Yesterday as i mention previously i finally had a 'proper' date wif dearest(: Hahas. Wel dats how he put it luh. Ever since major project started i havent got the time to really go out wif him. At most he will juz come over to have lunch wif me den wait til i end sch n send me back home. Sometimes we slack awhile or go have dinner and dats it. Abit sad luh. But wad to do. MP sucks. HAhas. Whooops.
I met him at PR mrt. Somebody was playing hide n seek wif me but eventually he was the one dat found me wen he came out frm his hiding place. Lols. Saw iskandar while waiting for him to come out. HAhas. We head to city hall to go catch a movie. Since the movie starts in bout 1 hr plus plus time we decided to walk2 arnd suntec ! Went into some shops n also went to Donut factory ! Nice..hahas. Bought donuts den went to sit at the koil garden to eat it(: After dat we went back to marina square to watch movie. Hmm..we watched 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'. Not bad luh nice show. Some parts of it were cool..? Hahas(: He wasnt as noisy in the cinema coz i was stuffing popcorns into his mouth ! Lols..kinda mean luh huh..? But well..hahahaha(:
After movie we went to mac n he bump into his fren there. He bought all my fav food. Hehe. We had cinnamon melts, the new fries dat i forgot the name and chocholate cornetto mc flurry ! Nice^.^ Once done we went to the rroftop at esplanade. The view now is so much nicer indeed(: Den we slowly made our way back to PR. We stopped at eunos coz the train was so pack wif pple. Zzz. I hate crowds. So we took bus frm eunos dat stops directly at my blk there ! Hehe. Tanx for the wonderful day out syg ! ^.^
Since i got lots of time now i shall update my blog. Lets see monday sch was as per normal. I didnt do anything much coz i had problems using the programme dat my tcher wanted me to but den again he still didnt get back to me. Bf came to accompany me for lunch. We had mac(: Haha. He wanted to eat the cinnamon melts. After lunch back to sch. I stayed in lab while he waited for me in sch accompanied by his laptop. Hehe. I got come down n accompany him a few times luh(: After sch we slack awhile den he sent me home...
Tue my dat tcher came back to our lab. He helped me solve the problem n he found out it was the admin fault dats why i couldnt use it. Anw he burn the video to cd for me coz my head wanted to see the video. So yeah had to prepare for more feedbacks = more editing for the video. Sheesh. Wen he came back..i was right ! MORE WORK for us.! Zzz. He told us wad needs to be change n all. Later me n pris start dedicating task to everyone. So yep now got things to keep us company..? HAhahaha. Dateline is the coming mon but i set it as diz fri so i got plenty of time to edit.
Wed had sch like per normal again. Do normal work. Bf came to have lunch wif me again(: Hahas. Oh wel since dat someone is acting weirdly behind our backs n saying things dat practically shocked us all we might as well make it a dream come true for her. HAhas. Not sure if she realise it or not luh huh..? But who cares..we've been trying to keep diz as low as possible. N dat person is the one who is going around telling pple diz n dat..never stop complaining. At least we complain among ourselves sia. Not to outsiders so dat we wont bring her bad name..?I juz dont get u now. Ur a total diff person frm the one i new 2 yrs back. Saded. Diz proves how project determine one's trueself. Later after sch i went to eat mac's ice cream wif bf at the beach. Nice..haha. Peaceful for once away frm sch things...
Thur we ha d a triple date out together for lunch. HAha. Me, pris n christina went to lunch wif our bf along. Lols. We playing wif fire ! HAhahha. Diz is oni the starting. The oni thing dats keeping us from confronting her is the project dat we're doing now. Hmm..lets see wad more bad things will she say. Nvm at least we arent hypocrites right...? We talking facts wad..who's gossiping..? HAhaha.
As for today i managed to finish up stitching the video ! Congrats to myself ! HAha. All of my members finished their work today n im quite happy wif the result(: Maybe i'll do minor changes on mon b4 submission to make it look nicer and all..? Hmm...
Oh well weekends are finally here ! Been looking forward to it coz dearest bringing me out for a proper date..? Dats wad he say luh..juz wait n see lor..? Hahas(: Im missing my dear frenz like alot..but den again all of us are bz and we cant meet up..? Sad. Plus my hols arent the same as theirs. Even more sad. Sheesh. Nvm luh see how..maybe out for dinner after sch..? Hmm...
I juz realised dat i usually update my blog every Sunday. HAhas. Wad to do bz wif sch luh. Unless my dear bf got time to update lor like wad he did recently..? HAhas. Its all bcoz i was at work n he had ntg to do. Lols. HAhahahahhaha.
Anyhoots diz week sch wasnt as stressful as b4 bcoz dat tcher wasnt around ! Huhu..hahas. But even so we still do our work okay, plus have some fun too luh..? Hehe. Wen else can we get our life back right.? Lols. Afterall we're still teenagers who cant sit down 24/7 to do 'work'. Haha. If im not wrong i watched Despicable Me ! HAha. The show is like super niceeee !! Cute like seriously. Haha. Dearest was laughing like he is at his own house. Zzzz. HAhahhaa. U should try to watch it if u like cute stuff..? Lols.
Hmm..bf bought me sweet stuffs too ! HAhas. Maybe coz he make me 'merajok' alot of times huh.? HAha..wif ur sleeping problems right..? Lols. Even so i didnt expect dat u will do dat. Hahas. Ooo..not forgetting those swt things u said..? Hmm..getting better at it huh..? Oh well ur still trying to change for the better(: N im still here waiting for u patiently.
Work was okay. Met new frenz coz they juz started work. And i found out dat 2 of them was formerly from lyss. Hahas. As usually guests never fail to irritate us wif their nonsense. Pfft. Hahas(: N my colleagues too is as nice as always. HAha. Minus those irritating ones uh. Lols. Anw 2 of www rides will be closed. So guess they wont be needing many crew..? Hmm..haha. At least i wont feel bad not working coz they don need many pple.
The bread dat i bought frm Changi Village...

The stuff dat bf bought for me(:

Every night I pray
I'll have you here someday
I'll count the stars tonight
And hope with all my might
And when I close my eyes
You'll be right by my side
If I could only have one wish
You'd be the girl whose lips I'd kiss
All my only dreams
And when I close my eyes
You'll be right by my side
If I could have just one request
Stay with me girl I confess
All my only dreams
Well this is some sweet sweet lyrics for her from me haha :D O Well well ... it has been a rough rough time knowing i am out of my Fireman Life but o well i am adapting to it.... She is adapting to it and it is a tough tough thing to do... Haha not to mention i DID make her cry which is very bad of me haha. Haha but we still am holding strong and NO DOUBT we are making this relationship a fruitful and everlasting experience. We know each other so well that sometimes we just have a mutual understanding between each other. But still we got lots to learn from each other. And knowing that i can't wait to peel all of her layers to know her 100% Just few months ago when i ask her " How much i know her?" She said, "60% percent at most" hahaha i wonder wat is that extra 40% LOL. *ponder ponder*
Well she just told me something that i cannot forget and it change my direction in life!!! FISH AND CO CAN BE EATEN BY US MUSLIM!!! well mainly because they only sell fish but wat the hell i can eat it is more then enough for me !!! hahaha i can't wait to indulge myself in those irresistible fish burger and sea dog and fish and chip that even if i am just here in my comfy room i can imagine it is just infront of me... :D (FISH THAT CAN MELT IN UR MOUTH!!!!)
Well 26 JULY 2010 commence my first day in
Haha honestly i am really nervous... And when i read the reading material that they provide... i said to myself, is all this enough for me to even get an C... It is so little and not detail enough... Haiz i must put my thinking cap again and think like how i usually did when i was in school... (that means being childish again)... No matter what is the problem is i know my dearest will be there to support me all the way haha. She went to my school and she is like astound by wat she see. I told her already she can move from one end to another without being tired but she stil think the school is enormous... haha AND I LOST AT MY HOME PLACE LAH ...
O well tough i cannot meet u as often when the class commence i will do what i can to make it the same... I think most probably i will be joining u for lunch most of the time before the class start. :D
Another sch week has juz passed. Wel sch havent been much fun wif datelines to meet and all. Furthermore some pple are juz showing attitudes dat kinda pissed pple off luh. Come on its like u cant expect everything to be done for u if u didnt do it urself right. Other pple oso got other thing to do. Juz dat maybe u dont see it..?
Anw me n pris managed to get things done n the whole video by the given dateline. Juz dat the tcher wans more changes so dat it will look nicer...? -.- He is never satisfied right..? Zzz. He said good job but still ask to edit soo many things. Even the littlest thing dat he can find. Maybe diz is how working in media line is.? N wif such a demanding tcher by ur side. Zzz. Wel i dont tink i wan to further my studies in diz..? HAha. NO LIFE !! Lols.
Oh ya, we were surprised wif the one-to-one 'interview' wif him. Totally caught us by surprise. Like really. Haha. I didnt noe wad to say. So now according to him he will grade us individually and not as a grp..? I dont noe if dats a good or bad thing luh huh...? Im juz hoping dat things will be fine in the coming weeks..we still like have a mth plus more wif him..? Oh god..it feels like 10 yrs wif him..time really didnt fly wen he is around.
Okay enuf of sch part..now its bout my life. Hahas. Im in my 10 mths of relationship oready ! (: So fast its like gonna be a yr wif him..? Yep indeed my life have changed wen he entered. Another person for me to take care of and give attention to..? Lols. Its nt a burden okay. Juz dat it makes my life more interesting. I hope as the mths past u'll be a better person yeah. I noe sometimes its hard but i havent given up on u so i hope u do the same. Ur starting sch soon n yeah im sure things will change to. Hopefully ntg goes wrong along the way..? Sch is gonna be hard n stressing wif new environment to adapt. But im here always to give u the support dat u need okay..? ^.^

Back to fri..it was my official 10 mths bt i didnt go out wif him coz was gonna have dinner wif my parents. Sis said she wanna treat the whole family eat ARNOLD'S coz we got our pay oready. But den later dad said he wanna eat at Manhattan Fish Market. The food was not bad luh nice(: Plus the service there is like super good ! Like seriously. The drink i tink for me can share like 3 person..? HAha. The cup is like sooo big. Lols. Dessert was wonderful too.! We had Manhattan mud pie which i thought initially was a cake. But nope..its like chocholate ice cream wif oreo biscuit for the top and bottom layer..? Seriously very nice. We ordered one first den another one coz it was very very nice. Haha. Since the place there kinda ex me n sis paid our budget den the rest my parents pay. Hehe.
Sat i get to spend the whole day wif dearest ! Hehe. Early in the morning was asked to get up of bed to send grandma to poly to do blood test coz her med finish oready. Den later i send her home n got ready to go out. Bf came to my house below to fetch me. HAhas. We heading to his sch coz he got orientation. I feel weird going wif him but den he insisted on. HAhas. We too bus to yishun den frm there to BP den he got lost den we took another bus to his sch.
Can say it’s a nice place luh. Haha. Reminds me of poly life like totally. Haha. Yes dear I noe it’s a total new environment for you coz ur poly life wasn’t like diz. But im pretty sure u can do it yeah(: After dat we went to eat at Pastamania. I didn’t finish my food like always luh. Hehe. Futhermore my stomach wasn’t well. Sorry dear. But I liked the food. It was nice(: Tanx. My stomach became worst wen we took train back. HAha. He got jealous of me hugging the wall. HAHA. Sorry luh juz couldn’t help it. We slack awhile in PR b4 he send me back home.
Den today was juz a slack day for me. I attended madrasah like always. Den later went home to rest awhile b4 going out to dte. I promised little sis dat I wanna treat her eat ice cream. So yeah me n iqa brought her there. After dat I went to buy some stuff b4 heading home. So yeah dats bout wad I did diz week.
Im glad dat diz week finally came to an end. N amazingly i managed to survive it. Honestly diz week have been hard for me. Like seriously. One of my grp member was on a 2 days mc den later another one took 3 days mc. I've got deadlines to meet on like friday and had PR1 on the same day too ! Furthermore we oni got our licensed for us to finally used the programme properly like oni on wednesday. How in the world to finish up the preview by fri wen im short of manpower and dat tcher kept changing his mind and add MORE things. Pfft. Its like every hr he sure got something one..but i ignored the redundant one of course. Heck him luh.
I wasnt feeling well too..been having bad gastric for like 5 days..? Actually i planned my schedule for the week oready. N oni if tcher didnt add more things and give me wad i needed obviously i could get everything done on time. So i agreed to go watch movie wif my frenz on thur. We were watching ECLIPSE. They booked the tix online. Den on the day itself me n my grp didnt managed to get the preview finished. The show was like at 7pm and 6 plus he still havent release us. Den wen we wanted to leave he sarcastically said " Good luck uh for ur PR1 tmr..." I don care him ready luh. I was super stressed ready. He asked me do lots of stuff. Zzz. Anw me, bf, keith n fiona cabbed down coz we thought we're gonna be late since we asked the others to go first. But end up we reached first. Went to buy food n drinks for me n bf to breakfast. The others finally came at 7 plus. There were 20 of us den 2 more seats nt enuf to sit together so dat put me n my bf at the side alone. HAhas. Nice fren hor.
Anw the show was nice. Haha. Wel i actually knew wad they were gonna say next.? Lols Read the book too many times luh huh..? The show ended around 9 plus. B4 i head home we took a grp foto first. I didnt actually notice dat we were all either in white or blue til i saw the foto. Lols. Cool right..
PR1 went juz fine. N dat fat tcher didnt come. Sheesh. Waste my time rush the preview for him. We all actually went late lunch to get everything done nice nice. Nvm at least PR1 was good(: Saturday i went to work after quite sometime didnt work. HAha. Seriously was short of manpower. Lols. I did the opening myself den i said something funny over the walkie. Lols. Instead of saying , "Ulah-lah top to control radio check..." I said "Ulah-lah top to radio control check.." HAhahaha. I laughed like wad luh sia. N im sure those who did laughed too. Lols. The guard must be stuneed wen he heard dat coz he didnt reply anything. Hehe.
At night went to mum's compayny bbq wif sis n her of course. Yeah it was raining so the place was like wet ! N i was shocked wen i see dat all of my mum's fren DONT NOE how to bbq ! HAhaha. Like seriously luh...so after awhile me, mum n sis took over coz most of their food arent cook or burnt ! Lols. I like to go to adults bbq coz they have super nice food and lots of variety too ! Hehe. Me n sis showed them how to actually 'cook' the marshmallow n the rest followed. Cool right. Lols. Later mum's fren gave us a lift home(:
So at least my week wasnt so bad. Apart frm fighting wif stress, tiredness which caused to me being affected emotionally it was great having some fun(: Sorry yeah dearest i wasnt really myself. Juz dat im getting used to adapt handling big tings and stress alone without any company. WEl definitely im not looking forward for tmr coz of sch..? MP is killing me !! Urgh. But wel wad to do..i'll try to start the week off wif a smile hopefully.