Didnt do much today. My uncle, aunt n little nephew came over in the morning all the way til evening. I left for religious class n was kinda shocked dat they were still there. Aunt noe how much we enjoyed playing wif ishard so she decided to wait for us. We all sat n chit chat to discuss bout kak ti's wed. Its gonna be a really style wan sia. HAha.
We laughed n even joked about it. Im excited to see how it turns out to be. Her wedding is coming up in 2 weeks time.! So yep everyone is busy helping her out. Ooo..n my cuz is gonna be damn beautiful i tell u.! (:
Baked banana muffins and fudge brownies today. The muffins are really nice.! I juz loved my mum's 'cakes'.! Little nephew was being such a dear today.! I love him many many lah seh.! He is soooo cute.! Makin tinggi arh dier..cume tak reti nk bebual jek.! HAha.! OKay dats all for today.! (:
Once home, i managed to catch some slp. Haha. Waited for sis to come back home den siap2 go dinner. Mum brought dad out for dinner to celeb father's day. We head to airport. Couldnt decided where to eat. Den finally we decided on BREEKS. The place nice seh. HAha. Wen we came there wasnt much pple. So the service was gd. Gt diz guy kept checking on our table asking if we need anything else. Lols. Funny sia.
You can see the fotos of wad food we ordered. It was actually nice seh.! (: I ate the most. Lols. Den they all cannot finish. So i help lah. Sis complained i eat alot. Haha..biar arh. Haha. After dat..desert time.! Ice cream.! Yay.! HAha.
Tel u the ice cream super big sia.! HAha. N it taste gd too.! HAhas. So worth it going there. I was super full wen i was done. We walk2 arnd terminal 2. Ooo..i saw amin.! Haha. I was looking at swensens den ter-ingat amin like to go there. Skali i really saw him there.! Shock jap. Haha. So..i smsed him. By the time he looked up i was gone. Haha. Head home after dat.
As for today, i had my madrasah class. Guess wad..my uztazah still cant differentiate btwn me n sis. HAha. She thought i was atiqah.! Lols. Padan i blur wen she talked to me dat i didnt take my quiz. Den wen i told her she wrong person. She told my sis, "Nanti tgk adq nye paper for sample.." I was like..me adq.? Lols..im the kakak lah seh.! Funny sia my uztazah.
After class, went back home to change b4 heading to downtown den to whitesands. Wanted to buy some stuff..bt end up tak jadi. The weather super hot. Dats y i cant wait to get home.! LOls. Anw im like super tired seh.! N sch starts tmr.! Waduh...mls nye..haha. Okay dats all for now. Tired oready. Haha.
'HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO U YARH.!' bEst wisHes frm me.! (:
This 2 days have been bz for me. HAha. I kept rushing here n there to find things.! Lols. Honestly i got loooots of things to do bt not enuf time.! HAha. Okay so yesterday, actually i was suppose to go out wif haidhir. Bt den bcoz of some stuff decided to cancel it lah. Coz it'll be rushing. So i decided to meet my frenz to do project in sch. Bt b4 dat, i went arnd PR to search for the deco stuffs i wanted.! Sadly don have. Den wen reach sch oready, end up nt doing anything. Zzzz. Coz we talked to the technician there n he gave us tips. Bt we didnt have the equipments so cant do anw. Lols. He den asked us go enjoy our hols instead. So yeah we left the lab. Slack at mushroom b4 we went on diff ways.
I had driving class to attend to. N my instructor is back.! Yeah man..haha.! He told me wad to expect during the test n wad to do lah. Den we tried the test routes. Managed to cover oni 3. In total i have 10 to try. Met mum at her workplace b4 heading home. At night i baked brownies, part of irah's surprise. I was actually tired oready. Bt den fren nye psl..i make. Haha. While waiting for it to bake i made her a card too.! (:
As for today i woke up early to continue wif the card deco. Den worked on the brownie deco too. Didnt manage to finish deco the brownie coz i gt driving class. So i quickly change n left. The class was fine as always. Im left wif 3 more test routes to complete. Today is my last lesson for the mth. I'll oni be continuing it in aug.
Since i still got some time. I head to simei to get the stuff to deco the brownie. N i found wad i wanted..like finally! Hahas. Visit aunt for awhile den head home. Saw nek bedah at my hoz. I changed my clothes n started on the deco again. HAhas. Tiring sia. Bt worth it.! It turned out nice.! Im satisfied. Lol. Took a break for awhile den went out again to meet the others. B4 dat, i went to get the floating balloon. Haha.
Carrying the balloon n holding the cake in the bus always attract pple's attention. I juz ignore lor. Haha. The belon irritating seh. HAhaha. Head to eera's house n slack there while waiting for irah. Once irah told us she reached her blok, we made our way there. Eera had to act dat she got probs n wanted to meet irah.! HAha.
Me n nat hide behind the walls n prepare the candle n stuff. Funny sia..we communicate using sign language.! Haha. Wen irah came, we surprised her.! Haha. Hope u like it.! (: I put lots of effort in it u noe. Haha. Anw i tink she suspected dat we were up to sumtink. Bt she wasnt sure wad uh. HAhas. Bt anw at least our plan worked fine. Foto taking session n cut cake. I hope u all like my brownies.! Hees.
Once done eating it, we continued taking fotos as usual.! Haha. Den sit down n chat chat chat. Ooo..gt diz one cute gal funny sia.! Haha. She made the 4 of us laugh like wad seh. Hahas. I juz love to be arnd frenz. It makes me feel very comfortable. Lagik2 dah lame kite empat tak dok2 semeja.! HAha. Coz slh satu mesti hilang nye.! Hahaha. More foto taking b4 we each head home. I hope we'll meet again soon.! (:
Sorie if i missed out anything. U can read nat's n eer'a version. HAha. Im too tired oready. Lols. Tmr going out again. Haha. My goodness i havent been sitting down at home nt doing anything.! I cant believe im saying diz bt..i MISSED doing ntg.! HAhaha.
*i'll upload the pics we took juz now wen i get them frm eera ! (:
bEst wisHes for u my fRen.! uR fiNally 18.!!! hAha. caN jOin mE n naT oreaDy.! loLs. i'll aLways be heRe fOr u.!
uR loveD aLways.! (:
The queue SUPER loooong.!
Lunch meal..
One of the snacks we took...
The fun begins.!
Hairie and me.!
The four of us ! (:
In the gallery...
Cool sia..haha.
We're always stay together.!
Start to play in the water.!
Today aunt woke me up like 6 plus.? Zzz..haha. Tired sia. Bt nvm lah..once in awhile i slp over her place(: Me n sis followed her to family day at marina barrage. At first it was kinda boring. Bt den later me n my cuzzins were enjoying ourselves running here n there.
Ooo..we were given diz 7-eleven shirt to change to which was super big uh. Haha. I modify abit to make it better. Lols. Bt the shirt was cooling..so its oryte. The queue for food is like super long uh.! N the goodie bag is super heavy.! Haha. Got ALOT of things. N i seriously mean alot. Nvr got diz much stuff b4. Lols.
We left the place anrd 2 plus after the lucky draw. The bag super heavy lah. We send both hairie n lin to their nenek first den cab home.! Too tired oready to take bus.! Haha. Im nt gonna say much. VERY TIRED. Let the pics do the story telling for once.! hees. Okay now im off.! Chiox..
Didnt do much today. My uncle, aunt n little nephew came over in the morning all the way til evening. I left for religious class n was kinda shocked dat they were still there. Aunt noe how much we enjoyed playing wif ishard so she decided to wait for us. We all sat n chit chat to discuss bout kak ti's wed. Its gonna be a really style wan sia. HAha.
We laughed n even joked about it. Im excited to see how it turns out to be. Her wedding is coming up in 2 weeks time.! So yep everyone is busy helping her out. Ooo..n my cuz is gonna be damn beautiful i tell u.! (:
Baked banana muffins and fudge brownies today. The muffins are really nice.! I juz loved my mum's 'cakes'.! Little nephew was being such a dear today.! I love him many many lah seh.! He is soooo cute.! Makin tinggi arh dier..cume tak reti nk bebual jek.! HAha.! OKay dats all for today.! (:
Once home, i managed to catch some slp. Haha. Waited for sis to come back home den siap2 go dinner. Mum brought dad out for dinner to celeb father's day. We head to airport. Couldnt decided where to eat. Den finally we decided on BREEKS. The place nice seh. HAha. Wen we came there wasnt much pple. So the service was gd. Gt diz guy kept checking on our table asking if we need anything else. Lols. Funny sia.
You can see the fotos of wad food we ordered. It was actually nice seh.! (: I ate the most. Lols. Den they all cannot finish. So i help lah. Sis complained i eat alot. Haha..biar arh. Haha. After dat..desert time.! Ice cream.! Yay.! HAha.
Tel u the ice cream super big sia.! HAha. N it taste gd too.! HAhas. So worth it going there. I was super full wen i was done. We walk2 arnd terminal 2. Ooo..i saw amin.! Haha. I was looking at swensens den ter-ingat amin like to go there. Skali i really saw him there.! Shock jap. Haha. So..i smsed him. By the time he looked up i was gone. Haha. Head home after dat.
As for today, i had my madrasah class. Guess wad..my uztazah still cant differentiate btwn me n sis. HAha. She thought i was atiqah.! Lols. Padan i blur wen she talked to me dat i didnt take my quiz. Den wen i told her she wrong person. She told my sis, "Nanti tgk adq nye paper for sample.." I was like..me adq.? Lols..im the kakak lah seh.! Funny sia my uztazah.
After class, went back home to change b4 heading to downtown den to whitesands. Wanted to buy some stuff..bt end up tak jadi. The weather super hot. Dats y i cant wait to get home.! LOls. Anw im like super tired seh.! N sch starts tmr.! Waduh...mls nye..haha. Okay dats all for now. Tired oready. Haha.
'HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO U YARH.!' bEst wisHes frm me.! (:
This 2 days have been bz for me. HAha. I kept rushing here n there to find things.! Lols. Honestly i got loooots of things to do bt not enuf time.! HAha. Okay so yesterday, actually i was suppose to go out wif haidhir. Bt den bcoz of some stuff decided to cancel it lah. Coz it'll be rushing. So i decided to meet my frenz to do project in sch. Bt b4 dat, i went arnd PR to search for the deco stuffs i wanted.! Sadly don have. Den wen reach sch oready, end up nt doing anything. Zzzz. Coz we talked to the technician there n he gave us tips. Bt we didnt have the equipments so cant do anw. Lols. He den asked us go enjoy our hols instead. So yeah we left the lab. Slack at mushroom b4 we went on diff ways.
I had driving class to attend to. N my instructor is back.! Yeah man..haha.! He told me wad to expect during the test n wad to do lah. Den we tried the test routes. Managed to cover oni 3. In total i have 10 to try. Met mum at her workplace b4 heading home. At night i baked brownies, part of irah's surprise. I was actually tired oready. Bt den fren nye psl..i make. Haha. While waiting for it to bake i made her a card too.! (:
As for today i woke up early to continue wif the card deco. Den worked on the brownie deco too. Didnt manage to finish deco the brownie coz i gt driving class. So i quickly change n left. The class was fine as always. Im left wif 3 more test routes to complete. Today is my last lesson for the mth. I'll oni be continuing it in aug.
Since i still got some time. I head to simei to get the stuff to deco the brownie. N i found wad i wanted..like finally! Hahas. Visit aunt for awhile den head home. Saw nek bedah at my hoz. I changed my clothes n started on the deco again. HAhas. Tiring sia. Bt worth it.! It turned out nice.! Im satisfied. Lol. Took a break for awhile den went out again to meet the others. B4 dat, i went to get the floating balloon. Haha.
Carrying the balloon n holding the cake in the bus always attract pple's attention. I juz ignore lor. Haha. The belon irritating seh. HAhaha. Head to eera's house n slack there while waiting for irah. Once irah told us she reached her blok, we made our way there. Eera had to act dat she got probs n wanted to meet irah.! HAha.
Me n nat hide behind the walls n prepare the candle n stuff. Funny sia..we communicate using sign language.! Haha. Wen irah came, we surprised her.! Haha. Hope u like it.! (: I put lots of effort in it u noe. Haha. Anw i tink she suspected dat we were up to sumtink. Bt she wasnt sure wad uh. HAhas. Bt anw at least our plan worked fine. Foto taking session n cut cake. I hope u all like my brownies.! Hees.
Once done eating it, we continued taking fotos as usual.! Haha. Den sit down n chat chat chat. Ooo..gt diz one cute gal funny sia.! Haha. She made the 4 of us laugh like wad seh. Hahas. I juz love to be arnd frenz. It makes me feel very comfortable. Lagik2 dah lame kite empat tak dok2 semeja.! HAha. Coz slh satu mesti hilang nye.! Hahaha. More foto taking b4 we each head home. I hope we'll meet again soon.! (:
Sorie if i missed out anything. U can read nat's n eer'a version. HAha. Im too tired oready. Lols. Tmr going out again. Haha. My goodness i havent been sitting down at home nt doing anything.! I cant believe im saying diz bt..i MISSED doing ntg.! HAhaha.
*i'll upload the pics we took juz now wen i get them frm eera ! (:
bEst wisHes for u my fRen.! uR fiNally 18.!!! hAha. caN jOin mE n naT oreaDy.! loLs. i'll aLways be heRe fOr u.!
uR loveD aLways.! (:
The queue SUPER loooong.!
Lunch meal..
One of the snacks we took...
The fun begins.!
Hairie and me.!
The four of us ! (:
In the gallery...
Cool sia..haha.
We're always stay together.!
Start to play in the water.!
Today aunt woke me up like 6 plus.? Zzz..haha. Tired sia. Bt nvm lah..once in awhile i slp over her place(: Me n sis followed her to family day at marina barrage. At first it was kinda boring. Bt den later me n my cuzzins were enjoying ourselves running here n there.
Ooo..we were given diz 7-eleven shirt to change to which was super big uh. Haha. I modify abit to make it better. Lols. Bt the shirt was cooling..so its oryte. The queue for food is like super long uh.! N the goodie bag is super heavy.! Haha. Got ALOT of things. N i seriously mean alot. Nvr got diz much stuff b4. Lols.
We left the place anrd 2 plus after the lucky draw. The bag super heavy lah. We send both hairie n lin to their nenek first den cab home.! Too tired oready to take bus.! Haha. Im nt gonna say much. VERY TIRED. Let the pics do the story telling for once.! hees. Okay now im off.! Chiox..