Wednesday, March 31, 2010
My mon wasnt a gd one. U noe why..coz firstly i was suppose to go out but plan was cancelled. Den secondly i got bad cramps til i cant get out of bed.! Okay..maybe dats y the plan was cancelled huh..? Haha. So yep damn bored luh at home oni accompanied by the cramps...urgh.! Irritating. HAhas. Den later in the evening pris came 4 tution. I talked to her for awhile den went back to bed. Cnnt tahan. HAhas. Den i fell aslp while waiting for dearest...zzzz. HAha.! (:
As for yesterday it wasnt so bad...i thought of going out but dennnnn my aunt came by. So yeah there goes my plan. Having aunt around wasnt dat bad luh. HAha. Get to hear some stories den watched some show til i fall aslp n woke up in the evening. Den at night continue watching tv wif her til she slp n me wait for darling to be free n reply my sms. HAha.
Today i went out to watch movie as planned.! Wel didnt thought dat hafiz will follow coz he always cancel plan one..whoops sorry syg. Haha.! But he was early luh today.! Not wanting to reply any of my smses den aleh2 dah sampai PR.! Pfftt..wad a fair game eh. So yeah met him first den we go buy tix while waiting for nat since the other 2 don wan watch wif us. We watched REMEMBER ME. Nice show..haha. But it was freezing cold luh sia.! HAha. Regretted nt bringing my jacket. Sheesh. Later we walked to inter..i took train while nat left for home coz she say she got stuff to do since tmr gt guests coming. Hahas. I didnt manage to get wad i want at paya lebar. Oni ate late lunch there(tu pon kene forced..zzz) den head down to tamp to get my bottle. Couldnt find any cuter bottle. Nehmind luh diz one gd enuf. HAhas(: Hope i can find a nice slipper or sandal luh eh..hmm. Orytes dat all for now....
Okay i havent been updating for a very long time oready. Lols. I juz couldnt find time to update. Hahas. Lets see wad i did diz week....MONDAY- I went out wif hafiz after sooo long nt seeing him. HAha. I noe u miss me like crazy. Lols. We went to city hall there. Watched movie first den lepak arnd there. Later head back to PR and slack arnd b4 he send me home.
TUESDAY- Again i went out wif hafiz diz time to bugis. He met up wif me first to eat lunch den later we met eera at the mrt. Wel our plan was to go find things for nat's bdae gift. HAha. Its sooo frustrating wen u walk n walk n walk bt cant find wad u wan -.-. Wen we were done shopping..i was super tired luh.! HAha. At least we gt the stuff dat we need(:
NAt's Gift(:
WEDNESDAY- I didnt go out. Juz went out for awhile to get some stuff. Eera came over to my place at arnd noon. She gt lost again. HAhas. After lunch, the 2 of us started cutting and doing all sorts of stuff. Irah joined us later in the evening. We were kinda satisfied wif wad we did. HAhas. Not bad uh. Lols. Den baked cake. After dinner den we deco abit the cake and the 2 of them then left my place. Another tiring day...

THURSDAY- Its NAT'S birthday.! HAha. Somebody 19 oready hor.! We now same2..haha. Wel nat didnt noe dat we were gonna meet her at sentosa. Coz we pakat wif fathin. Although i was kinda worried wen she guessed it right bt somehow i manage to fake my way out. Lols. Nat i didnt lie entirely okay.! HAha. Hafiz met me under my block to help me carry the box. Den we went to eat at tamp. LAter met eera n irah at PR mrt n we trained down to vivo and went to sentosa. Dats wen we surprised nat. HAha. I still can remember clearly the shocked look on her face.! Lols. Mission accomplished. Hahas. So yep we played skyride and had picnic. Time flies wen we're having fun. I had to leave at arnd 7 plus coz gotta be home b4 9. Sorry yeah pple. Wel nat hope u enjoyed the day.! (: Ur lucky u noe..i actually plan to put fake cockroach and cicak bt den couldnt find it..damn. Haha.! I was damn tired wen i reached home. Bt waited for dearest to go back den i slp. Haha. Im soo nice kan..haha!
My belated bdae gift(:

FRIDAY- I had work on dat day. But b4 dat..i was told by my fren dat got lecturer wanna see us for the Major Project dat we were offered. Wel initially we oready had a project on bluetooth and programming thingy. But few days back..we were offered another project for Institute of Engineering Of Singapore (IES). According to the email..they said we were short listed and asked if we're interested. The lecturers have decided among them dat if we wanna take diz up den the other lecturer will let us go. HAha. Since diz is like a nice opportunity we took it up lor. Our task is to make a corporate video for IES. Hmm..frm the briefing it looks fun. HAha. But confirm diz kind of things will have lots of pressure one. Our mini project we like wan die ready sia wad more diz. Lols. I was late for work coz the stupid bus was late.! Urgh..tanx soo much uh bus. Work was kinda fun. Starting oni tanx to Basher i was pushed down into the water wif my contacts on sia.! Lucky i closed my eyes.! Anw i had to work wif diz new guy who gt transfered frm the party thing to become crew. He is very fun to work wif luh. Most of the time we were laughing away. Lols. Once done wif work i was exhausted still need to go find my parents at tamp to eat. By the time reached home i was half dead. HAhahaha...btw i got a really bad sunburn.! My face and arms were like literally RED.! Plus my eyes tooo.! -.- So yeah i was in pain n super super tired.! HAha. Oh ya before i forgot..i got a belated belated bdae gift frm my dearest cuzzin.! HAha. She bought me a addidas shirt which is RED.! Damn nice uh..haha. Tanx kak ti.! loooove u.!
SATURDAY- Had work again. But diz time got to report at 8am.! -.- Due to the union games thingy luh we had to prepare early. I was sneezing non-stop sia. N i look super sick dat pple arnd me were worried dat i wasnt okay. Lols. But i managed to survive.! By 2.30pm i was allowed home(: Juz wen i need it coz by den my head was already spinning like nobody business. HAha. I went home n slept all the way til 6.30pm. HAha. After maghrib went dte to find my parents. Saw some of my work frenz who juz ended. Hahas. Den at night watched tv n smsed til it was time to slp.
Bread and butter pudding dat mum make(:
SUNDAY- Wel today so far no plans yet. Oni got religious class later. The weather is soo hot don feel like going out seh. Maybe juz stay home and rest lor. Haha(: at home mum cook lots of nice food. I had asam pedas, sambal goreng and nice soup to eat.! For dessert mum made bread and butter pudding plus there was salad too.! I was forced to eat the small tomatoes..eww.! HAhahahaha. Mum laughed wen she saw my reaction. -.- So yep i enjoyed eating today.! (: Wad a wonderful week i had right.? Hahas. Hopefully the coming one will be better(: I wanted to do lots of stuff during hols bt looks like it cant happen..? Sad sia..haha. Okay maybe i'll find some other time to do it den.
Havent got time to update. Lols. Orytes i'll juz summarise it luh huh. Lazy elaborate. Hahas. Oooo..first and for most, my dear cuz is out of prison oready. Yep glad to hear dat. Hope dat i can see him soon luh. Miss him..okay more to miss the times we spend together.! I actually dreamt bout him..den later in the the news dat his out. Amazing right..? Im surprised myself. Guess some dreams have meanings huh.
Anw work have been okay luh. Lots of 'weird' stuff. Frm the stubborn guests all the way to the bad weather. Pass 2 days wen i was rained n yeah have to close the rides and chase the guests to the shelter. Not really an easy thing luh coz got some very stubborn pple dat make our job difficult. Sheesh. Why cant they juz follow instructions..? Den den wen the lifeguards wanna remove the barricade so dat rides can resume they all run like marathon sia.! SCARY.!! HAha.
As for today it rained whole day..but me n my family still went out swimming at Sengkang there.! Haha.! Yeah..its not as big luh bt a nice place. The slides were kinda fun. Hahahaha. The water damn cold luh sia. HAha. So oni swam for bout 2 hrs i tink. Hmm..dat place can go again lor..see luh who wan go. Lol. Den we walk2 at arnd compass point there den went to GIANT to shop. N i got my white jacket dirty.! (*Don kill me okay dearest.!) HAhahahaha. Orytes im tired to type more. Haha. Tmr got must rest(: Okays pple..take care yarh. Nowadays weather like not stable. Easy get sick one...
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Today was a total boredom at home. Was suppose to go out but plan cancel. Couldnt find anyone to teman me out anw. So yeah stayed at home to rest luh coz my whole body is still like in pain. Every move was like omg. Oni went downstairs to buy med ar pharmacy but den couldnt coz they need doc's prescriptions. Nvm dat..den me n sis bought ice cream later(: Something nice at least.
Got home n seriously i didnt noe wad to do. Walk here walk there den lie down get up again watch tv n lie down again til pris came for tuition. Talked to her to pass the time coz long time nvr meet up mah. She conduct tuition den later we chat again. She left my place at arnd 6 plus like dat. After dat i went to the kitchen to help out wif dinner.
Didnt do anything much today. Hmm..been thinking..maybe i ask too much luh eh. Coz waiting den end up wif ntg is something common dat always happen. Sorry luh maybe juz gt tired of it oni. I don wan to wonder anymore or kept worrying for things. Im gonna be good n don complain anymore(:
Me got work tmr til 5pm. Hope dat will keep my mind occupied for sometime. Yep body still in pain but at least better den not doing anything. Im gonna stuff myself up will chocholate n more sweet stuffs to make me feel better again....
Working during the sch holiday week is damn tiring luh.! I didnt expect dat much pple. Lols. The queue at every station is like almost nvr ending one.! After u clear one batch another comes. Got no time to sit down n rest. I was sent to all the rotation lor. So yep standing most of the time..climb stairs go down den go up again. Plus at the Ulah lah there the conveyer belt wasnt working well.! Damn irritating must keep pressing the button again n again. Furthermore the guy who was attached to me damn useless luh..everything don wan learn. Sheesh. He oni helped me pull the raft -.-
I was super happy wen i was sent to waterworks uh..haha. No need tolerate wif dat guy. Lols. Den gt another new guy attached to me. He wasnt as bad. I make him work while i take the chance to sit n rest. Lols. Tired wad..hehe. Den wen i saw the Duty Supt come up..i was damn happy. Haha..coz it means i can go back oready.! Wuhooo...! The feeling of going home is wonderful coz i was damn tired.! I took bus home coz my leg seriously very very very pain.! Lols.
Den today work must report early.! Coz of the union thing luh which is damn pathetic luh. Haha. Oh ya, eera ur fren was one of them too.! Haha. was super cold too coz raining mah. Me n yantong was given early lunch break sia. After dat i was sent to Ular lah for a little while den went to Skyrider do test ride wif. Diz new guy was attach to me so kinda must teach him luh. Later i said something wrong at the walkie talkie and ended up me laughing non-stop and the other stations who heard it looked at me. Lols. Damn paiseh uh..the guests all juz smile oni. HAha. He went for lunch n i took care alone. Sis was attached to me soon after dat. Den heavy rain so must close the ride. Once the rain stop ride was resume but had to test ride again.!!!! Damn sian uh. HAha. There were 6 karts to cycle.! Urgh..haha.
Today Skyrider kecoh seh. Mane ngan org kayuh cikit peh pelan..beh ade yg last min takot bile nk dispatch so turon beh ngan yg speeding lagi pastu bile whistle sampai dah takde nafas pon dorang tak dgr. HAha. Dah tu queue punye lah panjang.! Lols. Bile dapat balik..happy luh seh.! HAha. Seriously..the tiredness is like..waduh...hahahahaha. Now sitting down or moving arnd is such a torture.! oh gawd...pain pain.! Haha(: Nvm tmr no work.! Yay.! Hahaha..i wan go out(:
Yesterday was one interesting day. Haha. Wel for a start i was indeed working. Its the beginning of the sch yeah expecting alot of pple. Oh ya b4 dat...wen we were all at our stations getting ready, one of my supervisor had difficulty putting on the new harnest.! HAha. According to the first who wore it.! Cool or wad. So he reported the matter to the head supervisor luh. She gt someone to take over my post while i teach them how to put on the harnest.! HAha. I was nervous luh scared i teach them wrong. But den they were impress wen wad i did was right.! HAha. Not bad huh(: The pass few days pple have been teaching me. Lols. Now the other way round. So they took a marker n decide to LABEL it.! TAnx the one who have to figure it out the hard way...zzz.
Later i was assign to take care of the Sky Rider alone. Was kinda nervous uh.! HAha. First time. N it was super the kecoh wen there were alot of pple. Especially the KIDS.! They are damn stubborn luh sia.! Give me heart attack alot of times.! Den i kena scold wif the DM sia..haha. Tanx to dat boy uh..urgh.! But they were some guests dat make me laugh wif their actions luh. HAha. My job may look simple bt den bearing the safety responsibility isnt.! Lols. But i enjoy it lots(: Interesting job indeed. There are other stuffs dat happen but i lazy explain all luh. HAha.
Den later wen i wanna leave..i was asked to teach the new batch of pple how to book their schedule n sign in and out. Pfft. Haha. Bf gave me a surprise visit after dat. Lols. Ur very lucky my dear. U noe wad i meant. HAhas. We sat at BK coz he wanna eat den later nat join us during her break. We left after dat. I head home later after the rain stops. HAha. results were out yesterday.! Pass all of course.! Good GPA didnt drop at all.! Bade didnt go up either.! But nvm..more chance for me to bring it up(: loving my holidays indeed(: HAhas. Hope u guys are having a great time too. Those who wanna go out..TEL ME IN ADVANCE.! Den for sure i can make it one(: Okies take care pple..i got work again tmr. Hopefully i wont make same mistakes again. Lols.
I worked yesterday n today. Wel ntg much luh. Its a little boring wen there isnt much pple. But den wen u gt fren to talk to is nice. HAha. I made some wonderful new frenz. N yep some of them are pretty old. HAhahaha. But they are all very nice(: The guests nvr fail to make me laugh esp the foreigners..haha. Coz they don understand wad u telling them. Lols.
As for today, there are like 4 new crews. So today gt quite a lot of crew luh. One station can have up to 3 or 4 crew working together. Kecoh pe..haha. Sooooo...i got to go home early.! Best..haha. Can have more rest(: Den working again not very long luh. Hahas. Im getting use to the work there oready. Oooo..i actually played the slide-up today.! Damn scary luh sia..haha. But yep kinda fun too.! HAha. Orytes dats all for now..will update again soon(:
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Well first and foremost... Just wanna say that I am really really really sorry about the other day that I MIA... Well for those people out there who read this blog, I am one of those who sleep without thinking of anything else. Even an atomic bomb explode beside me the only think I will know next when I wake up is that I will be taking care of the gates of heaven (That is my profession if u were to refer to my name). Well today was BORING!!!
I cannot believe it. My colleague cancelled the GO-CART competition that was supposed to take place today. I was so looking forward to it LAH!!! I was thinking I could be LOUIS HAMILTON or MICHEAL SHUMACHER. O well... who knows I could become F1 driver when I gotten my licence (fana is going to get worried) haha.
O well.. 6 months!!! I actually thought I its has only been few months like 2-3 (Other country, 6 month can get married and pregnant already) LOL ... Well Like Fana every time says, when we are enjoying, the time gets faster. O well what can I say. It has been a great adventure so far. New friends, New lifestyle and New improvement of my life and I really really appreciate every moment u give me and I wish we can last forever. Hope with the support of all u ppl out there. We can make this a nice relationship. :D
Well many times in this journey I do make mistakes. I make you disappointed and sad. Well I believe this make us closer in a way or another. But please don’t be disappointed and give up easily. I could can make things better. And with us working together, we can surpass all odds. And with these odds we could understand each other better and from there we will love each other more. :D
Well U GOT MANY BRUSES AND CUTZ!!! TAKE CARE OF URSELF SAYANG!!! BEFORE I DO PHYSICAL TRAINING WITH U SO U CAN BECOME STRONGER LIKE ME... macam paham!!! LOL... Please do take care k!!! I know you enjoy yourself at work, but I am always worried. Due to many things. To hear you safe and sound make me feel like (a baby who just found his mama after many hours of lost in the middle of GEYLANG)... so please take care.
Well this is all for now!!! Back to you NUR FARHANAH BINTE OMAR!!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Today is my second day at work. Wel suppose to meet hafiz earlier b4 work bt den due to some reasons we didnt. Saw him for less than an hr luh. Den later nat came to find us. Nt long after dat we left for work. Went to clock in together. N we went to do own work after dat. My first station is at Slide-up. First time me doing diz guy called hidayat thought me wad im suppose to do and all. Had to carry the float up.! Heavy sia..haha. I was struggling den diz another guy helped me out. Lols. Tanx uh(:
We had to do test run and seriously i was damn scared of the i die die insist dat i don wan. Lols. Hidayat forced i still don wan.! HAhahha. So the guys went down instead. Den later he thought me how to report using the walkie talkie. HAha. He stood beside me n i was juz repeating wadeva he says. Lol. Long long after dat...i was given lunch break. HAha. So fast right..? I went out to buy snacks and met nat for awhile. Head back to the room after dat. Resumed back to work wen i was done.
Later in the afternoon...i was asked to go to waterworks. I took care of the slide dat was all closed one. Dat means the inside was dark. Everything was fine till diz boy came. Wel he was quite young uh..pri sch i suppose..? Wen he went down..i look at the cctv bt he didnt come out. So i was a little worried where he disappeared to. I looked down inside the slide..n frm the darkness..i saw a figure emerging out.! I was damn shock uh.! I thought ghost it was dta boy. Zzz. He was scared to slide down so he climb up. I didnt noe wad to do so called my partner to come over. She too was shocked wen she see him there. The 2 of us were trying our best to convince him to go down coz we cant get him out. By den there were crowds behind us. Finally the water push him down. HAha. Wad a an experience for my 2nd day of work..? Lols.
Finally the day came to an end. We had to do closing. I was kinda lost luh. HAha. First time doing diz wad...haha. I didnt noe wad i can or cannot do. Ooo..i gt blister at my 2 toes coz wen i was pulling the Ooo la la boat my feet got stuck under it.! Damn painful i tell u. Hurts like dunno wad. Oh god..wen will i stop hurting myself.? Lols. Den kene dizturb by the lifeguard there. Nehmind sabar je. HAha. The pple there are all damn nice luh(: So wen briefing was over..i went in to change. Den clock out. Later den i noe dat i must clock out on time or they will cut my pay. HAha. Takpe2..i didnt noe wad. Haha. Me n nat left after dat. Bought food at mac n went to ntuc. Den nat walked home wif me.
Its been one tiring day. HAha. My muscles are aching again. Damn. HAha. i tink it will be worst since tmr til sat im working starting point at slide-up there. Gosh..wonder how i can make it..? Wish me luck pple(:
Okay im like super bored now at home. So yep why nt waste time blogging rite. Slmat luh ye sape2 yg bace. HAha. Wel firstly today is FIK'S birthday.! So yeah HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MY DEAR SISTER(: May u succeed in sch.! Pls try to pass okays..? I noe u can, juz dat u dont wan. Wel i believe dat one day u can make it(: Work hard okies.! Celebrated her bdae yesterday coz today iqa is away for camp.
I went out yesterday to shop for her presents. Hafiz teman me. We were supposed to meet at bugis at 11.30am. Bt den dat someone was late. So i decided to walk around to look at wad i can get for fik. I walked arnd BHG n saw some nice clothing. I couldnt decide on any. Juz nice wen i was done looking arnd..hafiz called. So went to find him. After much consideration tanx to hafiz n mum i decided to get her a 2 piece dress. Haha. Next went to get my hamster food den head to bras basah to find cd. Ooo..since i win hafiz 4 times he nt happy. HAha. He played a game dat i didnt agree wif which was whoever can find the cd n touch it first wins..? HAha. I saw it first bt he didnt allow me to get close to it -.- No fair. Haha. So not counted n i don care. Lols.
Had lunch at mac there. I took my own sweet time to eat. HAha. Kene bully wif him seh. Sad. Haha. So the best way to stop it, is to ignore him. HAha! We took train back to PR. Went ws to search for more stuff. We look at the cake den go get grandma nye sugar n went downtown to get balloon. After looking at the design..i found one dats nice n confirm my little sis will like. Haha. The person there didnt even noe dat she has dat kind of design. Lols. I asked for a big plastic bag so dat i can stuff it inside. Hahas. Next he bought for me shades at cheers. Its red.! HAha. Tanx uh(: Since it was still early to buy cake we slacked first. At arnd 5 plus den we head back to ws and get the cake plus sis dinner. Went home after dat.
At night gave fik an advance bdae surprise. She was kinda shock coz she expected it to be today. HAha. Cute seh her face. She likes the dress dat i got her.! Yay.! Mum n dad say its nice too(: Tgk uh sape pilih. Lols. Coz its soo my style. HAha. Wel little sis kept saying she wans dat kind of dress so got her one(: Although i took the risk of getting her a blue one. Lols.
Orytes apart frm fik's birthday today...diz day marks the 6 months of my relationship.! (: Whoa..look how time flies. I didnt even feel it lor. Hahas. Anw the whole 6 mths have been great. Yep gt cabaran bnyk frm u noe who. Lols. I was actually worried dat hafiz will get bored of the same prob over n over again. But den he is always there to let me whine n whine n whine to him. HAHahha. Tanx uh(: Im impress my dear. HAha.
Honestly, i never thought dat i can go diz far..? HAha. LAst time i was afraid to get into a dat it have started..i hope it will not end..? Hahas. Hopefully things will stay as it is or even better.? For sure i don wan anything bad luh kan. I mean who wans right..? Lol. Im convince dat nt all relationship is scary..? HAha. Although at times he juz loooove to scare me. Im glad dat i met him and have him as part of my life(: It juz add on more colours. Wel forgive me yeah dearest if i've hurt u in one way or another. I'll try to be as nice as possible(: Haha. But sometimes u juz ask for it right..hahahaha. Not my fault :p Disturb me some more lor. Oh ya..i got a small request..hmm..can u like pls not menghilang kan diri like dat..? At least reduce it..scares me sometimes u noe. Anw we still have lots to learn bout each other. Let time decide..we juz follow the flow. May the coming months be a better one(:
Anyhoooootts a little reminder anyone who wans to ask me out..pls pls pls tel me in advance so i wont work.! For diz week im confirm working tmr and thur. Most prob fri and sat too. Ooo..amin is flying off tmr.! HAve a safe trip yeah..i tink ur going for 3 weeks kan.? HAve fun there n take care my fren.! Since tk sempat jumpe b4 u leave..maybe wen u come back den(:
I woke up today wif sores everywhere.! HAha. One reason why i didnt wan to get out of bed. Every move hurts.! Lol. I didnt thought it was diz bad. HAha. I tried to act normal lor so dat my parents wont laugh. HAha. N the sunburn at my shoulder was...OUCH.!!! Okay..i sooo need to get sunblock sooon..? At least b4 my next working day.? Haha. Lets see wad i need to go n buy tmr...
Items (no particular order):
1. Sunblock
2. Shades
3. Fik's present
4. Hamster food
Oni 4 stuff for now bt its gonna cost me quite alot..? Die..haha. So much of wanting to save up. Anyhoots..hopefully my muscle aches and sunburn will be gone soon. Its very uncomfortable.! Haha(:
Harloos..hahas. Today was my first day of work.! Wel bf was suppose to wake me up bt lucky grandma came into the room n started nagging. Hahas. I had breakfast pack my bag and poof out of the house.! Hmm..i was actually kinda nervous..first time sia work like diz. Lols. The last time i worked was in sec 4 i tink..? Lols.
I reached on time(: Super blur uh coz i didnt noe where to go or who to find. So wen i enter the room..the lifeguards inside all turn n look. They stare for a moment til i asked them wad i was suppose to do next. So awkward luh. HAha. Me n diz guy were given our uniform to go change.It was his first day too. There was briefing and all. Seriously i feel like a wad like dat..everything oso dunnoe. Lols. I was attached to work wif diz gal at the Ooo la la there.
First time i go n it was dry and all. Learned how to operate it.! Cool sia. She thought me how to do the checks and wen she said we have to walk down the slide. I was like...'huh..?' Lols..den she say don worry she show me how. We slide down n walked down too. HAha. Fun sia. HAhahaha. Next was to throw the raft down. Den save one n we all went down for test run.! HAhas. Wen we gt up there was a whole grp of lifeguards ready to go down again. N i was pulled in too. HAha. The guys actually stand n play around on the raft. Lols. After dat i was given orientation arnd the whole place.
Continued wif my work after dat. Tel u the raft is damn heavy luh sia.! Haha. I pull sooo hard it oni moved abit.! Lols. The gal dat i was working wif showed me how to pull it n she helped push n i load the pple in. Take some time to get use to it(: I was also station at waterworks for awhile. Den it was break time. I went out to buy drinks and bread den sit down at the staff area there. Talked to nat otf for awhile too. My next place is the slide-up which is the u-shape thing. I took care at the bottom den later rotate go up. Wen i was below..diz little gal came up to me and said dat she have a msg for me frm the person on top..n the message was 'Hi newbie..' I look up n he was laughing like wad..haha. Bad sia. Den i went up to work wif him. He showed me how to manage the rides. At one point..we couldnt push the tube down coz the 2 pple was super duper heavy.! HAhaha.! Lucky gt pple behind dat wanna ride oso so he helped us push. Lols. Seriously mintak ampun seh. HAhaha.
I end work at 2.30pm(: Earlier den wad i was told uh. Haha. Gd enuf for my first day. The pple there are all very nice.! diz lifeguard flirt(don worry dear he wont replace u.! Hahas)wif me frm the time i start til i finish. I tried to hide wen i see him. Lols. Paiseh luh. So yeah work was great(: Tiring indeed..n under the hot hot sun.! Now i tink my 2 tone colour will be gone become one tone.! Im dark now.! Urgh..haha. Oh ya everyone thought i was chinese sia. N i became very popular. Smue org tau my name bt i dont noe theirs..hahahaha. Takpe2 more days to come(: I realised i got 2 blueblacks at me knee there.! LOls. Mum laugh wen she saw. HAhahaha.Til den take care(:
My thursdays and fridays were great.! (: I love it. Hahas. Okay so yarh diz is gonna be one long post. Lols. Like hafiz mention below..yesterday i went to Sentosa wif my poly mates.! They planned diz during the exams sia.! HAha..anyhoots we were all suppose to meet at 11am at harbourfront. At 10.30++ i was at simei wif pris n wei jie. Haha. Being late is like soooo commone hor.? HAhaha.
Fiona was the first to reach followed by me, pris n wei jie. We waited for gab. Hafiz was late :p ! Haha. Head to mac to have our brunch.? HAhas. Pris was damn hungry n making lots of noise -.- Lols. Later jav joined us there. We head to giant to get crackers and drinks n den later head to take the monorail. Ooo..wt met us there. So there were like 8 of us(:
Diz is the first time for my bf.? HAhas. At least dats wad he told me luh. Lols. Anw we walked to siloso beach. N my beloved frenz were superbly nice dat they kept a distance frm me n hafiz..? HAha. Tanx uh guys. Lols. We changed to our beach attire n later started playing volleyball. None of us was gd..? Bt we tried okay. HAha. The guys played frisbee. Me, pris n fiona played monkey n later the guys joined it. Very tiring sia. Oh i forgot to mention dat the sand was very very very hot dat we had to put on slippers. Haha. We rest for awhile. Take fotos n eat. I fried maggie noodles. Wel it was actually for me, pris, fiona n my bf. HAhas. Coz im nt dat good at cooking so yeah scared the others don like. Bt end up they ALL liked the food.! I was kinda amazed. N i thought it was super spicy for them.? HAha. Glad u guys like it uh.
I was the first to be thrown inside the water sia.! All tanx to my beloved bf luh. Lols. Wel im super duper scared of the sea so i didnt dare go deep luh. Jav n hafiz swim far sia..haha. Den gab n pris was a distance away frm me too. I was too scared to go after them. HAha. LAter hafiz tried pulling me deeper bt i make alot of noise.!!! HAhahaha. GAb n pris laughed like wad luh. I shy okay. Lols. Pris was the next victim followed by jav. Hahas. Wt gt no extra shirt so we didnt wet him. Shawn came to find us later.
We continued playing hmm..captain ball..? Haha. Fun fun(: We slacked after dat took more fotos n continued eating. We all den decide to go shower coz very sticky and uncomfortable..? HAhas. Took tram back to beach station n back to vivo where we had dinner at banquet. My hand was hurting alot.! Its due to volleyball luh. Hahas. My wrist there was swollen. So pris n my bf help me buy food. Hahas. The food was not bad luh dat i actually finished it.? HAhas. We all head home after dat. Dead tired. HAha. In the train hafiz urut my hand and guess did help(: Tanx yarh.! Although it was very painful.! Hahas. Hopefully eveyrone had fun today(:
As for today..eera n nat asked me joined them breakfast at geylang market there.! HAha. I was very tired and i dont like eating at geylang. Sorry yarh guys. Ooo..i got call at arnd 9am. i thought it was hafiz almost wanted to say something bad bt lucky realise dat it was a diff number. N guess was frm www.! HAha. I got the job(: Wel i was kinda bluf uh..wad u expect juz woke up sia...haha. I gave nat a call..lols. Told my parents n bf too(:
Den later went out cycling wif eera n nat.! Met them in the park. Eera told me she wan cycle go east coast..haha. Den we decide go changi instead. We bought drinks first den made our way there. I lead the way..haha. Like first time..? Lols. Well i did tell them dat its far and the jourbey is abit challenging coz gt alot of bukits. HAha. They still wan carry on so yep we did. Haha. we made a few stops to rest(: Laughing most of the time..? Hmm..haha.
We finally reached changi beach.! Congrats babes.! (: Bought more drinks den sat at the bench nearby to cool down. I brought chilli fishballs dat i made. After i make them den i realise dat nat n eera cant take the spicy-ness like i do.! HAha. Nat gave it a try first den followed by eera. HAha. told u guys it was super hot.! Hahahaha. I gave them chips to eat too(: I gave both nat n eera a gd laugh..hmm..flying chips..? Lol.
We left the place at arnd 5 plus. Our energy level seriously dropped oready by den. HAha. At one of the slopes i cant make it. Lols. My legs were indeed hurting n im very sure nat and eera feel worse den me. Haha. wel first time for them. Hmm..nt sure if we're gonna go again luh kan.? HAha. Gd bye to east coast for now..hahas.
Anw congrats to both eera n nat for ur perseverence uh.! Hmm..i tried my best to encourage u all. Sorry yeah if any point off time u all were mad..? Hahas. Orytes i got work tmr so i tink i should rest early since im dead tired. Wonder how tmr will be like..? I confirmed get sunburnt oready. Lols. Gonna be super dark luh. HAhas. Okays til den. Bubbye. Sorry for the long post..haha. Its juz me(:
Wow... A chain of great memorable events have past and how I wish I could stop time. Well first and foremost thanks for FANA & GANG for the great beach R&R. I am really in need of this moment. I have been stress out at work even if I don’t show to you guys. The admin work is haiz... abit of a nonsense for us FIREMAN to do admin. O well even if I complaint, nothing can change this haha. Hey ppl guess what...

RIP from straits time people. Haha now I know why my baby trust me a lot haha :D So people trust me more :D Well tell you all something. Seriously hardly have this kind of relaxation in the beach with so many people. And thanks you guys for planning. Haha I might not know all of u well (well in fact it’s a lie if i say that i even know even 1/10 of each of u guys) but hey you all are the coolest bunch of people I ever met. Haha I feel so young out of a sudden. :D
Well BABY!!!! Congrates for getting the job in Wild Wild Wet :D Hope baby can give me free entrance :D Make sure you work hard hor..!!! If anybody disturb you just tell me hor!!! I will be there :D I really wanna hear some nice experience you have from working there. :D
So sian that I have to work tomorrow. (CRAZY PPL WORK ON WEEK ENDS) I saying on behalf of all workers who are working on weekends :D well I will update soon :D
My dearest fana!!! Dun forget upload the pic here haha :D LOVE U!!!
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Went out wif eera juz now to go get contacts. I tink next time i wanna try a new brand. Apart frm diz. HAhas. Eera is giving diz brand a try. Wel hopefully it wont make ur eyes red yarh(: Den we went to shop for some stuff at ntuc. HAhas. Next proceed to library while waiting for eera's fren. The 2 of us sat down looking at cooking magazines. We got something in mind to do diz holiday. Something we never did b4. I tink its cool bt nt sure if we can do diz..? Hahas. discuss wif the other 2 first(: Wen her fren came, we walk2 arnd tamp b4 heading home. Hopefully tmr will be a fun day despite the scorching hot weather. Lols(:
Today was total boredom for me. I thought of cleaning up my room, drawers and closet bt den i was sneezing non-stop like nobody business. So decided to juz pack my drawers a little den next time den arrange it nicely. Lols. flu was super irritating luh. I hid myself on the third storey of my bed, off the fan n hid under the pillows so dat im warm enuf and the flu can go away. It did work though. HAhas. By evening my flu was gone(:
Pris came today to give tution to sis again. Wel hopefully my sis will produce better results luh. Though my parents arent expecting anything. HAhas. I was dead bored luh..didnt noe wad to do. There was no one online to talk to or sms either. Nobody to layan me. Sad life man. HAha. But nvm i survived anw(: Tmr is gonna be another boring day if i don go out. Haiz. Haha. Okay ntg much for me to say. Below is something nice dat someone said to me before(:
"If ever two were one, then surely we If ever man who love by woman,then its me I prize your love more then whole Mines of gold Or all the riches that the world hold My love is such that Rivers cannot quench Nor anything that can be compared Your love is such I have no way repay The heavens have given something I prayed long ago..
Then while we live, let our love persevere So that when we live no more, we may live 4ever."
They gave me a red cup and the rest got a blue one.!!! HAhas(:

Weekends have juz passed. How time flies. Saturday i didnt do anything much. Stayed home to help mum in the kitchen and waste time slacking reading the recipe book dat harith gave me(: N i did fell aslp while waiting for dear bf to reply me. HAhas. Den wen i woke up i realise pris reached an hr ago to give sis tuition. Chat wif her for awhile den left her wif fik. Den out of a sudden i saw my nephew at my doorstep wen i was reading newspaper.! HAhahaha. Dat shocked me.
A surprise visit frm my uncle n auntie wif dear nephew is great(: Im very sure pris oso fall in love wif my little nephew.! He is as adorable as always n super naughty too.! HAhas. So pris n fik moved inside the room coz little ishard was making lots of noise dat distracted fik. I accompanied dem inside.
LAter in the evening we left for bugis. Going have dinner there at Siam Kitchen. Dunno why dad like dad place luh. Hmm..the food there not bad..nice. But mum n grandma still cook nicer.! HAhas. Sorry uh too used to home food dat it makes me like outside food lesser. Seriously i tink if mum n grandma don cook for me i can starve sia.! Hahas. After dat we walk2 arnd bugis. Iqa n fik shop for their stuff. I dont need anything at the moment maybe i might want to find pants for my bintan trip luh. Ooo..i need to get contacts too.! HAhas. *hints* Anyone wanna come along..?(:
Sunday didnt do anything much too. Was kind enuf to shop for mum's cake ingredients at dte alone. HAha. Den wen i got home, i iron the clothes den gt ready for religious class. I got a belated bdae gift frm my uztazah(: She gave me a muqaddam.! Mcm tau je i need one..hahas. Tanx lots.! Den once home i had my lunch and went down to get my hair trim.! HAha. Basically my fringe is long n irritating. So decided to cut it short. Lols. I did hair treatment too. Nice..haha. Bt it was kinda long n it bored me. Nat accompanied me sms.! (: Appreciate dat man. Lol. By the time i was done it was nearing 6 oready. Got home n pris was still here. So talked to her til she was done wif my sis. Watched tv den went to bed.
Today i had my med check up at kkh. It was ntg new luh plain old stuff i used to hear. The doc gave me medications juz in case i need them which i tink i will.! Haha. Damn irritating well wad can i do..? I was asked to put on weight too coz she say it might help me..? I dont noe luh eh. HAha. See how lor..nt my choice wad(: Met hafiz later n hang around wif him til 6 den gt home. Its been awhile since i last saw him. HAhas. Anyhoots i have plans diz week oready. Something nice to do. Hopefully it goes as plan(: **Dearest gave me a challenge tonight.! Okay we see who cannot.! :P Hahas.