Okays since i have some free time now i might as well update sumtink. Hahas. Wont noe wen else i will be free right..? Lols. Yesterday was monday..so yeah as always oni had one hr of lesson. My class starts at 12pm and somebody called me at 7 to wake me up. Hahas. So dat means im going out earlier den i usually do. Lols.
Hmm..and dat someone is my dear bf. Lols. Dat time he said he wanna spend whole day wif me..so yeah. He came over to my place at arnd 9. We took bus wif sis to PR inter coz she asked me accompnay her take bus. Zzz. Bt nvm i had lots of free time anw. N frm there we took 21 to tamp. Hahas. Yep taking mrt is much faster..bt morning gt alot of pple uh..n i don like crowds dat much. Lols. Met hanan on the bus.
We went to have breakfast at mac n waste time there. As always i nvr finish my food. Hahas. So yarh he help me finish it..lols. We chit chat til arnd 11 den took a longer route to sch as i was still early. Hang in the sch compound til my class starts. Lab was short as per normal. The oni thing dat made us paid attention to our tcher was wen he told us theres a bintan trip during the sem break. Hahas. Hmm..me n my 2 frenz are considering to go since its oni 3 days. Class ended at 1pm again. Hahas. The best thing is dat next week we gt no class..! Dat equals to no sch.! Yes.! Haha.
Head to mushroom to go meet shawn. We went to mensa to revise for our quiz. I asked my bf come over to the canteen coz my frenz asked him to come and sit wif us. He sat there play psp while we studied. HAhas. I taught shawn coz he had no bk n no idea wad the subject was..? Lols. Dats shawn wad..nvr change. HAha.! N teaching him is always sooo meng-geramkan. Haha. We didnt study long..roughly bout an hr..? Most of them all head home. Since i gt lecture later at 6pm me n him hang arnd tamp. Oh ya, pris den later told him stuff bout me dat he dont noe..? Hahas. N the 2 of them had fun disturbing me. Zzz. Haha.
Ooo..b4 pris left..she told him to force me to eat my lunch...which he did.! Zzz. Tanx uh pris. Hahas. No choice luh..so yeah we had lunch. I seldom eat lunch on mondays coz class starts late. Lols. Again i didnt manage to finish up my food. Hahas. We chit chat there n he sent me back to sch later. I was forced to take his jacket. Haha. First time im actually EARLy for lecture.! Haha.! N the lecture ended up lasting for bout 30 mins.? Lols. He waited for me and we head home wif sis after dat. Hmm..today quite alot of my 'secret' is being revealed. Make me so paiseh. HAhas. Anw...tanx dearest for spending whole day together. Hope u wasnt bored waiting for me.! Lols..
As for today...had my quiz.! Hmm..i dont noe wad i did was right or nt coz i kinda forget how to do suddenly. Lols. Nvm luh over oready. Gt my my digcom quiz. Hmm..it wasnt so bad. If oni no theory i would have scored better. Lols. Went out for lunch wif the usuals bt ended up splitting wif them n following the other classmates of ours. Ate at kfc n i shared wif gabriel coz its buddy meal. Hahas. Since fiona n pris shared together i share wif him lor. Head back to sch for next lesson where we had to finish up our assignment as its due on thur.
Super stress doing the assignment. I had to redo it like arnd 4 times i tink..? Coz there wasnt time for me to do trial n error as the thing dat i wanted to do was kinda complicated. So tcher advised me to used other concepts coz he oso dont noe how to help.? HAha. Even though class ends we continued to stay back n finish up our work. Tanx to few of my classmates i managed to finish it. Although its not dat nice bt its okay luh. enuf to pass me..? HAhas.
Okays so yeah dats bout all for my mon n tue. Hahas. Tmr i have class at 8am.!!! N still gt test..zzz. Cant wait for diz week to come to an end.!! Oh ya..i noe my post is long..sorry for dat.! Hahas. Below is the foto dat i use for my assignment..cute right..? HAhahahaha...
Someone complained to me dat i havent been updating alot. Hahas. I didnt noe dat i have such royal readers. Lol. But last time wen i blog everyday u all say dat i have too much free time. Hahas. Okay okay so as promised my dear fren im updating. Hahas. Here is wad i've gone tru for diz week...MONDAYNtg much happen in sch. Oni had lab for an hour den went out to eat wif fiona n pris. Me n pris helped fiona out wif her digcom coz she missed the quiz. Since its still raining we sat and continue to chit chat. Was suppose to go meet my bf bt he was late. Hahas. Wen the rain finally stops we made our way back to the sch bus stop. My bf was waiting there n the 2 of them take bus frm there. I got lect at 6 later so hang arnd tanp oni. He wanted to watch 2012 n yeah i agreed lor. Hahas. N yep as predicted i didnt have time to go lect coz the movie was kinda long 2 and a half hours.? Haha. Went to buy food for sis den waited for bus 21 to head home.
Sch was as per normal. Everything was fine til something happen. Dats wen the 'conflict' between my class starts. Its a long story. Not gonna mention it here luh. Some of u might noe or might not. Tel u it wasnt a nice feeling at all. I soo hate diz kind of feeling luh. The awkwardness was really distracting. Coz not used to it as we were all so close. The matter looked as if it oready ended wen we finally met n discuss bout it after sch.
HAd 4hrs of the same subject. It have always been boring coz most of the time the tcher does the talking. But den on dat day we had something to do. So dat wasnt so bad. We did some script writing for our project and learned how to edit fotos using photoshop. It was super cool. Hahas. Den once class ended, me javier and wt followed tcher to his office to take our test coz last week we didnt attend sch. Hmm..the test wasnt easy although its an open book thing. 30 mins seems so short. Hahas. Met the others at the mushroom after dat. Can see dat the awkwardness was still there between them coz they werent talking to each other juz among themselves. I act normallor talk to everyone the same. We went for lunch after dat. Most of them left coz they didnt have cds. Went to the lib wif fiona n pris to do some work. They oso accompanied me til my cds starts. I parted wif them we it was time for my world issues class. I had a test. 10 mins for 10 qns. N the qns were all super hard sia. Mostly nt frm the lect notes bt more on the news.? HAha. Me n the guy beside me juz anyhow do. Confirm fail sia. Lols. After dat the tcher played a game if 5 pple one frm each grp. It was super boring coz we oni watched n had no clue wad the game was. N finally tcher release us early.! Wad a relief..hahas. Waste my time oni...went straight home since it was raining.
Hmm..don quite rmbr wad i did. Hahas. Had sch as per normal. Den later lunch met up wif shawn n haikal. Ooo..shawn blamed me coz he got sick.! Haha. The day b4 i went 'missing' coz i was sick..he sat beside me. So dats y he blame me. Lols. After lunch we head to the lib to pass the time. There was a mini concert outside the lib.Me n pris stayed to watch for awhile coz fiona's fren was performing. Nt bad uh the singers. Hahas. No wonder rain dat day. Lols. Im kidding. HAha. Went up to join the guys to watch movie. Dats wen an embarassing thing happen to me. Lols. I gain unecessary attention frm diz guy.! Paiseh luh..n pris juz laughed at me. Zzz. Tanx uh. HAhas. Since the dvd players were all used up, we decided to wathc titanic wif zai n gang who already started watching the show. HAhas. We didnt want to see wad the guys were watching coz its some fighting show i tink.? Lol. Next lesson we were left on our own to do our assignment. N even after the 2 hrs im still not done yet.! Die luh..haha..by the coming thursday i need to hand in oready. Lols.
Its a no sch day for me.! HAhas. But i didnt stay home all day too. I went out wif hafiz. Met him at arnd 2 like dat. He was late as usual. Hahahaha. We hang around city hall area there. It was very cold coz it was raining. Lols. I should have worn long sleeve. HAhas. Bt nvm luh. Hmm..had a great time wif him. Hahas. Went off frm there at arnd 5 plus coz my parents wanna go out for dinner. He sent me home. Once home, i washed up n got changed. After prayers we went out to eat. I thought i could slp early coz the next day have to wake up super early.! Lols. I slept at arnd 12 i tink..? Nt sure...hahas.

The day of my TREASURE HUNT. My dear darling gave me a morning call. Lols. Mum did woke me up bt den i went back to slp. Hahas. If he didnt call i would have woken up later. HAhaha. It was arnd 6 in the morning wad do u expect seh. So yeah did some last min packing n left the house wif sis. Harith n amirah reached there earlier den me. Nt my fault blame the late comers uh.! Hahaha. We had to wait for jian hong to leave house den we can take the mrt. He managed to get on the same mrt as us juz dat he couldnt find us inside. Lols. We den take mrt to dhoby gaut. Walked to fort canning frm there. We werent sure where so we juz follow our insticnt n pple. Hahas. Had to climb sooo many stairs seh. It was on top of a hill..? Lols..we really got no stamina. Haha. LAter i went to the registration counter to collect our 'passport' and t-shirt to change to. We were brief on wad we should do n blah blah blah. The weather was super hot. I met fathin, nat's fren in the toilet.! Lols. I didnt notice it was her until she tegur me coz she say amirah looked diff. Hahas. Ooo..our first destination was PASIR RIS sia.!!!! Zzzz. Haha. Means we had to travel down.! -.- After the flag off everyone went off in diff direction to their respective checkpoints. Haha. We run here n there n pple were all looking at us. The checkpoints were all far inside. We were given clues n later have to go figure out for the place. We didnt score for the first activity which was bottle bowling. Haha.
Next destination was tampines. We played diz memory game there b4 getting the stamp to go on. The guys sempat seh go redeem the mcdonal food. Hahas. Head to bugis after dat to the next destination. There we had to 'hugged' each other den throw the balloon up above our heads. Me n irah had to go inside the 'musuem' to find info to ans qns. Haha. The air con inside was great sia. HAha. Once done we had to make our way to National museum which was at dhoby gaut.! Lucky enuf for us the security guard there helped us first coz we entered frm the back unknowingly. HAhas. Me n harith played diz matched stick game n harith was the one who figured it out.! N later we acted as if we go find the ans wen we already noe it. Lols.
The guys den bought us drinks..hahas. Running here n there is really super exhausting.! HAha. We took bus to st patrick our next checkpoint. There jian hong had to hit the volleyball 30 times in 30 secs. The last checkpoint was east coast park. By den we were all drained out oready. So didnt do much running. Hahas. We had to skip as much as we can in one minute i tink.? Super tiring. My leg hurts after dat sia.! Haha. Since we were done we had to report back to donwown east. We waited for the bus at the bus stop there n later were told dat there wasnt any bus.! Zzzz. The next bus stop was like super far luh...its located at the HDB flats there.! We end up taking bus to marine parade den take another bus to bedok n trained down.
N guess wad..we were late by an hour.! Haha. They oni gave us 5hrs to complete the treasure hunt. How to finish sia wen at the last stop we were stuck coz there wasnt bus. Zzz. Bt nvm luh at least we all had fun.! (: We were given goodie bags. Jian hong and harith took 4 each.! Haha. So yeah wen we sat at bk to eat there were alot of bags. Lols. Slack there for some time den we all made our way home.
It was a tiring but fun day.! Although we didnt win anything..at least we had fun together.! Oh ya..tanx many many to those frenz dat helped us out.! I made lots of phone calls to ask for help n directions.! Hahas. My leg was seriously aching wen i walk back home. Lols.
Woke up n yeah felt pain in my muscle. Especially my leg muscles.! All frm dat running n skipping n walking. Hahas. Had breakfast n studied for my religious class exam.! Arnd 12 plus left for class. Did some last min revision b4 the test. Hmm..the exam wasnt dat bad i guess..? HAha. Yay madrasah exams is done.! Now left wif sch exam. Hahas. I spend the rest of the day at home resting. HAhas. My muscle were seriously aching luh..walking is such a pain. Lols.
So yeah dats bout wad happen diz week. The coming week i tink im gonna be busy too.? Hahas. I got test almost everyday.? Den still have assignments to finish and hand in. Okay okay..no more slacking.! HAha.