bt den since we were late they go off first coz they've been waitingg for very long oready. Haha. Edwin was already 'lecturing' me seh. Haha. Sorie sorie. The 2 of us den later took train wen alex told us dat he come in at simei. Later gt to noe he ran frm his house all the way to the mrt. Haha. He was panting n sweating oryte. We den chit chat to pass the tyme. Bt somehow, the train gt technical problem so it was delayed. Nt really our fault okay.! Haha. Met the rest at vivo. Almost everyone have reached except pris. So we went to buy snacks n drinks first. Once everyone was there, we head off to sentosa.! We were all praying soo hard dat it wont rain coz we really wanna play n have fun. Haha. We den walked all the way to siloso beach frm the beach station. Wah..far seh. Haha. we settle down den i went to change to shorts lah. Easier to play. Later, me fiona n pris joined the guys play volley ball. Honestly, we forgot how to play oready. Bt they insists dat we joined. Haha. Wen the first ball came i run coz i scared high ball. Haha.! Den fiona learnt how to serve. They den asked me try serve oso. I say i don wan bt they insist. Both alex n seng wei patiently thought me how. I hat to hit soo many tymes b4 the ball reaches over the net.! HAha. They didnt allow me to give up.! Tanx frenz. Haha. The funny ting is dat wen alex asked me imagine his face at the ball so dat i can hit hard, it really worked.! Haha. Coz he said so many names bt i failed.! Lol. Haha. After volley ball, they go swim in the water. They wanted to drag me, fiona n pris into the water bt failed the first tyme. Haha. Fiona was carried into the water. N i volunteer myself to go in. HAha. Bt den since i was wearing white i scared lah to go. SW den later asked me wear his shirt over so dat cannot see. N i did. Hehe. Tanx arh.! Its big bt den nvm lah. Haha. We played in the water. Den decided go play on land coz it looks lyk going to rain. Btw keanne made us panic. Weasked where he put the camera n he replied, "Up in the sand". We all shocked sia. He pratically bury the camera in the sand. N the worst thing was dat he forgot where.!!! We all panic lah den go n search. Luckily we found it. Wah seh..nie first tyme seh dgr org buat mcm nie. Sheesh. Sorie to say bt..dier bodoh ke ape kan. Me, pris fiona and mac played volley ball. Coz the 3 of us nt really gd at it wad. Den later, wen we play 3 on 3, it looks a little big for practice. So me n mac went one side. He gave me 'personal' training on how to play. Haha. Tanx.! I felt a little dump arh coz dunnoe how play. Bt slowly wen he teach den get the hang of it, i tink its fun lah. Bt my hand very pain coz we used alex's volley ball which was very hard. HAha.I den go changed play frisbee wif the other grp. HAha. Fun seh.! Diz tyme round i can throw okay.! Yay.! Haha. Den later wen we all tired we sit down n chit chat. Den i realise dat my hand was swollen coz it hurts terribly. I tried enduring the pain bt some how my frenz gt to noe bout it lah. Haha. they asked me rest one side. Oh ya, gt diz cute little boy who was frm england come play wif us. He started off by taking our ball. Den he 'fight' wif laex. He soo cute seh. We laughed non stop seeing alex entertain him. Haha. Didnt noe dat my class pple oso noe how to entertain small kid. He can talked mandarin coz they stay in china, We were amazed wen he could count in chinese all the way til u dunno wad no coz i don understand. Haha. His family was very nice. They sit n talked wif us. Wah..the father is a journalist frm BBC seh. Haha. The little boy was wif us for quite long arh. Den they went off to underwater world. Wel it was nice knowing them (: B4 we left the place, they ended wif diz frisbee game which was fun. Bt sadly i wasnt actively joining dem coz my hand was in serious pain.! :( We all went to wash up. Some of the guys chill first while we gals went to go clean ourselves. Surprisingly, we took a much shorter tyme den them! Haha. Edwin was nice enuf to help me pack my back coz my hand was pain. I wanted to do it myself bt he didnt allow. Wel many tanx to all ur concern n help too.!We left sentosa by bus at arnd 7 plus. I took train wif them back coz they going eat at bedok. I reached home at arnd 9 lyk dat. Didnt tell my parents dat i injured my hand coz i scared dad nag at me. Haha. Bt den i told mum arh in the end coz i cannot tahan the pain. Til now it still hurts n i havent do anything to it. I scared. Haha. Oh ya, tanx mac for the advise. N don worry its nt ur fault dat i got injured.! (:Overall, i really enjoy my day today. Being around them makes me forget bout lots of stuff for the tyme being. I was able to keep my mind at peace during dat period of tyme. Hmm..i tink it really helps lor. Compared to yesterday where i was lyk super stressed. Bt dat doesnt mean i can be at peace lah. i still gt some more things to worry about. Haiz. I hope things would turn out for the better.! Tanx mac for fun.! You're not bad at organising outing.! HAha (: Im juz loving my class even more...*Pics will be uploaded wen i gt dem frm pris
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Last day of exams.! Went to sch early to study lyk always. N dats one reason to distract my mind for awhile. Wen im alone i feel lyk tak tenteram gitu. Haiz. I dunno. One thing for sure i was stressed wif the exams n some stuff. Haiz. Today is th last paper n the one wif the most formula to memorise.Tel u the paper really demoralise me seh. It was tough. I dont even noe if i can make it. HAiz. After the paper i lyk no more mood oready. Talked wif frenz to pass the tyme away while waiting for those who havent come out. Head home after dat. It was raining heavily. So yerp, i was caught in the rain. Juz hope i won get fever arh. I wanna go out tomorrow.! Dat would at least make me feel better. I hope.Haiz. I dunno lah wads wrong wif me today. Been thinking alot. Wen reached home,sis asked why i looked so sad. I didnt realise dat arh. So i quickly deny it. Don wan her to get suspicious. Den i isolate myself at my bed telling them dat i wanna slp. I stuffed the earpiece in my ear hoping dat it can distract me frm everything. I dunnoe lah. It seems dat the uneasy feeling i felt since last week is bcoz something is gonna happen diz week. Argh. I wanna let it out. Im stressed. Will i get over it.? To my frenz don worry bout me. I'll be fine. Maybe i'll go missing some how if i cant manage it. I wan my happy side to come back. I really wish dat i can. Im nt gonna spoil my sat event. Its wad many have been looking for. I gotta find things to distract my mind coz its hurting terribly. Ps: I'll juz go wif the wind...
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today had my second paper which was dfund. Two down n one more to go.! Dfund paper wasnt dat easy as well. Bt oh wel its over. I came to sch early to study n help out few of my frenz. I felt stressed wen theres soo many info here n there. Headache seh. So i decided dat i shall nt study anymore. I sms irah to distract me frm the stress. It kind of work. Went off to eat b4 the paper. We did the exam at sports hall. Theres lots of pple lah. U can get lost seh. Haha. Its really very uncomfortable there. The table is lyk soo high. Den later wen i was still doing my paper, the pple infront n behind me went off oready. I stress seh. Haha. So fast they go already. Den later 15 mins b4 tymes up, i decided to leave the exam hall. One reason is, i already had no idea how to do the qn so juz hand in lah.Haha. The second reason is bcoz i was freezing cold.!LAter went to meet the rest of my frenz. We talked bout the paper den head to library to study. Suddenly, i didnt have the mood to study edev seh. Haha. I did studied a bit n later end up talking n listening to my frenz nonsense. Since it was raining outside, felt soo cold in the library n shawn let me use his jacket which was very comfortable. HAha. Tanx.! We left sch at arnd 7 plus lyk dat. It was super cold seh the weather. Plus the nite wind some more...fuhh sejuk seh.! I was the last waiting for my bus. Coz WT, jonathan n fiona took the bus oready. Bt mac was nice enuf to accompany me til my bus come. N den gt diz kitten suddenly appear.! HAha. I jump seh.! N mac laughed his hearts out.! HAha. Bt he did protect me frm the kitten.! Tanx mac.! HAha. I have decided dat i shall nt continue study tonight. Theres lots of things on my mind. N i don wanna get stressed up. Havent been getting peaceful slp diz days. Haiz. Im soo tired bt i juz cant slp.! Nvm i shall look on the bright side.! Gonna go out n enjoy after the exams.! (: Ps: Anyone wan meet me after my paper tomm.?
Monday, February 23, 2009
As most of u noe yesterday was my bdae lah. Bdae wishes was flooding in since 12am all the way til night. HAha. N some of them are really touching. Tanx soo much pple. Im glad to have u all as my frenz.! (: Okay let me start wif sat. I won say much coz if nt it'll be a longer post. If u wan noe more can find out frm me urself.! HAha. I went out wif him n his frenz. His fren was kinda late so we waited for them. We den later went to watch movie at cathay cineplex. It was raining there. N since gt no shelter we decided to juz walk in the rain. HAha. N someone juz loves jay walking. Bt of coz i didnt allow arh..there were soo many cars. Impossible to cross lah (at least dats for me). HAha. His fren bought the tickets n off we go to watch it. Got to admit dat the show was a little boring lah. HAha. He wanted to leave in the middle of the show bt i said don wan. Coz tak baik per. N finally it ended. I was freezing cold by den. We seperated frm his frenz n went to plaza Sing. Later den we decided to head back to PR n eat at downtown.He met his frenz first den we go eat at bbq chicken. Shared food coz confirm i cannot finish nye. He is meeting his frenz later so yeah guess he'll go eat again. HAha. We went off frm dat place at arnd 6 plus. He went wif his frenz coz they needed his dunnoe wad lah. So yeah i head home. Oh ya, tanx lots for everything.! Once reached home, i rested for awhile den later went out again to eat at downtown. Since i was still full i decided eat ice cream oni. Haha. After dat go replace my lost NEBO card. Wen we were done, we head home. Dats wen my 'nightmare' begins. Don wanna talk bout it arh. Guess some of u noe already noe wad happen arh frm the previous post. As for sunday, i had to study in the morning for the madrasah quiz. Den thought i could study some maths later in the aftn. My religious class was as per normal. The quiz was easy lah. N later gt some activity. Right b4 the class ends she said gt one more activity. She hand each of us a piece of paper n told us to oni open wen she allowed. Few of them started laughing wen they read it. N i was super blur coz i didnt understand wad i was suppose to do. Den my uztazah asked who was supposed to raise up their hand. I was one of them bt i scared. Haha. Wen i eventually raise up, they all sing happy bdae song. I was super shocked really.! Mcm tak caye gitu. Haha. Den she asked us to go out. Another surprise for me.! Got bdae cake n food.! Wah..she really very nice.! Im touched really. They made me cut cake n take photos. Haha. Funny seh. I gt bdae wishes frm few of them. Haha. We eat n chit chat all the way til 3 plus nearing 4 den we go off. Onced reached home mom said dat she wanna bring me out for dinner. There goes my plan of studying. Haha. We went to changi airport n eat at swensens. Terminal 3 services is really bad. N my parents decided to go eat ice cream at terminal 2 nye. So while waiting i played wif diz small boy. He cute seh. Haha. Soon after dat, we entered. The service was way better. They serve me the ice cream wif candle bt they forget to do the other thing dat my parents asked them too. Phew! Lucky for me. If nt i'll be super embarrassed. Haha. Too bad.! :p Sis hand me a present. nice. Den later wen we gt home, dad give me my own present. N guess wad it is....he bought me my own psp.! no longer need to hear my little sis cry coz she wanna play it. Coz i will allow her to use mine. (: The oni diff is dat diz its nt the slim one. Its black in colour coz red sold out. :( Bt nvm oso nice. Tanx dad.! Sis gave me a backpack which was brown. HAha. Tanx lots even though its nt red i do like it.! Oh ya, besides dat, amin left a present on sat for me outside my doorstep. I oso get another gift which was nice too.! Im touched by all diz. Tanx soo much pple.! I really appreciate.! Grandma gave me money as a gift. Haha. Tanx nenek.! HAha. I'll post the pics soon wen my exams are over.As for today, went to sch early coz wanna do maths revision b4 the exam starts. N tel u i was super stress juz now.! Coz i realised i didnt noe quite a few things. Lots of info was coming in.! My head was spinning seh. Lyk all the numbers floating on air. I den decided dat i should stop or i can go crazy. I wanted to sms bt my fon not working.! Gret..juz wad i need.!Bt luckily later, the paper didnt come out dat many things dat i didnt noe. I made a few careless mistakes. As i was correcting it, it was times up. Pfft. Great. There goes my maths. I felt super relief wen maths was over. Stayed back i sch wif some of them to study dfund. i end up teaching pple how to do. Okay now im worried for myself. HAha. Stayed all the way til arnd 8 den left sch. Lets juz hope tomm paper is nt gonna be dat tough or i can cry seh. HAha. (: Ps: One down 2 more to go.! I soo cant wait for the exciting stuff we planned.! (:
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Im nt gonna update much bout wad happen today for now. Hmm..i did enjoy lah. Will blog bout it later. Coz firstly, im feeling unwell. My head spinning, im having gastric. Im lyk living in my own world. I didnt even notice my surrounding til someone sound me lah. N secondly, i 'collapse' near the ehub entrance coz my leg suddenly cramp.! Wah..pain lyk crazy seh. Bt i could still drag myself to sit at the staircase. I noe pple were looking. Bt i don care.! I was seriously in pain. N dad was trying to make the pain better. Can cry seh tadi. Maybe irah is right im juz too tired. Okay i tink dats all for now or she will give me one long lecture.! HAha...Ps: Few more hours n i'll be 18.!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Today's post wont be long too coz im super tired again. HAha. Study study n more study. Really getting sick of it. Nvm look on the bright side, exams will be over soon n we can den enjoy.! Almost everyone overslept today. So yeah we came late. Haha.
I concentrate fully on maths today. Helped out some of my frenz in dfund too.! Wah...i really hope dat i can pass my maths. Im terribly scared..wad if i cant do.? Haiz. We studied all the way til bout 7pm. Den left sch to go eat dinner together, i havent eat since lunch. Haha. So yeah i decided follow dem. Me n fiona left first. Coz she accompany me go meet irah to take something.! Tanx sooo much irah for ur help.!
Later den the 2 of us join them at downtown eat. We initially wan go eat at pasta mania. Bt den it was pack. So we ended up at Fish 'n' Co. Hmm..spending tyme we my classmate is soo much fun.! We laugh n laugh n laugh. N wei tian is super funny.! I cannot take it seh. Haha. Den later i saw my pri sh enemy. I didnt notice at first. bt i felt lyk somone staring. I turned to look den saw her. I juz ignore lah pretend didnt see her. Once i was done i left coz late ready n im tired. Going out tomm so need go rest...
Today gt 2 pple's bdae...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Okay im nt gonna say much today coz im really tired. I woke up late today. HAha. Sis screamed at me to wake up. Wen i see the tyme it was 10.30. Haha. Best. N the gd ting is dat my other fren oso overslept. Hehe. Head to sch n join the rest study.Later found out dat fiona forgot bring her fon. No wonder i sms she nr reply. HAha. She's juz as forgetful as i am. Dat tyme oso i same case wif her. Left my fon at home.! HAha. So yeah we studied in sch all the way til 7 plus. They wanted to go downtown eat. So i took same bus wif them. Since it was already 8 plus. I decided nt to join them for dinner. We walked frm inter to ehub. I wasnt sure whether to walk hm or take bus. Fiona den ask me take bus coz nite already. N i had to run agter my bus.! HAha. Funny arh. So yeah dat was wad happen today. Ntg interesting lah except study study n study. Im getting tired of it.! Haha. Cant wait for it to end.! Anw...."HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAR CUZ FIRDAUS.!" Sorie arh no present..haha.
Ps: Im really scared i cant do maths.!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Going back to sch to study have been my daily routine for diz week. Wel one reason why i don stay home n study is dat..coz i confirm slp, play comp n do wad so ever n study less. HAha.! So yeah to disclipine myself i make myself study in sch. The atmosphere is lyk diff wad. Die die i must study. Haha.
Today i woke up wen i gt an sms frm mac asking me wad tyme i come. HAha. I looked at the clock it was close to 10. So which mean i oni can reach sch earliest arnd 11 plus lah. HAha. Got up n shower, prepare the things n poof i was out.
Wen i reached sch. There was oni wei tian n mac there. Fiona today nt coming, den emmer gt work. So yerp, looks lyk im the oni gal. HAha. Must tolerate wif their nonsense which sometimes i have to act i ear ntg. Sheesh. Soon after dat edwin n jian hong join us. Bt edwin left go meet someone. Wei tian left to go eat.
So me, mac n jian hong sit n discuss bout our class outing. Mac plans to go sentosa n we agreed. We asked arnd n majority agreed to go on the thur. Which is the day after our exams (: Okay im soo looking forward for my exams to end. Gt nice things to look forward too.! Oh ya, nanaz called me juz now. I was shocked indeed coz havent been talking to her for mths.! . HAha. She say she can come 4 my party. Cant wait to see her.! Honestly, i miss my frenz lots.! (:
Continued studying. The subject dat i was revising was edev bt den i end up studying dfund too.! HAha. Coz some of them dunnoe den i teach. Den i dunnoe some part they teach me. So yerp i learnt something new.! HAha. Studying wif them is always fun of coz. They joke arnd n we laugh lyk nobody business. HAha. Gonna miss all diz times in yr 2.!
I later left at arnd 5pm wif mac n jian hong. Coz i need go buy things. Met up wif sis at downtown. HAd to wait for her as she was late. Pfft. So yerp went to ehub to get things. Den we head back to inter to buy food. HAha. We like walk one whole round seh. Walked home after dat. Den wen i was at my block, we saw the pizza hut delivery bike. We were hoping dats nt ours arh. Bt bile kluar lift je nmpk dat guy at my doorstep. Baik pe. He was suppose to send it at 7.30. Bt den b4 7 dah sampai. =_=
Den i say arh its supposed to be later. My dad dah blur coz he didnt noe we ordered it for him. Haha. Thank goodness mom already paid by visa so he juz take uh. While me n dad solat, sis set the food we buy at the table. HAha. Since mom pon dah alik we start eating arh. Haha. Best. Me n sis ran off to the kitchen n left mom to distract dad. We gt the cake ready n brought it out. He tgh mkn beh terkejot seh. HAha. Coz his first surprised was dat mom sent a delivery gift to his workplace dat made him paiseh.! HAha. Second wad the pizza hut delivery n lastly the cake. Haha.
Btw i try to trick my dad by saying dat i bought the satay at esplabade tu sebab alik lmbt. N he percaye seh.! HAha. I wan to add on bt den i couldnt tahan bt laugh.! My face was super red seh frm laughing.! Hehe. Bt i tink today's plan didnt go smoothly tanx to both the delivery man who didnt send on tyme.! Sheesh. Tapi takpe lah, at least dad loves it.! (:
Hope u like the gift n mini things we've done for u.! No matter wad happens ur always be my greatest father.! HAhahahaha.
Btw since pple have been asking wen im free, let me list down my plans...
Sat(21.2.09)-I already have plans
Sun(22.2.09)-Since its my bdae dunno if my parents wanna go out.
Mon(23.2.09)-Wed(25.2.09)~I gt exams. My last paper ends at 4.30pm.
Thur(26.2.09)-Outing wif my classmates
Fri(27.2.09)-So far no plans yet.
Sat(28.2.09)-My bdae party.! (I still havent invite quite a few coz i don see u pple online dats y. HAha. So pardon me.)
So as u can see im actually quite occupied. Bt den juz sms me if u all wan ask me out. See if i can slot in somewhere. Haha. (:
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Yesterday, i fell aslp early seh. Haha. B4 11.30pm i blackout oready. It was due to the stupid migrane arh. HAha. Dats y i decided to call it a day for studying. I laid on my bed smsing. Guess i couldnt bear the pain so fell aslp while smsing. Haha.! Oni realise dat my fon gt msg at arnd 1 plus. Hehe. Hmm..wen i woke up in the morning, the migrane wad gone(: Woke up early today coz i wanna do something.! Hehe. Don wan say wad. :p So yerp, met up wif my fellow classmates late. Edwin told me he wan go eat first n asked if i wanna come along. I asked the rest too. N we agreed. After lunch, we all head back to the library to study.! Hmm..edwin helped me out wif maths.! Haha. Tanx for ur help. Actually i scared sit beside him coz he keep asking me do til i get it right. I paiseh arh coz im super dumb in maths.! HAha. Bt thank god he is very patient wif me.! N guess i can do it.! Yay.! Tanx lots lots.! (: Nt bad eh im almost doen wif maths.! Oni left chap 7. I tink need edwin help again. HAha. I went out to have a drink wif SW n keane b4 continuing again wif maths. Hmm..i stayed in sch all the wya til 6 plus. Don wanna be late for dinner. Coz today grandma gt cook new food.! So gotta try it.! Haha.! I plan to do some study again tonight. See if i have any more doubts. I sooo cant wait for exams to end n holidays to come.! I gt tings in mind to do. Haha. So yerp, i'll make sure nt to stress myself up wif my studies coz i don wanna fall sick.! Haha...Ps: Congrats to SITI AMIRAH BINTE JUFRI.!
Monday, February 16, 2009

Its the start of study week. Yesterday, gt a few frenz told me they coming sch study. I agreed to join them lah. I woke up late today.! HAha. Wen i check the clock it was already 9 plus 10. HAha. Best. I smsed fiona asked her where she was. She said she heading sch. Whoops..haha. Im late oryte. So yeah gt up n shower. Left hoz once i ate the breakfast den mom made for me. Fik was sick so mum went to send her to doc first. Dats y she can mae breakfast. Haha.
I reached sch arnd 11 i tink. Went to the place dat fiona smsed me. Start studying soon after dat. Today, i decided to study dfund which i tink was half diff n half managable. HAha. Hmm..i studied all the way frm the first topic b4 moving on to the exams practice paper. HAha. Nt bad. HAha. I made it.! HAha.
Den later went to have lunch at 4pm. HAha. Oni me, fiona n wei tian go eat together. Dats the tyme where we sit n talked bout things lah. HAha. We oni didnt meet for 2 days oready gt soo many things to share. HAha. Can say dat we're close wif each other lah. We can talk bout almost anything. Haha. I juz enjoy being among them. Smiles and laughters are always shared. Haha.
Soon after dat, we head back to library n start studying again. study study. Lyk gt no life seh. Haha. Wad to do..i wanna do well for exams.! So yerp..lets work hard together.! Hmm..i stayed in sch all the way til arnd 7. I remembered dat i was told nt to stay too late. So yeah decided to go off. Haha. Walked out wif SW n keane to the bus stop. Juz nice my bus today all on tyme. Didnt have to wait long to get home. Hehe.
Went to shower den helped sis finished her dinner. HAha. I was still super full, bt den bcoz syg kan the food, i eat lah. HAha. Watched tv for awhile, chill2 b4i wan go start studying again.! HAha. Oh ya, my hamster escaped yesterday night.! Haha. Dad found it running near the bikes. Wahh..strong sia my hamster.! HAha. Coz we covered the lid wif a heavy thing n he managed to push it.? WOw. Haha. Kay2 i shall stop blabbering n start to work...haha...
Ps: Argh..i don lyk my hair.! Haha..
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yum yum. I had steamboat for dinner today.! yerp i eat alot. Haha. Jarang tau see me mkn bnyk. HAha. Since aunt was over at my house, mum decided to cook steamboat. Long tyme we havent eat lyk diz. Nice u noe. Haha. I didnt do anything much today. Oni went out for religious class at arnd 1pm. I did some studying too in the morning on dfund. Today's class was always fun as usual. We started off wif uztazah testing our bacaan. Hmm..not bad not bad. HAha. Den later she start the lesson for today. It was on aqiqah. She did some research bout each n everyone of our name meaning. HAha. N mine was true. Hehe. Wanna noe wad.? I juz summarise means HAPPY.! HAha. Which i am always lah. HAha.! After class, i didnt realise my fon network was down til i get home. Aunt nag at me coz i didnt reply one of her sms. Haha.! I off n on my fon..n guess wad...sms punye bnyk.! HAha. Okay sorie arh to those who i didnt reply. My fon kadang2 to sort arh. HAha. YAy.! Can wake up late tommorrow.! HAha. Nt sure if im heading back to sch to do some revision wif my fellow frenz or nt. Hmm..if anyone of u wan go study juz sms me.! (: Btw today, mum brought me go cut my hair. Sheesh. She said my hair was looong n weather hot. Pat umah ckp lain pat sane lain. N now my fringe is super short.! Argh..pls grow fast.! It looks soooo weird...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Haha.! Okay..i soo dunno wad i should say. Im surprised indeed. Guess today's post wont be dat long arh. Haha. Coz i gt no commnets. Oh well, let me share wif u all wad happen today. Early in the morning i was woken up wif mom's screams. HAha. I thought wad lah happen. Skali she say, there was a gift at the doorstep wif my sis name written on it. kotak dier bleh tahan besar. HAha. Dat person press the bell den ran away. HAha. So mum was asking sis who it was frm. HAHA. I juz ignore lah coz gt ntg to do wif me wad.
Since she already woke me up, i went to shower. I cant get back to slp so yeah decided to accompany mom to market downstairs. Den later while i was in the bathroom, dad said something to me. I couldnt hear clearly. I thought he asked where's my flower. Den i say at my laptop. HAha.!
Bt wen i was out frm the toilet, i was shocked lor. Mom said dat gt delivery mnn come send me something. N they were asking me who my admirer was. HAha. I was stunned lah. Tros diam seh. HAha. Open the card n read wads inside. Haha. Tanx for the gift.! Its red oryte. HAha. Honestly i nvr expected all diz lah. N coincidently both me n sis received something at the doorstep in the morning. So yeah, my parents were wondering who they're frm. Haha. Anw, diz is wad i gt diz morning....
Nice not.? Haha...
Im going out later wif my parents go visiting at CGH. Den meeting aunt later. Hmm..will be having dinner outside i guess coz mom oni cooked for lunch. I gotta start revision soon.! HAha. Havent been really sitting down n study. N i guess its tyme to start. Bt wen seh.? HAha...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Today had been a great day i guess. Fun and laughters here n there. Yerp indeed today is the last day of sch oryte. We'll still be seeing each other i guess coz theres still study week b4 we're off for exams. So yeah study hard pple.!Anw today, the bus was late. Bt i wasnt late lah coz i waited for it frm 8am. HAha. Once reached class, tcher still wasnt there. Hand them some invitation card so dat they'll try make dat day free. HAha. N most of them said i was getting married coz it was red.! Pfft.! HAha. Even the tcher asked bt lucky they nvr say my name. Phew.!
Oh ya, pris shocked me by giving me a rose. HAha. N guess was red.! Haha. The rest all gt pink.! Mine special..! Hehe. So yeah don tink dat some guy gave it to me okay.! It was purely a friendship gift i guess. HAha. Tanx for the gift. I did felt awkward lah carrying it arnd the sch and all. Den some more the lecturer asked me who give. HAha. One of my classmate admit dat he give den my lect say my queue very long. =_= He's jokes are sometimes lyk i dunno lah eh. No comments. HAha
Den after class, fiona accompanied me go IT sch meet ilma. She temaning her matair there n i needed to pass her some stuff dat she needs. We talked for awhile b4 me n fiona went off. Met the rest at the mushroom. Den i my turn accompany fiona meet her fren. Wen we were done, off we go for lunch. Haha. We sat n talked rubbish. HAha. Gonna miss the tymes we spent together. So yeah we're planning a few outings. (:
Later irah smsed n asked if wanna meet her. Since i gt ntg on i agreed lah. So while waiting for her to reach the east side, i accompanied alex along wif a few others to find present for his grandma. Haha. After walking n walking we den found something nice for his grandma. I left wen he pay for the thing coz irah reaching tamp soon.
Took the same mrt back wif her to PR. We decided to slack at mac since we dunno wad to do. Irah thought she could escape bt she couldnt.! HAha. Too bad.! Oh ya, i had a great tyme chit chatting wif her. Laugh non-stop seh. Okay..irah u better keep ur mouth shut bout the 'funny' thing i said. HAha.! Paiseh tau..haha. Long tyme seh we havent been talking rubbish lyk diz. N yeah it brightens up my day.! (:
At arnd 4 lyk dat we left mac. Coz irah gt to go home n send her dad. Wel i had a great tyme wif u. HAha. Tanx for the laughters. Den at hm, i didnt do anything much lah. I rested most of the tyme. Was feeling super tired since smlm. Okay dats all for today. Here are some pics. Don mind if they're nt nice. HAha. 

Ps: Like me for who i am. I don wanna be someone dat im nt. Changes are fine bt depends wad it is...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
My edev project... Yay.! Projects are over for diz sem.! Relief.? Definitely. Haha. Bt yeah dat means exams are juz arnd the corner. Im oni left wif one more day of sch. Hmm..kinda sad arh..coz me n my class are seperating oready. Gonna miss all of them.! Anw today stared off wif edev lab. We had to complete our project. N most of us didnt lah. The tcher said dat if we don get our cicuit working means zero marks. They sort of 'fight' wif the tcher n he decided to extend the deadline til 5pm today. N latest tomm morning for those who cant make it today. Me n fiona were kinda of stress arh coz ours nt working. Unlike the others. I felt juz lyk giving up n hand in wif a zero mark. Bt yeah tanx to my frenz support n someone oso remind me dat i nvr give up one, i decided to do it after sch. N sadly, dat means i have to cancel my plan. Haiz. Sah seh. Bt nvm lah i get diz done n over wif first. Dfund lect was kind of super fast. She did revision lah. Bt den dier bebual mcm train seh. HAha. I juz copy down ans n den understand it later lah wen im revising. After dat, me, fiona, jian hong n wei tian decided to stay for maths lect. Wel there wasnt much pple n its a QnA session. Since wei tian wanna go the 3 of us accompanied him lah. Me n fiona left half way to go fotocopy things . HAha. Went for lunch together. Since its oni the 4 of us, we did share some funny stuff lah. HAha. Hmm..seems dat as the days pass more n more things are unfold. Haha. We went back to sch to meet the rest. Most of us were early for class. Haha. So they played some guessing game which was funny. HAha. Tcher came in nt long after dat. She talked on our last topic. N we had to do some individual work which didnt take long. We were released once we're done. The whole grp of us headed to free access lab to work on our circuit. I asked mac helped me check my connections. N he found quite a no of errors. HAha. I went to correct them. Bt it still cannot work. Since mac was busy helping others, i asked alex help me. He was nice enuf too lah. Haha. Fiona one worked first.! HAha. No fair. HAha. She was soo happy.! Haha. Den later mine worked too.! Tanx soo much alex for ur help.! Oh ya, gt diz grp of mly guys enter the lab. Den later wen my classmates call my name, the 4 of them directly turn n look at me lyk dunno wad. I feel so awkward. Whatever i do they look. Even fiona realised it. Sheesh wads their prob.? Klau skali je tgk takpe. Its lyk everytyme i walked pass them or someone call my name they sure look one seh. Weird. I juz ignore lah. Don bother. Den later at arnd 5pm, we all panic coz we haven finish the report. So yerp, we do the shot cut method.! HAha. Den the 5 of us rushed down to our tcher office.! He very particular one about tyme. 1 min late oso cannot. N he scold us coz we late.! HAha. He brought us into the staff room den call one by one enter the room for interview. Edwin was first, followed by me. Wah..scary sia. HAha. I juz hemtam oni ans his qn. HAha. N edwin was there laughing away. Next was fiona n followed by jian hong. u the 2 of them more funny than me.! HAha. We were laughing most of the tyme. Oh ya, all 4 of us gave tcher the same ans during the interview.! U noe why.? Coz we practice wan.! Hahhaha.! I feel lyk one burden off after the interview.! HAha. Yay.! I hope i won see diz tcher animore.! All of us went in seperate ways after dat. I head to whitesands coz need to buy something at popular. Yesterday i buy nt enuf. I actually lazy wan coz its already 6 plus. Bt gt no choice. HAha. Okay okay..its getting going off.! Take care pple.! (:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Yesterday was a long day i guess. I was in sch all the way til bout 8 plus. Lesson ended at arnd 3pm yesterday. Den the grp of us stayed back to do our comp prog. I tried to edit here n there bt den the prob still cannot be solved. So yeah some of my frenz did try to help me bt we still cannot figure out. Den later at the last min, mac solve the prob.! Wah..tanx lots.! He was down wif a bad flu but still insisted dat he wanna help. I really appreciate ur help.! Me n fiona den stayed back a little longer to accompany wei tian. Den i found out dat my fon was down. Haha. Wen it was back to normal, i gt lyk soo many smses n call. So sorie fon sort i guess. Head straight back home coz i still had things to do. Since i havent eat dinner someone asked me go eat wif him. Bt den i was too tired oready. Sorie yeah. Once at home, go shower den went to print n burn the cds for my frenz. HAha. Yeap i was tired bt its okay lah..i don mind helping my frenz out. (: I did eat some food, kinda being 'force' n oso if i don eat dat person won eat dats y. Haha. Got to admit u juz noe me to well. Went to slp at arnd 12 plus i tink. I woke up at 2 n slept again at 3. Den later at 5 my aunt woke me up wif her sms saying dat she was coming over. I was forced to wake up n open the door for her. After dat i didnt slp lah. So yeah was pretty tired. Furthermore, i still did some last min printing n burning cd too in the morning. N i was off to sch. Met alex later at the bus stop,we took the same bus. The rest of the day was ntg much lah. Our last period was lab. The tcher oni discussed some qns den he let us go oready. So good right. HahaDuring lab, i was already feeling unwell. Kept coughing den my head hurts. I thought it was juz some minor headache so i ignore. Den later wen we heading down, my head hurts lots. Lyk migrane pain. Some of my frenz did notice lah n asked if i was okay. Someone oso did volunteer to send me back home. Err..its nt dat i don wan lah..more to i don lyk to susah kan org. Sorie yarh. Im a little stubborn i guess. Usually i will oni do tings wen forced to. HAha. Coz most of the time i do things myself one. While they all were standing near the mushroom deciding where to go, i couldnt stand the pain so i went to sit at the steps. Dats wen my frenz all start to worry. I could feel dat my colour was changing bit by bit n my lips were getting dry. They surround me n asked if i was okay. I oni keep quiet lor n rest. I tink my blood pressure was low. Haha. Long tyme tk kene mcm nie seh..lagi2 arnd my frenz. If my parents were there, they noe wad to do lah. Usually some sour drinks or swt will make me feel better fast. Bt i don have dem. Dats the prob. Haha. I rested at the steps lah..didnt have the energy to stand. They waited patiently for me to be okay. One by one offered to accompany me back home. I told dem dat i can go alone bt they all don let. HAha. Keane even wanted to give me money asked me take cab home. Of coz i don wan lah. HAha. I left wif 2 choice, either mac send me home or fiona accompany me. Fiona den decided to accompany me home n asked mac go meet his frenz instead. Tanx so much pple for ur concern. Im sorie yeah if i cause any trouble. Took bus wif fiona to PR inter. Den she waited for me to take another bus back home coz she scared i go whitesand buy things. HAha. Okay soo grateful to have a fren lyk u.! She was lyk late to meet her frenz dats y i didnt wan her send she insists. Haha. Since i was feeling a little better, being stubborn, i went to buy my grandma things at central there. HAha. Wel wad can i say..i love her sooo much dats y even though im nt well, i still make myself go buy her things. Dats one reason why i don wan pple send me home coz i need buy things. I noe someone will sure nag at me wan. HAha. Im sorie. Its juz me. Okay okay, im lyk suppose to be resting n im still here blogging. HAHa. I cant slp lah even though my head hurts.! I still have things to do later at night. No way i can skip sch tomm coz im having my comp prog interview n i have to submit my cds softcopy too. Looks lyk i have to make myself well lah. Okay..lets hope i wont faint halfway. Haha.! (:Ps: Once again thank you soo very much.! (:
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Its sunday oready. Means another sch week is starting. Diz tyme round, it will be the last. Coz after diz week, we're off for our self study b4 the exams. I still have 2 projects more to complete. So yeah im planning to stay in sch late most prob all the way til night to finish up my comp prog tomm. I asked mac if he wans to help n he agreed. Wel tanx lots.! Did ask a few other frenz to come along too (: As for today, early morning mom woke me up already. I forgot need accompany her go geylang market today. Im lyk super sleepy. I slept at nearing 4am seh. HAha. At the market, fuhh..ramai seh org. Soo the tak fav go there. Bt bcoz of mum lah i go. Den later me n sis gt 'stuck' cannot walk coz too many pple. I asked sis lah how seh nk kluar mcm nie. HAha. Didnt noe my voice was dat loud. Den gt diz makcik asked me to juz sondol jek. HAha. Okay..pple arnd me dat understand her laughed. I paiseh seh. HAha. Wen we were done, grandfather fetch us back home wif his car. Once home, i oni managed to rest for awhile den need to get ready for my religious class. Today class starts at 1pm due to the diploma class dats taking up our place. After class, went to whytesands to meet up wif my aunt n cuz coz aunt staying over at my hoz tonight. Didnt stay long there lah, head home soon after dat. Found out later my neighbour came over to play wif my little sis. So there will be no peace in the hoz. Haha. Riuh-rendah seh rumah. Wel..i enjoy lah entertaining dem. HAha. Skali2 best jugak act mcm bdk2 kecik. Hehe. Since cuz gt sch tomm, grandfather send her back home first. At night, i watched the movie 'POSEIDON'. Hmm..find the show quite okay lah. I did watch it b4 in the train to port dickson. Bt den didnt watch full coz we already reached our destination. So i was wondering how it would end. Oh ya, tanx arh edwin for reminding me. HAha. nt planning to do anything much lah tonight. Wanna take a rest. Im feeling super tired. Haha. N i need conserve all my energy for tomm as it will be long day....Forgot mention, yesterday was shawn's bdae. So 'HAPPY BELATED BDAE' to him. I hope u'll be less irritating now. Haha.! Jk..(:
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Wuhooo.! My week full of stress is finally over. Today i had my psychology exam. HAha. I was studying it frm yesterday evening. Very stressful u noe. There is soo many things for us to rmbr n the best thing was dat i juz started studying it yesterday lah. Obviously, its impossible to put all the facts into my brain. If oni i didnt have lots of things to do i would have started studying much much earlier. So yeah,morning i wake up go shower den started studying. Stress seh..haha. Tyme pass lyk soo fast n i had to get ready to go sch. Honestly, i was very nervous coz wasnt prepared to sit for the examinations. N tanx to my dear frenz who gave me the support n encouragement. I reached sch nearing 1pm lah. Entered the lect room. Most of them were seated oready. I sat wif the familiar faces arh. HAha. Soon after dat we started the exam. Wah tel u..the paper wasnt easy. The moment i saw the paper, i forgot all dat i have learnt.! Haha. Best. So yeah i juz hentam arh to wad i remember. Bt lucky enuf for the short ans qn it was on topic 6 n nt the last 2 topics. More or less i can still recall the facts a little i guess. Haha. I managed to finished the paper on tyme. Don really have tyme to check. Nvm lah its over..heck care. HAha. I talked to some frenz dat did the paper too n they said it was hard too. Kay2 i don wan talk bout ut lah buat stress aje.Head straight home after dat. I took bus home wif ming zhong coz we stay near each other. HAha. Once reached home i go solat den slp. I was lyk soo tired. So within a few min i knocked out oready. Haha. Mom wanted to ask me teman her go whytesands bt den since i was tired she allowed me to slp first. Haha. I couldnt slp in peace coz my fon kept ringing. HAha. So i silent it n went back to slp. HAha. Mum woke me up eventually n lucky enuf for the person who smsed me on tyme i reply lah. HAha. So yeah drag myself out of bed, go pray change my pants n grab my jacket. HAha. I lazy arh wan change2 baju. Haha. So yeah headed to whytesands to buy some groceries n all. We oso bought dinner lah. I havent been eating since morning. HAha. Gt to noe someone oso havent been eating the whole day. HAha. N we agreed to eat dinner. Haha. I decided i shall nt touch any books today n relax myself. Haha. So yeah i'll entertain myself today. Haha....
Friday, February 06, 2009
Its already friday. Lyk soo fast the week is coming to an end. N so, the stressful week will be gone. Dats one thing grateful. I reached sch a little late today. Class have already started. WEn i entered class, dunnoe why i was coughing non-stop til i was out of breathe. HAha. Almost everyone turned. I couldnt stand it so asked if anyone had water.While i was drinking the water, tcher was telling us our results for our edev quiz we took on mon. Den wen he reached my name. He said,"Farhanah, i better nt tel u ur result or else u'll choke". I immediately stopped drinking water. I felt super scared arh, i thought i failed. I acted slumber n insisted dat i wanna noe my result. Everyone was lyk quiet arh. Den he say," U got 23/30". Wel dats a relief. At least i didnt fail. Den i give him the look lyk err..nt bad wad my result. I turned to fiona n she oso give the same face. HAha.Later, while doing the tut qns, he came to my table n talked to me. He tapped my table n said, "I am disappointed dat u didnt do wel. I expected u get full marks. U were below my expectations..." I was lyk stunned arh. Lyk why me sia.? Im nt dat good. Pple lyk edwin n alex are better wad. I didnt noe how to react so i oni kept quiet n smile at him arh. He den asked if i gt study nt n blah blah blah. He oso told me to study hard for the main exam. I don lyk arh wen pple put pressure on me. I nvr expected all diz. Stress u noe. Haiz. Anw fiona was lyk saying nvm lah n al, trying make me feel better. Wel tanx lah..i noe wad u meant (: Congrats to her too for doing wel for the quiz. See everyone sure can do wel if u study for it (: At the end of class, i gt chocholate frm mac.! HAha..tanx.! We kind of exchange things arh. Haha. Next was dfund. There's chocholates to eat too, diz tyme wei tian's one. HAha. We had a quiz. Don wanna talked bout it coz im pretty sure i'll nt score. Im prepared to fail anw. Something nt nice happen during the class. I won say, lets juz forget bout it. Pple makes mistake n learn frm it wad. Furthermore the tcher was nice enuf to give chance. We ended tha day wif lect. Went out for lunch. Today oni left 6 of us coz the rest were working on their projects n all. We sat n chit chat. Being wif them really brightens up my day. Haha. Coz alex n jian hong will always have something to quarrel about. Lyk small kids. HAha. So yerp, talked talked n talked. We oso did some plans for the holidays. We intend on spending some tyme together since we oni left one week together b4 moving on to yr 2 where we'll be seperating. Sad bt we will have to face it some how. We left the place at arnd 1 lyk dat lah. Most of them have thier own plans. I took bus wif alex. N he kept disturbing me bout wad the tcher say juz now. Hmm..i noe lah he didnt mean it n was juz joking arnd. Bt den the thought of wad the tcher said was lyk...haiz. I head straight home lah. Did the necessary stuffs den wen to slp. I was pretty tired. Slept all the way til bout 5pm. Den did some studing for my psychology exam tomm. I don wanna fail of course. Juz pass i happy oready. Stress u soo many things to study. Wel..its okay lah i'll juz do my best. Can wait for tomm to be over. Havent been having much tyme for my frenz. So yeah, i'll catch up wif u pple soon once tomm exam is over.! (:
Thursday, February 05, 2009
I didnt have any test to worry bout today.! Wuhoo.! HAha. At least i went to sch nt worrying bout wad to do n blah blah blah. Reached sch kinda early. Coz of the fierce tcher lah. HAha. We enter after 9 kene scolding oready. Bt den tah dah knape dier tak mrh pon bile org lmbt. Sempat buat lawak lagik. Haha. So for the lab, we had a mini project to do. Means more soldering n me almost gt my hand burning. HAha. Hmm..the project doesnt look dat tough. Bt den im nt sure either if i can do it. HAha. First tyme i didnt ask for any help. So yerp *fingers cross* dat my circuit can work.! N shawn was lyk irritating me most of the tyme. Pfft. Wen can he ever say nice things.? Sheesh. If oni we can choose to sit anywhere we like. None of us managed to complete it lah. So we hand it up next lesson. Den there's lect. We didnt go for maths as usual. Haha. Dats y gt 2hrs break. Now gt new stall for me to eat. Haha. Best..i won be eating the same food again for quite some time i suppose. Haha. LAst lesson for the day was PSPS. Very slack subject. We don have to do much. Juz listen to the tcher, do some activity n write reflection. We played a mini game today. HAha. It was quite exciting arh. After class, i decided to accompany fiona. So yerp i didnt go home. Haha. We went to the sports complex see the other class n alex play basketball. The 3 of us were the oni ones frm our class lah. Alex join the 817 play while me n fiona watched. Den later fiona took the ball n asked me go play wif her at the other half court. Haha. I tink right..the last tyme i play was in sec sch.? So long already so yeah kind of weird. Den i decided to juz watch her play. We left at arnd 5pm as fiona gt 'tuition' wif the cp. Since she is the oni gal, i follow her lah. Haha. She nt dat use to it dats y. Met up wif haikal, rui xiang n harith later. Waited for the cp which took quite long coz gt meeting. He brought us into the staff room den started revising. I juz listen lah. HAha. Coz nt me who wan to ask qn wad. HAha. N i don tink wad he teach they understand.! HAha. Oh ya, gt diz weird sound seh. I thought ghost seh. Haha. Even rui xiang heard it. I scared seh. HAhaha. It ended at 6 plus. So yerp, all of us head home. I dunno where the guys disappear to. Left me n fiona oni lah wait for the bus. I didnt have to wait long coz the bus came soon. Throughout the whole journey home i was otf. HAha. So yeah tyme pass lyk fast gitu. N sorie lah i couldnt accompany u eat. If u tel me earlier den i would have go there straight. Haha. Nvm tyme den go eat wif u (: Okay i gt dfund test tomm. Heard dat its nt gonna be dat easy. N i havent do revision yet seh.! Die seh gini. HAha. Takpe lah..i'll juz try wad i can. Guess i'll start studying now.! Haha....Ps: I still cant believe.! Haha...
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Finally, the test dat im having are decreasing. Lesser things to worry bout. Haha. First lesson was maths. N guess wad..our tcher couldnt make it on tyme. So there was a replacement til she comes. We had to wait for 30 mins b4 the test starts. =_= was a little tough lah. Bt den tanx to the grp of us, i guess we were able to complete the qn wif 3/4 correct i suppose.? HAha. So at least there's hope dat lesser pple will fail maths diz tyme. Next was com prog. We continued doing our project. N mine still cannot work fully seh. Haha. Mac was helping me most of the tyme. Even wen it was tyme for lunch he didnt wan to give up til he get the program running correctly. Haha. I appreciate ur help lots lah.! We went for lunch n i didnt eat anything. Reason bcoz they oni have 30 mins to eat n i donno wad to eat as i wont be able to finish it. So i decided nt to lah. HAha. I survived on swts the entire day. Best. The 3 of us walked back to sch coz fiona n edwin each meeting their grp to rehearse their role play while i have presentations. I stick wif fiona til it was tyme for me to go. Hmm..set up the presentation n all. I was kind of nervous lah. Bt den i had to show i was confident coz the china guy in my grp needs the grp support alot. He was worried dat pple cant understand wad he is trying to say. I encouraged him lah n helped him out a little. My grp oso did backaed him out.Presentation turned out juz fine.! (: Congrats to my grp.! We were able to handle the qns quite wel even though some were tough.! HAha. Felt soo relieve after dat. WEn class ended i met up wif fiona. We shared wad happen during our cds lah. Btw gt diz guy, tah dah knape came closely den looked at my shirt figuring out the colour.? Sheesh. I tink he colour blind. Since they were in a grp, i was a little scared arh. I walked n didnt look back.! HAha.Met up wif the rest at the library coz fiona had sumtink on. Found the guys soon after. Mac was helping edwin out wif his programming to. If he can figure out the right thing den means mine oso can. So yerp, mac's trying his best to help me n edwin. HAha. Go mac.! Haha. Coz it seems dat his the oni one pro in diz subject.! Blah blah balh, we stayed all the wal til 6 plus den we left.Later took bus wif mac's fren home. Didnt noe he stay near my area. HAha. We did talk a little lah to get to noe each other. N i forgot his name.! Whoops. HAha. Sorie he juz told me juz now, bt i cant rmbr.! HAha. Nvm shall address him as mac's fren. Haha. Since tomorrow gt no test, i decided to take a break frm the books for a little while. Let me have some air to breathe. HAha. Coz fri n sat gt test n exam. Sad case. Bt nvm must perservere.! (:Ps: Im starting to see some hope.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Tuesday is always a so called slack day lah. Haha. We start sch at 10am. Den first lesson was on comp prgramming. We carried on doing our project. Mine is already 80% done. Tanx to those kind soul who helped me. Mac gt send me something dat i can refer to. N yeah it did help me solve my problem. Den juz now in class, mac n shawn was the one who helped me figure out the codes. Tanx many many.! longer dat stressful coz im finishing. Fiona n mac i tink are the oni 2 who completed theirs already. Congrats arh to them. N to those who is still struggling..don give up.! There is still hope.! Lecture was okay i guess. I can catch wad she was teaching even though it was a little fast. We went for lunch after dat. Ate at mac coz gt the lunch thing lah n they wan eat. Since lecture release late, we oni had bout 30 mins to finish our food. At least dats for me, pris n fiona lah. Coz we have lab test at 2pm. Bt den we were still struggling to finish the food at 2pm. =_=We reached class 20 mins later. Yerp, we were late definitely. Haha. The rest have started doing thier lab oready. Tcher can still let us choose wad paper we wan. Haha. The 3 of us take the same one lah. Haha. N i gt my circuit working in less than 10 mins. Wah...lyk miracle seh. Bt sadly, both fiona n pris one couldnt work. So we did 'play cheat'. Haha. Im nt mentioning wad we did.! :p Glad i could help u all.!After sch, we sit at the mushroom to wait for the rest. N u noe wad, my fon cannot send out sms.! Sheesh. The msg i wanted to send out at 1 plus was still in the process of sending. =_= Fiona did allow me use her fon go msg n tel my fren dat i cant reply smses. HAha. Tanx.! Bt i can receive sms n call. Weird right. Den gt sms frm irah. So i called her since i cannot reply. She asked if i wanna meet her n i agreed coz i need fetch my sis anw. So met her at whytesands. I was late..haha.! Sorie arh..the bus at my sch there nt on tyme wan. N some more today the driver drive mcm org ape seh gitu. Lucky i wasnt standing klau tak confirm jatuh nye. We sat at mac coz she wanna chit chat.She go buy things while i go toilet. HAha. Den wen i came back she asked me eat. Which obviously i don wan lah. I was lyk super full n my stomach hurts. Haha. While we were chatting, i saw ayid. HAha. Tegur him lah. Mcm shocked seh org tu. HAha. I thought he wasnt working coz didnt see him wen we enter. Left later at arnd 4 plus nearing 5. I was rushing to fetch little sis. Haha. Fuh..penat seh lari. Haha. Irah walked home wif me n fik. We bump into quite a number of cats seh. Pfft. Haha. Den later she patah balik to her bus stop. Haha. Sanggup seh. Wel actually coz she gt soo many things to tel me bt gt nt enuf tyme. HAha. Nvm, we can meet again another day. Juz send me sms or call (: Kay kay now i must stop blogging n go study for maths quiz tomorrow. Plus i have to get ready for my presentation too.! Im lyk kind of nervous. Nt bcoz im scared of presenting. Its im afraid of the Q n A session. They really shoot diff qns seh. How how.? Wadeva it is i still have to face it. Haiz. Im nt ready. Haha. Ps: If i don reply ur smses...CALL ME.! (:
Monday, February 02, 2009
Long day indeed it have been. Im tired n exhausted. Even my frenz commented dat i looked tired. Suppose to have 3 test today. N i did study for it during the weekends. Bt den wen i reached sch later found out dat maths quiz was canceled. Great or wad. N edwin made me come early n wiat for him 15 mins. Pfft. If i noe i take the later bus seh. Next we had edev quiz. It wasnt easy though. I cant of ingat2 lupe seh. Sheesh..coz im tired. Wel at least can pass...i tink. Den later during lect, i thought edwin will scold me upside down. I was super scared seh. Coz i was figuring out how to umlock his fon. Den i dunnoe wad i press, suddenly gt loud music seh. HAha. I shock lah. Den he n me quickly cover the fon. He went out frm the lect room immidiately. Wah...scare me seh. Bt den later he talked to me. So yeah guess he wasnt dat mad. Im sorie.! Went for lunch after dat. Had pcb test right after lucnh. I thought i couldnt do it. Bt amazingly i did.! Haha. Happy sia. Bt one thing im afraid of is wad if its nt saved into the comp.? I'll cry seh if dat happens. We were dismissed after class. So hang arnd wif my classmates coz still gt 1hr more b4 i meet my psycho grp members. Wel presentation preparation went okay i guess. Fiona made asked her grp sit at the canteen near me. Haha. So yerp, i didnt feel dat odd. Den gt diz stupid cat dunno come frm where seh. Alih2 menjelma. Terperanjat jap. So yeah me n fiona were running arnd the canteen coz the canteen vender was chasing the cat away. Den it ran towards us. Wah scary sia.! N yeah embarassingly our grp mates knew the 2 of us were afraid of cats. Paiseh seh. Haha. Head home at arnd 7 plus. Waited at the bus stop wif fiona n her grp mates. They are nice pple lah. (: Oh ya, my bus almost gt into an accident seh. Coz gt diz van turned suddenly. So the driver had to brake suddenly n juz in tyme nt to hit the van. As a result of the sudden stop i hit myself against the pole. Fuhh..the pain best sia. I was too tired to bother bout the pain. So heck care lah. Im starting to get gastrics. Haiz..didnt eat dinner i suppose. Lazy arh..its lyk late n im tired. Furthermore i've gt no mood. Don ask why. Tomm still gt another lab test. N i nt sure how to do. Nvm lah..i don care already. Test test n more test coming up. I hope i can survive. Tanx arh irah for the support..i really needed one. I sure hope i wont give up half way...Ps: I'll juz live wif fantasy instead...
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Okay im soo nt in the mood to blog. I donnoe why. Bt den juz a brief update wont do any harm i suppose. Yesterday i didnt go out. Stayed at home to study for the stressful week ahead. I was soo restless too. Donnoe why lah diz few days i juz wasnt calm. I felt as if something bad is gonna happen. Which i hope it wont lah. As for today, i continued studying in the morning. Den later afternoon my uncle came wif my darling. Dat brighten up my day a little. Coz he entertained me wif his cute actions. HAha. I juz love small kids.! Wen for religious class later. N we were told by 2.30pm we had to go out frm the classroom coz the diploma class was too big n they had to seperate the class into 2. So we were kind of 'chase' out. Sad sia. Must study outside, no classroom. HAha. So next week our tyme slot is 30 min faster so dat we wont have to leave the class. Wel im off to study again i guess. Tomorrow i have lyk 3 test.? Tough man. I hope i can make it. Stress seh. Haiz. Den after sch i still need to meet up wif my psychology grp mates to discuss on our presentation. Haiz..mlm lah nie balik nampaknye. Wif them, things will forever drag wan. I juz hope by 7 i can leave the sch arh. Don wan stay all the way til 8. Wad a loong day i have tomorrow. Haiz....Ps: Im starting to miss. . . . . . . . .