Anw on the fri(24 july) had sch as usual. The 4hrs of lesson was spend purely on project. We had to work on our code n my grp had to redo our connections coz gt mistakes. Boring.? Yeah wad to do no choice. The project carry high weightage sia. If fail den nmpk sgt kene stay back. I don wan to go tru the same thing again.! Skali je mcm dah nk mati..haha. Stayed back after sch to complete my MODANI.
Went home after dat. More modelling done at home. I was kinda boring den amin chatted wif me at msn. Hahas. Mcm perfect timing gitu. We decided to webcam since long time nvr see each other. N he started showing me this thing. I seriously cant rmbr untl he told me dat i gave him dat during sec 1 ! Omg..haha..he still kept it.? He showed me all the stuff dat i ever get him for his bdae or wen i came back frm holiday. They are all in very gd condition i must say except for my clay frame.! HAha. So i guess he didnt use them bt kept dem instead. Hahas. Im touched lor. Didnt noe he will keep it diz long. Frm sec 1 until now is like going 6 yrs..? Ooo..den he asked if i still kept the stuff he gave me. Of coz i did lah. I kept all the gifts frm my frenz.! (: Bt he didnt rmbr wad he gave me. HAha. Funny sia. I showed him one gift dat i'll nvr forget, the one dat i got both my hands dirty wif the silver marker.! Even so he cant rmbr dat he gt me dat gift. Hahas. So i told him i'll upload pics of it maybe den he can recall. We kept chatting til i dunno wad time. Lols.

As for saturday, i woke up kinda early to do my MODANI again. I managed to do up 3 scenes. I sent them to wt so dat he can edit if he wants to. Den arnd 2 plus i started to get change to go meet eera. Wel i told her dat i wanted to go NDP bt didnt have the tix. Den on the friday night she told me dat she gt one tix extra n asked me along. I agreed lor. Actually i thought don wan go out til im done wif sch work. Bt its NDP sia..haha. Took train to simei first coz i wanna buy some deco for baking. Hahas. Den we went to city hall. Chit chat all the way there. Once reached there we made our way to the NDP place. We werent sure how to get there bt den found it eventually. HAd to take temp first b4 we enter. Sadly we couldnt choose colour for the bags. I gt orange while eera gt purple. Had to climb up the stairs which was damn tiring uh. Den gt diz makcik dah tk bleh tahan. Haha. One of the army guy checked on her. We gt tht top seats which was gd(: It was scorching hot but luckily we were at the top. Gt some shade. Had to wait for bout an hr plus b4 the real thing starts. In the mean time, we listened to the national days songs.
Finally at arnd 6 the show started. It was very nice i must say.! I wasnt bored at all throughout the show. Me n eera ter-melatah wen the army tank fired away. The guy which was across us pon bleh tahan dier nye melatah.! Haha. Eera was bz taking fotos n all. Seriously the whole show was very very nice. N yeah it ended wif fireworks of coz. Hahas.
We stayed back for a little while to let the crowd move off first b4 making a move. There was lots of pple obviously. Eera wanted to go toilet bt it was damned pack. So we decided to head back to PR. Managed to get onto the train. Journey back home doesnt seem to be dat long. Maybe bcoz we were chatting away. Reached whitesands go find toilet den i went to buy dinner at mac. Head on seperate ways after dat. I reached home arnd 10 plus like dat. Slept straight wen im done wif dinner.
Sunday woke up early again to go for breakfast at downtown mac. After dat i continued doing sch work b4 heading for my religious class. it was fun as usual(: We ended late coz had to discuss bout our outing dat we'll be having soon. I managed to slp for a little while den i go baked diz oreo cake. It wasnt dat easy as i thought. My hands were damn sticky n tired wen i was done. The special thing bout it is dat u no need bake in the oven.! Juz put in fridge will do. The taste not bad leh. I need to learn to make it taste perfect. Wen i discover oready i let u pple try.! Hahas(: Ooo..i slpt kinda late bcoz i hang on the fon wif ilma.! Like finally we can talk on the fon together. We talked frm 11 til 1 plus. Dats long. Hahas.
The orea thing i made...
As for today, i woke up arnd 10 like dat. Hahas. Today i gt class oni at 4-5pm. I baked brownies in the morning while waiting for my fren to come over. It was raining heavily. Bt lucky fiona could find her way ot my house. Haha. We began making the cookie den realise dat my grandma forget to buy flour. So we went down to get it in the rain. HAhas.Once got home, i thought fiona how to make the cookies. She enjoy it alot i guess. Hahas. While waiting for the cookies to bake, i deco mus n mac's brownie cake. Its their bdae gift frm me. HAha. Wel it took me all day to finish up doing the deco n cleaning our mess. Fiona did help of coz.! (: After dat, i went to get ready for sch.
Go meet edwin to pass him some of the brownies dat i promised him. Got class for one hr n dats the end of sch. Suppose to do project bt my grp last min cancel. By den it was oni 5 plus. Told mus dat i'll meet him at 7. So i went to walk2 wif jonathan n wt at tamp. I later decide to juz head to mus house n pass it to his mom. Surprisingly i didnt get lost.! Haha. Congrats to me man.! (: Head home after dat.
Below is mon's pics..