The 2 boys who became my entertainment.!

The 'Quiche' dat mom made !

A week of sch had past. Although its oni 4 schling days bt i get tired easily. HAhas. Slept kinda early den usual coz my eyes juz cant seem to stay awake long. Lols. Okay first week of sch is kinda slack. Lessons end earlier den it should be.
I attended my first lesson of cds class. I got into world issues. Im alone coz no one dat i noe gt diz cds. First lesson i oready damn paiseh..coz i went into the wrong class.! Zzz..n it took me 15 mins to realise i was in the wrong room..haha.! The subject not bad uh kinda interesting. So far im nt regretting dat i didnt change the subject. Lols. Ooo..i still have nice frenz arnd..coz i had 4 hrs of break b4 my cds starts n some frenz accompanied me. Pris was the one who accompanied me all the way. lucky to have frenz like them.!
Den on n fiona stayed back to accompany wt til his cds starts. In the mean time, we bought bubble tea n sat to chit chat. Hahas. I tink we all very nice pple sia. Hmm..guess no one will ever be left alone doing something. Dats gd i suppose..? Wel i juz hope dat our friendship still stays strong even though now our timetable all very different.!
Fri i gt no sch..i went out in the late afternoon n slept most of the time b4 dat. Lols. I went to meet aunt first den met ilma at tamp mrt. We wondered arnd tamp. Joke here n there plus chit chat too. Haha. I miss spending time wif her.! We didnt go out long coz i had to go home n she wanna meet her bf. So yeah we seperated bt hopefully we can meet more often since she gt no more sch. HAhas.
On sat..i enjoy the food the most.! Mom cooked all my fav food sia. So i practically ate non-stop. N she tried making diz new food called 'quiche' i tink dats how its spelled.? Lols. N it taste damn nice lor.! I like.!!! Haha. Went cycling at the beach n sat there. Brought some snacks along too. Den gt diz 2 little boys became my entertainment there. One is a eurasian kid another is a sporean kid. Haha. They're very cute n funny.! I enjoy seeing them. Hahas. We cycled back home wen it was getting dark. Oh ya, gt diz boy uh konon nye nk blang uh wheres the cycling path n the walking path..zzz. N he was walking on the cycling lane.! Stupid sia..lucky i didnt bang into him..ape je luh bdk tu seh. Sheesh. By the time i reach home..i was exhausted.! HAhas. tried my best to stay awake til my bf gets back. Lols.
As for today, i oni had religious class n wen i came back gt ALOT of pple at my house. Coz dat time raya they tk sempat dtg, so yeah they came today. N coincidently, my uncle n aunt came along wif my nephew. So my house kecoh uh. Hahas. Guess my weekends have been great uh. Hope the coming one is going to be better. If no changes im gonna meet my beloved F.A.N.A corporation.! Hahas(:
Its back to sch for me today.! N im sure for the others as well who havent start sch. Lols. Happy sch-ing my frenz.!(: My class starts at 12 today.! Gd sia..haha. Morning went online for awhile n chatted wif nat n eera. Den head to sch n i met up wif sw and mac. We met the others at the eng offic there. Its gd to see them again. The sad thing is dat we're all nt in the same class. Sad.
I head to class wif wt. Class started wif some intro n all. Its ntg impt today..n we were told dat we have to work in pairs. N im guessing dat my partner will be wt..? HAhas. Since we sat together. Lol. He's a great fren n partner u noe. HAhas. Class was supposed to last for 2hrs.? Bt we end in 1hr.? HAhas. Best. The others head off home. Coz we gt 2 hrs of lect n they're nt planning to go. Lols.
Me, fiona n pris went to eat at design while waiting for edwin. Coz i promised to accompany him see the cds choice coz he nt sure want to change not. Later i met has to pass her my emath2 bk so dat she no need buy. HAhas. Den hang arnd wif edwin n jq for awhile b4 we decide to head to lect.
Wel it wasnt dat fun or boring luh. Hahas. Coz i had 2 wonderful frenz to keep me occupied. Lols. Ooo..n i saw diz guy who looks exactly like wt.! Haha. Even he dress the same sia.! Omg..cant believe it..haha..must let wt see for himself.! Lol. Me n pris were looking at him den his fren saw us looking.! Paiseh sia..later they misunderstood us.! Lols. We left quickly after dat. HAhas. Head straight home after dat. Hmm..hope the week is gonna be better.!(:
Wel diz is the hamster dat we gt. Nt dat clear coz she cant sit still..i try to take better pic next time...haha.

Diz is my sea dog.! (:
I went out juz now afternoon wif sis to go help grandad pay for his car thingy. Its my first time going to maybank. I didnt even noe dat it exist in tampines. Lol. So yeah me n sis took bus n try to guess where the place is. I called mus bt he didnt ans so i called mac instead for directions coz i wasnt sure where the place is. Most of them told me dat it was at pasar bulat. Which i have no idea where. Lol.
Sis fren ask us to take 28 bt didnt say where to drop. Haha. Lucky mus called me yeah he directed me. N yep we managed to find the place.! (: Wah..tiring sia walk here walk there. Den i remembered dat grandpa asked to break his 50 note first. Bt none of the shop there wans to. Zzz. Like wad sia they all. So i end up in 7-eleven instead. HAhas. Lucky for me, i reached the bank 15 mins b4 it closes. Lol.
We head to TM to find some stuff bt dont have. End up buying 2 slice of cake n bring it home. Ooo..mac was nice enuf to call n check on me whether i found the place or nt. HAhas. Once reached home, pack some hamster stuff n went out again to get our hamster.! (: Sis kinda bought it online. Diz time round she gt oni 1 hamster n diz one grows real big.! Its a syrian hamster. Hmm..interesting. HAha. We took it at elias mall there. N its cute lor.! 1 mth old oready so big sia. Haha. I wonder how big it will get.? Hmmm..?
After dat, i went to meet my parents at downtown to have dinner. Im super full today.! HAhas. EAt alot..i had my sea dog.! Hmm..there was carrot cake, den the hot subs, chicken and pizza. HAhas. Alot sia. Nice...haha! N u noe pinggang hurts..or should i say my whole body aching.! Tanx to sis uh who slp tk tau diam. Sheesh.
Anw i went out to meet my dear bf yesterday.! (: Its great to see him again. Hahas. He is back frm hols obviously. Lol. We went out to watch movie and hang arnd downtown there. Got caught in the rain. Hahas. We chit chat n stuff luh. I head home arnd 5 like dat. HAhas. Cnnt go back late late. If nt next time i cnnt go out. Lols. Had a great time.! Tanx many many for everything! (:
Ps: I tink the new timetable is nt bad.! Friday no sch for me.!(:
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My test is at 9.15am and i had to be there by 8.15am coz gt warm up session. I had to wake up at 6.15am coz if nt toilets will be full house. Lols. Mum accompanied me there. Hmm..i wasnt dat scared nt sure why uh. Haha. Bt its gd..? Lol. Reached there arnd 8 den went to find my instructor who was bz washing the car to return back his umbrella. HAha. He wished me gd luck and talked to mum a little. Nt long after dat i went in n mum left for work first.
Didnt had to wait long b4 i was taken to my test car for warm up by the instructor. First2 kinda scared n i forgot one part of it. Lols. He told me to chill..haha..and gave me tips too. Once done wif the warm up, he parked the car n brought me to diz waiting room. I was the last to leave the room..zzz. Haha.
My tester face damn fierce...seram sia. Haha. Bt i acted cool.! Lol. So the tk caye. HAha. I didnt make any mistake in the circuit which was great.!(: Den outside on the road i was okay. I saw dat he gave me oni 4 points sia and kept the paper after dat. But the last part wen heading back to the centre spoilt dat 4 point.! HAha. He told me to turn right i signal left.! Den i panic wen i realised i wanted to turn wrong way so the car store twice.! Tros dier kluar kan paper kasi more points.! Urghh.! Haha. Stress seh mase tu. Dah tu kene mrh lagi..zzz.
Followed him up to get my results. He scold me some more -.- den PASSED me.! Haha. So heck care uh. HAha. Happy sia. Went down to get my other documents den met mum and sis.! Yeah they were damn happy luh. Hahas. After dat i had to watch diz video den went to make my licence. Head to tamp to eat n went home. Hmm..i still cant believe dat i passed.! HAha. Yay! Happy seh..haha. Ooo..i later got to noe frm one of the instructor dat the TP who tooked me was the CHIEF.!!! HAha. Patut lah
Tanx many many to those who gave me lots of different advices.! Not forgetting those who never fails to give me support and encouragement.!(: dear bf shocked me(coz he is away) by giving me a call in the morning.! Lols..haha. Tanx uh(:
TWO more days til my TP..urgh.! Im scared. Hahas. Havent been getting proper slp due to little sis. -.- Thank god i could get some slp yesterday night. Needed it lots. Went out for raya yesterday night. Coz frm afternoon, pple kept coming n juz wen we were about to go out my neighbour came. Hahas. So yeah gt delay. Went over to dad's fren's open house. Sungguh the kecoh the place. Next went to my neighbour's hoz.! HAha. Like take turns like dat uh.
Stayed there kinda long..talked bout almost everything. HAha. Uibai's dad gave me some tips n shared his story wen he took licence last time. Haha. Kinda shocked to hear his story..soo not fair.!!! HAha. Then his mum oso told me if fail the first try its okay don worry too much. Aww..i have such nice pple arnd who supports me all the time.!(: dear bf left today for holiday. Hahas. Hmm..gonna miss him..? Hahas. Wel hope he have fun there luh ye. Hahas. Okay til den..take care pple.! I'll update again maybe after my TP..? Hahaha.
For diz week..i spend most of my days wif driving classes. Did went out after dat on certain days. Ooo..met a few frenz everytime i had lesson. HAha. Cool..didnt expect it though. Bump into fairoz n he was shocked to see me. HAha. I oso shocked. coz i thought he passed oready bt didnt. We didnt chat long as i had class. Den i tink i saw emmer, huzairi and i forgot some more who. Lols.
Anw classes have been fine. No better no worst. Haha. Scares me.! My TP is like next tue and im now left wif ONE more session to practice b4 im off for the test.! Im really scared. N i cant work under pressure.! Urghhh.! HAha. Hmm..maybe i wont make it like the others..? HAha. *fingers crossed* Wished me luck pple.! HAha.'s the exact one mth.!(: HAhas. N yeah hope we will last as long as possible...? Lols.
Raya wif sec sch frenz.!

My another nephew.!

My niece.!
Okays not gonna say much bout my jln raye wif sec frenz. It was oklah. Great dat we're still in contact. Went out in the morning n came back at night. Jamal n rahman accompanied me back to the doorstep. Tanx uh. Still the day could have been sooo much better bt nvm(:
Lucky enuf the days after dat day, my fam went out to do more visiting which kept me kinda occupied. Fetched sis back frm the airport on sat. My aunt came along too. Glad to see sis again after a week. I noe my younger sis missed her so much dat now she officially migrated to my room.! Zzzz. Haha. Bt im glad dat now we're even closer den b4.!(:
Aunt slept over during the weekends which was great.! Enjoyed her company lots.! Den gt lots of guests came over to my house on sun. N one of them was my cuzzin. He brought his 2 kids over. Hmm..complicated story so i wont say here. Haha. It was my first time meeting them up close.! They're super cute n they looked like how my cuz was wen he was young.! HAha. So now i officially gt 2 nephew n 1 niece no matter the status luh ye. Cool. Hahas.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
To others it might be a wonderful day spent. Bt for me, i spent the whole time worrying n feeling scared. Haiz..yes i noe im wrong for hiding the truth bt wad can i do. I truely feel bad. I really didnt mean any harm. Maybe i may looked kinda relaxed bt inside i wasnt. I really didnt noe how to react. Haiz..if oni i could turn back the time i will. Its been really a long time since i cry diz much. I tried to stop bt tears juz kept flowing in the end i gave up. Lucky im alone in my room n mom doesnt talk to sis online today. So yeah nobody can see how i look like.
I really don like to lie to pple n wen i do it disturbs me alot. I noe it would turn bad bt didnt noe diz bad. Haiz. I wanna let it all out bt who will listen n understand me..? Keeping stuffs inside for long time is really hard. I thought it will pass bt guess it nvr will..? To those who dont noe wad im talking bout pls don ask. I dont have the courage to say it all out all over again. Enuf is enuf. Maybe its fated dat i'll suffer diz way alone without pple knowing. Its okay luh maybe diz is wad someone gets for lying to a fren. If ur nt talking to me ever again i dont force at fault i noe. N im truely sorry...
Ps: U noe how much i treasure my friendship..haiz..