Friday, February 26, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Yeah… Hello there those who read this blog… Hafiz Firdaus here…Yup the guy that refer as Fana BF here. Lolz well yeah… Never do I blog and this kinda awkward for me to begin now.
Well yup just recently on the 22nd this month fana celebrated her 19 birthday. Yup closer to my age now huh… sooner her will be 20 and *poof* there goes your teenage life there. :D Hope u enjoy ur life fruitfully and I really really hope u enjoy what was installed for you yesterday.
Pris msg me like 11pm saying “Mon is fana’s birthday, Any plans”… Yeah I was speechless and idealess and a pinch of kanchiongness (O god… I sounded like fana). I have never done anything that got to do with party, present and outing. Normally I just follow the flow haha. :D Well thanks to Pris, we mange to pull it thru.
Thanks to all you guys, who came for the gathering. :D The flower was great (try balloons next time… (20 now hor))Wah!!! I feel so lethargic… Have n ot been working for a long time (4 days already and coming to 5 days) HAHA I am wondering what going to happen to me when I start work on Thursday :D
Well if I got anything to share… This will be the place.
Till next time…
Hafiz Firdaus Gorgeous here signing OUT!
I pass the baton to u fana :D
Monday, February 22, 2010
A short notice..yes i noe i must update my blog.! Lols. Definitely gt nice things to post.! wait uh til i get the fotos.? :D Oh ya..keep a lookout for something new in my post.! (:
Friday, February 19, 2010
Okays now is time to study for exams.!!! N u noe wad..i feel damn lazy luh. Ugrh.!! HAha. If diz continues im sooo gonna be dead. Wel i've start studying a little. Den juz now frenz came over to my place to study together. I managed to finish 2 papers for netinfra but den digcom is like...errr..? HAha! Hard luh! Jav even came out wif his own theory to help us solve diz qn.! Lols. Funny sia. I tink i must study everyday sia.! Im dead scared now.!!! Lols. beloved frenz n bf managed to pakat so dat i will study..! -.- Such wonderful pple i have..? HAhhahaha.! (:
Last before i sign the feb babies...
18 feb ~ Happy belated birthday DADDY.! ( Celebrated yesterday(: )
19 feb ~ Happy Birthday my dear cuzzin FIRDAUS.!
20 feb ~ Happy advanced Birthday my beloved nephew ISHARD.! and HAppy advanced Birthday SHAHID.!
22 feb ~ Happy advanced Birthday to ME.! (: Ooo..n MUHAIMIN too.!
24 feb ~ Happy advanced Birthday EZUL.!
29 feb ~ Happy advanced Birthday my dear cuzzin RASLINDA.! Yep i noe diz yr no 29..hahas.!
Alot of pple bdae hor diz mth.? Lols..wad to do(: Hope u guys have fun.! N i dont noe wen im free if u wanna go out wif me..hahas. I might be free on the 22 since no news yet frm anyone(:
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Wel like i say dat time i went out wif eera n irah to go and catch a movie. Nat wasnt in spore so she didnt join us. We watched Valentines Day. Nice show..funny. HAhas. Took quite alot of fotos for a short meeting..? HAhas. Wel dats juz my frenz(: We ate at kfc later n den they accompanied me go ws popular coz i wanna find some stuffs. Tanx yarh.! (: We'll meet up again wen my exams are over..? I dont noe see wen im free. HAhas.
As for today i head back to school coz gt briefing for my bintan trip. It was juz for a short while oni. But shawn n fiona accompanied me til 1 coz i gt dental at 2.30pm. Later me n fiona ran for the bus tanx to shawn..? HAhas. He checked the timing for us. So yep i met mum n head down to NDC. I nvr like the visit to the dentist bt i gt no choice. Wel today the dentist did some molding thingy for my crowning and did scaling too for me. Now my mouth feels weird and it hurts :( Met wt later at dte to take some stuff.
I planned my tmr nice nice ready bt looks like i have to change plan due to some last min cancelation. Nvr liked all diz. But wel cant control it. Im sorry dat i rejected the study offers. I juz don feel like studying. My mood is gone wif the wind. See luh wad i wanna do tmr. Might be spending some alone time at my fav place. No worries i'll be back on fri(:
*I havent been able to have a gd slp nt sure why.? But maybe now i noe the reason. Iwas worrying bout something n looks like now its clear wad its bout. So yarh hopefully i can finally get some beauty slp.! Im like getting migranes n my eyes feel super tired.! I sooo nid my slp..urgh..bad thoughts pls go away...
Monday, February 15, 2010
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
5 mths.!(: (loving u more..hahaha) marks the 5th mth of me n hafiz.! HAhas..wah time really flies. Wel dats if wen ur having fun.? Indeed im enjoying life alright.! HAhas. Its nvr been better. Hopefully things will be fine as days past(: To my dearest bf..tanx sooo much for all ur attention and help.! You've always been there trying to make things better for me n makeing sure i smile all the time.! Hahas. Im glad dat now ur able to adapt better wif both my frenz n family stuff. May the mths to come be a better one.! (: I've nvr regret of making diz choice...hahas.
Apart frm dat..sch was normal. Oni thing was dat im stuck wif my project dat cant be finished due to some problems wif the program. My dear bf came down to help bt yeah still cant. In the end we decided dat tmr shall do in sch instead since we gt nt much choice now. Im like super stress luh.! Bt nvm lets see how things go tmr. At least i still managed to spend some time wif dearest(:
Monday, February 08, 2010
Orytes more updates. Its great to have my grandma back home again! Yep..shes nt as strong as b4 n im really taking care of wad she can n cannot eat. I like her personal nurse. HAha.! I don care as long as she is well i'll do anything for her(:
Diz week is my last week of sch oready. N i still have datelines to meet.! Die sia like diz..shoot. The program dat i need to use got some prob. Urgh.! Stress sia like diz. I hope i can get it done.! Im scared. Hahas. Wel today went out wif my MET grp of frenz to celeb shawn's belated bdae. All of us were late.! HAha..n my bf waited very long for me.! Oh nt usually late okay! Hahas. We ate ate Seoul Garden at bugis. Too bad uh shawn if we embarrass u juz now.! HAha..its ur bdae wad..NORMAL to do diz kind of things. My dear bf was having soo much fun. Lols. Haha. Guess i should bring him along wif my frenz more often so he noes how fun it is. LOLS. Den later we watch movie 14 blades b4 heading home.
Ooo..i have pple asking me bout wen im free..? HAhas. Okay okay tel u wad..i'll put up my schedule in my blog a.s.a.p yarh. Den u guys can book me wen u wan luh..? But don have to trouble urself orytes my beloved frenz(: Im fine(: Okays..i'll update more wen i have the time! Take care pple..!(: